<# .SYNOPSIS This function updates PowerShellGet and PackageManagement Powershell Modules to the latest available versions. IMPORTANT NOTE: If the Modules are update, their respective cmdlets MIGHT be broken until you start a new PowerShell Session, so it is recommended that you start a new PowerShell Session after the Modules are updated just to be certain that the cmdlets work as intended. .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER AddChocolateyPackageProvider This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter is a switch. If it is used, the Chocolatey Package Provider will be added and trusted by default. .PARAMETER InstallNuGetCmdLine This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter is a switch. If it is used, the Nuget.CmdLine package will be installed (i.e. nuget.exe). .PARAMETER LoadUpdatedModulesInSameSession This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter is a switch. If used, if the PowerShellGet/PackageManagement Modules are updated, the updated Modules will be reloaded in the same PowerShell Session. This will break several cmdlets, so using this parameter not recommended unless you are certan that the cmdlets you are planning on using will still work. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Update-PackageManagement -AddChocolateyPackageProvider -InstallNuGetCmdLine #> function Update-PackageManagement { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$AddChocolateyPackageProvider, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$InstallNuGetCmdLine, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$LoadUpdatedModulesInSameSession ) ##### BEGIN Variable/Parameter Transforms and PreRun Prep ##### # We're going to need Elevated privileges for some commands below, so might as well try to set this up now. if (!$(GetElevation)) { Write-Error "The Update-PackageManagement function must be run with elevated privileges. Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if (!$([Environment]::Is64BitProcess)) { Write-Error "You are currently running the 32-bit version of PowerShell. Please run the 64-bit version found under C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 and try again. Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { Write-Error "The Update-PackageManagement function should only be used in Windows PowerShell, *not* PowerShell Core! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core" -and $PSVersionTable.Platform -ne "Win32NT" -and $AddChocolateyPackageProvider) { Write-Error "The Chocolatey Repo should only be added on a Windows OS! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($InstallNuGetCmdLine -and !$AddChocolateyPackageProvider) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) { if ($(Get-PackageProvider).Name -notcontains "Chocolatey") { $WarningMessage = "NuGet Command Line Tool cannot be installed without using Chocolatey. Would you like to use the Chocolatey Package Provider (NOTE: This is NOT an installation of the chocolatey command line)?" $WarningResponse = PauseForWarning -PauseTimeInSeconds 15 -Message $WarningMessage if ($WarningResponse) { $AddChocolateyPackageProvider = $true } } else { $AddChocolateyPackageProvider = $true } } elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core" -and $PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Win32NT") { if (!$(Get-Command choco -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $WarningMessage = "NuGet Command Line Tool cannot be installed without using Chocolatey. Would you like to install Chocolatey Command Line Tools in order to install NuGet Command Line Tools?" $WarningResponse = PauseForWarning -PauseTimeInSeconds 15 -Message $WarningMessage if ($WarningResponse) { $AddChocolateyPackageProvider = $true } } else { $AddChocolateyPackageProvider = $true } } elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core" -and $PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Unix") { $WarningMessage = "The NuGet Command Line Tools binary nuget.exe can be downloaded, but will not be able to be run without Mono. Do you want to download the latest stable