
function Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig
Get the values stored in the config files
Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig gets the values in the active config files. You can choose to see values
defined in the local config file, global config file, or both.
By default a combined result is shown which shows all config values that are
currently applied. This is computed by combine the local and global config.
Flag indicates you want to see the local config values
Flag indicates you want to see the global config values
Gets all the config values by take the global config and overriding matching properties
with local config values
Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig -Global
Gets all the global config values.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    # Gets the global config from the known location
    $globalConfig = readConfigFile $script:globalConfigPath

    # Get the local config path
    $localConfigPath = getLocalConfigPath
    $localConfig = readConfigFile $localConfigPath

    if($Local -and -not $Global) {
        return $localConfig
    elseif($Global -and -not $Local) {
        return $globalConfig
    else {
        return mergeHashTables $globalConfig $localConfig