
Enum ProjectType {

Enum ItemFileType{

Enum KraneTemplateType{

Class KraneFile {
    #CraneFile is a class that represents the .Krane.json file that is used to store the configuration of the Krane project.
    [System.Collections.Hashtable]$Data = @{}

    KraneFile([String]$Path) {

        #Handeling case when Path doesn't exists yet (For creation scenarios)
        $Root = ""
        if ((Test-Path -Path $Path) -eq $False) {
            if ($Path.EndsWith(".krane.json")) {
                [System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$Root = ([System.Io.FileInfo]$Path).Directory

            else {
                [System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$Root = $Path
        else {
            #Path exists. We need to determine if it is a file or a folder.
            $Item = Get-Item -Path $Path

            if ($Item.PSIsContainer) {
                $Root = $Item
            else {
                $Root = $Item.Directory

        $this.Path = Join-Path -Path $Root.FullName -ChildPath ".krane.json"
        $this.IsPresent = $this.Path.Exists
        if (!$this.Path.Exists) {
            #Krane file doesn't exists. No point in importing data from a file that doesn't exists.
            $this.Data = @{}
        $Raw = Get-Content -Path $This.Path.FullName -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

        #Convert the JSON to a hashtable as it is easier to manipulate.

        foreach ($key in $Raw.PsObject.Properties) {
            $this.Data.$($key.Name) = $key.Value

    [String]Get([String]$Key) {
        return $this.Data.$Key

    [Void]Set([String]$Key, [String]$Value) {
        $this.Data.$Key = $Value

    [Void]Save() {
        if (!($this.Path.Exists)) {

            $Null = [System.Io.Directory]::CreateDirectory($this.Path.Directory.FullName) | Out-Null
        $this.Data | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $this.Path.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Force
        $this.IsPresent = $this.File.Exists

    [void]Fetch() {
        $Raw = Get-Content -Path $This.Path.FullName -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

        #Convert the JSON to a hashtable as it is easier to manipulate.

        foreach ($key in $Raw.PsObject.Properties) {
            $this.Data.$($key.Name) = $key.Value
        $this.IsPresent = $this.Path.Exists

    [String]ToString() {
        return "ProjectName:{0} ProjectType:{1}" -f $this.Get("Name"), $this.Get("ProjectType")

    static [KraneFile] Create([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path, [String]$Name, [ProjectType]$Type) {
        $KraneFile = [KraneFile]::New($Path)
        if ($KraneFile.Path.Exists) {
            Throw ".Krane File $($KraneFile.Path.FullName) already exists"

        $KraneFile.Set("Name", $Name)
        $KraneFile.Set("ProjectType", $Type)
        $KraneFile.Set("ProjectVersion", "0.0.1")

        Return $KraneFile


Class KraneProject {
    [KraneTemplateCollection]$Templates = [KraneTemplateCollection]::New()

    KraneProject() {}

    KraneProject([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Root) {

        $this.KraneFile = [KraneFile]::New($Root)
        $this.ProjectVersion = $this.KraneFile.Get("ProjectVersion")


    AddItem([String]$Name, [String]$Type) {
        throw "Must be overwritten!"
        #Add an item to the project. The item can be a script, a module, a test, etc.

    hidden [void] LoadTemplates() {
        #Load the templates from the templates folder
        $AllModuleTemplates = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($PSScriptRoot)\Templates" -Filter "*.KraneTemplate.ps1"
        foreach ($TemplateFile in $AllModuleTemplates) {
            $Template = [KraneTemplate]::New($TemplateFile)
        $AllSystemTemplates = $null

        if ($global:PSVersionTable.os -match '^.*Windows.*$' ) {
            $AllSystemTemplates = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:ProgramData)\PsKrane\Templates" -Filter "*.KraneTemplate.ps1" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        elseif ($env:IsLinux) {
            $AllSystemTemplates = Get-ChildItem -Path " /opt/PsKrane/Templates" -Filter "*.KraneTemplate.ps1" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        elseif ($env:IsMacOS) {
            $AllSystemTemplates = Get-ChildItem -Path "/Applications/PsKrane/Templates" -Filter "*.KraneTemplate.ps1" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        foreach ($TemplateFile in $AllSystemTemplates) {
            $Template = [KraneTemplate]::New($TemplateFile)

        $ProjectRootFolder = $this.Root.FullName
        [System.Io.DirectoryInfo] $TemplatesProjectFolder = Join-Path -Path $ProjectRootFolder -ChildPath "Krane/Templates"
        if ($TemplatesProjectFolder.Exists) {
            $AllProjectTemplates = Get-ChildItem -Path $TemplatesProjectFolder.FullName -Filter "*.KraneTemplate.ps1"
            foreach ($TemplateFile in $AllProjectTemplates) {
                $Template = [KraneTemplate]::New($TemplateFile)

    [System.Io.DirectoryInfo] GetTestsFolderPath() {
        return Join-Path -Path $this.Root.FullName -ChildPath "Tests"

    [System.Io.DirectoryInfo] GetSourcesFolderPath() {
        return Join-Path -Path $this.Root.FullName -ChildPath "Sources"

    [System.Io.DirectoryInfo] GetOutputsFolderPath() {
        return Join-Path -Path $this.Root.FullName -ChildPath "Outputs"

    [System.Io.DirectoryInfo] GetBuildFolderPath() {
        return Join-Path -Path $this.Root.FullName -ChildPath "Outputs"

Class KraneFileStructure {

    KraneFileStructure([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Root) {
        $this.RootFolder = $Root
        $this.BuildFolder = Join-Path -Path $Root.FullName -ChildPath "Build"
        $this.SourcesFolder = Join-Path -Path $Root.FullName -ChildPath "Sources"
        $this.TestsFolder = Join-Path -Path $Root.FullName -ChildPath "Tests"
        $this.OutputsFolder = Join-Path -Path $Root.FullName -ChildPath "Outputs"
        $this.Modulefolder = Join-Path -Path $this.OutputsFolder.FullName -ChildPath "Module"
        $this.NugetFolder = Join-Path -Path $this.OutputsFolder.FullName -ChildPath "Nuget"

    [string] ToString(){
        return "RootFolder -> {0}" -f " $($this.RootFolder.FullName)"

Class KraneModule : KraneProject {
    hidden [System.IO.FileInfo]$ModuleFile
    hidden [System.IO.FileInfo]$ModuleDataFile
    hidden [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Build
    hidden [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Sources
    hidden [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Tests
    hidden [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Outputs
    [String[]] $Tags = @( 'PSEdition_Core', 'PSEdition_Desktop' )
    Hidden [System.Collections.Hashtable]$ModuleData = @{}

    #Add option Overwrite

    KraneModule([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Root) {
        #When the module Name is Not passed, we assume that a .Krane.json file is already present at the root.
        Write-Debug "[KraneModule][Constructor([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]Root)] Start"
        Write-Debug "[KraneModule][Constructor([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]Root)] Creating module from root -> $($Root.FullName)"
        $this.KraneFile = [KraneFile]::New($Root)
        $this.ProjectType = [ProjectType]::Module
        #TODO Remove root, build, sources, tests and ouptuts and use $this.FilteStructure instead
        $this.Root = $Root
        $this.Build = "$($Root.FullName)\Build"
        $this.Sources = "$($Root.FullName)\Sources"
        $this.Tests = "$($Root.FullName)\Tests"
        $this.Outputs = "$($Root.FullName)\Outputs"
        $this.FileStructure = [KraneFileStructure]::New($Root)
        #get the module name from the krane file
        $this.TestData = [PesterTestHelper]::New($this.Tests)
        $this.SetDescription("Created with Love using PsKrane")
        $mName = $this.KraneFile.Get("Name")
        $this.ProjectType = $this.KraneFile.Get("ProjectType")
        Write-Debug "[KraneModule][Constructor([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]Root)] End"
    KraneModule([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Root, [String]$ModuleName) {
        #When the module Name is passed, we assume that the module is being created, and that there is not a .Krane.json file present. yet.
        #$this.KraneFile = [KraneFile]::New($Root)
        $Root = Join-Path -Path $Root -ChildPath $ModuleName
        $This.KraneFile = [KraneFile]::Create($Root, $ModuleName, [ProjectType]::Module)
        $this.ProjectType = [ProjectType]::Module
        #TODO Remove root, build, sources, tests and ouptuts and use $this.FilteStructure instead
        $this.Root = $Root
        $this.Build = "$Root\Build"
        $this.Sources = "$Root\Sources"
        $this.Tests = "$Root\Tests"
        $this.Outputs = "$Root\Outputs"
        $this.ModuleName = $ModuleName
        $this.SetDescription("Created with Love using PsKrane")
        $this.FileStructure = [KraneFileStructure]::New($Root)
        $this.ProjectVersion = $this.GetProjectVersion()

    hidden [void] FetchModuleInfo() {

        if (($null -eq $this.ModuleName)) {
            Throw "Module Name not provided."