nuget.exe?" $WarningResponse = PauseForWarning -PauseTimeInSeconds 15 -Message $WarningMessage if ($WarningResponse) { Write-Host "Downloading latest stable nuget.exe..." $OutFilePath = GetNativePath -PathAsStringArray @($HOME, "Downloads", "nuget.exe") Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile $OutFilePath } $AddChocolateyPackageProvider = $false } } if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) { # Check to see if we're behind a proxy if ([System.Net.WebProxy]::GetDefaultProxy().Address -ne $null) { $ProxyAddress = [System.Net.WebProxy]::GetDefaultProxy().Address []::defaultwebproxy = New-Object$ProxyAddress) []::defaultwebproxy.credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials []::defaultwebproxy.BypassProxyOnLocal = $true } } # TODO: Figure out how to identify default proxy on PowerShell Core... ##### END Variable/Parameter Transforms and PreRun Prep ##### if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) { if ($(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains "PackageManagement") { Write-Host "Downloading PackageManagement .msi installer..." $OutFilePath = GetNativePath -PathAsStringArray @($HOME, "Downloads", "PackageManagement_x64.msi") Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile $OutFilePath $DateStamp = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMddTHHmmss $MSIFullPath = $OutFilePath $MSIParentDir = $MSIFullPath | Split-Path -Parent $MSIFileName = $MSIFullPath | Split-Path -Leaf $MSIFileNameOnly = $MSIFileName -replace "\.msi","" $logFile = GetNativePath -PathAsStringArray @($MSIParentDir, "$MSIFileNameOnly$DateStamp.log") $MSIArguments = @( "/i" $MSIFullPath "/qn" "/norestart" "/L*v" $logFile ) Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList $MSIArguments -Wait -NoNewWindow } while ($($(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains "PackageManagement") -and $($(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains "PowerShellGet")) { Write-Host "Waiting for PackageManagement and PowerShellGet Modules to become available" Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } Write-Host "PackageManagement and PowerShellGet Modules are ready. Continuing..." } # We need to load whatever versions of PackageManagement/PowerShellGet are available on the Local Host in order # to use the Find-Module cmdlet to find out what the latest versions of each Module are... # ...but because there are sometimes issues with version compatibility between PackageManagement/PowerShellGet, # after loading the latest PackageManagement Module we need to try/catch available versions of PowerShellGet until # one of them actually loads # Set LatestLocallyAvailable variables... $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersionItem = $(Get-Module -ListAvailable -All | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "PackageManagement"} | Sort-Object -Property Version)[-1] $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersionItem = $(Get-Module -ListAvailable -All | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "PowerShellGet"} | Sort-Object -Property Version)[-1] $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersion = $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersionItem.Version $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion = $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersionItem.Version $PSGetLocallyAvailableVersions = $(Get-Module -ListAvailable -All | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "PowerShellGet"}).Version | Sort-Object -Property Version | Get-Unique $PSGetLocallyAvailableVersions = $PSGetLocallyAvailableVersions | Sort-Object -Descending if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "PackageManagement") { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) { Import-Module "PackageManagement" -RequiredVersion $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersion } else { Import-Module "PackageManagement" } } if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "PowerShellGet") { foreach ($version in $PSGetLocallyAvailableVersions) { try { $ImportedPSGetModule = Import-Module "PowerShellGet" -RequiredVersion $version -PassThru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (!