Returns information about Age and Gender of identified faces in a local Image. .DESCRIPTION Function returns Age and Gender of indentified faces in an Image, in addition if used with "-draw" switch it will draw the identified face rectangles on the local Image, depicting age and gender.And show you results in a GUI. NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Computer Vision API" before using the powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .EXAMPLE PS Root\> Get-AgeAndGender -Path .\group.jpg Age Gender FaceRectangle Image --- ------ ------------- ----- 41 Female @{left=40; top=70; width=49; height=49} group.jpg 24 Female @{left=231; top=123; width=47; height=47} group.jpg 35 Female @{left=161; top=98; width=47; height=47} group.jpg 30 Female @{left=307; top=88; width=45; height=45} group.jpg 38 Male @{left=127; top=43; width=42; height=42} group.jpg 37 Male @{left=238; top=42; width=37; height=37} group.jpg Passing an local image path to the cmdlet will return you the Age and gender of identified faces in the Image. .EXAMPLE PS Root\> Get-AgeAndGender -Path .\pic.jpg -Draw If you use '-Draw' switch with the cmdlet it will draw the face rectangle on the local Image, depicting age and gender.And show you results in a GUI. .EXAMPLE PS Root\> "C:\Users\prateesi\Documents\Data\Powershell\Scripts\group.jpg","C:\Users\prateesi\Documents\Data\Powershell\Scripts\profile.jpg" | Get-AgeAndGender Age Gender FaceRectangle Image --- ------ ------------- ----- 41 Female @{left=40; top=70; width=49; height=49} group.jpg 24 Female @{left=231; top=123; width=47; height=47} group.jpg 35 Female @{left=161; top=98; width=47; height=47} group.jpg 30 Female @{left=307; top=88; width=45; height=45} group.jpg 38 Male @{left=127; top=43; width=42; height=42} group.jpg 37 Male @{left=238; top=42; width=37; height=37} group.jpg 31 Male @{left=418; top=142; width=222; height=222} profile.jpg You can also pass multiple local images through pipeline to get the Age and gender information. #> Function Get-AgeAndGender { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, position=1)] [string] $Path, [Switch] $Draw ) Begin { Function DrawAgeAndGenderOnImage($Result) { #Calling the Assemblies [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") $Image = [System.Drawing.Image]::fromfile($Item) $Graphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($Image) Foreach($R in $Result) { #Individual Emotion score and rectangle dimensions of all Faces identified $Age = $R.Age $Gender = $R.Gender $FaceRect = $R.faceRectangle $LabelText = "$Age, $Gender" #Create a Rectangle object to box each Face $FaceRectangle = New-Object System.Drawing.Rectangle ($FaceRect.left,$,$FaceRect.width,$FaceRect.height) #Create a Rectangle object to Sit above the Face Rectangle and express the emotion $AgeGenderRectangle = New-Object System.Drawing.Rectangle ($FaceRect.left,($,$FaceRect.width,22) $Pen = New-Object System.Drawing.Pen ([System.Drawing.Brushes]::crimson,5) #Creating the Rectangles $Graphics.DrawRectangle($Pen,$FaceRectangle) $Graphics.DrawRectangle($Pen,$AgeGenderRectangle) $Region = New-Object System.Drawing.Region($AgeGenderRectangle) $Graphics.FillRegion([System.Drawing.Brushes]::Crimson,$Region) #Defining the Fonts for Emotion Name $FontSize = 14 $Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("lucida sans",$FontSize,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::bold) $TextWidth = ($Graphics.MeasureString($LabelText,$Font)).width $TextHeight = ($Graphics.MeasureString($LabelText,$Font)).Height #A While Loop to reduce the size of font until it fits in the Emotion Rectangle While(($Graphics.MeasureString($LabelText,$Font)).width -gt $AgeGenderRectangle.width -or ($Graphics.MeasureString($LabelText,$Font)).Height -gt $AgeGenderRectangle.height ) { $FontSize = $FontSize-1 $Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("lucida sans",$FontSize,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::bold) } #Inserting the Emotion Name in the EmotionRectabgle $Graphics.DrawString($LabelText,$Font,[System.Drawing.Brushes]::White,$AgeGenderRectangle.x,$AgeGenderRectangle.y) } #Define a Windows Form to insert the Image $Form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form $Form.BackColor = 'white' $Form.AutoSize = $true $Form.StartPosition = "CenterScreen" $Form.Text = "Get-AgeAndGender | Microsoft Project Oxford" $Form.Activate() #Create a PictureBox to place the Image $PictureBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox $PictureBox.Image = $Image $PictureBox.Height = 700 $PictureBox.Width = 600 $PictureBox.Sizemode = 'autosize' $PictureBox.BackgroundImageLayout = 'stretch' #Adding PictureBox to the Form $Form.Controls.Add($PictureBox) [void]$Form.ShowDialog() #Disposing Objects and Garbage Collection $Image.Dispose() $Pen.Dispose() $PictureBox.Dispose() $Graphics.Dispose() $Form.Dispose() [GC]::Collect() } If(!