function ConvertTo-Diagram { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts the roadmap to diagram. .DESCRIPTION Creates a mermaid flowchart to display the roadmap. .EXAMPLE PS> $Roadmap = New-ArchRoadmap 'Diagram Title' PS> $Roadmap | Add-ArchFeature A 'do this' -Link '' PS> $Roadmap | Add-ArchFeature B 'do that' -Link '' PS> $Roadmap | Add-ArchMilestone C 'be epic' -DependsOn A, B PS> $Roadmap | Add-ArchFeature D 'do whatever' -DependsOn C PS> $Roadmap | Add-ArchFeature E 'do what else' -DependsOn C PS> $Roadmap | ConvertTo-ArchDiagram --- title: Diagram Title --- flowchart classDef feature fill:#ffcc5c classDef milestone fill:#96ceb4 A[do this]:::feature B[do that]:::feature D[do whatever]:::feature E[do what else]:::feature C[be epic]:::milestone click A "" _blank click B "" _blank C --> D C --> E A --> C B --> C #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Title of the roadmap diagram. [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $Title, # Features in the roadmap diagram. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [PSCustomObject[]] $Features, # Milestones in the roadmap diagram. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [PSCustomObject[]] $Milestones ) $diagram = New-MermaidDiagram -Flowchart -Title $Title -Orientation left-to-right $diagram | Add-MermaidFlowchartClass -Name feature -Style 'fill:#ffcc5c' $diagram | Add-MermaidFlowchartClass -Name milestone -Style 'fill:#96ceb4' $Features | ForEach-Object { $node = [PSCustomObject] $_ $diagram | Add-MermaidFlowchartNode ` -Key $node.Id ` -Name ('"' + $node.Title + '"') ` -Class feature if ( $node.Link ) { $diagram | Add-MermaidFlowchartClick ` -Node $node.Id ` -Url $node.Link ` -Target blank } if ( $node.Dependencies ) { $node.Dependencies | ForEach-Object { $diagram | Add-MermaidFlowchartLink ` -Source $_ ` -Destination $node.Id } } } $Milestones | ForEach-Object { $node = [PSCustomObject] $_ $diagram | Add-MermaidFlowchartNode ` -Key $node.Id ` -Name ('"' + $node.Title + '"') ` -Class milestone if ( $node.Dependencies ) { $node.Dependencies | ForEach-Object { $diagram | Add-MermaidFlowchartLink ` -Source $_ ` -Destination $node.Id } } } $diagram | ConvertTo-MermaidString | Write-Output } |