
Enum ProjectType {

Class KraneFile {
    #CraneFile is a class that represents the .Krane.json file that is used to store the configuration of the Krane project.
    [System.Collections.Hashtable]$Data = @{}

    KraneFile([String]$Path) {

        #Handeling case when Path doesn't exists yet (For creation scenarios)
        $Root = ""
        if((Test-Path -Path $Path) -eq $False){
                [System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$Root = ([System.Io.FileInfo]$Path).Directory

            else {
                [System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$Root = $Path
            #Path exists. We need to determine if it is a file or a folder.
            $Item = Get-Item -Path $Path

                $Root = $Item
                $Root = $Item.Directory

        $this.Path = Join-Path -Path $Root.FullName -ChildPath ".krane.json"
        $this.IsPresent = $this.Path.Exists
        if (!$this.Path.Exists) {
            #Krane file doesn't exists. No point in importing data from a file that doesn't exists.
            $this.Data = @{}
        $Raw = Get-Content -Path $This.Path.FullName -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

        #Convert the JSON to a hashtable as it is easier to manipulate.

        foreach ($key in $Raw.PsObject.Properties) {
            $this.Data.$($key.Name) = $key.Value

    [String]Get([String]$Key) {
        return $this.Data.$Key

    [Void]Set([String]$Key, [String]$Value) {
        $this.Data.$Key = $Value

    [Void]Save() {
        if (!($this.Path.Exists)){

            $Null = [System.Io.Directory]::CreateDirectory($this.Path.Directory.FullName) | Out-Null
        $this.Data | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Path $this.Path.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Force
        $this.IsPresent = $this.File.Exists

    [void]Fetch() {
        $Raw = Get-Content -Path $This.Path.FullName -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

        #Convert the JSON to a hashtable as it is easier to manipulate.

        foreach ($key in $Raw.PsObject.Properties) {
            $this.Data.$($key.Name) = $key.Value
        $this.IsPresent = $this.Path.Exists

    [String]ToString() {
        return "ProjectName:{0} ProjectType:{1}" -f $this.Get("Name"), $this.Get("ProjectType")

    static [KraneFile] Create([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path, [String]$Name, [ProjectType]$Type) {
        $KraneFile = [KraneFile]::New($Path)
        if ($KraneFile.Path.Exists) {
            Throw ".Krane File $($KraneFile.Path.FullName) already exists"

        $KraneFile.Set("Name", $Name)
        $KraneFile.Set("ProjectType", $Type)
        $KraneFile.Set("ProjectVersion", "0.0.1")

        Return $KraneFile


Class KraneProject {

    KraneProject() {}

    KraneProject([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Root) {

        $this.KraneFile = [KraneFile]::New($Root)
        $this.ProjectVersion = $this.KraneFile.Get("ProjectVersion")

Class KraneModule : KraneProject {
    [String[]] $Tags = @( 'PSEdition_Core', 'PSEdition_Desktop' )
    Hidden [System.Collections.Hashtable]$ModuleData = @{}

    #Add option Overwrite

        #When the module Name is Not passed, we assume that a .Krane.json file is already present.
        $this.KraneFile = [KraneFile]::New($Root)
        $this.ProjectType = [ProjectType]::Module
        $this.Root = $Root
        $this.Build = "$($Root.FullName)\Build"
        $this.Sources = "$($Root.FullName)\Sources"
        $this.Tests = "$($Root.FullName)\Tests"
        $this.Outputs = "$($Root.FullName)\Outputs"

        #get the module name from the krane file

        $mName = $this.KraneFile.Get("Name")
        $this.ProjectType = $this.KraneFile.Get("ProjectType")

