
Enum ProjectType {

Class KraneFile {
    #CraneFile is a class that represents the .Krane.json file that is used to store the configuration of the Krane project.
    [System.Collections.Hashtable]$Data = @{}

    KraneFile([String]$Path) {

        #Handeling case when Path doesn't exists yet (For creation scenarios)
        $Root = ""
        if((Test-Path -Path $Path) -eq $False){
                [System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$Root = ([System.Io.FileInfo]$Path).Directory

            else {
                [System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$Root = $Path
            #Path exists. We need to determine if it is a file or a folder.
            $Item = Get-Item -Path $Path

                $Root = $Item
                $Root = $Item.Directory

        $this.Path = Join-Path -Path $Root.FullName -ChildPath ".krane.json"
        $this.IsPresent = $this.Path.Exists
        if (!$this.Path.Exists) {
            #Krane file doesn't exists. No point in importing data from a file that doesn't exists.
            $this.Data = @{}
        $Raw = Get-Content -Path $This.Path.FullName -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

        #Convert the JSON to a hashtable as it is easier to manipulate.

        foreach ($key in $Raw.PsObject.Properties) {
            $this.Data.$($key.Name) = $key.Value

    [String]Get([String]$Key) {
        return $this.Data.$Key

    [Void]Set([String]$Key, [String]$Value) {
        $this.Data.$Key = $Value

    [Void]Save() {
        if (!($this.Path.Exists)){

            $Null = [System.Io.Directory]::CreateDirectory($this.Path.Directory.FullName) | Out-Null
        $this.Data | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Path $this.Path.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Force
        $this.IsPresent = $this.File.Exists

    [void]Fetch() {
        $Raw = Get-Content -Path $This.Path.FullName -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

        #Convert the JSON to a hashtable as it is easier to manipulate.

        foreach ($key in $Raw.PsObject.Properties) {
            $this.Data.$($key.Name) = $key.Value
        $this.IsPresent = $this.Path.Exists

    [String]ToString() {
        return "ProjectName:{0} ProjectType:{1}" -f $this.Get("Name"), $this.Get("ProjectType")

    static [KraneFile] Create([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path, [String]$Name, [ProjectType]$Type) {
        $KraneFile = [KraneFile]::New($Path)
        if ($KraneFile.Path.Exists) {
            Throw ".Krane File $($KraneFile.Path.FullName) already exists"

        $KraneFile.Set("Name", $Name)
        $KraneFile.Set("ProjectType", $Type)

        Return $KraneFile


Class KraneProject {

    KraneProject() {}

    KraneProject([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Root) {

        $this.KraneFile = [KraneFile]::New($Root)

Class KraneModule : KraneProject {
    [String[]] $Tags = @( 'PSEdition_Core', 'PSEdition_Desktop' )
    Hidden [System.Collections.Hashtable]$ModuleData = @{}

    #Add option Overwrite

        #When the module Name is Not passed, we assume that a .Krane.json file is already present.
        $this.KraneFile = [KraneFile]::New($Root)
        $this.ProjectType = [ProjectType]::Module
        $this.Root = $Root
        $this.Build = "$($Root.FullName)\Build"
        $this.Sources = "$($Root.FullName)\Sources"
        $this.Tests = "$($Root.FullName)\Tests"
        $this.Outputs = "$($Root.FullName)\Outputs"

        #get the module name from the krane file

        $mName = $this.KraneFile.Get("Name")
        $this.ProjectType = $this.KraneFile.Get("ProjectType")

    KraneModule([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Root, [String]$ModuleName) {
        #When the module Name is passed, we assume that the module is being created, and that there is not a .Krane.json file present. yet.
        #$this.KraneFile = [KraneFile]::New($Root)
        $This.KraneFile = [KraneFile]::Create($Root, $ModuleName, [ProjectType]::Module)
        $this.ProjectType = [ProjectType]::Module
        $this.Root = $Root
        $this.Build = "$Root\Build"
        $this.Sources = "$Root\Sources"
        $this.Tests = "$Root\Tests"
        $this.Outputs = "$Root\Outputs"
        $this.ModuleName = $ModuleName
        if (($this.Build.Exists -eq $false) -or ($this.Sources.Exists -eq $false) -or ($this.Tests.Exists -eq $false)) {
            Throw "No Build, Sources or Tests folder found in $($This.Root)"


    hidden [void] FetchModuleInfo() {

        if (($null -eq $this.ModuleName)) {
            Throw "Module Name not provided."

        if ($this.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
            $this.ModuleData = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName
            $this.Description = $this.ModuleData.Description
            $this.ProjectUri = $this.ModuleData.PrivateData.PsData.ProjectUri
            $this.Tags = $this.ModuleData.PrivateData.PsData.Tags

    [void] BuildModule() {
        if ($this.ModuleFile.Exists) {

        Write-Verbose "[BUILD][START] Creating module file."
        $Null = New-Item -Path $this.ModuleFile.FullName -ItemType "file" -Force

        $MainPSM1Contents = @()