        if ($this.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
            $this.ModuleData = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName
            $this.Description = $this.ModuleData.Description
            $this.ProjectUri = $this.ModuleData.PrivateData.PsData.ProjectUri
            $this.Tags = $this.ModuleData.PrivateData.PsData.Tags
        $this.PsModule = [PsModule]::New($this.ModuleFile.FullName)

    [void] BuildModule() {
        Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule] Start"
        Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Starting PSM1 Operations $($this.ModuleName)"
        if ($this.ModuleFile.Exists) {
            Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Module file already exists. Deleting."

        Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] (Re)creating file $($this.ModuleFile.FullName)"
        $Null = New-Item -Path $this.ModuleFile.FullName -ItemType "file" -Force

        $MainPSM1Contents = @()
        Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Searching for classes and functions"

        [System.IO.FileInfo]$PreContentPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "PreContent.ps1"
        If ($PrecontentPath.Exists) {
            Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Precontent.ps1 file found. Adding to module file."
            $MainPSM1Contents += $PreContentPath

        else {
            Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] No Precontent detected."


        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$ClassFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Classes"
        If ($ClassFolderPath.Exists) {
            $PublicClasses = Get-ChildItem -Path $ClassFolderPath.FullName -Filter *.ps1 | sort-object Name
            if ($PublicClasses) {
                write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Classes Found. Importing..."
                $MainPSM1Contents += $PublicClasses


        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$PrivateFunctionsFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Functions/Private"
        If ($PrivateFunctionsFolderPath.Exists) {
            $Privatefunctions = Get-ChildItem -Path $PrivateFunctionsFolderPath.FullName -Filter *.ps1 | sort-object Name

            if ($Privatefunctions) {
                write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Private functions Found. Importing..."
                $MainPSM1Contents += $Privatefunctions


        $Publicfunctions = $null
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$PublicFunctionsFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Functions/Public"
        If ($PublicFunctionsFolderPath.Exists) {
            $Publicfunctions = Get-ChildItem -Path $PublicFunctionsFolderPath.FullName -Filter *.ps1 | sort-object Name
            if ($Publicfunctions) {
                write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Public functions Found. Importing..."
                $MainPSM1Contents += $Publicfunctions


        [System.IO.FileInfo]$PostContentPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "postContent.ps1"
        If ($PostContentPath.Exists) {
            write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Postcontent Found. Importing..."

            $MainPSM1Contents += $PostContentPath

        #Creating PSM1
        write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Building PSM1 content"
        Foreach ($file in $MainPSM1Contents) {
            write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Adding -> $($File.FullName)"
            Get-Content $File.FullName | out-File -FilePath $this.ModuleFile.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Append

        Write-verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSD1] Starding PSD1 actions. Adding functions to export"

        if (!$this.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
            Write-verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSD1] Module Manifest not found. Creating one."
            New-ModuleManifest -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName

        $ManifestParams = @{}
        $ManifestParams.Path = $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName
        $ManifestParams.FunctionsToExport = $Publicfunctions.BaseName
        $ManifestParams.Tags = $This.Tags
        $ManifestParams.RootModule = $this.ModuleFile.Name

        if($this.ProjectUri) {
            $ManifestParams.ProjectUri = $this.ProjectUri
        if($this.Description) {
            $ManifestParams.Description = $this.Description

        $ManifestParams.ModuleVersion = $this.ProjectVersion

        Write-verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSD1] Writing Manifest settings:"

        foreach ($ManifestSetting in $ManifestParams.GetEnumerator()) {
            Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSD1][Setting] $($ManifestSetting.Key) -> $($ManifestSetting.Value)"

        try {
            Update-ModuleManifest @ManifestParams
        Catch {
            Write-Error "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSD1] Error updating module manifest. $_"

        Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule] End"

    [void] SetModuleName([String]$ModuleName) {
        $this.ModuleName = $ModuleName
        $this.ModuleFile = Join-Path -Path $this.Outputs.FullName -ChildPath "Module\$($ModuleName).psm1"
        $this.ModuleDataFile = Join-Path -Path $this.Outputs.FullName -ChildPath "Module\$($ModuleName).psd1"

    [void] CreateBaseStructure() {
        if ($this.Outputs.Exists -eq $false) {
            $Null = New-Item -Path $this.Outputs.FullName -ItemType "directory"

        if ($this.Build.Exists -eq $false) {
            $Null = New-Item -Path $this.Build.FullName -ItemType "directory"

        if ($this.Sources.Exists -eq $false) {
            $Null = New-Item -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ItemType "directory"

        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $PrivateFunctions = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Functions/Private"
        if ($PrivateFunctions.Exists -eq $false) {
            $Null = New-Item -Path $PrivateFunctions.FullName -ItemType "directory"
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $PublicFunctions = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Functions/Public"
        if ($PublicFunctions.Exists -eq $false) {
            $Null = New-Item -Path $PublicFunctions.FullName -ItemType "directory"

        if ($this.Tests.Exists -eq $false) {
            $Null = New-Item -Path $this.Tests.FullName -ItemType "directory"


    [void]ReverseBuild([bool]$Force) {
        #ReverseBuild will take the module file and extract the content to the sources folder.
        Write-Debug "[KraneModule][ReverseBuild([bool]Force)] Start"
        Write-Debug "[KraneModule][ReverseBuild([bool]Force)] End"

    [void]ReverseBuild([string]$Name,[bool]$Force) {
        #ReverseBuild will take the module file and extract the content to the sources folder.
        Write-Debug "[KraneModule][ReverseBuild([string]Name,[bool]Force)] Start"
        Write-Debug "[KraneModule][ReverseBuild([string]Name,[bool]Force)] End"

    [string]GetProjectVersion() {
        return $this.KraneFile.Get("ProjectVersion")

    #TODO: Check if this can be removed. Not sure this is actually used
    Fetch() {
        if ($this.Build.Exists) {

            $e = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $this.Build.FullName
            $this.ProjectVersion = $this.setProjectVersion($e.ModuleVersion)

    hidden [void]SetProjectVersion($Version) {

        $this.KraneFile.Set("ProjectVersion", $Version)

    [Void] FetchGitInitStatus() {
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$GitFolderpath = join-Path -Path $this.Root.FullName -ChildPath ".git\"
        $this.IsGitInitialized = $GitFolderpath.Exists

