using module "..\Dialog.psm1" using module "..\..\Private\OutHelper.psm1" class PreLoad { [string]$Prompt [string]$Path [bool]$Lock # ensures that the initial messages are always the first in the dialog [object[]]$InitialMessages [Dialog] BeforeAnswer([Dialog]$dialog) { if(!$this.Lock) { return $dialog } # remove any "locked" messages $nlm = @() foreach($m in $dialog.Messages) { if($m.locked) { continue } $nlm += $m } # re-insert locked messages $dialog.Messages = $this.InitialMessages += $nlm return $dialog } [Dialog] BeforeChatLoop([Dialog]$dialog) { if($this.Path -and $this.Prompt) { [OutHelper]::NonCriticalError("PreLoad: Cannot use both -Preload_Prompt and -Preload_Path") return $dialog } # load from path $p = $this.Path if($p -and (Test-Path $p)) { [OutHelper]::Info("- Preloading messages from: $p") $this.InitialMessages = Get-Content $p | ConvertFrom-Json -NoEnumerate -AsHashtable } # load from prompt if($this.Prompt) { $this.InitialMessages = @( @{ "role" = "user"; "content" = $this.Prompt } ) } if(!$this.InitialMessages) { return $dialog } [OutHelper]::Info("- $($this.InitialMessages.Count) messages loaded, approx. $([Dialog]::CalculateWords($this.InitialMessages)) words.") if($this.Lock) { # mark messages as locked foreach($m in $this.InitialMessages) { $m.locked = $true } } $dialog.Messages = $this.InitialMessages return $dialog } } |