
1. make time work better/differently
2. more presets
3. better help data

#region variables
#used to maintain whether they toggled title bar paths on or off so it can set back to a default UI path if they turn it off
$script:TiteleBar = $false

#region private functions
Function Prompt_Append_Helper
    param($promptText = "PowerShellRocks",
          $dbg = "[DBG]",
          $divider = "> ",

        $promptText = "$promptText🤘"
        $dbg = "🐜"

    ##write-host "DBG context: $psdebugcontext + global: $global:psdebugcontext" -ForegroundColor Green
    if ($nestedPromptLevel)
        $promptText = "$dbg $promptText"

    if ($ -eq "ServerRemoteHost")
        $promptText = "[$env:ComputerName] $promptText"

    $promptText + $divider


#region Public Functions

        Set-Prompt will replace your prompt function with a new one based on the text you choose.
        Set-Prompt will replace your prompt function with a new one based on the text you choose.
        Your prompt function is what PowerShell uses to determine what it should display to you in the console when showing you a new line.
        This maintains remoting functionality to show "[REMOTE MACHINE NAME]PromptText> " if you're doing interactive remoting.
    .PARAMETER PromptText
        This is the basic prompt text that you want to see on your console line. If you don't provide this then it will use the default "PowerShellRocks".
    .PARAMETER Divider
        This will control the text displayed between your prompt text and where you type in the console. By default it will use "> ". This is here for convenience to separate your prompt text, but you could always set it to "" and keep everything in the -promptText parameter.
        This controls the text pre-pended to your line when the debugger is active. If nothing is provided the default is "[DBG]".
    .PARAMETER Emoji
        If this switch is enabled, then it attaches an emoji rock-and-roll hand to your prompt text AND it replaces the debugger text with an emoji ant.
    .PARAMETER TitlebarPath
        If this switch is enabled, it will replace your host title bar with your working directory.
        If this switch is enabled, your time stamp pre-pends each line such as:
        "[12:00] PromptText> "
        Pipe input is not supported.
        Set-Prompt -promptText "YOUR TEXT" -emoji -TitlebarPath -Time
        [12:24] YOUR TEXT🤘>
        The script will use your input to generate the text for a function and then replace the prompt code with that text.

function Set-Prompt
        $promptText = "PowerShellRocks",
        $divider = "> ",
        $dbg = "[DBG]",
        [switch]$Time #TODO make this time thing work better. Do I put it before/after/inplace of prompt text?
    #Build the code for the new prompt, then set the code in the global prompt function
    $code = ""
        $code+='$host.ui.rawui.WindowTitle = (Get-Location)'
        $script:TiteleBar = $true
    elseif($script:TiteleBar)#if they previously had the title bar path and no longer do then it needs to change to a default
        $host.ui.rawui.WindowTitle = "PowerShell"

            $promptText = "`$((get-date).ToString('hh:mm')) $promptText"

    $code+="`nPrompt_Append_Helper -promptText `"$promptText`" -dbg '$dbg' -divider '$divider'"
    if($emoji){$code+=" -emoji"}

    set-content Function:\global:prompt -value $code

#TODO refactor and integrate as parameter set for Set-Prompt

        Select-Prompt lets you select from some pre-made prompts
        Select-Prompt lets you select from some pre-made prompts
    .PARAMETER selection
        This will have a limited set of accepted values to leverage pre-made prompts. Take a look at the examples or documentation to get more info on the existing ones.
        Pipe input is not supported.
        Select-Prompt -Selection "Emoji with Title Path"
        Select-Prompt -Selection "Rocks with Title Path"
        Select-Prompt -Selection "Simple Time with Title Path"
        03:26 >

function Select-Prompt
    param([ValidateSet("Simple Time with Title Path","Emoji with Title Path","Rocks with Title Path")] $selection)

        "Simple Time with Title Path"   {Set-Prompt -promptText "" -TitlebarPath -time}
        "Emoji with Title Path"         {Set-Prompt -promptText "💪🐚" -emoji -TitlebarPath}
        "Rocks with Title Path"         {Set-Prompt -TitlebarPath}

#Triggered on load to use default prompt
#TODO pick a more neutral one -- commented out -emoji due to weird rendering issue

<# was using this to test
function prompt {
    Prompt_Append_Helper -promptText "💪🐚"

###Set-Prompt -promptText "💪🐚" -TitlebarPath -emoji
Select-Prompt -selection 'Rocks with Title Path'