    [void] AddItem([String]$Name, [ItemFileType]$Type) {
        #Add an item to the project. The item can be a script, a module, a test, etc.
        switch ($Type) {
            "Class" {
            "PublicFunction" {
            "PrivateFunction" {
            "Test" {
            default {
                Throw "Type $Type not supported"

    hidden AddClass([String]$Name, [String]$Content) {
        $ClassRootFolder = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Classes"
        [System.IO.FileInfo] $ClassPath = Join-Path -Path $ClassRootFolder -ChildPath "$Name.ps1"
        if ($ClassPath.Exists) {
            Throw "Class $Name already exists"
        $Null = New-Item -Path $ClassPath.FullName -ItemType "file" -Value $Content -Force

    hidden AddPublicFunction([String]$Name, [String]$Content) {
        [System.IO.FileInfo] $FunctionPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Functions\Public\$Name.ps1"
        if ($FunctionPath.Exists) {
            Throw "Function $Name already exists at $($FunctionPath.FullName)"
        $Null = New-Item -Path $FunctionPath.FullName -ItemType "file" -Value $Content

    hidden AddPrivateFunction([String]$Name, [String]$Content) {
        [System.IO.FileInfo]$FunctionPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Functions\Private\$Name.ps1"
        if ($FunctionPath.Exists) {
            Throw "Function $Name already exists"
        $Null = New-Item -Path $FunctionPath.FullName -ItemType "file" -Value $Content

    [KraneTemplate[]] GetTemplate() {
        #Returns ALL existing templates
        return $this.Templates.GetTemplate()

    [KraneTemplate] GetTemplate([KraneTemplateType]$TemplateType) {
        #Retrieve specific template by type

        $Template = $this.Templates | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq $TemplateType }
        if ($null -eq $Template) {
            Throw "Template '$TemplateType' not found"
        Return $Template


    [KraneTemplate[]] GetTemplate([String]$Type, [LocationType]$Location) {
        #Retrieves specific template by type and location.

        $Template = $this.Templates.GetTemplate($Type, $Location)

        if ($null -eq $Template) {
            Throw "Template '$Type' of location type '$Location' not found"
        Return $Template


    [KraneTemplate[]] GetTemplate([LocationType]$Location) {
        #Retrieves specific template by type and location.

        $Template = $this.Templates.GetTemplate($Location)

        Return $Template


    [Void] ReloadAll(){
        $this.ProjectVersion = $this.GetProjectVersion()

        $this.Description = $Description

Class ModuleObfuscator {

    Obfuscator() {}

    SetKraneModule([KraneModule]$Module) {
        if (!$Module.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
            Write-Verbose "[BUILD][OBFUSCATE] Module data file Not found. Building module"
        $this.Module = $Module
        $this.Bin = $Module.Outputs.FullName + "\Bin"
        $this.BinaryModuleFile = Join-Path -Path $this.Bin.FullName -ChildPath ($this.Module.ModuleFile.BaseName + ".dll")
        $this.ModuleDataFile = $this.Bin.FullName + "\" + $this.Module.ModuleName + ".psd1"

    Obfuscate() {

        Write-Verbose "[BUILD][OBFUSCATE] Obfuscating module"
        Write-Verbose "[BUILD][OBFUSCATE] Starting psd1 operations"

        if (!$this.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
        #Does seem to work.
        #Update-ModuleManifest -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName -RootModule $this.BinaryModuleFile.Name
        $MdfContent = Get-Content -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName
        $MdfContent.Replace($this.Module.ModuleFile.Name, $this.BinaryModuleFile.Name) | Set-Content -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName


        #We obfuscate
        #Create the DLL in the Artifacts folder

Class KraneFactory {
    static [KraneProject]GetProject([System.IO.FileInfo]$KraneFile) {
        $KraneDocument = [KraneFile]::New($KraneFile)
        $ProjectType = $KraneDocument.Get("ProjectType")
        $Root = $KraneFile.Directory

        switch ($ProjectType) {
            "Module" {
                write-verbose "[KraneFactory][GetProject] Returning root project of type Module $($Root.FullName)"
                $KM = [KraneModule]::New($Root)
                $KM.ProjectVersion = $KraneDocument.Get("ProjectVersion")
                return $KM
            default {
                Throw "Project type $ProjectType not supported"
        Throw "Project type $ProjectType not supported" #For some strange reason, having the throw in the switch statement does no suffice for the compiler...

Class NuSpecFile {
    hidden [String]$RawContent

    NuspecFile([KraneModule]$KraneModule) {
        $this.ExportFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $this.KraneModule.Outputs -ChildPath "Nuget"

    [void] SetKraneModule([KraneModule]$KraneModule) {
        $this.KraneModule = $KraneModule

    hidden [Void]Generate() {
        $psd1Data = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $this.KraneModule.ModuleDataFile.FullName
        $NuSpecString = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <license type="expression">MIT</license>
    <!-- <icon>icon.png</icon> -->
    <copyright>Copyright All rights reserved</copyright>

        $Id = $this.KraneModule.ModuleName #0
        $this.Version = $psd1Data.ModuleVersion #1
        $Authors = $psd1Data.Author #2
        $ProjectUri = $psd1Data.PrivateData.PsData.ProjectUri #3
        $Description = $psd1Data.Description #4
        $ReleaseNotes = $psd1Data.releaseNotes #4
        $Tags = $psd1Data.PrivateData.PsData.tags -join "," #5
        $Final = $NuSpecString -f $Id, $this.Version, $Authors, $ProjectUri, $Description, $ReleaseNotes, $Tags
        $this.RawContent = $Final

    [void] CreateNuSpecFile() {

        $Modulefolder = Join-Path -Path $this.KraneModule.Outputs.FullName -ChildPath "Module"
        if(-not (Test-Path $ModuleFolder)){
            $null = New-Item -Path $ModuleFolder -ItemType Directory
        $this.NuSpecFilePath = Join-Path -Path $Modulefolder -ChildPath ($this.KraneModule.ModuleName + ".nuspec")
        $null = $this.RawContent | Out-File -FilePath $this.NuspecFilePath.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Force

    [void] CreateNugetFile() {
        if (!($this.ExportFolderPath.Exists)) {
        & nuget pack $this.NuSpecFilePath.FullName -OutputDirectory $this.ExportFolderPath

Class PsScriptFile {

    PsScriptFile([System.Io.FileInfo]$Path) {
        $this.Path = $Path
        if ($this.Path.Exists) {
            $this.Content = Get-Content -Path $this.Path.FullName -Raw

Class BuildScript : PsScriptFile {
    #Creates the build script that will be used to build the module and create the nuspec file
    BuildScript([KraneModule]$KraneModule) {
        $this.Path = Join-Path -Path $KraneModule.Build.FullName -ChildPath "Build.Krane.ps1"

    BuildScript([System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$Path) {
        $this.Path = Join-Path -Path $Path.FullName -ChildPath "Build.Krane.ps1"
            $this.Content = Get-Content -Path $this.Path.FullName -Raw

    [void] CreateBuildScript() {
        $Content = @'
# This script is used to invoke PsKrane and to build the module and create the nuspec file
install-Module PsKrane -Repository PSGallery -Force
import-Module PsKrane -Force
$psr = $PSScriptRoot
$Root = split-Path -Path $psr -Parent
$KraneModule = Get-KraneProject -Root $Root
$KraneModule.Description = "This module is a test module"
$KraneModule.ProjectUri = ""
New-KraneNugetFile -KraneModule $KraneModule -Force

        $Content | Out-File -FilePath $this.Path.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Force

Class TestScript : PsScriptFile {
    #A test script file that will be used to test launch tests
    TestScript([System.IO.FileInfo]$Path) {
        if(-not $Path.Exists) {
            Throw "Test script file $($Path.FullName) does not exist"

        $this.Path = $Path
        $this.Name = $Path.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1","")
        $this.Content = Get-Content -Path $Path.FullName -Raw

    TestScript([KraneModule]$KraneModule, [String]$TestName) {
        $this.Name = $TestName

        if (!($TestName.Contains(".Tests.ps1"))) {
            $TestName = $TestName + ".Tests.ps1"
        $this.Path = Join-Path -Path $KraneModule.Tests.FullName -ChildPath $TestName

