using module "..\Dialog.psm1" using module "..\OpenAiChat.psm1" using module "..\Options.psm1" using module "..\..\Private\OutHelper.psm1" class ExtensionContainer { [OpenAiChat]$ChatApi [Options]$Options [object[]]$Extensions ExtensionContainer($chatApi, $options, $extensions) { $this.ChatApi = $chatApi $this.Options = $options $this.Extensions = $extensions $this.InjectOptionalProperties() $this.InitializeParameters() } # If Extension has a property of type OpenAiChat or Options, inject the instance InjectOptionalProperties() { $this.Extensions | ForEach-Object { $type = $_.GetType() $props = $type.GetProperties() foreach($prop in $props) { if($prop.PropertyType -eq [OpenAiChat]) { $prop.SetValue($_, $this.ChatApi) } if($prop.PropertyType -eq [Options]) { $prop.SetValue($_, $this.Options) } } } } # Inject additional parameters from the command line, e.g. -WordCountWarning_Threshold 1000 InitializeParameters() { foreach($ext in $this.Extensions) { $type = $ext.GetType() Write-Debug "ExtensionContainer: Loaded $($type.Name)" $opt = $this.Options.AdditionalArguments for($i = 0; $i -lt $opt.Length; $i+=2) { $optName = $opt[$i] # -ExtenionName_PropertyName if(!($optName -is [string])) { [OutHelper]::NonCriticalError("ExtensionContainer: Parameter name must be a String: $($optName)") continue } if(!$optName.StartsWith("-")) { continue } $optName = $optName.Substring(1) if($optName.IndexOf("_") -eq -1 -or $optName.Split("_")[0] -ne $type.Name) { # Write-Debug "ExtensionContainer: Skipping $($optName)" continue } $propName = $optName.Substring($optName.IndexOf("_")+1) $propValue = $opt[$i+1] $prop = $ext.GetType().GetProperty($propName) if($prop) { Write-Debug "ExtensionContainer: Setting $($propName) ($($prop.PropertyType)) on $($type.Name) with value: $($propValue)" $propValue = $this.EnsureType($prop.PropertyType, $propValue) $prop.SetValue($ext, $propValue) } else { [OutHelper]::NonCriticalError("ExtensionContainer: $propName not found on $($type.Name)") } } } } [object] EnsureType($propertType, $value) { if($value -is $propertType) { return $value } return [System.Convert]::ChangeType($value, $propertType) } [object] Invoke([string]$eventName, [object]$inputObject) { $outputObject = $inputObject $this.Extensions | ForEach-Object { $method = $_.GetType().GetMethod($eventName) if($method) { Write-Debug "ExtensionContainer: Invoking $($method.Name) on $($_.GetType().Name)" $arguments = @( $inputObject ) $outputObject = $method.Invoke($_, $arguments) } } return $outputObject } } |