.SYNOPSIS Gets build logs for a single Stage in a Bamboo Build Result .DESCRIPTION It fetches the build result for a specific or latest build plan and returns it as text. .PARAMETER BuildKey Mandatory - Key for the exact Bamboo build to get the build results .PARAMETER StageKey Mandatory - Key for the build stage .PARAMETER PlanKey Mandatory - Key for the Bamboo Plans to filter .PARAMETER Build Optional - Parameter to specify the build in question, by default it always returns the latest build. The valid values are: LATEST - to return the latest build info BUILD-Number - to return an exact build result by its id .EXAMPLE Get-BambooBuildLog -PlanKey PSB-BB -StageKey BASE .EXAMPLE Get-BambooBuildLog -BuildKey PSB-BB-22 -StageKey BASE #> function Get-BambooBuildLog { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="ByPlanKey")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="ByBuildKey")] [Alias('BuildResultKey')] [ValidatePattern('\w+-\w+-\d+')] [string]$BuildKey, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="ByPlanKey")] [ValidatePattern('\w+-\w+')] [string]$PlanKey, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="ByPlanKey")] [ValidatePattern('\d+|latest')] [string]$Build='latest', [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="ByPlanKey")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="ByBuildKey")] [ValidatePattern('\w+')] [string]$StageKey ) if ($BuildKey -and ($BuildKey -imatch '(\w+-\w+)-(\d+)')) { $PlanKey = $Matches[1] $Build = $Matches[2] } $buildResult = Get-BambooResult -PlanKey $PlanKey -Build $Build $logUrl = "$($script:BambooServer)/download/$PlanKey-$StageKey/build_logs/$PlanKey-$StageKey-$($buildResult.buildNumber).log" (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $logUrl -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop).Content } |