$env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key) { Throw "You need to Subscribe the API to get a key from API Subscription Page - `nThen save it as environment variable `$env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key= `"YOUR API KEY`" `n`n" } } Process { Foreach($item in $path) { $Item = (Get-Item $Item).versioninfo.filename $Splat = @{ Uri= "$env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key" Method = 'Post' InFile = $Item ContentType = 'application/octet-stream' Errorvariable = E } Try { If($Draw) { DrawAgeAndGenderOnImage ((Invoke-RestMethod @Splat).Faces) } Else { (Invoke-RestMethod @Splat).Faces | Select @{n='Age';e={$_.Age}},` @{n='Gender';e={$_.Gender}},` @{n='FaceRectangle';e={$_.FaceRectangle}},` @{n='Image';e={Split-path $item -Leaf}} } } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } end {} } <# .SYNOPSIS Cmdlet is capable to identify the Names and total numbers of Celebrities in a web hosted Image. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet is Using Microsoft cognitive service's "Computer Vision" API as a service to get the information needed by issuing an HTTP request to the API NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Computer Vision API" before using the powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .PARAMETER Url Image URL where you want to identify the Celebrities. .EXAMPLE PS Root\> Get-Celebrity -URL "" Celebrities Count URL ----------- ----- --- {David Schwimmer, Matthew Perry, Jennifer Aniston} 3 In above example, Function identifies all celebrities in the web hosted image and their head count. Then returns the Information like, Celebrity name, Count and URL searched. .EXAMPLE PS Root\> $URLs = "", "","", "Http://", "" $URLs | Get-Celebrity |ft * -AutoSize Celebrities Count URL ----------- ----- --- {Bradley Cooper, Ellen DeGeneres, Jennifer Lawrence} 3 Satya Nadella 1 {David Schwimmer, Matthew Perry, Jennifer Aniston} 3 David Schwimmer 1 {David Schwimmer, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry, Matt LeBlanc...} 5 You can also, pass multiple URL's to the cmdlet as it accepts the Pipeline input and will return the results. .NOTES Author: Prateek Singh - @SinghPrateik #> Function Get-Celebrity { [CmdletBinding()] Param( #[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] #[String] $Path, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [String] $URL ) Begin { If(!$env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key) { Throw "You need to Subscribe the API to get a key from API Subscription Page - `nThen save it as environment variable `$env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key= `"YOUR API KEY`" `n`n" } } Process { Foreach($Item in $URL) { Try { $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" ` -Method 'Post' ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Body $(@{"URL"= $Url} | ConvertTo-Json) ` -Headers @{'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key } ` -ErrorVariable E $Celebs = $ ''|select @{n='Celebrities';e={$Celebs}}, @{n='Count';e={$Celebs.count}}, @{n='URL';e={$URL}} } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } End { } } <# .SYNOPSIS Cmdlet is capable to detect the Emotion on the Faces identified in an Image on local machine. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet is Using Microsoft cognitive service's "Emotion" API as a service to get the information needed by issuing an HTTP request to the API NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Emotion API" before using the powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:$env:MS_Emotion_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .PARAMETER ImagePath Image path on the local machine on which you want to identify emotion .PARAMETER Draw Choose this switch to draw rectangle around facees denoting emotion on the image. .EXAMPLE PS Root\> Get-Emotion -ImagePath C:\2.jpg Face : @{height=369; left=503; top=256; width=369} Anger : 0.00 Contempt : 0.01 Disgust : 0.00 Fear : 0.00 Happiness : 0.81 Sadness : 0.00 Surprise : 0.00 Face : @{height=295; left=94; top=189; width=295} Anger : 0.00 Contempt : 0.00 Disgust : 0.00 Fear : 0.00 Happiness : 1.00 Sadness : 0.00 Surprise : 0.00 In above example, Function identifies all Face Rectangle in the Image and returns the Emotion scores (0 to 1) on each and every face. .EXAMPLE PS Root\> Get-Emotion -ImagePath C:\2.jpg -Draw You can use '-Draw' switch and to draw a Rectangle around each face in the image denoting the emotion name, like Happiness, Anger, contempt. .NOTES Author: Prateek Singh - @SinghPrateik #> Function Get-Emotion { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string] $Path, [Switch] $Draw ) Begin { Function DrawEmotionOnImage($Result) { #Calling the Assemblies [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("") [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") $Image = [System.Drawing.Image]::fromfile($Item) $Graphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($Image) Foreach($R in $Result) { #Individual Emotion score and rectangel dimensions of all Faces identified $Scores = $R.scores $FaceRect = $R.faceRectangle #Emotion Objects $Anger = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name='Anger';Value=[decimal]($Scores.anger);BGColor='Black';FGColor='White'} $Contempt = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name='Contempt';Value=[decimal]($Scores.contempt);BGColor='Cyan';FGColor='Black'} $Disgust = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name='Disgust';Value=[decimal]($Scores.disgust);BGColor='hotpink';FGColor='Black'} $Fear = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name='Fear';Value=[decimal]($Scores.fear);BGColor='teal';FGColor='White'} $Happiness = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name='Happiness';Value=[decimal]($Scores.happiness);BGColor='Green';FGColor='White'} $Neutral = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name='Neutral';Value=[decimal]($Scores.neutral);BGColor='navy';FGColor='White'} $Sadness = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name='Sadness';Value=[decimal]($Scores.sadness);BGColor='maroon';FGColor='white'} $Surprise = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name='Surprise';Value=[decimal]($Scores.surprise);BGColor='Crimson';FGColor='White'} #Most Significant Emotion = Highest Decimal Value in all Emotion objects $StrongestEmotion = ($Anger,$Contempt,$Disgust,$Fear,$Happiness,$Neutral,$Sadness,$Surprise|sort -Property Value -Descending)[0] #Create a Rectangle object to box each Face $FaceRectangle = New-Object System.Drawing.Rectangle ($FaceRect.left,$,$FaceRect.width,$FaceRect.height) #Create a Rectangle object to Sit above the Face Rectangle and express the emotion $EmotionRectangle = New-Object System.Drawing.Rectangle ($FaceRect.left,($,$FaceRect.width,22) $Pen = New-Object System.Drawing.Pen ([System.Drawing.Brushes]::$($StrongestEmotion.BGColor),3) #Creating the Rectangles $Graphics.DrawRectangle($Pen,$FaceRectangle) $Graphics.DrawRectangle($Pen,$EmotionRectangle) $Region = New-Object System.Drawing.Region($EmotionRectangle) $Graphics.FillRegion([System.Drawing.Brushes]::$($StrongestEmotion.BGColor),$Region) #Defining the Fonts for Emotion Name $FontSize = 14 $Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("lucida sans",$FontSize,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::bold) $TextWidth = ($Graphics.MeasureString($,$Font)).width $TextHeight = ($Graphics.MeasureString($,$Font)).Height #A While Loop to reduce the size of font until it fits in the Emotion Rectangle While(($Graphics.MeasureString($,$Font)).width -gt $EmotionRectangle.width -or ($Graphics.MeasureString($,$Font)).Height -gt $EmotionRectangle.height ) { $FontSize = $FontSize-1 $Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("lucida sans",$FontSize,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::bold) } #Inserting the Emotion Name in the EmotionRectabgle $Graphics.DrawString($StrongestEmotion.Name,$Font,[System.Drawing.Brushes]::$($StrongestEmotion.FGcolor),$EmotionRectangle.x,$EmotionRectangle.y) } #Define a Windows Form to insert the Image $Form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form $Form.BackColor = 'white' $Form.AutoSize = $true $Form.MinimizeBox = $False $Form.MaximizeBox = $False $Form.WindowState = "Normal" $Form.StartPosition = "CenterScreen" $Form.Name = "Get-Emotion | Microsoft Project Oxford" #Create a PictureBox to place the Image $PictureBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox $PictureBox.Image = $Image $PictureBox.Height = 700 $PictureBox.Width = 600 $PictureBox.Sizemode = 'autosize' $PictureBox.BackgroundImageLayout = 'stretch' #Adding PictureBox to the Form $Form.Controls.Add($PictureBox) #Making Form Visible [void]$Form.ShowDialog() #Disposing Objects and Garbage Collection $Image.Dispose() $Pen.Dispose() $PictureBox.Dispose() $Graphics.Dispose() $Form.Dispose() [GC]::Collect() } If(!$env:MS_Emotion_API_key) { Throw "You need to Subscribe the API to get a key from API Subscription Page - `nThen save it as environment variable `$env:MS_Emotion_API_key= `"YOUR API KEY`" `n`n" } } Process { Foreach($item in $path) { $Item = (Get-Item $Item).versioninfo.filename $Splat = @{ Uri= "$env:MS_Emotion_API_key" Method = 'Post' InFile = $Item ContentType = 'application/octet-stream' ErrorVariable = E } Try{ If($Draw) { DrawEmotionOnImage (Invoke-RestMethod @Splat) } Else { $result = Invoke-RestMethod @Splat Foreach($r in $result) { ''| Select @{n='Face';e={$r.FaceRectangle}}, ` @{n='Anger';e={"{0:N2}" -f [Decimal]$r.scores.anger}},` @{n='Contempt';e={"{0:N2}" -f [Decimal]$r.scores.contempt}},` @{n='Disgust';e={"{0:N2}" -f [Decimal]$r.scores.disgust}},` @{n='Fear';e={"{0:N2}" -f [Decimal]$r.scores.fear}},` @{n='Happiness';e={"{0:N2}" -f [Decimal]$r.scores.happiness}},` @{n='Sadness';e={"{0:N2}" -f [Decimal]$r.scores.sadness}},` @{n='Surprise';e={"{0:N2}" -f [Decimal]$r.scores.Surprise}},` @{n='Image';e={Split-Path $item -Leaf}} } } } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Recognize a named-entity from given text and aligning a textual mention of the entity to an appropriate entry in a knowledge base. .DESCRIPTION Identifies and Maps named entities to appropriate knowledge base articles using Microsoft cognitive service's "Entity linking" API. NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Entity linking API" before using the powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:MS_EntityLink_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .PARAMETER String String to search for named entities. .EXAMPLE PS Root\> Get-EntityLink -String "NASA sends space shuttles to ISS" Name Match MatchIndices Wiki Link ---- ----- ------------ --------- NASA NASA (0,3) International Space Station ISS (29,31) In above example, I passed an string to cmdlet in order to link some word entities to wikipedia pages/articles .EXAMPLE PS Root\> "Bill gates invented Windows operating system " | Get-EntityLink Name Match MatchIndices Wiki Link ---- ----- ------------ --------- Bill Gates Bill gates (0,9) Microsoft Windows Windows operating system (20,43) You can also pass string from pipeline as the cmdlet accpets input from pipeline .EXAMPLE PS Root\> Get-Content File.txt | Out-String | Get-EntityLink Name Match MatchIndices Wiki Link ---- ----- ------------ --------- Windows PowerShell {PowerShell, PS} {(0,1), (37,38), (403,404), (1267,1268)...