if(!$script:prtgAPIModule) { . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Resources\PrtgAPI.GoPrtg.ps1" } $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" function Update-GoPrtgCredential { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText", "", Scope="Function")] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [PSCredential] $Credential ) #todo - implement support for using the credential UpdateServerRunner { param($servers, $targetServer) $oldClient = Get-PrtgClient $newClient = GetNewClient $Credential if($oldClient.UserName -ne $newClient.UserName) { $duplicateServer = @($servers | Where-Object {$_.Server -eq $newClient.Server -and $_.UserName -eq $newClient.UserName }) if($duplicateServer.Count -gt 0) { throw "Cannot update credential: a record with username '$($newClient.UserName)' for server '$($newClient.Server)' already exists" } } #encrypt the new passhash, store it in a variable, pass it in our call to create new line $secureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $newClient.PassHash -AsPlainText -Force $encryptedString = ConvertFrom-SecureString $secureString return { param($row, $createRow) return & $createRow $row.Server $row.Alias $newClient.UserName $encryptedString }.GetNewClosure() } $client = Get-PrtgClient Write-ColorOutput "`nSuccessfully updated credential" -ForegroundColor Green Write-ColorOutput "`nConnected to $($client.Server) as $($client.UserName)`n" -ForegroundColor Green #things to validate: if the user changes the credential username, need to verify that there isnt an existing record with the same username (in the same way we're already doing this with install-goprtg - check how it works) } function GetNewClient($credential) { $oldClient = Get-PrtgClient if($null -eq $credential) { $credential = GetNewCredential $oldClient.UserName } Connect-PrtgServer $oldClient.Server $credential -Force return Get-PrtgClient } # Visual Studio Test Engine doesn't support Get-Credential, so we'll mock GetNewCredential instead function GetNewCredential($username) { return Get-Credential -UserName $username -Message "Enter your credentials." } |