function Add-FeatureState { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a new feature state difinition to a roadmap. .DESCRIPTION Creates and adds a feature state to a previously created roadmap object. It is used to customize the style in the diagram. .EXAMPLE PS> $Roadmap = New-ArchRoadmap -Title MyRoadmap PS> $Roadmap | Add-ArchFeatureState -State Done -Style 'fill:#86c787' Fill the feature in state Done in color #86c787. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The roadmap, the feature state is added to. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNull()] $Roadmap, # Mermaid style string. [Parameter( Mandatory )] [string] $Style, # Name of the feature state. [Parameter()] [string] $State ) process { $Roadmap.FeatureStates[$State] = $Style } } |