} Microsoft Microsoft (101,109) Flow Java ToString (3058,3065) UTF-8 Unicode/UTF-8 (3288,3300) Convert content of a file to string and pipe to generate Entity links for the whole Document. .NOTES Author: Prateek Singh - @SinghPrateik #> Function Get-EntityLink { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeline=$True, position =0)] [String] $String ) Begin { If(!$env:MS_EntityLink_API_key) { Throw "You need to Subscribe the API to get a key from API Subscription Page - `nThen save it as environment variable `$env:MS_EntityLink_API_key= `"YOUR API KEY`" `n`n" } } Process { Foreach($s in $String) { Try { $body=$S $Results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" ` -Method 'POST' ` -ContentType 'text/plain' ` -Headers @{'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $env:MS_EntityLink_API_key } ` -Body $body ` -ErrorVariable E $Results.entities| ?{$_.score -gt 0.5} | select @{n="Name";e={$}},` @{n='Match';e={$_.matches.text}}, ` @{n='MatchIndices';e={Foreach($offset in $_.matches.Entries.offset){"($Offset,$($offset+($_.matches.text).length-1))"}}}, ` @{n='Wiki Link';e={"$(($_.wikipediaId).replace(" ",'_'))"}} } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } End { } } <# .Synopsis Returns information about visual content found in web hosted images. .DESCRIPTION Function returns variety of information about visual content found in an image, like Color schemes, Face rectangles, Tags, caption (Small description of Image), head couts, Age & gender of people in Image, celebrity identification and much much more. NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Computer Vision API" before using the powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .EXAMPLE PS Root\> "" | Get-ImageAnalysis Tags : {person, man, glasses, cellphone...} Caption : Satya Nadella with glasses holding a cell phone PeopleCount : 1 Faces : @{age=44; gender=Male; faceRectangle=} IsBlackAndWhite : False ForegroundColor : Blue BackgroundColor : Blue ProminentColors : {Blue, White} URL : Passing an image URL through pipeline to the cmdlet will return you the image analysis information .EXAMPLE PS Root\> ("" |Get-ImageAnalysis).faces age gender faceRectangle --- ------ ------------- 31 Male @{left=902; top=394; width=159; height=159} 28 Female @{left=300; top=531; width=144; height=144} 31 Male @{left=478; top=316; width=137; height=137} 27 Male @{left=1254; top=254; width=133; height=133} 29 Female @{left=1486; top=456; width=131; height=131} 32 Female @{left=685; top=121; width=129; height=129} In above example I selected the 'Faces' property of the result and it returned all Identified faces, their Age and gender. #> Function Get-ImageAnalysis { [CmdletBinding()] Param( #[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] #[String] $Path, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [String] $URL ) Begin { If(!$env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key) { Throw "You need to Subscribe the API to get a key from API Subscription Page - `nThen save it as environment variable `$env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key= `"YOUR API KEY`" `n`n" } } Process { ForEach($item in $URL) { Try { $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ",tags,faces,Color&details=Celebrities" ` -Method 'Post' ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Body $(@{"URL"=$item} | ConvertTo-Json) ` -Headers @{'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key} ` -ErrorVariable E $tags=($result.tags| ?{$_.confidence -gt 0.5}).Name $Caption = ($result.description.captions|sort confidence -Descending)[0].text $Faces = $result.faces $PeopleCount = $result.faces.Count $Color = $result.color ''|select @{n='Tags';e={$Tags}}, @{n='Caption';e={$Caption}},` @{n='HeadCount';e={$PeopleCount}},@{n='Faces';e={$Faces}},` @{n='IsBlackAndWhite';e={$Color.isBWImg}}, @{n='ForegroundColor';e={$Color.dominantColorForeground}}, @{n='BackgroundColor';e={$Color.dominantColorBackground}}, @{n='ProminentColors';e={$Color.dominantColors}},` @{n='URL';e={$Item}} } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } End { } } <# .SYNOPSIS Cmdlet is capable in extracting text from the web hosted Images. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet is Using Microsoft cognitive service's "Computer Vision" API as a service to extract text from the web hosted images by issuing an HTTP calls to the API. NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Computer Vision API" before using the powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .PARAMETER Url Image URL from where you want to extract the text. .EXAMPLE PS Root\> "" | Get-ImageText LineNumber LanguageCode Sentence ---------- ------------ -------- 1 en I NEVER DREAMED 2 en ABOUT SUCCESS. 