.SYNOPSIS Show the system summary of the local system or the host behind the PowerShell session. .DESCRIPTION This command will use CIM and Performance Counter as well as some other command line tools to get the current system summary. The summary will displayed in a nice way on the console. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Show-LauncherPSRemotingWelcome Show the local system summary. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Show-LauncherPSRemotingWelcome -Session $session Show the system summary of the host behind the session. #> function Show-LauncherPSRemotingWelcome { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('Show-SystemSummary')] param ( # Optional session to use for the system summary. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession] $Session ) $colorDarkRed = 197, 15, 31 $colorDarkYellow = 193, 156, 0 $colorDarkGreen = 19, 161, 14 $colorDarkGray = 118, 118, 118 function Get-Color ($Value, $WarningThreshold, $ErrorThreshold) { if ($Value -gt $ErrorThreshold) { $colorDarkRed # 197, 15, 31 } elseif ($Value -gt $WarningThreshold) { $colorDarkYellow # 193, 156, 0 } else { $colorDarkGreen # 19, 161, 14 } } try { $data = Get-LauncherPSRemotingWelcome -Session $Session $timestamp = [System.DateTime]::Now #.AddSeconds(61) $timestampDiffSec = ($data.ComputerSystem.Timestamp - $timestamp).TotalSeconds # Special calculations for the summary output $systemDisk = $data.Disks | Where-Object { $_.IsSystem } | Select-Object -First 1 $allDiskSize = $data.Disks | Measure-Object -Property 'Size' -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Sum' # All entries which are displayed in a narrow column layout in the # output. Two entries are displayed per line. $summaryNarrowEntries = @( @{ Icon = ' ' Name = 'Current time' Value = '{0:dd\.MM\.yyyy\ HH\:mm}' -f $data.ComputerSystem.Timestamp Color = $(if ([System.Math]::Abs($timestampDiffSec) -gt 60) { 'Red' } elseif ([System.Math]::Abs($timestampDiffSec) -gt 3) { 'Yellow' } else { 'Default' }) Sidecar = '' } @{ Icon = ' ' Name = 'Boot time' Value = '{0:dd\.MM\.yyyy\ HH\:mm}' -f $data.ComputerSystem.BootTime Color = $(if ($data.ComputerSystem.Uptime.TotalMinutes -lt 720) { 'Yellow' } else { 'Default' }) Sidecar = '(up {0:d\d\ h\h\ m\m})' -f $data.ComputerSystem.Uptime } @{ Icon = ' ' Name = 'System load' Value = '{0:0.000}' -f $data.Processor.Load Color = $(if ($data.Processor.Usage -ge 0.8) { 'Red' } elseif ($data.Processor.Usage -ge 0.6) { 'Yellow' } else { 'Green' }) Sidecar = '({0:0%})' -f $data.Processor.Usage } @{ Icon = ' ' Name = 'Hostname' Value = $(if($data.Domain -eq 'WORKGROUP') { '{0} ({1})' -f $data.Hostname, $data.Domain } else { '{0}.{1}' -f $data.Hostname, $data.Domain }) Color = 'Default' Sidecar = '' } @{ Icon = ' ' Name = 'Memory usage' Value = '{0:0%}' -f $data.Memory.Usage Color = $(if ($data.Memory.Usage -ge 0.9) { 'Red' } elseif ($data.Memory.Usage -ge 0.8) { 'Yellow' } else { 'Green' }) Sidecar = 'of {0:0}GB' -f $data.Memory.Size } @{ Icon = ' ' Name = 'User Sessions' Value = $data.Sessions.Count Color = $(if ($data.WinRMSessions.Count -ge 10) { 'Yellow' } else { 'Default' }) Sidecar = '' } @{ Icon = ' ' Name = 'Page usage' Value = '{0:0%}' -f $data.Page.Usage Color = $(if ($data.Page.Usage -ge 0.5) { 'Red' } elseif ($data.Page.Usage -ge 0.2) { 'Yellow' } else { 'Green' }) Sidecar = 'of {0:0}GB' -f $data.Page.Size } @{ Icon = ' ' Name = 'PS Sessions' Value = $data.PSSessions.Count Color = $(if ($data.WinRMSessions.Count -ge 5) { 'Yellow' } else { 'Default' }) Sidecar = '' } @{ Icon = ' ' Name = 'Storage usage' Value = '{0:0.0%}' -f $systemDisk.Usage Color = $(if ($systemDisk.Usage -ge 0.9) { 'Red' } elseif ($systemDisk.Usage -ge 0.8) { 'Yellow' } else { 'Green' }) Sidecar = 'of {0:0}GB' -f ($systemDisk.Size / 1GB) } @{ Icon = ' ' Name = 'WinRM Sessions' Value = $data.WinRMSessions.Count Color = $(if ($data.WinRMSessions.Count -ge 5) { 'Yellow' } else { 'Default' }) Sidecar = '' } # @{ # Icon = ' ' # Name = 'Processes' # Value = $data.Processes.Count # Color = 'Default' # Sidecar = '' # } # @{ # Icon = ' ' # Name = 'Connections' # Value = $data.Connections.Count # Color = 'Default' # Sidecar = '' # } ) # All entries which are displayed in a wide column layout. Only one # entry is displayed per line. $summaryWideEntries = @() $dataDisks = $data.Disks | Where-Object { -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.AccessPath) } | Sort-Object -Property 'AccessPath' foreach ($dataDisk in $dataDisks) { # Calculate the disk usage. Hide it, if the disk usage is unknown. $dataDiskUsage = '' if ($null -ne $dataDisk.Usage -and $dataDisk.Usage -gt 0) { $dataDiskUsage = '{0:0%}' -f $dataDisk.Usage } # Calculate the disk size and us an appropriate unit. Append the of # pronoun if the disk usage is available. $dataDiskSize = '{0:0}GB' -f ($dataDisk.Size / 1GB) if ($dataDisk.Size -lt 1GB) { $dataDiskSize = '{0:0}MB' -f ($dataDisk.Size / 1MB) } if ($null -ne $dataDisk.Usage -and $dataDisk.Usage -gt 0) { $dataDiskSize = 'of {0}' -f $dataDiskSize } $dataDiskAccessPath = '' if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($dataDisk.AccessPath)) { $dataDiskAccessPath = ' on {0}' -f $dataDisk.AccessPath } $dataDiskLabel = '' if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($dataDisk.Label)) { $dataDiskLabel = ' ({0})' -f $dataDisk.Label } $summaryWideEntries += @{ Icon = ' ' Name = 'Volume {0}' -f $dataDisk.Id Value = $dataDiskUsage Color = $(if ($dataDisk.Usage -ge 0.9) { 'Red' } elseif ($dataDisk.Usage -ge 0.8) { 'Yellow' } else { 'Green' }) Sidecar = '{0}{1}{2}' -f $dataDiskSize, $dataDiskAccessPath, $dataDiskLabel } } $summary = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() [void] $summary.AppendLine() [void] $summary.AppendFormat('Welcome to PowerShell {0}.{1} on {2}', $data.PowerShell.Major, $data.PowerShell.Minor, $data.OperatingSystem.Name).AppendLine() [void] $summary.AppendLine() [void] $summary.AppendFormat(' {0} {1} {2} {3}x{4} {5:0}GB {6:0}GB', $data.OperatingSystem.Version, $data.OperatingSystem.Architecture, $data.OperatingSystem.Language, $data.Processor.SocketCount, ($data.Processor.CoreCount / $data.Processor.SocketCount), $data.Memory.Size, $allDiskSize / 1GB).AppendLine() [void] $summary.AppendLine() # Format the narrow entries in a two column layout for ($i = 0; $i -lt $summaryNarrowEntries.Count; $i++) { $summaryEntry = $summaryNarrowEntries[$i] [void] $summary.AppendFormat(' {0,1} {1,-15} : ', $summaryEntry.Icon, $summaryEntry.Name) switch ($summaryEntry.Color) { 