    KraneModule([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Root, [String]$ModuleName) {
        #When the module Name is passed, we assume that the module is being created, and that there is not a .Krane.json file present. yet.
        #$this.KraneFile = [KraneFile]::New($Root)
        $This.KraneFile = [KraneFile]::Create($Root, $ModuleName, [ProjectType]::Module)
        $this.ProjectType = [ProjectType]::Module
        $this.Root = $Root
        $this.Build = "$Root\Build"
        $this.Sources = "$Root\Sources"
        $this.Tests = "$Root\Tests"
        $this.Outputs = "$Root\Outputs"
        $this.ModuleName = $ModuleName
        if (($this.Build.Exists -eq $false) -or ($this.Sources.Exists -eq $false) -or ($this.Tests.Exists -eq $false)) {
            Throw "No Build, Sources or Tests folder found in $($This.Root)"


    hidden [void] FetchModuleInfo() {

        if (($null -eq $this.ModuleName)) {
            Throw "Module Name not provided."

        if ($this.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
            $this.ModuleData = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName
            $this.Description = $this.ModuleData.Description
            $this.ProjectUri = $this.ModuleData.PrivateData.PsData.ProjectUri
            $this.Tags = $this.ModuleData.PrivateData.PsData.Tags

    [void] BuildModule() {
        Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule] Start"
        Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Starting PSM1 Operations $($this.ModuleName)"
        if ($this.ModuleFile.Exists) {
            Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Module file already exists. Deleting."

        Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] (Re)creating file $($this.ModuleFile.FullName)"
        $Null = New-Item -Path $this.ModuleFile.FullName -ItemType "file" -Force

        $MainPSM1Contents = @()
        Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Searching for classes and functions"

        [System.IO.FileInfo]$PreContentPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "PreContent.ps1"
        If ($PrecontentPath.Exists) {
            Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Precontent.ps1 file found. Adding to module file."
            $MainPSM1Contents += $PreContentPath

        else {
            Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] No Precontent detected."


        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$ClassFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Classes"
        If ($ClassFolderPath.Exists) {
            $PublicClasses = Get-ChildItem -Path $ClassFolderPath.FullName -Filter *.ps1 | sort-object Name
                write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Classes Found. Importing..."
                $MainPSM1Contents += $PublicClasses


        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$PrivateFunctionsFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Functions/Private"
        If ($PrivateFunctionsFolderPath.Exists) {
            $Privatefunctions = Get-ChildItem -Path $PrivateFunctionsFolderPath.FullName -Filter *.ps1 | sort-object Name

            if ($Privatefunctions) {
                write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Private functions Found. Importing..."
                $MainPSM1Contents += $Privatefunctions


        $Publicfunctions = $null
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$PublicFunctionsFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Functions/Public"
        If ($PublicFunctionsFolderPath.Exists) {
            $Publicfunctions = Get-ChildItem -Path $PublicFunctionsFolderPath.FullName -Filter *.ps1 | sort-object Name
            if ($Publicfunctions) {
                write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Public functions Found. Importing..."
                $MainPSM1Contents += $Publicfunctions


        [System.IO.FileInfo]$PostContentPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "postContent.ps1"
        If ($PostContentPath.Exists) {
            write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Postcontent Found. Importing..."

            $MainPSM1Contents += $PostContentPath

        #Creating PSM1
        write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Building PSM1 content"
        Foreach ($file in $MainPSM1Contents) {
            write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSM1] Adding -> $($File.FullName)"
            Get-Content $File.FullName | out-File -FilePath $this.ModuleFile.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Append

        Write-verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSD1] Starding PSD1 actions. Adding functions to export"

        if (!$this.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
            Write-verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSD1] Module Manifest not found. Creating one."
            New-ModuleManifest -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName

        $ManifestParams = @{}
        $ManifestParams.Path = $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName
        $ManifestParams.FunctionsToExport = $Publicfunctions.BaseName
        $ManifestParams.Tags = $This.Tags
        $ManifestParams.RootModule = $this.ModuleFile.Name
        $ManifestParams.Description = $this.Description
        $ManifestParams.ProjectUri = $this.ProjectUri
        $ManifestParams.ModuleVersion = $this.ProjectVersion

