
    . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Resources\PrtgAPI.GoPrtg.ps1"

function Set-GoPrtgAlias
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)]

    UpdateServerRunner {
        param($servers, $targetServer)

        $client = Get-PrtgClient

        if($servers | Where-Object Alias -EQ $Alias)
            throw "Cannot set alias for server '$($client.Server)': a record with alias '$Alias' already exists. For more information see Get-GoPrtgServer."

        if(!$Alias -and $targetServer.Alias -ne $null)
            if(($servers | Where-Object {$_.Server -eq $client.Server}).Count -gt 1)
                throw "Cannot remove alias of server: multiple entries for server '$($client.Server)' are stored within GoPrtg. To remove this alias uninstall all other entries for this server. For more information see Get-GoPrtgServer."

        # We can't access the outer closure from the second level closure below
        $alias = $Alias

        return {
            param($row, $createRow)

            return & $createRow $row.Server $alias $row.UserName $row.PassHash