Function New-SQLiteTable { <# .SYNOPSIS Create new SQLite table based on InputObject. .DESCRIPTION Create new SQLite table based on InputObject: <Object> or <DataTable> .INPUTS System.Object or System.Data.DataTable .PARAMETER AllText Sets Column types to TEXT instead of original type ( truncates decimals this is a way to prevent this) in most cases SQLite is smart enough to process TEXT field with numeric values as such ( 1(TEXT) + 1(TEXT) = 2 and not "11") .PARAMETER Unique Sets Column as Unique in database. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SQLiteTable -conn <SQLiteConnection> -InputObject <Object> -Name <TableName> Create Sqlite Table from InputObject with Name: <TableName> .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SQLiteTable -conn <SQLiteConnection> -InputObject <Object> -Name <TableName> -Unique <Unique column> Create Sqlite Table from InputObject with Name: <TableName> with Column <Unique column> as Unique. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SQLiteTable -conn <SQLiteConnection> -InputObject <Object> -Name <TableName> -WhatIf Shows what Query would have been processed without really sending to database (Debug). .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Object | New-SQLiteTable -conn <SQLiteConnection> -Name <TableName> Create Sqlite Table from Pipeline with Name: <TableName> .NOTES Author: Proxx Web: Date: 10-06-2015 .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch] $AllText, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $InputObject=$null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$Name=$InputObject.TableName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection]$Connection=$null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][Array] $Unique=$null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch] $WhatIf, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch] $PassThru ) Begin { $x = $false $Cols = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder $dtExclude = @("RowError", "RowState", "Table", "ItemArray", "HasErrors") $First = $true [Boolean] $Exists = $False $State = $True if ((Read-SQLite -Connection $Connection -Query "select name from sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = '$name'").Name) { [Boolean] $Exists = $true } } Process { ForEach($Object in $InputObject) { if (!($Exists)) { if ($First) { ForEach($Property in $Object.PSObject.Get_Properties()) { if ($Object.GetType().Name -eq "DataRow") { if ($dtExclude -contains $Property.Name) { Continue }} if ($x) { [Void]$Cols.Append(", ") } [Void]$Cols.Append("``" + $Property.Name.ToString() + "`` ") if ($AllText) { $Type = "TEXT " } Else { $Type = Convert-SQLiteType -Type $Property.TypeNameOfValue } if ($Unique -contains $Property.Name.ToString()) { [Void]$Cols.Append($Type + " UNIQUE") } Else { [Void]$Cols.Append($Type) } $x = $true } $Query = 'CREATE TABLE "{0}" ({1});' -f $Name, $Cols.ToString() if ($WhatIf) { Return $Query } $Command = $Connection.CreateCommand() $Command.CommandText = $Query Try { [Void]$Command.ExecuteNonQuery() } Catch { $State = $false } } $First = $false } if ($PassThru) { Write-Output -NoEnumerate -InputObject $Object } else { Write-Output -InputObject $State } } } } |