        Write-verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSD1] Writing Manifest settings:"

        foreach ($ManifestSetting in $ManifestParams.GetEnumerator()) {
            Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSD1][Setting] $($ManifestSetting.Key) -> $($ManifestSetting.Value)"

            Update-ModuleManifest @ManifestParams
            Write-Error "[KraneModule][BuildModule][PSD1] Error updating module manifest. $_"

        Write-Verbose "[KraneModule][BuildModule] End"

    [void] SetModuleName([String]$ModuleName) {
        $this.ModuleName = $ModuleName
        $this.ModuleFile = Join-Path -Path $this.Outputs.FullName -ChildPath "Module\$($ModuleName).psm1"
        $this.ModuleDataFile = Join-Path -Path $this.Outputs.FullName -ChildPath "Module\$($ModuleName).psd1"

    [void] CreateBaseStructure(){
        if($this.Outputs.Exists -eq $false){
            $Null = New-Item -Path $this.Outputs.FullName -ItemType "directory"

        if($this.Build.Exists -eq $false){
            $Null = New-Item -Path $this.Build.FullName -ItemType "directory"

        if($this.Sources.Exists -eq $false){
            $Null = New-Item -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ItemType "directory"

        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $PrivateFunctions = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Functions/Private"
        if ($PrivateFunctions.Exists -eq $false) {
            $Null = New-Item -Path $PrivateFunctions.FullName -ItemType "directory"
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $PublicFunctions = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Functions/Public"
        if ($PublicFunctions.Exists -eq $false) {
            $Null = New-Item -Path $PublicFunctions.FullName -ItemType "directory"

        if($this.Tests.Exists -eq $false){
            $Null = New-Item -Path $this.Tests.FullName -ItemType "directory"


        #ReverseBuild will take the module file and extract the content to the sources folder.
        #It will also update the module manifest with the new functions.
        Throw "Not implemented yet"


    [string]GetProjectVersion() {
        return $this.KraneFile.Get("ProjectVersion")

    Fetch() {
        if ($this.Build.Exists){

            $e = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $this.Build.FullName
            $this.ProjectVersion = $this.setProjectVersion($e.ModuleVersion)

    hidden [void]SetProjectVersion($Version) {

        $this.KraneFile.Set("ProjectVersion", $Version)

    [Void] FetchGitInitStatus(){
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$GitFolderpath = join-Path -Path $this.Root.FullName -ChildPath ".git\"
        $this.IsGitInitialized = $GitFolderpath.Exists

Class ModuleObfuscator {

    Obfuscator() {}

    SetKraneModule([KraneModule]$Module) {
        if (!$Module.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
            Write-Verbose "[BUILD][OBFUSCATE] Module data file Not found. Building module"
        $this.Module = $Module
        $this.Bin = $Module.Outputs.FullName + "\Bin"
        $this.BinaryModuleFile = Join-Path -Path $this.Bin.FullName -ChildPath ($this.Module.ModuleFile.BaseName + ".dll")
        $this.ModuleDataFile = $this.Bin.FullName + "\" + $this.Module.ModuleName + ".psd1"

    Obfuscate() {

        Write-Verbose "[BUILD][OBFUSCATE] Obfuscating module"
        Write-Verbose "[BUILD][OBFUSCATE] Starting psd1 operations"

        if (!$this.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
        #Does seem to work.
        #Update-ModuleManifest -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName -RootModule $this.BinaryModuleFile.Name
        $MdfContent = Get-Content -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName
        $MdfContent.Replace($this.Module.ModuleFile.Name, $this.BinaryModuleFile.Name) | Set-Content -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName


        #We obfuscate
        #Create the DLL in the Artifacts folder

Class KraneFactory {
    static [KraneProject]GetProject([System.IO.FileInfo]$KraneFile) {
        $KraneDocument = [KraneFile]::New($KraneFile)
        $ProjectType = $KraneDocument.Get("ProjectType")
        $Root = $KraneFile.Directory

        switch ($ProjectType) {
            "Module" {
                write-verbose "[KraneFactory][GetProject] Returning root project of type Module $($Root.FullName)"
                $KM = [KraneModule]::New($Root)
                $KM.ProjectVersion = $KraneDocument.Get("ProjectVersion")
                return $KM
            default {
                Throw "Project type $ProjectType not supported"
        Throw "Project type $ProjectType not supported" #For some strange reason, having the throw in the switch statement does no suffice for the compiler...

Class NuSpecFile {
    hidden [String]$RawContent

    NuspecFile([KraneModule]$KraneModule) {
        $this.ExportFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $this.KraneModule.Outputs -ChildPath "Nuget"

    SetKraneModule([KraneModule]$KraneModule) {
        $this.KraneModule = $KraneModule

    hidden [Void]Generate() {
        $psd1Data = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $this.KraneModule.ModuleDataFile.FullName
        $NuSpecString = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <license type="expression">MIT</license>
    <!-- <icon>icon.png</icon> -->
    <copyright>Copyright All rights reserved</copyright>

        $Id = $this.KraneModule.ModuleName #0
        $this.Version = $psd1Data.ModuleVersion #1
        $Authors = $psd1Data.Author #2
        $ProjectUri = $psd1Data.PrivateData.PsData.ProjectUri #3
        $Description = $psd1Data.Description #4
        $ReleaseNotes = $psd1Data.releaseNotes #4
        $Tags = $psd1Data.PrivateData.PsData.tags -join "," #5
        $Final = $NuSpecString -f $Id, $this.Version, $Authors, $ProjectUri, $Description, $ReleaseNotes, $Tags
        $this.RawContent = $Final

    [System.IO.FileInfo] CreateNuSpecFile() {

        $Modulefolder = Join-Path -Path $this.KraneModule.Outputs.FullName -ChildPath "Module"
        $this.NuSpecFilePath = Join-Path -Path $Modulefolder -ChildPath ($this.KraneModule.ModuleName + ".nuspec")
        $this.RawContent | Out-File -FilePath $this.NuspecFilePath -Encoding utf8 -Force
        Return $this.NuspecFilePath


    CreateNugetFile() {
        & nuget pack $this.NuSpecFilePath.FullName -OutputDirectory $this.ExportFolderPath

Class PsScriptFile {

Class BuildScript : PsScriptFile {
    #Creates the build script that will be used to build the module and create the nuspec file
    BuildScript([KraneModule]$KraneModule) {
        $this.Path = Join-Path -Path $KraneModule.Build.FullName -ChildPath "Build.Krane.ps1"

    BuildScript([System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$Path) {
        $this.Path = Join-Path -Path $Path.FullName -ChildPath "Build.Krane.ps1"

    [void] CreateBuildScript() {
        $Content = @'
# This script is used to invoke PsKrane and to build the module and create the nuspec file
install-Module PsKrane -Repository PSGallery -Force
import-Module PsKrane -Force
$psr = $PSScriptRoot
$Root = split-Path -Path $psr -Parent
$KraneModule = Get-KraneProject -Root $Root
$KraneModule.Description = "This module is a test module"
$KraneModule.ProjectUri = ""
New-KraneNugetFile -KraneModule $KraneModule -Force

        $Content | Out-File -FilePath $this.Path.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Force

Class TestScript : PsScriptFile {
    #Creates the test script that will be used to test the module
    TestScript([KraneModule]$KraneModule,[String]$TestName) {
            $TestName = $TestName + ".Tests.ps1"
        $this.Path = Join-Path -Path $KraneModule.Tests.FullName -ChildPath $TestName

    [void] CreateTestScript() {
        if(Test-Path $this.Path.FullName){
            Write-Verbose "[Krane][TestScript][CreateTestScript]Test script $($this.Path.FullName) already exists"
            #Create the test script
        $Content = @'
# Generated with love using PsKrane
Import-Module PsKrane
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$psroot = $PSScriptRoot
$KraneProject = Get-KraneProject -Root $PsRoot.Parent
Import-Module $($KraneProject.ModuleDataFile.FullName) -Force
InModuleScope -ModuleName $KraneProject.ModuleName -ScriptBlock {
    Describe "Should return Plop" {
        it "Should return Plop" {
            $result = Write-Plop
            $result | Should -Be "Plop"