3 en I WORKED FOR IT. 4 en -Edtée Zaudet In above example, Function extract the text from the URL passed returns you the sentences and Identified language .EXAMPLE $URLs = "","" $URLs | Get-ImageText LineNumber LanguageCode Sentence URL ---------- ------------ -------- --- 1 en I NEVER DREAMED 2 en ABOUT SUCCESS. 3 en I WORKED FOR IT. 4 en -Edtée Zaudet 1 en STOP HATING 2 en YOURSELF FOR 3 en EVERYTHING YOU 4 en AREN'T AND START 5 en LOVING YOURSELF 6 en FOR EVERYTHING 7 en YOU ALREADY ARE. 8 en RECOVERYEXPERTS.COM You can also, pass multiple URL's to the cmdlet as it accepts the Pipeline input and will return the results. .NOTES Author: Prateek Singh - @SinghPrateik #> Function Get-ImageText { [CmdletBinding()] Param( #[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] #[String] $Path, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [String] $URL ) Begin { If(!$env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key) { Throw "You need to Subscribe the API to get a key from API Subscription Page - `nThen save it as environment variable `$env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key= `"YOUR API KEY`" `n`n" } } Process{ $SplatInput = @{ Uri= "" Method = 'Post' #InFile = $Path ContentType = 'application/json' ErrorVariable = E } $Headers = @{ # Your Secret Subscription Key goes here. 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key } If($URL) { $Body = @{"URL"= "$URL"} | ConvertTo-Json } Try{ $Data = Invoke-RestMethod @SplatInput -Body $Body -Headers $Headers -ErrorVariable E $Language = $Data.Language $i=0; foreach($D in $Data.regions.lines){ $i=$i+1;$s=''; ''|select @{n='LineNumber';e={$i}},@{n='LanguageCode';e={$Language}},@{n='Sentence';e={$D.words.text |%{$s=$s+"$_ "};$s}},@{n='URL';e={$URL}} } } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Recognize Key phrases in a given text or string. .DESCRIPTION Identifies Key phrases in a given text/string using Microsoft cognitive service's "Text Analytics" API. NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Text Analytics API." before using the powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:MS_TextAnalytics_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .PARAMETER String String to search for named entities. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-KeyPhrase -String "my name is prateek and I live in New Delhi" New Delhi prateek In above example, I passed an string to cmdlet in order to get the key phrases. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> "my name is prateek and I live in New Delhi", "I was born in Ayodhya" | Get-KeyPhrase New Delhi prateek Ayodhya You can also pass string from pipeline as the cmdlet accpets input from pipeline .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-Content C:\Data\File.txt | Out-String | Get-KeyPhrase clients confident making important business decisions Computer Vision API data information reliability Convert content of a file to string and pipe to generate Key Phrases for the whole Document. .NOTES Author: Prateek Singh - @SinghPrateik #> Function Get-KeyPhrase { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeline=$True, position =0)] [String] $String ) Begin { If(!$env:MS_TextAnalytics_API_key) { Throw "You need to Subscribe the API to get a key from API Subscription Page - `nThen save it as environment variable `$env:MS_TextAnalytics_API_key= `"YOUR API KEY`" `n`n" } } Process { Foreach($s in $String) { Try { $body=$S $Results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" ` -Method 'POST' ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Headers @{'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $env:MS_TextAnalytics_API_key } ` -Body (@{"documents" = [Object[]] [ordered]@{"language"= "en"; "id"= "1";"text"= $s} } |ConvertTo-Json) ` -ErrorVariable E $Results.documents.keyPhrases } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } End { } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get News from different categories .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns NEWS items depending upon the catogoris you provide as a parameter, for which it employs Microsoft cognitive service's "Bing Search" API, by issuing an HTTP GET request to the API NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Bing search API" before using the powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:MS_BingSearch_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .PARAMETER Category Mention the NEWS category like - Sports, Politics or Entertainment .PARAMETER HeadlinesOnly Choose this switch if you want only headlines to be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-News -Category "sports" | sort publisheddate | select -First 1 Topic : Roger Federer ready to put ‘one stupid move’ behind him ahead of Wimbledon Description : All it took was “one stupid move†for Roger Federer’s season to fall into an abyss. For much of his career, the seven-times Wimbledon champion had been blessed with a body that seemed bullet-proof against the aches, pains and injuries suffered by ... About : {Roger Federer, Wimbledon} Category : Sports NewsProvider : The Indian Express Headline : False PublishedDate : 6/25/2016 7:04:00 PM URL :,5036.1 In above example, I queried news under "Sports" category and sorted it according to published date to get the latest news. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-News -HeadlinesOnly |select -First 2 Topic : Britain votes to leave EU, Cameron quits, markets rocked | Reuters Description : LONDON Britain has voted to leave the European Union, forcing the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron and dealing the biggest blow since World War Two to the European project of forging greater unity. Global stock markets plunged on Friday, and the ... About : {David Cameron, European Union, United Kingdom} Category : World NewsProvider : Firstpost Headline : True PublishedDate : 6/25/2016 7:35:00 PM URL :,5030.1 Topic : At Least 14 Killed In Hotel Attack In Somalia's Capital Description : Mogadishu, Somalia: At least 14 people were killed when gunmen stormed a hotel in Somalia's seaside capital and took an unknown number of hotel guests hostage, police and medical workers said on Saturday, before security forces hunted down the attackers ... About : {Somalia, Capital} Category : World NewsProvider : NDTV Headline : True PublishedDate : 6/25/2016 7:31:00 PM URL :,5035.1 You can choose '-HeadlinesOnly' switch to only get the NEWS in headlines under all categories. .NOTES Author: Prateek Singh - @SinghPrateik #> Function Get-News { [CmdletBinding()] Param( #[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] #[String] $Path, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, position =0)] [String] $Category, [Switch] $HeadlinesOnly ) Begin { If(!$env:MS_BingSearch_API_key) { Throw "You need to Subscribe the API to get a key from API Subscription Page - `nThen save it as environment variable `$env:MS_BingSearch_API_key= `"YOUR API KEY`" `n`n" } } Process { Foreach($C in $Category) { Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$C" ` -Method 'GET' ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Headers @{'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $env:MS_BingSearch_API_key } ` -ErrorVariable E Write-Verbose "Total of $($Result.webPages.totalEstimatedMatches) keyword matches." $news = $Result.value | select @{n="Topic";e={$}},@{n='Description';e={$_.Description}}, @{n='About';e={$}},@{n='Category';e={$_.category}}, @{n='NewsProvider';e={$}}, @{n='Headline';e={if($_.headline){$True}else{$false}}},@{n='PublishedDate';e={[datetime]$_.datePublished}} ,@{n='URL';e={$_.url}} If($HeadlinesOnly) { $news | ?{$_.headline -eq "true"} } else { $news } } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } End { } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get Sentiment in an input string .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet utlizes Microsoft cognitive service's "Bing Search" API to know the sentiment of the string. NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Bing search API" before using the powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:MS_TextAnalytics_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .PARAMETER Category Mention the NEWS category like - Sports, Politics or Entertainment .PARAMETER HeadlinesOnly Choose this switch if you want only headlines to be returned. .EXAMPLE PS Root\> Get-Sentiment -String "Hello Prateek, how are you?" String Positive % Negative % OverallSentiment ------ ---------- ---------- ---------------- Hello Prateek, how are you? 93.37 6.63 Positive In above example, I passed an string to cmdlet in order to get the Sentiment of the string. .EXAMPLE PS Root\> "howdy","what the hell","damn" | Get-Sentiment String Positive % Negative % OverallSentiment ------ ---------- ---------- ---------------- howdy 99.12 0.88 Positive what the hell 23.91 76.09 Negative damn 0.80 99.20 Negative You can also pass multiple strings as an argument through pipeline to the cmdlet to get the sentiment analysis .NOTES Author: Prateek Singh - @SinghPrateik #> Function Get-Sentiment { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeline=$True, position =0)] [String] $String ) Begin { If(!$env:MS_TextAnalytics_API_key) { Throw "You need to Subscribe the API to get a key from API Subscription Page - `nThen save it as environment variable `$env:MS_TextAnalytics_API_key= `"YOUR API KEY`" `n`n" } } Process { Foreach($s in $String) { Try { $Results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" ` -Method 'POST' ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Headers @{'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $env:MS_TextAnalytics_API_key } ` -Body (@{"documents" = [Object[]]@{"language"= "en"; "id"= "1";"text"= $s} } |ConvertTo-Json)` -ErrorVariable E $sentiment = "{0:n2}" -f ($Results.documents.score *100) '' | select @{n="String";e={$s}},@{n='Positive %';e={$sentiment}}, @{n='Negative %';e={"{0:n2}" -f (100 - $sentiment)}},@{n='OverallSentiment';e={if($sentiment -gt 50){"Positive"}elseif($sentiment -eq 50){"Neutral"}else{"Negative"}}} } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } End { } } <#.Synopsis Identify and Rectify spelling mistakes in an input String .DESCRIPTION Identify spelling mistakes and repeated token in a string and suggests possible combination of correct spellings, able to identify Nouns in the string and converts first alphabet in Uppercase. Cmdlet is Using Microsoft cognitive service's "Spell Check" API as a service to get the information needed by making HTTP calls to the API NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Spell Check