$ImportedPSGetModule) {throw} break } catch { continue } } } if ($(Get-Module -Name PackageManagement).ExportedCommands.Count -eq 0 -or $(Get-Module -Name PowerShellGet).ExportedCommands.Count -eq 0 ) { Write-Warning "Either PowerShellGet or PackagementManagement Modules were not able to be loaded Imported successfully due to an update initiated within the current session. Please close this PowerShell Session, open a new one, and run this function again." $Result = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ PackageManagementUpdated = $false PowerShellGetUpdated = $false NewPSSessionRequired = $true } $Result return } # Determine if the NuGet Package Provider is available. If not, install it, because it needs it for some reason # that is currently not clear to me. Point is, if it's not installed it will prompt you to install it, so just # do it beforehand. if ($(Get-PackageProvider).Name -notcontains "NuGet") { Install-PackageProvider "NuGet" -Scope CurrentUser -Force Register-PackageSource -Name '' -Location '' -ProviderName NuGet -Trusted -Force -ForceBootstrap } if ($AddChocolateyPackageProvider) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) { # Install the Chocolatey Package Provider to be used with PowerShellGet if ($(Get-PackageProvider).Name -notcontains "Chocolatey") { Install-PackageProvider "Chocolatey" -Scope CurrentUser -Force # The above Install-PackageProvider "Chocolatey" -Force DOES register a PackageSource Repository, so we need to trust it: Set-PackageSource -Name Chocolatey -Trusted # Make sure packages installed via Chocolatey PackageProvider are part of $env:Path [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ChocolateyPathsPrep = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ChocolateyPathsFinal = @() $env:ChocolateyPSProviderPath = "C:\Chocolatey" if (Test-Path $env:ChocolateyPSProviderPath) { if (Test-Path "$env:ChocolateyPSProviderPath\lib") { $OtherChocolateyPathsToAdd = $(Get-ChildItem "$env:ChocolateyPSProviderPath\lib" -Directory | foreach { Get-ChildItem $_.FullName -Recurse -File } | foreach { if ($_.Extension -eq ".exe") { $_.Directory.FullName } }) | foreach { $null = $ChocolateyPathsPrep.Add($_) } } if (Test-Path "$env:ChocolateyPSProviderPath\bin") { $OtherChocolateyPathsToAdd = $(Get-ChildItem "$env:ChocolateyPSProviderPath\bin" -Directory | foreach { Get-ChildItem $_.FullName -Recurse -File } | foreach { if ($_.Extension -eq ".exe") { $_.Directory.FullName } }) | foreach { $null = $ChocolateyPathsPrep.Add($_) } } } if ($ChocolateyPathsPrep) { foreach ($ChocoPath in $ChocolateyPathsPrep) { if ($(Test-Path $ChocoPath) -and $OriginalEnvPathArray -notcontains $ChocoPath) { $null = $ChocolateyPathsFinal.Add($ChocoPath) } } } try { $ChocolateyPathsFinal = $ChocolateyPathsFinal | Sort-Object | Get-Unique } catch { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ChocolateyPathsFinal = @($ChocolateyPathsFinal) } if ($ChocolateyPathsFinal.Count -ne 0) { $ChocolateyPathsAsString = $ChocolateyPathsFinal -join ";" } foreach ($ChocPath in $ChocolateyPathsFinal) { if ($($env:Path -split ";") -notcontains $ChocPath) { if ($env:Path[-1] -eq ";") { $env:Path = "$env:Path$ChocPath" } else { $env:Path = "$env:Path;$ChocPath" } } } if ($InstallNuGetCmdLine) { # Next, install the NuGet CLI using the Chocolatey Repo try { Write-Host "Trying to find Chocolatey Package Nuget.CommandLine..." while (!$(Find-Package Nuget.CommandLine)) { Write-Host "Trying to find Chocolatey Package Nuget.CommandLine..." Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Get-Package NuGet.CommandLine -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (!$?) { throw } } catch { Install-Package Nuget.CommandLine -Source chocolatey -Force } # Ensure there's a symlink from C:\Chocolatey\bin to the real NuGet.exe under C:\Chocolatey\lib $NuGetSymlinkTest = Get-ChildItem "C:\Chocolatey\bin" | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "NuGet.exe" -and $_.LinkType -eq "SymbolicLink"} $RealNuGetPath = $(Resolve-Path "C:\Chocolatey\lib\*\*\NuGet.exe").Path $TestRealNuGetPath = Test-Path $RealNuGetPath if (!