. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '../TestCommon.ps1') $exportedCommands = (Get-Command -Module $Script:ModuleName) $expectedCommands = Import-Csv -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'expected_commands.csv') Describe "$($Script:ModuleName) Module" { It "Should be loaded" { Get-Module $Script:ModuleName | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe 'Exported commands' { # Test if the exported command is expected Foreach ($command in $exportedCommands) { Context $command { It 'Should be an expected command' { $expectedCommands.Name -contains $command.Name | Should Be $true } It 'Should have proper help' { $help = Get-Help $command.Name $help.description | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $help.Synopsis | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $help.examples | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } } } Describe 'Expected commands' { # Test if the expected command is exported Foreach ($command in $expectedCommands) { Context $command.Name { It 'Should be an exported command' { $exportedCommands.Name -contains $command.Name | Should Be $true } } } } |