API" before using the powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:MS_SpellCheck_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .EXAMPLE Hello world .EXAMPLE PS D:\> "owershell is is fun" | Invoke-SpellCheck -ShowErrors |ft -AutoSize ErrorToken Type Suggestions ---------- ---- ----------- owershell UnknownToken powershell is RepeatedToken DESCRIPTION ----------- When Invoke-SpellCheck function is used with -ShowErrors switch, it identifies unknown tokens (mistakes), repeated token in the string and displays Suggestions. .EXAMPLE PS D:\> "thes is the the graet wall of china" |Invoke-SpellCheck this is the great wall of China the is the great wall of China DESCRIPTION ----------- Using the Suggestion function generates all possible combination of sentences. .EXAMPLE PS D:\> "b!ll g@tes" |Invoke-SpellCheck -RemoveSpecialChars Bill Gates DESCRIPTION ----------- When Invoke-SpellCheck function is used with -RemoveSpecialChars switch, it removes all special character fomr the input string and rectifies the spelling mistakes. #> Function Invoke-SpellCheck { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [String] $String, [Switch] $ShowErrors, [Switch] $RemoveSpecialChars ) Begin { # Function to Remove special character s and punctuations from Input string Function Remove-SpecialChars($Str) { Foreach($Char in [Char[]]"!@#$%^&*(){}|\/?><,.][+=-_"){$str=$str.replace("$Char",'')}; Return $str} } Process{ If($RemoveSpecialChars){ $String = Clean-String $String } Foreach($S in $String) { $SplatInput = @{ Uri= "" Method = 'Post' } $Headers = @{'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $env:MS_SpellCheck_API_key} $body = @{'text'= $s} Try{ $SpellingErrors = (Invoke-RestMethod @SplatInput -Headers $Headers -Body $body -ErrorVariable E).flaggedTokens $OutString = $String # Make a copy of string to replace the errorswith suggestions. If($SpellingErrors) # If Errors are Found { # Nested Foreach to generate the Rectified string Post Spell-Check Foreach($E in $spellingErrors){ If($E.Type -eq 'UnknownToken') # If an unknown word identified, replace it with the respective sugeestion from the API results { $OutString= Foreach($s in $E.suggestions.suggestion) { $OutString -replace $E.token, $s } } ElseIf($E.Type -eq 'RepeatedToken') # If REPEATED WORDS then replace the set by an instance of repetition { $OutString = $OutString -replace "$($E.Token) $($E.Token) ", "$($E.Token) " } } # InCase ShowErrors switch is ON If($ShowErrors -eq $true) { return $SpellingErrors |select @{n='ErrorToken';e={$_.Token}},@{n='Type';e={$_.Type}}, @{n='Suggestions';e={($_.suggestions).suggestion|?{$_ -ne $null}}} } Else # Else return the spell checked string { Return $OutString } } else # When No error is found in the input string { Return "No errors found in the String." } } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } End { } } <# .SYNOPSIS Bing search based on query. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns Bing web search results Using Microsoft cognitive service's "Bing Search" API, by issuing an HTTP GET request to the API NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Bing search API" before using the powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:MS_BingSearch_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .PARAMETER Query String you want to search on Bing .PARAMETER Count Number of results you want Bing Search to return .PARAMETER SafeSearch Safe search to avoid adult content to be returned from Bing search, default value is set to 'Moderate' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Search-Bing -Query "Bill Gates" -Count 2 Query : Bill Gates Result : Bill Gates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia URL : Snippet : William Henry "Bill" Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate, entrepreneur, philanthropist, investor, and programmer. In 1975, Gates and Paul Allen co-founded Microsoft, which became the world's largest PC software company. DateLastCrawled : 2016-06-24 Query : Bill Gates Result : Bill Gates - URL : Snippet : tracks the life and career of Bill Gates, from his early interest in computer programming to his place as founder of Microsoft, the world's largest software business. DateLastCrawled : 2016-06-20 In above example, I ran a bing search on "Bill gates" and chose to return only 2 matching results values. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Search-Bing -Query "Bill Gates" -Count 1 -SafeSearch Strict Query : Bill Gates Result : Bill Gates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia URL : Snippet : William Henry "Bill" Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate, entrepreneur, philanthropist, investor, and programmer. In 1975, Gates and Paul Allen co-founded Microsoft, which became the world's largest PC software company. DateLastCrawled : 2016-06-24 You can choose different modes (Strict, Moderate, Off) in '-SafeSearch' to make sure no adult content is returned from the Bing Search .NOTES Author: Prateek Singh - @SinghPrateik #> Function Search-Bing { [CmdletBinding()] Param( #[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] #[String] $Path, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, position =0, mandatory=$true )] [String] $Query, [Parameter(position =1)] [int] $Count = 10, [Validateset('Strict', 'Moderate', 'Off')][String] $SafeSearch = 'Moderate' ) Begin { If(!