
        Creates a compatible CSV file.
        Creates a compatible CSV file that can be used to create a network map. The network map can be created with multiple layouts, organic is recommended for 'radial' layouts.
        Uses the file to compare mac addresses and find the correct image. Also uses a guesstimate to check which device is what type.
        .PARAMETER Network
        CIDR notation of the network to scan. If no network is given it will scan all connected networks
        New-Networkmap -Network -Layout organic -verbose
        System.String. You can pipe network values into this command
        CSV file

function New-Networkmap {
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Network', Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Network', Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('auto', 'none', 'verticaltree', 'horizontaltree', 'verticalflow', 'horizontalflow', 'organic', 'circle')]$Layout
    begin {
        write-host "Creating network diagram"
    process {
        if (!$Network) { 
            $NetScan = Get-Networkscan
        else {
            $NetScan = Get-Networkscan -network $Network
        if ($Netscan) {
            $CSV = @"
##Network Diagram generated by PsDrawIO
# label: %hostname%
# style: shape=%shape%;fillColor=%fill%;strokeColor=%stroke%;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;aspect=fixed;
# namespace: csvimport-
# connect: {"from":"refs", "to":"id", "invert":true, "style": \
# "curved=0;endArrow=none;endFill=0;dashed=1;strokeColor=#6c8ebf;"}
# width: 40
# height: 40
# ignore: id,shape,fill,stroke,refs
# nodespacing: 20
# levelspacing: 20
# edgespacing: 20
# layout: $Layout
## CSV data starts below this line

            $Scan = $($netscan | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ',' -NoTypeInformation)
            return $CSV, $SCAN
        else {
            Write-Warning "Could not scan network."