<# .SYNOPSIS Triggers a customised build for the specified Plan. .DESCRIPTION The cmdlet returns the build details, if it succeeds. .PARAMETER PlanKey Mandatory - PlanKey for the latest build to be started .PARAMETER ExecuteAllStages Optional - Switch to execute all manual stages in the build .PARAMETER Stage Optional - Name of the stage which should be finished .PARAMETER BambooVariables Optional - The variables that you wish to pass to the build plan .PARAMETER Revision Optional - The revision of the repository (by default it will use the latest) .EXAMPLE Start-BambooCustomBuild -PlanKey 'PRJ-PLANKEY' -BambooVariables @{'environment'='Production';'timeout'='300'} -Revision '9c3133faca5d886a809126719e13dc7853edf7df' #> function Start-BambooCustomBuild { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidatePattern('\w+-\w+')] [string]$PlanKey, [switch]$ExecuteAllStages, [string]$Stage, [psobject]$BambooVariables=@{}, [string]$Revision ) $UriParams = @{} if ($ExecuteAllStages) { $UriParams.Add('executeAllStages', 'true') } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Stage)) { $UriParams.Add('stage', $Stage) } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Revision)) { $UriParams.Add('customRevision', $Revision) } if ($BambooVariables -and $BambooVariables.Keys) { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web foreach($key in $BambooVariables.Keys) { $UriParams.Add([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode("bamboo.variable.$($key)"), [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($BambooVariables.$key)) } } Invoke-BambooRestMethod -Resource "queue/$($PlanKey)" -Method Post -UriParams $UriParams | Expand-BambooResource -ResourceName 'restQueuedBuild' } |