$NuGetSymlinkTest -and $TestRealNuGetPath) { New-Item -Path "C:\Chocolatey\bin\NuGet.exe" -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value $RealNuGetPath } } } } if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core" -and $PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Win32NT") { # Install the Chocolatey Command line if (!$(Get-Command choco -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { # Suppressing all errors for Chocolatey cmdline install. They will only be a problem if # there is a Web Proxy between you and the Internet $env:chocolateyUseWindowsCompression = 'true' $null = Invoke-Expression $([System.Net.WebClient]::new()).DownloadString("") -ErrorVariable ChocolateyInstallProblems 2>&1 6>&1 $DateStamp = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMddTHHmmss $ChocolateyInstallLogFile = GetNativePath -PathAsStringArray @($(Get-Location).Path, "ChocolateyInstallLog_$DateStamp.txt") $ChocolateyInstallProblems | Out-File $ChocolateyInstallLogFile } if ($InstallNuGetCmdLine) { if (!$(Get-Command choco -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Error "Unable to find chocolatey.exe, however, it should be installed. Please check your System PATH and `$env:Path and try again. Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } else { # 'choco update' aka 'cup' will update if already installed or install if not installed $ProcessInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $ProcessInfo.WorkingDirectory = $NuGetPackagesPath $ProcessInfo.FileName = "cup" $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true $ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = $false $ProcessInfo.Arguments = "nuget.commandline -y" $Process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $Process.StartInfo = $ProcessInfo $Process.Start() | Out-Null $stdout = $($Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()).Trim() $stderr = $($Process.StandardError.ReadToEnd()).Trim() $AllOutput = $stdout + $stderr $AllOutput = $AllOutput -split "`n" } # NOTE: The chocolatey install should take care of setting $env:Path and System PATH so that # choco binaries and packages installed via chocolatey can be found here: # C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin } } } # Next, set the PSGallery PowerShellGet PackageProvider Source to Trusted if ($(Get-PackageSource | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "PSGallery"}).IsTrusted -eq $False) { Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted } # Next, update PackageManagement and PowerShellGet where possible [version]$MinimumVer = "" try { $PackageManagementLatestVersion = $(Find-Module PackageManagement).Version } catch { $PackageManagementLatestVersion = $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersion } try { $PowerShellGetLatestVersion = $(Find-Module PowerShellGet).Version } catch { $PowerShellGetLatestVersion = $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion } Write-Verbose "PackageManagement Latest Version is: $PackageManagementLatestVersion" Write-Verbose "PowerShellGetLatestVersion Latest Version is: $PowerShellGetLatestVersion" if ($PackageManagementLatestVersion -gt $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersion -and $PackageManagementLatestVersion -gt $MinimumVer) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) { Write-Host "`nUnable to update the PackageManagement Module beyond $($MinimumVer.ToString()) on PowerShell versions lower than 5." } if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) { #Install-Module -Name "PackageManagement" -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -RequiredVersion $PowerShellGetLatestVersion -Force -WarningAction "SilentlyContinue" #Install-Module -Name "PackageManagement" -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -RequiredVersion $PackageManagementLatestVersion -Force Write-Host "Installing latest version of PackageManagement..." Install-Module -Name "PackageManagement" -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $PackageManagementUpdated = $True } } if ($PowerShellGetLatestVersion -gt $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion -and $PowerShellGetLatestVersion -gt $MinimumVer) { # Unless the force parameter is used, Install-Module will halt with a warning saying the is already installed # and it will not update it. Write-Host "Installing latest version of PowerShellGet..." #Install-Module -Name "PowerShellGet" -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -RequiredVersion $PowerShellGetLatestVersion -Force -WarningAction "SilentlyContinue" #Install-Module -Name "PowerShellGet" -RequiredVersion $PowerShellGetLatestVersion -Force Install-Module -Name "PowerShellGet" -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $PowerShellGetUpdated = $True } # Reset the LatestLocallyAvailable variables, and then load them into the current session $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersionItem = $(Get-Module -ListAvailable -All | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "PackageManagement"} | Sort-Object -Property Version)[-1] $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersionItem = $(Get-Module -ListAvailable -All | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "PowerShellGet"} | Sort-Object -Property Version)[-1] $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersion = $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersionItem.Version $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion = $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersionItem.Version Write-Verbose "Latest locally available PackageManagement version is $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersion" Write-Verbose "Latest locally available PowerShellGet version is $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion" $CurrentlyLoadedPackageManagementVersion = $(Get-Module | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'PackageManagement'}).Version $CurrentlyLoadedPowerShellGetVersion = $(Get-Module | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'PowerShellGet'}).Version Write-Verbose "Currently loaded PackageManagement version is $CurrentlyLoadedPackageManagementVersion" Write-Verbose "Currently loaded PowerShellGet version is $CurrentlyLoadedPowerShellGetVersion" if ($PackageManagementUpdated -eq $True -or $PowerShellGetUpdated -eq $True) { $NewPSSessionRequired = $True if ($LoadUpdatedModulesInSameSession) { if ($PowerShellGetUpdated -eq $True) { $PSGetWarningMsg = "Loading the latest installed version of PowerShellGet " + "(i.e. PowerShellGet $($PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion.ToString()) " + "in the current PowerShell session will break some PowerShellGet Cmdlets!" Write-Warning $PSGetWarningMsg } if ($PackageManagementUpdated -eq $True) { $PMWarningMsg = "Loading the latest installed version of PackageManagement " + "(i.e. PackageManagement $($PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersion.ToString()) " + "in the current PowerShell session will break some PackageManagement Cmdlets!" Write-Warning $PMWarningMsg } } } if ($LoadUpdatedModulesInSameSession) { if ($CurrentlyLoadedPackageManagementVersion -lt $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersion) { # Need to remove PowerShellGet first since it depends on PackageManagement Write-Host "Removing Module PowerShellGet $CurrentlyLoadedPowerShellGetVersion ..." Remove-Module -Name "PowerShellGet" Write-Host "Removing Module PackageManagement $CurrentlyLoadedPackageManagementVersion ..." Remove-Module -Name "PackageManagement" if ($(Get-Host).Name -ne "Package Manager Host") { Write-Verbose "We are NOT in the Visual Studio Package Management Console. Continuing..." # Need to Import PackageManagement first since it's a dependency for PowerShellGet # Need to use -RequiredVersion parameter because older versions are still intalled side-by-side with new Write-Host "Importing PackageManagement Version $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersion ..." $null = Import-Module "PackageManagement" -RequiredVersion $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersion -ErrorVariable ImportPackManProblems 2>&1 6>&1 Write-Host "Importing PowerShellGet Version $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion ..." $null = Import-Module "PowerShellGet" -RequiredVersion $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion -ErrorVariable ImportPSGetProblems 2>&1 6>&1 } if ($(Get-Host).Name -eq "Package Manager Host") { Write-Verbose "We ARE in the Visual Studio Package Management Console. Continuing..." # Need to Import PackageManagement first since it's a dependency for PowerShellGet # Need to use -RequiredVersion parameter because older versions are still intalled side-by-side with new Write-Host "Importing PackageManagement Version $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersion`nNOTE: Module Members will have with Prefix 'PackMan' - Example: Get-PackManPackage" $null = Import-Module "PackageManagement" -RequiredVersion $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersion -Prefix PackMan -ErrorVariable ImportPackManProblems 2>&1 6>&1 Write-Host "Importing PowerShellGet Version $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion`nNOTE: Module Members will have with Prefix 'PSGet' - Example: Find-PSGetModule" $null = Import-Module "PowerShellGet" -RequiredVersion $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion -Prefix PSGet -ErrorVariable ImportPSGetProblems 2>&1 6>&1 } } # Reset CurrentlyLoaded Variables $CurrentlyLoadedPackageManagementVersion = $(Get-Module | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'PackageManagement'}).Version $CurrentlyLoadedPowerShellGetVersion = $(Get-Module | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'PowerShellGet'}).Version Write-Verbose "Currently loaded PackageManagement version is $CurrentlyLoadedPackageManagementVersion" Write-Verbose "Currently loaded PowerShellGet version is $CurrentlyLoadedPowerShellGetVersion" if ($CurrentlyLoadedPowerShellGetVersion -lt $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion) { if (!$ImportPSGetProblems) { Write-Host "Removing Module PowerShellGet $CurrentlyLoadedPowerShellGetVersion ..." } Remove-Module -Name "PowerShellGet" if ($(Get-Host).Name -ne "Package Manager Host") { Write-Verbose "We are NOT in the Visual Studio Package Management Console. Continuing..." # Need to use -RequiredVersion parameter because older versions are still intalled side-by-side with new Write-Host "Importing PowerShellGet Version $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion ..." Import-Module "PowerShellGet" -RequiredVersion $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion } if ($(Get-Host).Name -eq "Package Manager Host") { Write-Host "We ARE in the Visual Studio Package Management Console. Continuing..." # Need to use -RequiredVersion parameter because older versions are still intalled side-by-side with new Write-Host "Importing PowerShellGet Version $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion`nNOTE: Module Members will have with Prefix 'PSGet' - Example: Find-PSGetModule" Import-Module "PowerShellGet" -RequiredVersion $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersion -Prefix PSGet } } # Make sure all Repos Are Trusted if ($AddChocolateyPackageProvider -and $($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5)) { $BaselineRepoNames = @("Chocolatey","","PSGallery") } else { $BaselineRepoNames = @("","PSGallery") } if ($(Get-Module -Name PackageManagement).ExportedCommands.Count -gt 0) { $RepoObjectsForTrustCheck = Get-PackageSource | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "$($BaselineRepoNames -join "|")"} foreach ($RepoObject in $RepoObjectsForTrustCheck) { if ($RepoObject.IsTrusted -ne $true) { Set-PackageSource -Name $RepoObject.Name -Trusted } } } # Reset CurrentlyLoaded Variables $CurrentlyLoadedPackageManagementVersion = $(Get-Module | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'PackageManagement'}).Version $CurrentlyLoadedPowerShellGetVersion = $(Get-Module | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'PowerShellGet'}).Version Write-Verbose "The FINAL loaded PackageManagement version is $CurrentlyLoadedPackageManagementVersion" Write-Verbose "The FINAL loaded PowerShellGet version is $CurrentlyLoadedPowerShellGetVersion" #$ErrorsArrayReversed = $($Error.Count-1)..