function Trace-ScriptInternal { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [uint32] $Preheat = 0, [Switch] $DisableWarning, [Hashtable] $Flag, [Switch] $Before, [Switch] $UseNativePowerShell7Profiler, # Putting the collection into object will make it modified when returned for some reason # outputting time through this $Out ) $ErrorView = "Normal" $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" Assert-PowerShellVersion Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Running in PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)." if (0 -ge $Preheat) { $Preheat = 0 } if ($Flag) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Flags for $(if (-not $Before) { "After" } else { "Before"}) run:" foreach ($p in $Flag.GetEnumerator()) { $v = if ($Before) { $false } else { $p.Value } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta " $($p.Key) = $($v)" Set-Variable -Scope Global -Name $p.Key -Value $v } } if (0 -lt $Preheat) { foreach ($i in 1..$Preheat) { Write-Host -Foreground Magenta "Warm up $i" if ($UseNativePowerShell7Profiler) { $null = Measure-Script $ScriptBlock } else { $result = Measure-ScriptHarmony $ScriptBlock if ($null -ne $result.Error) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Warm up failed with $($result.Error)." } } } } if (0 -lt $Flag.Count) { foreach ($p in $Flag.GetEnumerator()) { $v = if ($Before) { $false } else { $p.Value } Set-Variable -Scope Global -Name $p.Key -Value $v } } Write-Host -Foreground Magenta "Tracing..." if ($UseNativePowerShell7Profiler) { $result = Measure-Script $ScriptBlock } else { $result = Measure-ScriptHarmony $ScriptBlock } if ($null -eq $result.Error) { Write-Host -Foreground Magenta "Run$(if (1 -lt $sides.Count) { " - $side" }) finished after $($result.Stopwatch)" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Run$(if (1 -lt $sides.Count) { " - $side" }) failed after $($result.Stopwatch) with $($result.Error)." } $out.Stopwatch = $result.Stopwatch $trace = $result.Trace Write-Host -Foreground Magenta "Tracing done. Got $($trace.Count) trace events." if ($UseNativePowerShell7Profiler) { $normalizedTrace = [Collections.Generic.List[Profiler.ProfileEventRecord]]::new($trace.Count) Write-Host "Used native tracer from PowerShell 7. Normalizing trace." foreach ($t in $trace) { $r = [Profiler.ProfileEventRecord]::new() $e = [Profiler.ScriptExtentEventData]::new() $e.File = $t.Extent.File $e.StartLineNumber = $t.Extent.StartLineNumber $e.StartColumnNumber = $t.Extent.StartColumnNumber $e.EndLineNumber = $t.Extent.EndLineNumber $e.EndColumnNumber = $t.Extent.EndColumnNumber $e.StartOffset = $t.Extent.StartOffset $e.EndOffset = $t.Extent.EndOffset $r.Extent = $e $r.StartTime = $t.StartTime $r.SelfDuration = $t.SelfDuration $r.Index = $index $index++ $normalizedTrace.Add($r) } $trace = $null $normalizedTrace } else { $trace } } function Measure-ScriptHarmony ($ScriptBlock) { $sw = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() try { # ensure all output to pipeline is dumped $null = & { try { [Profiler.Tracer]::Patch($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major, $ExecutionContext, $host.UI) Set-PSDebug -Trace 1 & $ScriptBlock } finally { Set-PSDebug -Trace 0 [Profiler.Tracer]::Unpatch() } } } catch { $err = $_ } $sw.Stop() $result = @{ Trace = [Profiler.Tracer]::Hits Error = $err Stopwatch = $sw.Elapsed } if ($null -eq $result.Trace -or 0 -eq @($result.Trace).Count) { throw "Trace is null or empty." } $lastLine = $result.Trace[-1] $disableCommand = "[Profiler.Tracer]::Unpatch()" if ($PSCommandPath -ne $lastLine.Path -or $disableCommand -ne $lastLine.Text) { Write-Warning "Event list is incomplete, it should end with '$disableCommand' from within Profiler module, but instead ends with entry '$($lastLine.Text)', from '$($lastLine.Path)'. Are you disabling trace mode in your code using Set-PSDebug -Trace 0 or using Remove-PSBreakpoint?" } $result } |