    [void] CreateTestScript() {
        Write-Debug "[PsKrane][TestScript][CreateTestScript()] Start"
        if (Test-Path $this.Path.FullName) {
            Write-debug "[PsKrane][TestScript][CreateTestScript]Test script $($this.Path.FullName) already exists"
        #Create the test script
        if ($this.Path.BaseName -match "^.*\.Tests$") {
            $ItemName = $this.Path.BaseName.Split(".")[0]
            $ItemName = $this.Path.BaseName
        $this.Content = [TestScript]::GetTemplate($ItemName)
        Write-Debug "[PsKrane][TestScript][CreateTestScript]Creating Test script at -> $($this.Path.FullName)"
        $This.Content | Out-File -FilePath $this.Path.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Force

        Write-Debug "[PsKrane][TestScript][CreateTestScript] End"

    static [string] GetTemplate([String]$ItemName) {
        $Template = @'
Generated with love using PsKrane
Import-Module PsKrane
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$psroot = $PSScriptRoot
$KraneProject = Get-KraneProject -Root $PsRoot.Parent
Import-Module $($KraneProject.ModuleDataFile.FullName) -Force
InModuleScope -ModuleName $KraneProject.ModuleName -ScriptBlock {
    Describe "[###ITEMNAME###] Testing" {
        it "Should return Plop" {
            $result = ###ITEMNAME###
            $result | Should -Be "Plop"

        $TemplateWithItemName = $Template -replace '###ITEMNAME###', $ItemName
        return $TemplateWithItemName


Class GitHelper {
    GitHelper() {
        $GitCommand = Get-Command -Name "git"
        if ($null -eq $GitCommand) {
            Throw "Git not found. Please install git and make sure it is in the PATH"
        Write-Verbose "[GitHelper] git command found at $($GitCommand.Source)"
        $this.Git = $GitCommand.Source

    GitTag([string]$Tag) {

        try {
            Write-Verbose "[GitHelper][GitTag] tagging with value -> $tag"
            #& $this.Git.FullName tag -a $tag -m $tag
            $strOutput = & $this.Git.FullName tag -a $tag -m $tag 2>&1
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
                throw "Failed to write tag: $strOutput"
        catch {
            throw "Error creating tag $tag. $_"

    GitTag([string]$TagAnnotation, [String]$TagMessage) {

        try {
            Write-Verbose "[GitHelper][GitTag] tagging with anonotation -> $TagAnnotation and message $TagMessage"
            $strOutput = & $this.Git.FullName tag -a $TagAnnotation -m $TagMessage 2>&1
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
                throw "Failed to write tag: $strOutput"
        catch {
            throw "Error creating tag with annotation : $TagAnnotation and message: $TagMessage. error -> $_"

    GitCommit([string]$Message) {
        try {
            Write-Verbose "[GitHelper][GitCommit] commit with message -> $Message"
            $strOutput = & $this.Git.FullName commit -m $Message 2>&1
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
                throw "Failed to commit: $strOutput"
        catch {
            throw "Error creating commit. $_"

    GitAdd([string]$Path) {
        try {
            & $this.Git.FullName add $Path
        catch {
            throw "Error adding $Path to git. $_"

    GitPushTags() {
        $strOutput = ""
        try {
            #& $this.Git.FullName push --tags
            Write-Verbose "[GitHelper][GitPushTags] pushing tags"
            $strOutput = & $this.Git.FullName push --tags -q 2>&1
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
                throw "LastExitcode: $LASTEXITCODE . Failed to push tags. Received output: $strOutput"
        catch {
            throw "Error pushing tags to git. output: $($strOutput). Error content: $_"

    GitPushWithTags() {
        try {
            Write-Verbose "[GitHelper][GitPushWithTags] pushing with tags"
            $strOutput = & $this.Git.FullName push --follow-tags 2>&1
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
                throw "Failed to push with tags: $strOutput"
        catch {
            throw "Error pushing with tags to git. $_"

Class PsFunction {
    hidden $RawAst

    PsFunction([System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst]$FunctionAst, [bool]$IsPrivate) {
        Write-Verbose "[PsFunction] Creating function: $($FunctionAst.Name) IsPrivate: $IsPrivate"
        $this.RawAst = $FunctionAst
        $this.Name = $FunctionAst.Name
        $this.IsPrivate = $IsPrivate
        $this.HasCommentBasedHelp = $FunctionAst.GetHelpContent().Length -gt 0
        $this.CommentBasedHelp = $FunctionAst.GetHelpContent()
Class PsModule {
    [bool] $IsPresent
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Classes = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::New()
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Functions = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::New()
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Tests = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::New()
    Hidden [System.Collections.Hashtable]$ModuleData = @{}

    PsModule([System.IO.FileInfo]$Path) {
        if ($Path.Extension -ne '.psm1') {
            throw "Invalid file type $($Path.Extension) for module file $($Path.FullName)"
        $this.ModuleFile = $Path
        $this.ModuleName = $Path.BaseName
        $PsdFileName = $Path.FullName.Replace('.psm1', '.psd1')
        $this.ModuleDataFile = $PsdFileName

        if ($Path.Exists) {
            Write-Verbose "[PsModule] PSM1 file detected -> $($Path.FullName)"
            $this.IsPresent = $true

        else {
            $this.IsPresent = $false
        #We are assuming that the Tests folder is located at the root level as the module file / at the same level as the .krane.json file
        $TestFolder = $Path.Directory.Parent.Parent.FullName + "\Tests"

    GetAstClasses([System.IO.FileInfo]$p) {
        Write-Verbose "[PsModule][GetAstClasses] Fetching classes from $($p.FullName)"
        If ( $P.Exists) {
            $Raw = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($p.FullName, [ref]$null, [ref]$Null)
            $ASTClasses = $Raw.FindAll( { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.TypeDefinitionAst] }, $true)

            foreach ($ASTClass in $ASTClasses) {

                $null = $this.Classes.Add($ASTClass)

    #TODO Refactor this method, so that it is used by GetASTFunctionS($Path)
    GetASTFunction([System.IO.FileInfo]$Path, [String]$FunctionName) {

        Write-Verbose "[PsModule][GetAstFunctions] Fetching functions from $($Path.FullName)"
        $RawFunctions = $null
        $ParsedFile = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($Path.FullName, [ref]$null, [ref]$Null)
        $RawAstDocument = $ParsedFile.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] }, $true)

        If ( $RawASTDocument.Count -gt 0 ) {

            ## source:
            $RawFunctions = $RawASTDocument.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] -and $($args[0].parent) -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionMemberAst] })

        $RawFunction = $RawFunctions | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $FunctionName }
        if ($null -eq $RawFunction) {
            throw "Function $FunctionName not found in file $($Path.FullName)"
        Write-Debug "[PsModule][GetAstFunctions] Found function '$($RawFunction.Name)'"
        if ($this.ModuleData.FunctionsToExport -contains $RawFunction.Name) {
            $IsPrivate = $false
        else {
            $IsPrivate = $true


        Write-Verbose "[PsModule][GetAstFunctions] Found function $($RawFunction.Name) IsPrivate: $IsPrivate"
        $Func = [PsFunction]::New($RawFunction, $IsPrivate)
        $ExistingFunction = $this.Functions | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $FunctionName }
        if ($null -ne $ExistingFunction) {
        $null = $This.Functions.Add($Func)

    GetASTFunctions([System.IO.FileInfo]$Path) {

        Write-Verbose "[PsModule][GetAstFunctions] Fetching functions from $($Path.FullName)"
        $RawFunctions = $null
        $ParsedFile = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($Path.FullName, [ref]$null, [ref]$Null)
        $RawAstDocument = $ParsedFile.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] }, $true)

        If ( $RawASTDocument.Count -gt 0 ) {

            ## source:
            $RawFunctions = $RawASTDocument.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] -and $($args[0].parent) -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionMemberAst] })
        foreach ($RawFunction in $RawFunctions) {
            Write-Verbose "[PsModule][GetAstFunctions] Found function $($RawFunction.Name)"
            if($this.ModuleData.FunctionsToExport -contains $RawFunction.Name){
                $IsPrivate = $false
                $IsPrivate = $true

            Write-Verbose "[PsModule][GetAstFunctions] Found function $($RawFunction.Name) IsPrivate: $IsPrivate"
            $Func = [PsFunction]::New($RawFunction, $IsPrivate)
            $null = $This.Functions.Add($Func)

    FetchTests([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$TestsFolderPath) {

        $null = $this.Tests.Clear()
        $AllTestFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $TestsFolderPath.FullName -File -Recurse
        foreach($TestFile in $AllTestFiles){
            $Test = [TestScript]::New($TestFile)
            $null = $this.Tests.Add($Test)

        foreach($function in $this.Functions){
            $Test = $this.Tests | Where-Object { $_.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1","") -eq $function.Name }
            if($null -ne $Test){
                $function.HasTest = $true
                $function.TestPath = $Test.Path

    [TestScript[]] GetTests() {
        if($null -eq $this.Tests){
        return $this.Tests

    [Object[]] GetClasses() {
        return $this.Classes

    [Object[]] GetAllFunctions() {
        return $this.Functions

    [void] ReverseBuild([Bool]$Force) {
        $ExportFolderPath = $This.GetClassFolderPath().Directory
        #This method will take the module file and extract the content to the sources folder and put the functions in the right folder.
        #It is recommended to export to a folder called 'Sources' as other internal Krane functions rely on this folder structure.
        #By default, the files are NOT overwritten. Set $Force = $True to overwrite existing files.
        write-debug "[PsModule][ReverseBuild] Start"
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$PrivatePath = Join-Path -Path $ExportFolderPath.FullName -ChildPath "Functions\Private"
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$PublicPath = Join-Path -Path $ExportFolderPath.FullName -ChildPath "Functions\Public"
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$ClassesFolder = Join-Path -Path $ExportFolderPath.FullName -ChildPath "Classes"

        if ($PrivatePath.Exists -eq $false) {
            write-debug "[PsModule][ReverseBuild] Creating folder -> $($PrivatePath.FullName)"
            $null = New-Item -Path $PrivatePath.FullName -ItemType "directory" -Force
        if ($PublicPath.Exists -eq $false) {
            write-debug "[PsModule][ReverseBuild] Creating folder -> $($PublicPath.FullName)"
            $null = New-Item -Path $PublicPath.FullName -ItemType "directory" -Force
        if ($ClassesFolder.Exists -eq $false) {
            write-debug "[PsModule][ReverseBuild] Creating folder -> $($ClassesFolder.FullName)"
            $null = New-Item -Path $ClassesFolder.FullName -ItemType "directory" -Force
        $ParameterSplat = @{}
        $ParameterSplat.Force = $Force
        $ParameterSplat.Encoding = 'utf8'
        write-debug "[PsModule][ReverseBuild] Starting export of functions to individual files process"
        foreach ($funct in $this.functions) {
            $FileName = $funct.Name + ".ps1"
            if ($funct.IsPrivate) {
                $FullExportPath = Join-Path -Path $PrivatePath.FullName -ChildPath $FileName
                write-verbose "[PsModule][ReverseBuild] Exporting Private function '$($funct.Name)' to -> '$($FullExportPath)'"
                $funct.RawAst.Extent.Text | Out-File -FilePath $FullExportPath @ParameterSplat
            else {
                $FullExportPath = Join-Path -Path $PublicPath.FullName -ChildPath $FileName
                write-verbose "[PsModule][ReverseBuild] Exporting public function '$($funct.Name)' to -> '$($FullExportPath)'"
                $funct.RawAst.Extent.Text | Out-File -FilePath $FullExportPath @ParameterSplat


        foreach ($Class in $this.Classes) {
            $FileName = $Class.Name + ".ps1"
            $FullExportPath = Join-Path -Path $ClassesFolder.FullName -ChildPath $FileName

            Write-Verbose "[PsModule][ReverseBuild] Exporting class '$($Class.Name)' to -> '$($FullExportPath)'"

            $Class.Extent.Text | Out-File -FilePath $FullExportPath @ParameterSplat

        write-debug "[PsModule][ReverseBuild] End"

    [void] ReverseBuild([String]$Name, [Bool]$Force) {
        #This method reverse builds a single function or class.
        write-Debug "[PsModule][ReverseBuild([String]Name,[Bool]Force)] Starting operations"
        $ParameterSplat = @{
            Force = $Force
            Encoding = 'utf8'

        $Function =  $this.Functions | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name }
        if($null -ne $Function){
            #Element trying to reververse build is a function
            #The function is already existing. We will export it to the right folder, but we need to NOT touch the other existing functions.
            #GetAstFunctions will automatically load the functions and classes into the $this.PsModule.Functions list.
            #Since we are only interested in one function, we will backup the existing functions and classes and then reload the functions from the backup.

            $FileName = $Function.Name + ".ps1"
            if ($Function.IsPrivate) {
                $PrivatePath = $this.GetPrivateFolderPath()
                $FullExportPath = Join-Path -Path $PrivatePath.FullName -ChildPath $FileName
                write-Debug "[PsModule][ReverseBuild([String]Name,[Bool]Force)] Exporting Private function '$($Function.Name)' to -> '$($FullExportPath)'"
                $Function.RawAst.Extent.Text | Out-File -FilePath $FullExportPath @ParameterSplat
            else {
                $PublicPath = $this.GetPublicFolderPath()
                $FullExportPath = Join-Path -Path $PublicPath.FullName -ChildPath $FileName
                Write-Debug "[PsModule][ReverseBuild([String]Name,[Bool]Force)] Exporting public function '$($Function.Name)' to -> '$($FullExportPath)'"
                $Function.RawAst.Extent.Text | Out-File -FilePath $FullExportPath @ParameterSplat
            #$Name is a not a function, trying to see if it is a class
            $Class = $this.GetClasses() | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name }
            if($null -ne $Class){
                $ClassesFolder = $this.GetClassFolderPath()
                $FileName = $Class.Name + ".ps1"
                $FullExportPath = Join-Path -Path $ClassesFolder.FullName -ChildPath $FileName

                Write-Debug "[PsModule][ReverseBuild([String]Name,[Bool]Force)] Exporting class '$($Class.Name)' to -> '$($FullExportPath)'"

                $Class.Extent.Text | Out-File -FilePath $FullExportPath @ParameterSplat
                throw "[PsModule][ReverseBuild([String]Name,[Bool]Force)] Item $Name not found as either class nor function."
        write-Debug "[PsModule][ReverseBuild([String]Name,[Bool]Force)] End of operations"

    [void]WriteTest([KraneModule]$KraneModule,[string]$Name) {
        #Write the tests to the test folder
        #writing tests for functions
        $ItemToCreate = $this.Functions| Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name }
        if($null -eq $ItemToCreate){
            throw "[PsModule][WriteTest] Item function / Class named $Name is not found. Please ensure that $Name is already present in the module and try again."
        $TestScript = [TestScript]::New($KraneModule, $ItemToCreate.Name)


    [void]WriteTests([KraneModule]$KraneModule) {
        #Write the tests to the test folder
        #writing tests for functions

        foreach($function in $this.Functions){
            $TestScript = [TestScript]::New($KraneModule,$function.Name)

        #writing tests for classes

        foreach($class in $this.Classes){
            $TestScript = [TestScript]::New($KraneModule,$class.Name)

    [void] FetchDataFileContent() {
        if ($this.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
            Write-Verbose "[PsModule] PSD1 file detected -> $($this.ModuleDataFile.FullName)"
            $this.ModuleData = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName

        else {
            Write-Verbose "[PsModule] No PSD1 file found for $($this.ModuleDataFile.FullName)"

    [void] FetchModuleData(){

        $this.FetchTests($this.ModuleFile.Directory.Parent.Parent.FullName + "\Tests") #The PsKrane convention stipulates that the Tests folder is located right under the root. We don't have access to the $KraneProject object here.