            Write-Verbose "[Krane][TestScript][CreateTestScript]Creating Test script at -> $($this.Path.FullName)"
            $Content | Out-File -FilePath $this.Path.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Force

Class GitHelper {
    GitHelper() {
        $GitCommand = Get-Command -Name "git"
        if ($null -eq $GitCommand) {
            Throw "Git not found. Please install git and make sure it is in the PATH"
        Write-Verbose "[GitHelper] git command found at $($GitCommand.Source)"
        $this.Git = $GitCommand.Source

    GitTag([string]$Tag) {

            Write-Verbose "[GitHelper][GitTag] tagging with value -> $tag"
            #& $this.Git.FullName tag -a $tag -m $tag
            $strOutput = & $this.Git.FullName tag -a $tag -m $tag 2>&1
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
                throw "Failed to write tag: $strOutput"
            throw "Error creating tag $tag. $_"

    GitTag([string]$TagAnnotation,[String]$TagMessage) {

        try {
            Write-Verbose "[GitHelper][GitTag] tagging with anonotation -> $TagAnnotation and message $TagMessage"
            $strOutput = & $this.Git.FullName tag -a $TagAnnotation -m $TagMessage 2>&1
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
                throw "Failed to write tag: $strOutput"
        catch {
            throw "Error creating tag with annotation : $TagAnnotation and message: $TagMessage. error -> $_"

    GitCommit([string]$Message) {
            Write-Verbose "[GitHelper][GitCommit] commit with message -> $Message"
            $strOutput = & $this.Git.FullName commit -m $Message 2>&1
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
                throw "Failed to commit: $strOutput"
            throw "Error creating commit. $_"

    GitAdd([string]$Path) {
            & $this.Git.FullName add $Path
            throw "Error adding $Path to git. $_"

    GitPushTags() {
            #& $this.Git.FullName push --tags
            Write-Verbose "[GitHelper][GitPushTags] pushing tags"
            $strOutput = & $this.Git.FullName push --tags 2>&1
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
                throw "Failed to push tags: $strOutput"
            throw "Error pushing tags to git. $_"

            Write-Verbose "[GitHelper][GitPushWithTags] pushing with tags"
            $strOutput = & $this.Git.FullName push --follow-tags 2>&1
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
                throw "Failed to push with tags: $strOutput"
            throw "Error pushing with tags to git. $_"

# Public functions

Function Get-KraneProjectVersion {
        Retrieves the version of the Krane project
        Retrieves the version of the Krane project

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    Return $KraneProject.KraneFile.Get("ProjectVersion")

Function New-KraneProject {
        Creates a new Krane project
        Will create a base .krane.json project file. The project can be either a module or a script.
        Use -Force to create the base structure of the project.
        Author: Stéphane vg
        New-KraneProject -Type Module -Path C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip -Name "wip" -verbose
        ModuleName : wip
        ModuleFile : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Outputs\Module\wip.psm1
        ModuleDataFile : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Outputs\Module\wip.psd1
        Build : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Build
        Sources : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Sources
        Tests : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Tests
        Outputs : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Outputs
        Tags : {PSEdition_Core, PSEdition_Desktop}
        Description :
        ProjectUri :
        KraneFile : ProjectName:wip ProjectType:Module
        ProjectType : Module
        Root : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip
        New-KraneProject -Type Module -Path C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\plop -Name "Plop" -Force
        When using force, it will create the base structure of the project.
        │ .krane.json
        │ └───Build.Krane.ps1
        │ └───Functions
        │ ├───Private
        │ └───Public

