function New-RepoDemo{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Name, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Owner, [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Repo ) process { $env = Get-Environment -Name $Name -Owner $Owner $repoWithOwner = "{0}/{1}" -f $env.Owner,$Repo "Creating repo [$repoWithOwner] with topic [$RepoTopic]" | Write-Verbose $commad = 'gh repo create {repowithowner} --add-readme --public --description "Repo part of Project Demo"' $commad = $commad -replace "{repowithowner}",$repoWithOwner $commad | Write-Verbose $result = Invoke-Expression $commad $result Add-TopicToRepo -RepoWithOwner $repoWithOwner -Topic $env.FixedTopic Add-TopicToRepo -RepoWithOwner $repoWithOwner -Topic $env.RepoTopic } } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-RepoDemo function Add-TopicToRepo{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipeline)][string]$RepoWithOwner, [Parameter(Position=1)][string]$Topic ) "Adding topic [$Topic] to repo [$RepoWithOwner]" | Write-Verbose # add topic for easy find $command = 'gh repo edit {repowithowner} --add-topic "{topic}"' $command = $command -replace "{repowithowner}",$RepoWithOwner $command = $command -replace "{topic}",$Topic $command | Write-Verbose $result = Invoke-Expression $command $result } function Add-IssuesToRepo{ param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Repo, [Parameter()][string]$Owner, [Parameter(Position=1)][int]$Amount ) $owner = Get-EnvironmentOwner -Owner $Owner $repoWithOwner = "{0}/{1}" -f $owner,$Repo if(-not (Test-Repo -RepoWithOwner $repoWithOwner)){ Write-Error "Repo [$repoWithOwner] does not exist. Can not add issues" return } # Add issues to repo 1..$Amount | ForEach-Object{ # 1..1 | ForEach-Object{ $randomId = (New-Guid).Guid.Substring(0,8) "$_. Creating Issue $($randomId) for repo [$repoWithOwner]" | Write-MyVerbose "[New-RepoDemo] gh issue create --title `"Issue $($randomId)`" --body `"Series $_ of demo issues for the Front repo`" -R $repoFulName" | Write-Verbose $result = gh issue create --title "Issue $($randomId)" --body "Series $_ of demo issues for the Front repo" -R $repoWithOwner $result | Write-MyVerbose } "End ading issues to repo [$repoWithOwner]" | Write-MyVerbose -NewLine } Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-IssuesToRepo |