        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$ClassFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources -ChildPath "Classes"
        If ($ClassFolderPath.Exists) {
            write-Verbose "[Classes] Folder Found"
            $PublicClasses = Get-ChildItem -Path $ClassFolderPath.FullName -Filter *.ps1 | sort-object Name
            $MainPSM1Contents += $PublicClasses


        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$PrivateFunctionsFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources -ChildPath "Functions/Private"
        If ($ClassFolderPath.Exists) {
            write-Verbose "[Functions] Private functions Found"
            $Privatefunctions = Get-ChildItem -Path $PrivateFunctionsFolderPath.FullName -Filter *.ps1 | sort-object Name
            $MainPSM1Contents += $Privatefunctions


        $Publicfunctions = $null
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$PublicFunctionsFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources -ChildPath "Functions/Public"
        If ($ClassFolderPath.Exists) {
            write-Verbose "[Functions] Public functions Found"
            $Publicfunctions = Get-ChildItem -Path $PublicFunctionsFolderPath.FullName -Filter *.ps1 | sort-object Name
            $MainPSM1Contents += $Publicfunctions


        [System.IO.FileInfo]$PreContentPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "PreContent.ps1"
        If ($PrecontentPath.Exists) {
            write-Verbose "[BUILD][Pre] Pre content Found. Adding to module file"
            Get-Content -Path $PreContentPath.FullName | out-File -FilePath $this.ModuleFile.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Append

        else {
            write-Verbose "[BUILD][Pre] No Pre content Found. Skipping."


        #Creating PSM1
        Write-Verbose "[BUILD][START][MAIN PSM1] Building main PSM1"
        Foreach ($file in $MainPSM1Contents) {
            Get-Content $File.FullName | out-File -FilePath $this.ModuleFile.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Append

        [System.IO.FileInfo]$PostContentPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "postContent.ps1"

        If ($PostContentPath.Exists) {
            Write-verbose "[BUILD][START][POST] PostContent.ps1 file found. Adding to module file."

            $file = Get-item $PostContentPath
            Get-content $File.FullName | out-File -FilePath $this.ModuleFile.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Append
        else {
            Write-Verbose "[BUILD][START][POST] No post content file found!"

        Write-verbose "[BUILD][START][PSD1] Starding PSD1 actions. Adding functions to export"

        if (!$this.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
            New-ModuleManifest -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName
        Update-ModuleManifest -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName -FunctionsToExport $Publicfunctions.BaseName -Tags $This.Tags -RootModule $this.ModuleFile.Name -Description $this.Description -ProjectUri $this.ProjectUri


        Write-verbose "[BUILD][END]End of Build Process"

    [void] SetModuleName([String]$ModuleName) {
        $this.ModuleName = $ModuleName
        $this.ModuleFile = Join-Path -Path $this.Outputs.FullName -ChildPath "Module\$($ModuleName).psm1"
        $this.ModuleDataFile = Join-Path -Path $this.Outputs.FullName -ChildPath "Module\$($ModuleName).psd1"

    [void] CreateBaseStructure(){
        if($this.Outputs.Exists -eq $false){
            $Null = New-Item -Path $this.Outputs.FullName -ItemType "directory"

        if($this.Build.Exists -eq $false){
            $Null = New-Item -Path $this.Build.FullName -ItemType "directory"

        if($this.Sources.Exists -eq $false){
            $Null = New-Item -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ItemType "directory"

        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $PrivateFunctions = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Functions/Private"
        if ($PrivateFunctions.Exists -eq $false) {
            $Null = New-Item -Path $PrivateFunctions.FullName -ItemType "directory"
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $PublicFunctions = Join-Path -Path $this.Sources.FullName -ChildPath "Functions/Public"
        if ($PublicFunctions.Exists -eq $false) {
            $Null = New-Item -Path $PublicFunctions.FullName -ItemType "directory"

        if($this.Tests.Exists -eq $false){
            $Null = New-Item -Path $this.Tests.FullName -ItemType "directory"



Class ModuleObfuscator {

    Obfuscator() {}

    SetKraneModule([KraneModule]$Module) {
        if (!$Module.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
            Write-Verbose "[BUILD][OBFUSCATE] Module data file Not found. Building module"
        $this.Module = $Module
        $this.Bin = $Module.Outputs.FullName + "\Bin"
        $this.BinaryModuleFile = Join-Path -Path $this.Bin.FullName -ChildPath ($this.Module.ModuleFile.BaseName + ".dll")
        $this.ModuleDataFile = $this.Bin.FullName + "\" + $this.Module.ModuleName + ".psd1"

    Obfuscate() {

        Write-Verbose "[BUILD][OBFUSCATE] Obfuscating module"
        Write-Verbose "[BUILD][OBFUSCATE] Starting psd1 operations"

        if (!$this.ModuleDataFile.Exists) {
        #Does seem to work.
        #Update-ModuleManifest -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName -RootModule $this.BinaryModuleFile.Name
        $MdfContent = Get-Content -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName
        $MdfContent.Replace($this.Module.ModuleFile.Name, $this.BinaryModuleFile.Name) | Set-Content -Path $this.ModuleDataFile.FullName


