
Set-StrictMode -Version 3

$GUID = "f482a1af-fdd3-4548-9b56-58149d54ce21"
$PROXY_COMMAND = "$PSScriptRoot\ProxyCommand.exe"

function Set-ProxyCommand {
    [bool]$Async = $false

  if ($Target -match "\.exe$") {
    Set-ProxyExecutable $Proxy $Target $Prepend $Async
  elseif ($Target -match "\.bat$") {
    Set-ProxyBatchFile $Proxy $Target $Prepend

function Set-ProxyExecutable {

  if ([IO.Directory]::Exists($Proxy)) {
    $Proxy = Join-Path $Proxy (Split-Path -Leaf $Target)

  Write-Verbose "$Proxy=$Target"

  Copy-Item $PROXY_COMMAND $Proxy -Force
  $Target | Set-Content -Encoding Unicode -LiteralPath $Proxy -Stream TargetPath

  if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Prepend)) {
    $Prepend | Set-Content -Encoding Unicode -LiteralPath $Proxy -Stream Prepend

  if ($Async) {
    "true" | Set-Content -Encoding Unicode -LiteralPath $Proxy -Stream Async

function Set-ProxyBatchFile {

  if ([IO.Directory]::Exists($Proxy)) {
    $Proxy = Join-Path $Proxy (Split-Path -Leaf $Target)

  Write-Verbose "$Proxy=$Target"

  $template = @"
@echo off
rem generated by New-ProxyCommand on $((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"))
rem nugetid: $GUID
rem target: $Target
rem prepend: $Prepend
"$Target" $Prepend %*

  $template | Set-Content -Encoding default -LiteralPath $Proxy

function Test-Stream {

  try {
    $null = Get-Content -LiteralPath $Path -Stream $StreamName
    return $true
  catch {
    return $false

Creates a proxy command to call a target program.
A proxy command is a small program that calls another program as a child process. It can be used as a shortcut in the command line environment.
A directory or name of a proxy command. If a directory is specified, the name of a proxy command is the same as the target program.
A target program. A path of a target program. If it is a file, it should be an executable (`.exe`) or a batch file (`.bat`). If a directory is given, the cmdlet looks for executables and batch files in it and creates proxy commands for all executables and batch files found. This parameter can be given from the pipeline.
When specified, this value is given as additional arguments to the target program.
When specified, a proxy command doesn't wait for the target program to exit. This option is suitable for GUI applications.

function New-ProxyCommand {
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
    [string]$Prepend = "",

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
    [switch]$Async = $false

  begin {
    $ProxyPath = try { Resolve-Path $ProxyPath -EA Stop } catch { $_.TargetObject }

  process {
    if ($TargetPath -is [IO.FileInfo] -or $TargetPath -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
      $TargetPath = $TargetPath.FullName
    if ([IO.Directory]::Exists($TargetPath)) {
      Get-ChildItem $TargetPath |
      Where-Object { $_.Extension -match "\.(exe|bat)$" } |
      ForEach-Object {
        Set-ProxyCommand $ProxyPath $_.FullName $Prepend $Async
    else {
      Set-ProxyCommand $ProxyPath $TargetPath $Prepend $Async

Shows information on proxy commands.
Shows information on proxy commands.
A directory or name of proxy commands.

function Show-ProxyCommand {
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]

  foreach ($p in $Path) {
    $files = Get-ChildItem $p | where { $_.Extension -match "\.(exe|bat)$" }
    foreach ($f in $files) {
      if ($f.Extension -match "\.exe$") {
        if (Test-Stream $f.FullName "TargetPath") {
          $t = Get-Content $f.FullName -Stream "TargetPath"

          $a = Test-Stream $f.FullName "Async"

          $pre = $null
          if (Test-Stream $f.FullName "Prepend") {
            $pre = Get-Content $f.FullName -Stream "Prepend"

            Name = $f
            TargetPath = $t
            Async = $a
            Prepend = $pre
      else {
        $contents = Get-Content -Total 5 $f.FullName
        try {
          if ($contents[2] -match $GUID) {
            $target = ([regex]'^rem target: (.+)$').Match($contents[3])
            $prepend = ([regex]'^rem prepend: (.+)$').Match($contents[4])
              Name = $f
              TargetPath = $target.Groups[1].Value
              Async = $false
              Prepend = $prepend.Groups[1].Value
          elseif ($contents[1] -match $GUID) {
            # Old format (for compatibility)
            $target = ([regex]'^"([^"]+)"').Match($contents[3])
              Name = $f.Name
              TargetPath = $target.Groups[1].Value
              Async = $false
              Prepend = $null
        catch {
          # Skip unknown batch files