using module ".\OpenAiAudio.psm1" using module ".\Dialog.psm1" using module "..\Private\OutHelper.psm1" class AudioHelper { [string]$Model = $null [string]$UserVoice = "fable" [string]$AssistantVoice = "onyx" [string]$Response_Format = $null [decimal]$Speed = $null [string]$AuthToken [bool]$ShowProgress [int]$TurnDelay = 600 [bool]$ConcatUsingFfmpeg = $true [string]$FfmpegExecutablePath = $null [int]$FfmpegQuality = 3 DialogToAudioFile([Dialog]$dialog, [string]$fileName = "") { $audioApi = [OpenAiAudio]::new($this.AuthToken) # $audioApi._debug = $true if(!$fileName) { $ext = if($this.Response_Format) { $this.Response_Format } else { "mp3" } $fileName = "dialog-$(Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").$ext" } if(!$this.FfmpegExecutablePath) { $this.FfmpegExecutablePath = "ffmpeg" } $tmpFiles = @() $audioRequest = [OpenAiAudioSpeechRequest]::new() if($this.Model) { $audioRequest.Model = $this.Model } if($this.Speed) { $audioRequest.Speed = $this.Speed } if($this.Response_Format) { $audioRequest.Response_Format = $this.Response_Format } $messages = $dialog.Messages | Where-Object { $_.Role -ne "system" } $step = 0; $stepsTotal = $messages.Count + ([int]$this.ConcatUsingFfmpeg * 2) function Update-Progress($stepNo, $description) { if($this.ShowProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity "AudioHelper" -Status "$description $($stepNo)/$stepsTotal" -PercentComplete (($stepNo/$stepsTotal*100)) } } foreach($dm in $messages) { Update-Progress (++$step) "Getting audio snippet" if($dm.Role -eq "system") { continue } $audioRequest.Voice = if($dm.Role -eq "user") { $this.UserVoice } else { $this.AssistantVoice } $audioRequest.Input = $dm.Content $tmpFile = "$fileName-$($dm.Role)-$($tmpFiles.Count).$($fileName.Split(".")[-1])" Write-Debug "AudioHelper: Getting audio snippet: $tmpFile" $tmpFiles += $tmpFile $audioApi.SpeechToFile($audioRequest, $tmpFile) } if($this.ConcatUsingFfmpeg) { # build ffmpeg command that will stich all the audio files (tmpFiles) together # ffmpeg -i "file1.mp3" -i "file2.opus" -i "file3.aac" # -filter_complex "[0:0][1:0][2:0]concat=n=3:v=0:a=1[out]" # -map "[out]" "output.mp3" Update-Progress (++$step) "Concatenating audio files" $ffmpegInputArgs = "" $ffmpegFilterArgs = "" $ffmpegConcat = "" foreach($tmpFile in $tmpFiles) { $ffmpegInputArgs += "-i `"$tmpFile`" " $index = $tmpFiles.IndexOf($tmpFile) $ffmpegFilterArgs += "[$($index):0]adelay=$($this.TurnDelay)[a$($index)];" $ffmpegConcat += "[a$($index)]" } $ffmpegFilterArgs += $ffmpegConcat + "concat=n=$($tmpFiles.Count):v=0:a=1[out]" $ffmpegCmd = "$($this.FfmpegExecutablePath) $ffmpegInputArgs -filter_complex `"$($ffmpegFilterArgs)`" -map `"[out]`" -q:a $($this.FfmpegQuality) `"$fileName`"" Write-Debug "AudioHelper: Executing ffmpeg command: $ffmpegCmd" Invoke-Expression -Command $ffmpegCmd if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "ffmpeg failed with exit code: $LASTEXITCODE. Command: $ffmpegCmd" } Update-Progress (++$step) "Cleaning up" Remove-Item $tmpFiles } Write-Progress -Activity "AudioHelper" -Completed } } |