    [PsFunction[]] GetPublicFunctions() {
        return $this.Functions | Where-Object { $_.IsPrivate -eq $false }

    [PsFunction[]] GetPrivateFunctions() {
        return $this.Functions | Where-Object { $_.IsPrivate -eq $true }

    [System.IO.FileInfo] GetPrivateFolderPath(){
        $FileInfo = $this.ModuleFile.Directory.Parent.Parent.FullName + "\Sources\Functions\Private"
        return $FileInfo

    [System.IO.FileInfo] GetPublicFolderPath(){
        $FileInfo = $this.ModuleFile.Directory.Parent.Parent.FullName + "\Sources\Functions\Public"
        return $FileInfo

    [System.IO.FileInfo] GetClassFolderPath(){
        $FileInfo = $this.ModuleFile.Directory.Parent.Parent.FullName + "\Sources\Classes"
        return $FileInfo

    [System.Io.FileInfo[]] GetPublicFunctionFiles(){
        $AllFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $this.GetPublicFolderPath().FullName -File
        return $AllFiles

    [System.Io.FileInfo[]] GetPrivateFunctionFiles(){
        $AllFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $this.GetPrivateFolderPath().FullName -File
        return $AllFiles

    [System.Io.FileInfo[]] GetClassFiles(){
        $AllFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $this.GetClassFolderPath().FullName -File
        return $AllFiles

Class TestHelper {}

Class PesterTestHelper : TestHelper {
    [String]$Version = "Latest"

    PesterTestHelper() {}

    PesterTestHelper([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$TestsFolderPath) {
        #Constructor to build based on Tests folder path and Version of Pester
        $PesterModule = Get-Module -Name Pester -ListAvailable
        if(-not $PesterModule){
            write-warning "A Pester module could not be found on the system."
        $this.Path = $TestsFolderPath
        $this.Tests = Get-ChildItem -Path $TestsFolderPath -File -Recurse
        $this.Version = 'Latest'

    [void] InvokeTests() {
        if ($this.Version -eq 'Latest') {
            Import-Module -Name Pester -Force
        else {
            Import-Module -Name Pester -RequiredVersion $this.Version -Force -Global   

        $this.TestData = Invoke-Pester -Path $this.Tests -PassThru -Show None

    [void] InvokeTests([String[]]$TestsPath) {
        #Accepts eithern a string or an array of strings that should be the path to the test script(s) or the folder containing test scripts.
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TestsPath)) {
            throw "No path provided for tests"

        if ($this.Version -eq 'Latest') {
            Import-Module -Name Pester -Force
        else {
            Import-Module -Name Pester -RequiredVersion $this.Version -Force -Global   

        $this.Path = $TestsPath
        $this.TestData = Invoke-Pester -Path $TestsPath -PassThru -Show None

    [void] SetVersion([String]$Version) {
        $this.Version = $Version

    [String] ToString() {
        return "Result: {0} PassedCount: {1} FailedCount: {2}" -f $this.TestData.Result, $this.TestData.PassedCount, $this.TestData.FailedCount

    [object] GetFailedTests() {
        return $this.TestData.Failed

    [object] GetPassedTests() {
        return $this.TestData.Passed

    [void] FetchTest(){


function Get-KraneTestScript {
        Retrieves a test script
        Retrieves a test script
    .PARAMETER KraneModule
        The Krane module object
        The name of the test script.
        Get-KraneTestScript -KraneModule $KraneModule -Name "TestScript"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]


        if(-not $Name.EndsWith(".Tests.ps1")){
            $Name = $Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1","")

        $return = $KraneModule.PsModule.Tests | where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name }
        return $return
        return $KraneModule.PsModule.Tests
# Public functions

Function Get-KraneProjectVersion {
        Retrieves the version of the Krane project
        Retrieves the version of the Krane project
    .PARAMETER KraneProject
        The Krane project object
        Get-KraneProjectVersion -KraneProject $KraneProject

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    Return $KraneProject.KraneFile.Get("ProjectVersion")

Function New-KraneProject {
        Creates a new Krane project
        Will create a base .krane.json project file. The project can be either a module or a script.
        Type of project to create. Can be either 'Module' or 'Script'
        Name of the project
        Root folder of the project
        Author: Stéphane vg
        New-KraneProject -Type Module -Path C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip -Name "wip" -verbose
        ModuleName : wip
        ModuleFile : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Outputs\Module\wip.psm1
        ModuleDataFile : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Outputs\Module\wip.psd1
        Build : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Build
        Sources : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Sources
        Tests : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Tests
        Outputs : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Outputs
        Tags : {PSEdition_Core, PSEdition_Desktop}
        Description :
        ProjectUri :
        KraneFile : ProjectName:wip ProjectType:Module
        ProjectType : Module
        Root : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip
        New-KraneProject -Type Module -Path C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\plop -Name "Plop"
        â”‚ .krane.json
        â”‚ └───Build.Krane.ps1
        â”‚ └───Functions
        â”‚ ├───Private
        â”‚ └───Public
            Type of project to create. Can be either 'Module' or 'Script'
            Name of the project
            Root folder of the project

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Type of project to create. Can be either 'Module' or 'Script'")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Name of the project")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Root folder of the project")]
            if(-not (Test-Path $_)){

                throw "Path $_ doesn't exists"
            $Item = Get-Item -Path  $_
            if($Item.GetType().Name -eq "DirectoryInfo"){
                return $true
                throw "Path $_ is not a directory"
    $ResolvedPath = Resolve-Path $Path
    $Path = Get-Item -Path $ResolvedPath.Path

    if ($Path.GetType().Name -ne "DirectoryInfo") {
        throw "Path $($Path.FullName) is not a directory"

    [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$DestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $Path.FullName -ChildPath $Name

    if ($DestinationPath.Exists) {
        $KraneFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $DestinationPath.FullName -Filter ".krane.json"
        if ($KraneFile) {

            Write-warning "[New-KraneProject] Project already exists at '$($DestinationPath.FullName)'."
        #Kranefile doesn't exists. This means the folder is empty. We can create the project

    switch ($Type) {
        "Module" {

            $KraneProject = [KraneModule]::New($Path, $Name)
        default {
            Throw "Project type $Type not supported"

    Add-KraneBuildScript -KraneProject $KraneProject
    Return $KraneProject

Function New-KraneNuspecFile {
        Creates a new NuSpec file
        Creates a new Nuspec File based on a PsKrane project.
    .PARAMETER KraneProject
        The Krane project object
        $KraneProject = Get-KraneProject -Root C:\Plop\
        New-KraneNuspecFile -KraneProject $KraneProject
        Generates a .nuspec file in .\Outputs\Module\ folder of the KraneProject

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    $NuSpec = [NuSpecFile]::New($KraneModule)

Function Get-KraneProject {
            Retrieves a Krane project
            Retrieves a Krane project
        .PARAMETER Root
            The root folder of the project. If not specified, it assumes it is located in a folder called 'Build' in the root of the project.
            Get-KraneProject -Root C:\Code\MyKraneModule

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, HelpMessage = "Root folder of the project. If not specified, it assumes it is located in the current folder.")]