$($Error.Count-4) | foreach {$Error[$_]} #$CheckForError = try {$ErrorsArrayReversed[0].ToString()} catch {$null} if ($($ImportPackManProblems | Out-String) -match "Assembly with same name is already loaded" -or $CurrentlyLoadedPackageManagementVersion -lt $PackageManagementLatestVersion -or $(Get-Module -Name PackageManagement).ExportedCommands.Count -eq 0 ) { Write-Warning "The PackageManagement Module has been updated and requires and brand new PowerShell Session. Please close this session, start a new one, and run the function again." $NewPSSessionRequired = $true } } $Result = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ PackageManagementUpdated = if ($PackageManagementUpdated) {$true} else {$false} PowerShellGetUpdated = if ($PowerShellGetUpdated) {$true} else {$false} NewPSSessionRequired = if ($NewPSSessionRequired) {$true} else {$false} PackageManagementCurrentlyLoaded = Get-Module -Name PackageManagement PowerShellGetCurrentlyLoaded = Get-Module -Name PowerShellGet PackageManagementLatesLocallyAvailable = $PackageManagementLatestLocallyAvailableVersionItem PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailable = $PowerShellGetLatestLocallyAvailableVersionItem } $Result } # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIMiAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIMeTCCDHUCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUQDdKxEXCtcFReF6tqu2z1zHG # 7bigggn9MIIEJjCCAw6gAwIBAgITawAAAB/Nnq77QGja+wAAAAAAHzANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQsFADAwMQwwCgYDVQQGEwNMQUIxDTALBgNVBAoTBFpFUk8xETAPBgNVBAMT # CFplcm9EQzAxMB4XDTE3MDkyMDIxMDM1OFoXDTE5MDkyMDIxMTM1OFowPTETMBEG # CgmSJomT8ixkARkWA0xBQjEUMBIGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWBFpFUk8xEDAOBgNVBAMT # B1plcm9TQ0EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDCwqv+ROc1 # bpJmKx+8rPUUfT3kPSUYeDxY8GXU2RrWcL5TSZ6AVJsvNpj+7d94OEmPZate7h4d # gJnhCSyh2/3v0BHBdgPzLcveLpxPiSWpTnqSWlLUW2NMFRRojZRscdA+e+9QotOB # aZmnLDrlePQe5W7S1CxbVu+W0H5/ukte5h6gsKa0ktNJ6X9nOPiGBMn1LcZV/Ksl # lUyuTc7KKYydYjbSSv2rQ4qmZCQHqxyNWVub1IiEP7ClqCYqeCdsTtfw4Y3WKxDI # JaPmWzlHNs0nkEjvnAJhsRdLFbvY5C2KJIenxR0gA79U8Xd6+cZanrBUNbUC8GCN # wYkYp4A4Jx+9AgMBAAGjggEqMIIBJjASBgkrBgEEAYI3FQEEBQIDAQABMCMGCSsG # AQQBgjcVAgQWBBQ/0jsn2LS8aZiDw0omqt9+KWpj3DAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUicLX4r2C # Kn0Zf5NYut8n7bkyhf4wGQYJKwYBBAGCNxQCBAweCgBTAHUAYgBDAEEwDgYDVR0P # AQH/BAQDAgGGMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUdpW6phL2RQNF # 7AZBgQV4tgr7OE0wMQYDVR0fBCowKDAmoCSgIoYgaHR0cDovL3BraS9jZXJ0ZGF0 # YS9aZXJvREMwMS5jcmwwPAYIKwYBBQUHAQEEMDAuMCwGCCsGAQUFBzAChiBodHRw # Oi8vcGtpL2NlcnRkYXRhL1plcm9EQzAxLmNydDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEA # tyX7aHk8vUM2WTQKINtrHKJJi29HaxhPaHrNZ0c32H70YZoFFaryM0GMowEaDbj0 # a3ShBuQWfW7bD7Z4DmNc5Q6cp7JeDKSZHwe5JWFGrl7DlSFSab/+a0GQgtG05dXW # YVQsrwgfTDRXkmpLQxvSxAbxKiGrnuS+kaYmzRVDYWSZHwHFNgxeZ/La9/8FdCir # MXdJEAGzG+9TwO9JvJSyoGTzu7n93IQp6QteRlaYVemd5/fYqBhtskk1zDiv9edk # mHHpRWf9Xo94ZPEy7BqmDuixm4LdmmzIcFWqGGMo51hvzz0EaE8K5HuNvNaUB/hq # MTOIB5145K8bFOoKHO4LkTCCBc8wggS3oAMCAQICE1gAAAH5oOvjAv3166MAAQAA # AfkwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwPTETMBEGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWA0xBQjEUMBIGCgmS # JomT8ixkARkWBFpFUk8xEDAOBgNVBAMTB1plcm9TQ0EwHhcNMTcwOTIwMjE0MTIy # WhcNMTkwOTIwMjExMzU4WjBpMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCUEExFTAT # BgNVBAcTDFBoaWxhZGVscGhpYTEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlNYWdnaW8gSW5jMQswCQYD # VQQLEwJJVDESMBAGA1UEAxMJWmVyb0NvZGUyMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOC # AQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxX0+4yas6xfiaNVVVZJB2aRK+gS3iEMLx8wMF3kLJYLJyR+l # rcGF/x3gMxcvkKJQouLuChjh2+i7Ra1aO37ch3X3KDMZIoWrSzbbvqdBlwax7Gsm # BdLH9HZimSMCVgux0IfkClvnOlrc7Wpv1jqgvseRku5YKnNm1JD+91JDp/hBWRxR # 3Qg2OR667FJd1Q/5FWwAdrzoQbFUuvAyeVl7TNW0n1XUHRgq9+ZYawb+fxl1ruTj # 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