if(!$script:prtgAPIModule) { . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Resources\PrtgAPI.GoPrtg.ps1" } function Install-GoPrtgServer { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [string] $Alias ) if(!(Get-PrtgClient)) { throw "You are not connected to a PRTG Server. Please connect first using Connect-PrtgServer." } $new = $false if(!(Test-Path $Profile)) { New-Item $Profile -Type File -Force | Out-Null $new = $true } #todo: what is the force parameter meant to do? overwrite? if so we need to update some of the existing exception messages $newContents = GetNewContents $Alias $profileContent = GetProfileContents $newContents if($new) { Add-Content $Profile $profileContent } else { Set-Content $Profile $profileContent } .([ScriptBlock]::Create(($newContents.Func -replace "function ","function global:"))) } function GetNewContents($alias) { $contents = Get-Content $Profile $functionStart = GetGoPrtgStart $contents $functionEnd = GetGoPrtgEnd $contents $functionStart $functionExists = Get-Command __goPrtgGetServers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ValidateGoPrtgBlock $functionStart $functionEnd $functionExists # If the function didn't exist but the header and footer did, an exception would have been thrown above. # We can infer then that if we've reached this stage and the function doesn't exist, the header and footer don't exist either if($functionExists) { $servers = @(GetServers) CheckServerAgainstExistingRecords $servers $alias $pre = GetPre $contents $functionStart $post = GetPost $contents $functionEnd $new = GetNew $servers $alias $obj = ContentsObj $obj.Pre = $pre $obj.Func = $new $obj.Post = $post return $obj } else { $new = GetNew $null $alias $obj = ContentsObj $obj.Pre = $contents $obj.Func = $new $obj.Post = $null return $obj } } function GetProfileContents($newContents) { $funcBody = "" if($null -ne $newContents.Pre) { $funcBody += [string]::Join("`r`n", $newContents.Pre) + "`r`n" } # Due to the way Powershell's Command Discovery works, PowerShell will detect match the Get-GoPrtg alias to the command GoPrtg # before detecting GoPrtg is in fact a valid alias all by itself. By forcing the module to import, PowerShell will correctly # identify that GoPrtg is the intended command. $funcBody += "########################### Start GoPrtg Servers ###########################`r`n`r`n" + [string]::Join("`r`n", $newContents.Func) + "`r`n`r`n############################ End GoPrtg Servers ############################" if($null -ne $newContents.Post) { $funcBody += "`r`n" + [string]::Join("`r`n", $newContents.Post) } return $funcBody } function CheckServerAgainstExistingRecords($servers, $alias) { $client = Get-PrtgClient if($servers | Where-Object {$_.Server -eq $client.Server }) { $record = $servers | Where-Object {$_.Server -eq $client.Server } | Select-Object -first 1 if($null -ne $record.Alias) { if($record.UserName -eq $client.UserName) { throw "Cannot add server '$($client.Server)': a record for user '$($client.UserName)' already exists. To update the alias of this record use Set-GoPrtgAlias. To reinstall this record, first uninstall with Uninstall-GoPrtgServer and then re-run Install-GoPrtgServer." } if(!$alias) { throw "Cannot add server '$($client.Server)': an alias must be specified to differentiate this connection from an existing connection with the same server address." } } else { if($record.UserName -eq $client.UserName) { throw "Cannot add server '$($client.Server)': a record for user '$($client.UserName)' already exists." } throw "Cannot add server '$($client.Server)': a record for server already exists without an alias. Please update the alias of this record with Set-GoPrtgAlias and try again." } } elseif($servers | Where-Object {$_.Alias -eq $alias}) { throw "Cannot add server '$($client.Server)' with alias '$alias': a record for this alias already exists. For more information see 'Get-GoPrtgServer $alias'" } } function GetNew { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText", "", Scope="Function")] param($servers, $alias) $client = Get-PrtgClient $secureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $client.PassHash -AsPlainText -Force $encryptedString = ConvertFrom-SecureString $secureString #$encryptedString = $client.PassHash if(!$servers) { $servers = @() } $newRecord = SerializeRecord $client.Server $alias $client.UserName $encryptedString $newRecord = $newRecord -replace "`"```"","`"" -replace "```"`"","`"" -replace "```"","`"" $r = $newRecord | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header "Server","Alias","UserName","PassHash" if($r.Alias -eq "") { $r.Alias = $null } <#$obj = New-Object PSObject $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Server $client.Server $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Alias $alias $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty UserName $client.UserName $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty PassHash $encryptedString#> $servers += $r $newContents = @() $newContents += "function __goPrtgGetServers {@(" $index = 0 $count = $servers.Count foreach($s in $servers) { $toAdd = SerializeRecord $s.Server $s.Alias $s.UserName $s.PassHash if($count -gt 1 -and ($index -lt $count - 1)) { $toAdd += "," } $newContents += $toAdd $index++ } $newContents += ")}" return $newContents } function SerializeRecord($server, $alias, $username, $passhash) { $record = $null if($alias) { $record = " `"```"$server```",```"$alias```",```"$username```",```"$passhash```"`"" } else { $record = " `"```"$server```",,```"$username```",```"$passhash```"`"" } return $record } function ContentsObj { $obj = @{ "Pre" = @(); "Func" = @(); "Post" = @() } return $obj } |