    # Retrieve parent folder
    if (!$Root) {
        #Stole this part from PSHTML
        $EC = Get-Variable ExecutionContext -ValueOnly
        $Root = $ec.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Path 
        write-Verbose "[Get-KraneProject] Root parameter was omitted. Using Current location: $Root"
    ElseIf ($Root.Exists -eq $false) {
        Throw "Root $($Root.FullName) folder not found"

    [System.IO.FileInfo]$KraneFile = Join-Path -Path $Root.FullName -ChildPath ".krane.json"
    If (!($KraneFile.Exists)) {
        Throw "No .Krane file found in $($Root.FullName). Verify the path, or create a new project using New-KraneProject"
    write-Verbose "[Get-KraneProject] Fetching Krane project from path: $Root"
    Return [KraneFactory]::GetProject($KraneFile)

Function Add-KraneBuildScript {
        Adds the build script 'Build.Krane.ps1' to the project.
        Adds the build script to the project. The build script is used to invoke PsKrane and to build the module and create the nuspec file.
        This build script is buy default called Build.Krane.ps1 and located in the folder: '<KraneProject>\Build\'.
        The build script is created with a Base build template. But it is recommended to customize it to your needs.
        The folder of where the Build.Krane.ps1 file should be created.
    .PARAMETER KraneProject
        The KraneProject object that represents the project
        Author: Stephane van Gulick
        version: 0.1
        Add-BuildScript -Root C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = "Path")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = "KraneProject")]

    Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        "Path" {
            $BuildScript = [BuildScript]::New($Path)
        "KraneProject" {
            $BuildScript = [BuildScript]::New($KraneProject.Build)


Function New-KraneTestScript {
        Creates a new test script.
        Creates a new test script in the Tests folder of the project.
        The Test script can be used for any purpose.
        If you want to create tests for existing functions / classes, have a look at Write-KraneTestScript
    .PARAMETER KraneProject
        The KraneProject object that represents the project
        $KraneProject = Get-KraneProject
    .PARAMETER TestName
        The name of the test script
        New-KraneTestScript -KraneModule $KraneModule -TestName "Plop"
        Creates a new test script called Plop.Tests.ps1 in the Tests folder of the project

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    Write-Verbose "[New-KraneTestScript] Creating test '$Name'"
    $TestScript = [TestScript]::New($KraneProject, $Name)


#TODO TO delete ??
Function Write-KraneTestScript {
        Creates one or more test scripts based on a $KraneModuleProject functions / Classes
        Creates a new test script in the Tests folder of the project.
        Only tests for existing functions / classes can be created.
    .PARAMETER KraneProject
        The KraneProject object that represents the project
        (Uswe $KraneProject = Get-KraneProject to get the project)
    .PARAMETER TestName
        The name of the test script
        New-KraneTestScript -KraneModule $KraneModule -TestName "Plop"
        Creates a new test script called Plop.Tests.ps1 in the Tests folder of the project

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False,ParameterSetName = 'SingleItem')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]


        Write-Verbose "[Write-KraneTestScript] Creating test script for $Name"
        Write-Verbose "[Write-KraneTestScript] Creating test scripts for all functions"


Function Invoke-KraneBuild {
            Invokes the build script
            Invokes the build script of the project. The build script is used to build the module and create the nuspec file.
            The build script is by default called Build.Krane.ps1 and located in the folder: '<KraneProject>\Build\'.
            The build script is created with a Base build template. But it is recommended to customize it to your needs.
        .PARAMETER KraneProject
            The KraneProject object that represents the project
            Invoke-KraneBuild -KraneProject $KraneProject

    $BuildFile = Join-Path -Path $KraneProject.Build.FullName -ChildPath "Build.Krane.ps1"
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $BuildFile)) {
        Throw "BuildFile $($BuildFile) not found. Please make sure it is there, and try again"

    & $BuildFile

Function New-KraneNugetFile {
        Creates a new nuget package
        Create a new nuget package based for a specific kraneproject (Nuspec must already have been generated)
        Information or caveats about the function e.g. 'This function is not supported in Linux'
        $KraneProject = Get-KraneProject -Root C:\Plop\
        New-KraneNugetFile -KraneProject $KraneProject -Force
        Generates a .nupkg file in .\Outputs\Nuget\ folder of the KraneProject.
        -Force will create the nuspec file
    .PARAMETER KraneModule
        The KraneModule object that represents the project
    .PARAMETER Force
        Creates the nuspec file first

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]


    $NuSpec = [NuSpecFile]::New($KraneModule)
    if ($Force) {


Function Invoke-KraneGitCommand {
            Invokes a Git command
            Invokes a Git command. The supported commands are:
            - tag: Creates a tag with the version of the project
            - PushTags: Pushes the tags to the remote repository
            - PushWithTags: Pushes the tags to the remote repository and pushes the changes
        .PARAMETER KraneProject
            The KraneProject object that represents the project
        .PARAMETER GitAction
            The Git action to perform. The supported actions are: 'tag', 'PushTags', 'PushWithTags'
        .PARAMETER Argument
            The argument to pass to the Git command. If not specified, the version of the project will be used.
            Invoke-KraneGitCommand -KraneProject $KraneProject -GitAction tag

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("tag", "PushTags", "PushWithTags")]



    $GitHelper = [GitHelper]::New()

    switch ($GitAction) {
        "tag" {
            if (!($Argument)) {
                $Argument = "v{0}" -f $KraneProject.ProjectVersion
            Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneGitCommand] Invoking Git action $GitAction with argument $Argument"
        "PushWithTags" {
            Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneGitCommand] Invoking Git action $GitAction"
        "PushTags" {
            Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneGitCommand] Invoking Git action $GitAction"

Function Invoke-KraneTestScripts {
            Invokes the test scripts
            Invokes the test scripts of the project. The test scripts are used to test the functions and classes of the project.
            The test scripts are located in the folder: '<KraneProject>\Tests\'.
        .PARAMETER KraneProject
            The KraneProject object that represents the project
        .PARAMETER Version
            The version of Pester to use. By default, the latest version is used.
            Invoke-KraneTestScripts -KraneProject $KraneProject
            #with version 4.10.0 of Pester
            Invoke-KraneTestScripts -KraneProject $KraneProject -Version 4.10.0

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [String]$Version = "Latest"


    $TestHelper = [PesterTestHelper]::New()
    $KraneProject.TestData = $TestHelper
    Return $TestHelper

Enum LocationType {

Class KraneTemplateCollection {
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Templates = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::New()

    KraneTemplateCollection() {}

    AddTemplate([KraneTemplate]$Template) {
        $null = $this.Templates.Add($Template)

    [KraneTemplate[]] GetTemplate() {
        return $this.Templates

    [KraneTemplate[]]GetTemplate([String]$Type) {
        $Template = $this.Templates | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq $Type }
        Return $Template
    [KraneTemplate] GetTemplate([LocationType]$Location) {
        Write-Verbose "[KraneTemplateCollection] Getting template of by location -> $Location"
        $Template = $this.Templates | Where-Object { $_.Location -eq $Location }
        Return $Template

    [KraneTemplate] GetTemplate([String]$Type, [LocationType]$Location) {
        Write-Verbose "[KraneTemplateCollection] Getting template of type $Type and location $Location"
        $Template = $this.Templates | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq $Type -and $_.Location -eq $Location }
        if ($null -eq $Template) {
            Throw "Template '$Type' of location type '$Location' not found"
        Return $Template

Class KraneTemplate {
    hidden [String]$Content

    KraneTemplate([System.Io.FileInfo]$Path) {
        Write-Verbose '[KraneTemplate] Start Constructor [System.Io.FileInfo]$Path'
        if ($Path.Exists -eq $false) {
            Throw "Template file $($Path.FullName) not found"

        $This.Type = $Path.BaseName.Split(".")[0]
        $this.Path = $Path
        $this.Content = Get-Content -Path $Path.FullName -Raw
        Write-Verbose "[KraneTemplate] End Constructor"