$env:MS_BingSearch_API_key) { Throw "You need to Subscribe the API to get a key from API Subscription Page - `nThen save it as environment variable `$env:MS_BingSearch_API_key= `"YOUR API KEY`" `n`n" } } Process { Foreach($Q in $Query) { $Item = ($Q.trim()).Replace(' ','+') Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$Item&count=$Count&SafeSearch=$SafeSearch" ` -Method 'GET' ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Headers @{'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $env:MS_BingSearch_API_key } ` -ErrorVariable E ` Write-Verbose "Total of $($Result.webPages.totalEstimatedMatches) keyword matches." $Result.webPages.value | select @{n="Query";e={$q}},@{n='Result';e={$}}, @{n='URL';e={$_.displayURL}}, @{n='Snippet';e={$_.snippet}}, @{n='DateLastCrawled';e={($_.dateLastCrawled).split('T')[0]}} } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } End { } } <#.Synopsis Cmdlet is capable of inserting spaces in words that lack spaces. .DESCRIPTION Insert spaces into a string of words lacking spaces, like a hashtag or part of a URL. Punctuation or exotic characters can prevent a string from being broken. So it's best to limit input strings to lower-case, alpha-numeric characters. NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Web language Model API (WebLM)" before using this powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:MS_WebLM_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .EXAMPLE PS Root\> "ilovepowershell", "Helloworld" | Split-IntoWords Original Formatted -------- --------- ilovepowershell i love powershell Helloworld hello world #> Function Split-IntoWords { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string] $String ) Begin { Function Clean-String($Str) { Foreach($Char in [Char[]]"!@#$%^&*(){}|\/?><,.][+=-_"){$str=$str.replace("$Char",'')} Return $str } If(!$Env:MS_WebLM_API_KEy) { Throw "You need to Subscribe the API to get a key from API Subscription Page - `nThen save it as environment variable `$env:MS_WebLM_API_key = `"YOUR API KEY`" `n`n" } } Process{ Foreach($S in (Clean-String $String)) { $SplatInput = @{ Uri= "$S&maxNumOfCandidatesReturned=5" Method = 'Post' } $Headers = @{ 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $Env:MS_WebLM_API_KEy } Try { $Data = Invoke-RestMethod @SplatInput -Headers $Headers -ErrorVariable E Return new-object psobject -Property @{ Original=$String; Formatted =($data.candidates |select words, Probability|sort -Descending)[0].words }|select Original, Formatted } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } } <#.Synopsis Get Adult and Racy score of an Web hosted Images. .DESCRIPTION Function identifies any adult or racy content on a web hosted Image and flags them with a Boolean value [$true/$false] NOTE : You need to subscribe the "Computer Vision API" before using the powershell script from the following link and setup an environment variable like, $env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key = "YOUR API KEY" API Subscription Page - .EXAMPLE PS Root\> "" | Test-AdultContent isAdultContent isRacyContent URL -------------- ------------- --- False False pass the Image URL to the function through a pipeline to get the results. .EXAMPLE PS Root\> (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'http:\\' -UseBasicParsing).images.src | Test-AdultContent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |ft -AutoSize isAdultContent isRacyContent URL -------------- ------------- --- False False False False False False False False False False You can also pass a series of Image URL's to the Cmdlet, like in the above example I passed it Image URL's of all images from my Blog homepage. Please note that, API has a limitation of 20 requests per min, so you may see errors after the limitation is breached #> Function Test-AdultContent { [CmdletBinding()] Param( #[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] #[String] $Path, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [String] $URL ) Begin { If(!$env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key) { Throw "You need to Subscribe the API to get a key from API Subscription Page - `nThen save it as environment variable `$env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key= `"YOUR API KEY`" `n`n" } } Process { Foreach($Item in $URL) { Try { $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" ` -Method 'Post' ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Body $(@{"URL"= $URL} | ConvertTo-Json) ` -Headers @{'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $env:MS_ComputerVision_API_key} ` -ErrorVariable E $ | select IsAdultContent, isRacyContent, @{n='URL';e={$Item}} } Catch { $Message = ($E.errorrecord.ErrorDetails.message|Out-String|ConvertFrom-Json).message $category = $E.errorrecord.categoryInfo Write-Error -Exception ($E.errorrecord.Exception) ` -Message $message ` -Category $category.category ` -CategoryActivity $category.Activity ` -CategoryReason $category.Reason ` -TargetName $category.TargetName ` -TargetType $category.TargetType ` -RecommendedAction ($E.errorrecord.errordetails.RecommendedAction) ` -ErrorId $E.errorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId } } } End { } } |