.SYNOPSIS Gets all or a specific queued build from build activities .DESCRIPTION If PlanKey parameter specified, it returns queued items for that single Plan, otherwise it returns all queued item for all Plans. .PARAMETER PlanKey Optional - Key for the Bamboo Plan to filter for specific queued items .EXAMPLE Get-BambooQueuedBuild .EXAMPLE Get-BambooQueuedBuild -PlanKey 'PRJ-PLANKEY' #> function Get-BambooQueuedBuild { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ValidatePattern('\w+-\w+')] [string]$PlanKey ) $resource = 'queue' if ($PlanKey) { $resource = "queue/$PlanKey" } Invoke-BambooRestMethod -Resource $resource -Expand 'queuedBuilds' | Expand-BambooResource -ResourceName 'queuedBuild' -Root 'queue' } |