    SetLocation([LocationType]$Location) {
        $this.Location = $Location

    [String] ToString() {
        return "{0}->{1}" -f $this.Type, $this.Location

    [string] GetContent() {
        Write-Verbose "[KraneTemplate] Getting content of template $($this.Path.FullName)"
        return $this.Content

function New-KraneItem {
        This function helps to create a new item in the project
        Items in a krane project kan be a private function, a public function or a class
    .PARAMETER KraneProject
        The KraneProject object that represents the project.
        The name of the item to create.
    .PARAMETER Location
        This parameter specifies from where the template should be taken to create the item. The values that are supported are based on the values of enum 'LocationType'.
        By default, the location is set to 'Module' that is the location where the out-of-the-box templates are located.
        The Type of the item to create. The Types that are supported are based on the values of enum 'KraneTemplateType'.
    .PARAMETER Visibility
        This parameter is ONLY available when Type is set to 'Function'. This setting allows to specify wheter a function should be 'Public' or 'Private'.
        This will result in the function being created in the right sub folder (functions/pubic or funtions/private).
        Specify a URI to a help page, this will show when Get-Help -Online is used.
        #The following example creates a new class called 'Myclass' in the krane project located at 'C:\MyKraneProject', and will use the tamplate located in the location 'Module'.
        $KraneProject = Get-KraneProject -Root "C:\MyKraneProject"
        New-KraneItem -KraneProject $KraneProject -Name Myclass -Type Class -Location 'Module'
        #The following example creates a new private function called 'plop' in the krane project located at 'C:\MyKraneProject'
        $KraneProject = Get-KraneProject -Root "C:\MyKraneProject"
        New-KraneItem -KraneProject $KraneProject -Name plop -Type Function -visibility "private"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [LocationType]$Location = [LocationType]::Module
    dynamicparam {
        # Create a dictionary to hold dynamic parameters
        $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

        # Only create the FunctionType parameter if Type is "Function"
        if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Type"] -eq "Function") {
            $attributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

            # Make the parameter mandatory when Type is "Function"
            $paramAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
            $paramAttribute.Mandatory = $true

            #Adding inline help.
            $paramAttribute.HelpMessage = "The visibility the function should have. Can be either 'Public' or 'Private'. In doubt, use 'Public'"

            # Define ValidateSet (Restricts input to "Public" or "Private")
            $validateSet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute("Public", "Private")


            # Define the parameter
            $functionTypeParam = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter(
                "Visibility", [string], $attributeCollection

            # Add to dictionary
            $paramDictionary.Add("Visibility", $functionTypeParam)

        return $paramDictionary
    begin {
        # Retrieve dynamic parameter values
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Visibility")) {
            $Visibility = $PSBoundParameters["Visibility"]

        write-verbose "[New-KraneItem] Start of function"
        write-verbose "[New-KraneItem] Creating new item of type '$Type' with name '$Name' in location '$Location'"
        #Any function can be of type Prive or Public. We will use the same template for both and copy the content to the right location.
        switch ($Type) {
            'PublicFunction' { $typ = "function" }
            'PrivateFunction' { $typ = "function" }
            Default {
                $typ = $Type
        $Template = $KraneProject.GetTemplate($Type, $Location)
        if ($null -eq $Template) {
            throw "No Template not found for '$Name' in location '$location'"
        switch ($Type) {
            "Class" {
                $NewContent = $Template.GetContent().Replace('###ClassName###', $Name)
                $KraneProject.addClass($Name, $NewContent)
            "PublicFunction" {
                $NewContent = $Template.GetContent().Replace('###FunctionName###', $Name)
                $KraneProject.addPublicFunction($Name, $NewContent)
            "PrivateFunction" {
                $NewContent = $Template.GetContent().Replace('###FunctionName###', $Name)
                $KraneProject.addPrivateFunction($Name, $Newcontent)
            "Function" {
                $NewContent = $Template.GetContent().Replace('###FunctionName###', $Name)
                if ($Visibility -eq "Private") {
                    $KraneProject.addPrivateFunction($Name, $NewContent)
                else {
                    $KraneProject.addPublicFunction($Name, $NewContent)
                #TODO Refactor, and either remove complete New-KRaneTestScript, or remove Test creation functionality from this function
                New-KraneTestScript -KraneProject $KraneProject -TestName $Name
            default {
                throw "Type $Type not supported"
        #TODO Need to load the new data into $Krane.psmodule (getAllFunctions seems to NOT do the job. Add method 'LoadAll' ?)
        write-verbose "[New-KraneItem] End of function"

function Get-KraneTemplate {
        Retrieves all existing templates from a specific krane project.
        Retrieves all existing templates from a specific krane project.
    .PARAMETER KraneProject
        The KraneProject object that represents the project.
        The name of the template to retrieve.
        The type of the template to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER Location
        The location where to search from to get the template. (System,Module,Project).
        Get-KraneTemplate -KraneProject $KraneProject

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
    write-verbose "[Get-KraneTemplate] Start of function"

    $Template = $KraneProject.GetTemplate()

    if ($Name) {
        $Template = $Template | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name }

    #Since $Type is an Enum, when using if($type){} it is evaluated to be $false, although it DOES contain a value...
    #Using PsBoundParameters instead.
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Type")) {
        $Template = $Template | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq $PSBoundParameters["Type"]}
    if ($Location) {
        $Template = $Template | Where-Object { $_.Location -eq $Location }

    if (-not $Template) {
        #No existing templates found. This can happen when several parameters are used, and some conditions are not met (name / location for instance).
        write-verbose "[Get-KraneTemplate] No templates found"
        return $null

    write-verbose "[Get-KraneTemplate] End of function"
    return $Template


Function Invoke-KraneReverseBuild {
            This function allows to decompose an existing .psm1 file into multiple individual .ps1 files.
            Creates the individual function and class files (.ps1) based on the functions present in a .psm1 file.
                V1.0.0 14.01.2025 stephanevg -> Initial Creation
        .PARAMETER KraneModule
            The KraneModule object that represents the project
        .PARAMETER Force
            Overwrites the file(s) if already present.
            (Be sure you commit your changes BEFORE you use this one).
        .PARAMETER AddTests
            Allows to add a relevant test file.
        .PARAMETER ItemName
            Allows to limit the reverse build to a specific item.
            $KraneModule = Get-KraneProject -Root C:\MyModule\
            Invoke-KraneReverseBuild -KraneModule $KraneModule
            #The following will add tests to you
            $KraneModule = Get-KraneProject -Root C:\MyModule\
            Invoke-KraneReverseBuild -KraneModule $KraneModule -AddTests
            #The following limits the reverse build to a specific function called 'MyFunction'
            $KraneModule = Get-KraneProject -Root C:\MyModule\
            Invoke-KraneReverseBuild -KraneModule $KraneModule -ItemName "MyFunction"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]



    Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneReverseBuild] Starting operations"

    if($Force) {
        Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneReverseBuild] Force parameter detected. This will overwrite existing files. Make sure you have committed your changes before using this parameter"

    if ($ItemName) {
        Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneReverseBuild] Limiting the reverse build to item $ItemName"
        $KraneModule.ReverseBuild($ItemName, $Force)
        Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneReverseBuild] Launching reverseBuild on all Item"
        Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneReverseBuild] Done"

        Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneReverseBuild] AddTests parameter detected."
            $Functions = $KraneModule.psModule.Functions | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $ItemName }
            $Functions = $KraneModule.psModule.Functions
        foreach($function in $Functions){
            Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneReverseBuild] Adding test function $($Function.Name)"
            New-KraneTestScript -TestName $Function.Name -KraneProject $KraneModule

        foreach($Class in $KraneModule.PsModule.Classes){
            Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneReverseBuild] Adding test for function $($Function.Name)"
            New-KraneTestScript -TestName $Class.Name -KraneProject $KraneModule
        #Refreshing tests

    Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneReverseBuild] End of operations"