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Type of project to create. Can be either 'Module' or 'Script'")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Name of the project")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Root folder of the project")]


    switch($Type) {
        "Module" {

            $KraneProject = [KraneModule]::New($Path, $Name)
        default {
            Throw "Project type $Type not supported"

        Add-KraneBuildScript -KraneModule $KraneProject

    Return $KraneProject


Function New-KraneNuspecFile {
        Creates a new NuSpec file
        Creates a new Nuspec File based on a PsKrane project.
        $KraneProject = Get-KraneProject -Root C:\Plop\
        New-KraneNuspecFile -KraneProject $KraneProject
        Generates a .nuspec file in .\Outputs\Module\ folder of the KraneProject

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    $NuSpec = [NuSpecFile]::New($KraneModule)

Function Get-KraneProject {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, HelpMessage = "Root folder of the project. If not specified, it assumes it is located in a folder called 'Build' in the root of the project.")]

    # Retrieve parent folder
    if (!$Root) {
        #Stole this part from PSHTML
        $EC = Get-Variable ExecutionContext -ValueOnly
        $Root = $ec.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Path 
        write-Verbose "[Get-KraneProject] Root parameter was omitted. Using Current location: $Root"
    ElseIf($Root.Exists -eq $false) {
        Throw "Root $($Root.FullName) folder not found"

    [System.IO.FileInfo]$KraneFile = Join-Path -Path $Root.FullName -ChildPath ".krane.json"
    If (!($KraneFile.Exists)){
        Throw "No .Krane file found in $($Root.FullName). Verify the path, or create a new project using New-KraneProject"
    write-Verbose "[Get-KraneProject] Fetching Krane project from path: $Root"
    Return [KraneFactory]::GetProject($KraneFile)

Function Add-KraneBuildScript {
        Adds the build script to the project
        Adds the build script to the project. The build script is used to invoke PsKrane and to build the module and create the nuspec file
        Author: Stephane van Gulick
        version: 0.1
        Add-BuildScript -Root C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName="Path")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = "KraneModule")]

        "Path" {
            $BuildScript = [BuildScript]::New($Path)
        "KraneModule" {
            $BuildScript = [BuildScript]::New($KraneModule.Build)


Function New-KraneTestScript {
        Creates a new test script
        Creates a new test script in the Tests folder of the project
    .PARAMETER KraneModule
        The KraneModule object that represents the project
    .PARAMETER TestName
        The name of the test script
        New-KraneTestScript -KraneModule $KraneModule -TestName "Plop"
        Creates a new test script called Plop.Tests.ps1 in the Tests folder of the project

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        $TestScript = [TestScript]::New($KraneModule, $TestName)

Function Invoke-KraneBuild {
    $BuildFile = Join-Path -Path $KraneProject.Build.FullName -ChildPath "Build.Krane.ps1"
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $BuildFile)){
        Throw "BuildFile $($BuildFile) not found. Please make sure it is there, and try again"

    & $BuildFile

Function New-KraneNugetFile {
        Creates a new nuget package
        Create a new nuget package based for a specific kraneproject (Nuspec must already have been generated)
        Information or caveats about the function e.g. 'This function is not supported in Linux'
        $KraneProject = Get-KraneProject -Root C:\Plop\
        New-KraneNugetFile -KraneProject $KraneProject -Force
        Generates a .nupkg file in .\Outputs\Nuget\ folder of the KraneProject.
        -Force will create the nuspec file
    .PARAMETER KraneModule
        The KraneModule object that represents the project
    .PARAMETER Force
        Creates the nuspec file first

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]


    $NuSpec = [NuSpecFile]::New($KraneModule)


Function Invoke-KraneGitCommand {

        [ValidateSet("tag", "PushWithTags")]



    $GitHelper = [GitHelper]::New()

        "tag" {
                $Argument = "v{0}" -f $KraneProject.ProjectVersion
            Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneGitCommand] Invokeking Git action $GitAction with argument $Argument"
        "PushWithTags" {
            Write-Verbose "[Invoke-KraneGitCommand] Invokeking Git action $GitAction"