Describe "Connect-SQLite" { BeforeAll { $conn = Connect-SQLite -Memory -Open } AfterAll { $conn.close() $conn.Dispose() Remove-Variable -name conn -Force } It "does not Throw" { {Connect-SQLite -Memory -Open} | Should Not Throw } Context "Memory object" { BeforeAll { $conn = Connect-SQLite -Memory -Open } AfterAll { $conn.close() $conn.Dispose() Remove-Variable -name conn -Force } It "creates a sqlite connection object" { $conn -is [System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection] | Should Be $true } It "has state 'Open'" { $conn.State | Should Be 'Open' } it "is connected to Memory database" { $conn.ConnectionString | Should Be "Data Source = :Memory:" } } Context "File object" { BeforeAll { $Location = Join-Path $TestDrive database.db $conn = Connect-SQLite -Database $Location -Open } AfterAll { $conn.close() $conn.Dispose() Remove-Variable -name conn -Force } It "creates a sqlite connection object" { $conn -is [System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection] | Should Be $true } It "has state 'Open'" { $conn.State | Should Be 'Open' } it "is connected to file database" { $conn.ConnectionString | Should Be "Data Source = $Location" } } } |