        #We obfuscate
        #Create the DLL in the Artifacts folder

Class KraneFactory {
    static [KraneProject]GetProject([System.IO.FileInfo]$KraneFile) {
        $KraneDocument = [KraneFile]::New($KraneFile)
        $ProjectType = $KraneDocument.Get("ProjectType")
        $Root = $KraneFile.Directory

        switch ($ProjectType) {
            "Module" {
                write-verbose "Creating root project of type Module $($Root.FullName)"
                return [KraneModule]::New($Root)
            default {
                Throw "Project type $ProjectType not supported"
        Throw "Project type $ProjectType not supported" #For some strange reason, having the throw in the switch statement does no suffice for the compiler...

Class NuSpecFile {
    hidden [String]$RawContent

    NuspecFile([KraneModule]$KraneModule) {
        $this.ExportFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $this.KraneModule.Outputs -ChildPath "Nuget"

    SetKraneModule([KraneModule]$KraneModule) {
        $this.KraneModule = $KraneModule

    hidden [Void]Generate() {
        $psd1Data = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $this.KraneModule.ModuleDataFile
        $NuSpecString = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <license type="expression">MIT</license>
    <!-- <icon>icon.png</icon> -->
    <copyright>Copyright All rights reserved</copyright>

        $Id = $this.KraneModule.ModuleName #0
        $this.Version = $psd1Data.ModuleVersion #1
        $Authors = $psd1Data.Author #2
        $ProjectUri = $psd1Data.PrivateData.PsData.ProjectUri #3
        $Description = $psd1Data.Description #4
        $ReleaseNotes = $psd1Data.releaseNotes #4
        $Tags = $psd1Data.PrivateData.PsData.tags -join "," #5
        $Final = $NuSpecString -f $Id, $this.Version, $Authors, $ProjectUri, $Description, $Tags
        $this.RawContent = $Final

    [System.IO.FileInfo] CreateNuSpecFile() {

        $Modulefolder = Join-Path -Path $this.KraneModule.Outputs.FullName -ChildPath "Module"
        $this.NuSpecFilePath = Join-Path -Path $Modulefolder -ChildPath ($this.KraneModule.ModuleName + ".nuspec")
        $this.RawContent | Out-File -FilePath $this.NuspecFilePath -Encoding utf8 -Force
        Return $this.NuspecFilePath


    CreateNugetFile() {
        & nuget pack $this.NuSpecFilePath.FullName -OutputDirectory $this.ExportFolderPath -Version "1.0.0"

# Public functions

Function New-KraneProject {
        Creates a new Krane project
        Will create a base .krane.json project file. The project can be either a module or a script.
        Use -Force to create the base structure of the project.
        Information or caveats about the function e.g. 'This function is not supported in Linux'
        Specify a URI to a help page, this will show when Get-Help -Online is used.
        New-KraneProject -Type Module -Path C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip -Name "wip" -verbose
        ModuleName : wip
        ModuleFile : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Outputs\Module\wip.psm1
        ModuleDataFile : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Outputs\Module\wip.psd1
        Build : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Build
        Sources : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Sources
        Tests : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Tests
        Outputs : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip\Outputs
        Tags : {PSEdition_Core, PSEdition_Desktop}
        Description :
        ProjectUri :
        KraneFile : ProjectName:wip ProjectType:Module
        ProjectType : Module
        Root : C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\wip
        New-KraneProject -Type Module -Path C:\Users\Stephane\Code\KraneTest\plop -Name "Plop" -Force
        When using force, it will create the base structure of the project.
        │ .krane.json
        │ └───Functions
        │ ├───Private
        │ └───Public

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Type of project to create. Can be either 'Module' or 'Script'")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Name of the project")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Root folder of the project")]


    switch($Type) {
        "Module" {

            $KraneProject = [KraneModule]::New($Path, $Name)
        default {
            Throw "Project type $Type not supported"


    Return $KraneProject


Function New-KraneNuspecFile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    $NuSpec = [NuSpecFile]::New($KraneModule)

Function Get-KraneProject {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, HelpMessage = "Root folder of the project. If not specified, it assumes it is located in a folder called 'Build' in the root of the project.")]

    # Retrieve parent folder
    if (!$Root) {
        #Stole this part from PSHTML
        $EC = Get-Variable ExecutionContext -ValueOnly
        $Root = $ec.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Path 
        write-Verbose "[Get-KraneProject] Root parameter was omitted. Using Current location: $Root"
    ElseIf($Root.Exists -eq $false) {
        Throw "Root $($Root.FullName) folder not found"

    [System.IO.FileInfo]$KraneFile = Join-Path -Path $Root.FullName -ChildPath ".krane.json"
    If (!($KraneFile.Exists)){
        Throw "No .Krane file found in $($Root.FullName). Verify the path, or create a new project using New-KraneProject"
    write-Verbose "[Get-KraneProject] Fetching Krane project from path: $Root"
    Return [KraneFactory]::GetProject($KraneFile)