function Test-HgHead { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if there are multiple heads in a repository or in a branch. .DESCRIPTION Returns `True` if a repository (or branch) contains multiple heads. `False` otherwise. ALIASES thgh .EXAMPLE Test-HgHeads Returns `True` if the repository in the current directory has multiple heads. `False` otherwise. .EXAMPLE Test-HgHeads -RepoRoot C:\Projects\PsHg -Revision stable Returns `True` if the `stable` branch in `C:\Projects\PsHg` has multiple heads. `False` otherwise. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] # The revision whose branch should be tested for multiple heads. $Revision, [string] # The path to a repository. $RepoRoot = (Get-Location) ) $rRepoRoot = Resolve-HgRoot -Path $RepoRoot if( -not $rRepoRoot ) { return } $headsArgs = @() if( $Revision ) { $headsArgs += $Revision } $heads = @( hg heads $headsArgs --template '{node}\n' -R $rRepoRoot ) return ($heads.Length -gt 1) } Set-Alias -Name 'Test-HgHeads' -Value 'Test-HgHead' Set-Alias -Name 'thgh' -Value 'Test-HgHead' |