Function Connect-SQLite { <# .SYNOPSIS Connect to SQLite Database file .DESCRIPTION Creates a SQLiteConnection Object. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Connect-SQLite .OUTPUTS <SQLiteConnection> .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $conn = Connect-SQLite -Database <FilePath> .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $conn = Connect-SQLite -Database <FilePath> -Open PS C:\> $conn PoolCount : 0 ConnectionString : Data Source = D:\database.db DataSource : database Database : main DefaultTimeout : 30 ParseViaFramework : False Flags : Default DefaultDbType : DefaultTypeName : OwnHandle : True ServerVersion : 3.8.6 LastInsertRowId : 0 Changes : 0 AutoCommit : True MemoryUsed : 69631 MemoryHighwater : 69673 State : Open ConnectionTimeout : 15 Site : Container : .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $conn = Connect-SQLite -Open When run in Script the database file is located in $PSscriptRoot with the name: database.db But if you run this from Console the database file is located in $pwd location .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $conn = Connect-SQLite -Database :MEMORY: (creates a SQLite database in memory) .NOTES Author: Proxx Web: Date: 10-06-2015 .LINK #> Param( [String] $Database=$null, [Switch] $Open ) if (!$Database) { if ($MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot) { $Database = Join-path -Path $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "database.db" } else { $Database = Join-path -Path $PWD.Path -ChildPath "database.db" } } else { if (!(Test-Path -Path $Database -PathType Leaf)) { Throw "you must specify a valid database path" } } $connStr = "Data Source = $database" $conn = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection -ArgumentList $connStr if ($Open) { $conn.Open() } Return $conn } |