'Default' { [void] $summary.Append($summaryEntry.Value) } 'Red' { [void] $summary.Append((Format-HostText -Message $summaryEntry.Value -ForegroundColor $colorDarkRed)) } 'Yellow' { [void] $summary.Append((Format-HostText -Message $summaryEntry.Value -ForegroundColor $colorDarkYellow)) } 'Green' { [void] $summary.Append((Format-HostText -Message $summaryEntry.Value -ForegroundColor $colorDarkGreen)) } } $summarySidecarLength = 20 - $summaryEntry.Value.Length if ($summarySidecarLength -lt 0) { $summarySidecarLength = 0 } [void] $summary.AppendFormat(" {0,-$summarySidecarLength}", [System.String] $summaryEntry.Sidecar) if ($i % 2 -eq 1) { [void] $summary.AppendLine() } } [void] $summary.AppendLine() # Format the wide entries in a one column layout for ($i = 0; $i -lt $summaryWideEntries.Count; $i++) { $summaryEntry = $summaryWideEntries[$i] [void] $summary.AppendFormat(' {0,1} {1,-10} : ', $summaryEntry.Icon, $summaryEntry.Name) if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($summaryEntry.Value)) { switch ($summaryEntry.Color) { 'Default' { [void] $summary.Append($summaryEntry.Value) } 'Red' { [void] $summary.Append((Format-HostText -Message $summaryEntry.Value -ForegroundColor $colorDarkRed)) } 'Yellow' { [void] $summary.Append((Format-HostText -Message $summaryEntry.Value -ForegroundColor $colorDarkYellow)) } 'Green' { [void] $summary.Append((Format-HostText -Message $summaryEntry.Value -ForegroundColor $colorDarkGreen)) } } [void] $summary.Append(' ') } $summarySidecarLength = 14 - $summaryEntry.Value.Length if ($summarySidecarLength -lt 0) { $summarySidecarLength = 0 } [void] $summary.AppendFormat("{0,-$summarySidecarLength}", [System.String] $summaryEntry.Sidecar) [void] $summary.AppendLine() } ## As of Jan 2024, the Troubleshooting functions were removed from the ## ProfileFever module. This will in the future be replaced with a ## better solution. # # [void] $summary.AppendLine() # Format-HostText -StringBuilder $summary -ForegroundColor $colorDarkGray -Message ' Troubleshooting' -AppendLine # Format-HostText -StringBuilder $summary -ForegroundColor $colorDarkGray -Message ' ¦ Invoke-WindowsAnalyzer Measure-Processor Measure-Storage' -AppendLine # Format-HostText -StringBuilder $summary -ForegroundColor $colorDarkGray -Message ' ¦ Measure-System Measure-Memory Measure-Session' -AppendLine [void] $summary.AppendLine() Format-HostText -StringBuilder $summary -ForegroundColor $colorDarkGray -Message ' System Auditing' -AppendLine Format-HostText -StringBuilder $summary -ForegroundColor $colorDarkGray -Message ' ¦ Install-Module -Name ''SecurityFever'' -Repository ''PSGallery'' -Scope ''CurrentUser'' -Force' -AppendLine Format-HostText -StringBuilder $summary -ForegroundColor $colorDarkGray -Message ' ¦ Get-SystemAuditFileSystem Get-SystemAuditPowerCycle' -AppendLine Format-HostText -StringBuilder $summary -ForegroundColor $colorDarkGray -Message ' ¦ Get-SystemAuditGroupPolicy Get-SystemAuditUserSession' -AppendLine Format-HostText -StringBuilder $summary -ForegroundColor $colorDarkGray -Message ' ¦ Get-SystemAuditMsiInstaller Get-SystemAuditWindowsService' -AppendLine [void] $summary.AppendLine() Write-Host $summary.ToString() } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } } |