
        Enable the custom prompt by replacing the default prompt.
        There are two prompts available. Be default, the Basic prompt is used.
        It will show all information without any fancy formatting. For a nice
        formiatting, the Advanced type can be used. It's recommended that the
        font Delugia Nerd Font is used. This is an extension of the new font
        Cascadia Code.

function Enable-Prompt
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('Basic', 'Advanced')]
        $Type = 'Basic'

    if ($Type -eq 'Basic')
        function Global:Prompt
            if ($Script:PromptHistory -ne $MyInvocation.HistoryId)
                $Script:PromptHistory = $MyInvocation.HistoryId

                if ($Script:PromptAlias) { Show-PromptAliasSuggestion }
                if ($Script:PromptTimeSpan) { Show-PromptLastCommandDuration }

            if ($Script:PromptIsAdmin -or $Script:PromptIsRoot)
                $color = 'Red'
                $color =  'DarkCyan'

            $Host.UI.Write($color, $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor, "[$Script:PromptInfo]")
            $Host.UI.Write(" $($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)")
            if ($Script:PromptGit) { Write-VcsStatus }
            return "`n$($MyInvocation.HistoryId.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'))$('>' * ($NestedPromptLevel + 1)) "

    if ($Type -eq 'Advanced')
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt '6.0')
            Add-Type -AssemblyName 'PresentationFramework'

        function Global:Prompt
            $config = $Global:ProfileFeverPromptConfig

            # Get location and replace the user home directory
            $location = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Path
            $location = $location.Replace($Home, "~")

            ## WINDOW TITLE

            # Set the window title with the current location
            if ($null -eq $Script:PromptTitle)
                $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$Env:Username@$Env:ComputerName | $location"
                $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $Script:PromptTitle

            ## PROMPT OUTPUT

            $output = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()

            # If the prompt history id chagned, e.g. a command was executed,
            # show the alias suggestion and last command duration, if enabled.
            if ($Script:PromptHistory -ne $MyInvocation.HistoryId -or ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt '6.0' -and ([System.Windows.Input.Keyboard]::IsKeyDown('RightShift'))))
                # Update history information
                $Script:PromptHistory = $MyInvocation.HistoryId

                # Show promt alias and command duration
                if ($Script:PromptAlias) { Show-PromptAliasSuggestion }
                if ($Script:PromptTimeSpan) { Show-PromptLastCommandDuration }

                ## PROMPT OUTPUT DEBUG / ADMIN

                if ($NestedPromptLevel -gt 0)
                    Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.DebugText -ForegroundColor $config.DebugForeground -BackgroundColor $config.DebugBackground
                    Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.DebugSeperator -ForegroundColor $config.DebugBackground -BackgroundColor $config.InfoBackground
                elseif ($Script:PromptIsAdmin -or $Script:PromptIsRoot)
                    Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.AdminText -ForegroundColor $config.AdminForeground -BackgroundColor $config.AdminBackground
                    Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.AdminSeperator -ForegroundColor $config.AdminBackground -BackgroundColor $config.InfoBackground

                ## PROMPT OUTPUT INFO

                Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.InfoText -ForegroundColor $config.InfoForeground -BackgroundColor $config.InfoBackground
                Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.InfoSeperator -ForegroundColor $config.InfoBackground -BackgroundColor $config.LocationBackground

                ## PROMPT OUTPUT LOCATION

                Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message " $location " -ForegroundColor $config.LocationForeground -BackgroundColor $config.LocationBackground
                # The seperator is displayed based on the git mode

                ## PROMPT OUTPUT GIT

                # Show an information about the debug prompt
                # Check if the current directory is member of a git repo
                if ($NestedPromptLevel -eq 0 -and $Script:PromptGit -and (Test-GitRepository))
                        if ($null -eq (Get-Module -Name 'posh-git'))
                            Import-Module -Name 'posh-git' -Global

                        $Global:GitPromptSettings.EnableStashStatus = $true
                        $Global:GitStatus = Get-GitStatus

                        $status  = $Global:GitStatus
                        $setting = $Global:GitPromptSettings

                        ## PROMPT OUTPUT GIT BRANCH

                        $branchText = ' {0} {1}' -f $config.GitBranchIcon, (Format-GitBranchName -BranchName $status.Branch)

                        if (!$status.Upstream)
                            # No upstream branch configured
                            $branchText += ' '
                            $branchColor = $config.GitBranchBackgroundDefault
                        elseif ($status.UpstreamGone -eq $true)
                            # Upstream branch is gone
                            $branchText += ' {0} ' -f $setting.BranchGoneStatusSymbol.Text
                            $branchColor = $config.GitBranchBackgroundBehind
                        elseif (($status.BehindBy -eq 0) -and ($status.AheadBy -eq 0))
                            # We are aligned with remote
                            $branchText += ' {0} ' -f $setting.BranchIdenticalStatusSymbol.Text
                            $branchColor = $config.GitBranchBackgroundDefault
                        elseif (($status.BehindBy -ge 1) -and ($status.AheadBy -ge 1))
                            # We are both behind and ahead of remote
                            $branchText += ' {0}{1} {2}{3} ' -f $setting.BranchBehindStatusSymbol.Text, $status.BehindBy, $setting.BranchAheadStatusSymbol.Text, $status.AheadBy
                            $branchColor = $config.GitBranchBackgroundMixed
                        elseif ($status.BehindBy -ge 1)
                            # We are behind remote
                            $branchText += ' {0}{1} ' -f $setting.BranchBehindStatusSymbol.Text, $status.BehindBy
                            $branchColor = $config.GitBranchBackgroundBehind
                        elseif ($status.AheadBy -ge 1)
                            # We are ahead of remote
                            $branchText += ' {0}{1} ' -f $setting.BranchAheadStatusSymbol.Text, $status.AheadBy
                            $branchColor = $config.GitBranchBackgroundAhead
                            # Unknown state, whats that?
                            $branchText += ' ? '
                            $branchColor = $config.GitBranchBackgroundDefault

                        Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.LocationSeperator -ForegroundColor $config.LocationBackground -BackgroundColor $branchColor
                        Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $branchText -ForegroundColor $config.GitBranchForeground -BackgroundColor $branchColor
                        # The seperator is displayed based on the git index/working/stash mode

                        if ($status.HasIndex -or $status.HasWorking -or $GitStatus.StashCount -gt 0)
                            Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.GitBranchSeperator -ForegroundColor $branchColor -BackgroundColor $config.GitDetailBackground

                            if ($status.HasIndex)
                                $indexText = ' {0} ' -f $config.GitDetailTextIndex
                                $indexText += '{0}{1} ' -f $setting.FileAddedText, $status.Index.Added.Count
                                $indexText += '{0}{1} ' -f $setting.FileModifiedText, $status.Index.Modified.Count
                                $indexText += '{0}{1} ' -f $setting.FileRemovedText, $status.Index.Deleted.Count
                                if ($status.Index.Unmerged)
                                    $indexText += '{0}{1} ' -f $setting.FileConflictedText, $status.Index.Unmerged.Count

                                Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $indexText -ForegroundColor $config.GitDetailForegroundIndex -BackgroundColor $config.GitDetailBackground

                            # Splitter between index and working or stash
                            if ($status.HasIndex -and ($status.HasWorking -or $GitStatus.StashCount -gt 0))
                                Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.GitDetailTextSplit -ForegroundColor $config.GitDetailForegroundSplit -BackgroundColor $config.GitDetailBackground

                            if ($status.HasWorking)
                                $workingText = ' {0} ' -f $config.GitDetailTextWorking
                                $workingText += '{0}{1} ' -f $setting.FileAddedText, $status.Working.Added.Count
                                $workingText += '{0}{1} ' -f $setting.FileModifiedText, $status.Working.Modified.Count
                                $workingText += '{0}{1} ' -f $setting.FileRemovedText, $status.Working.Deleted.Count
                                if ($status.Working.Unmerged)
                                    $workingText += '{0}{1} ' -f $setting.FileConflictedText, $status.Working.Unmerged.Count

                                Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $workingText -ForegroundColor $config.GitDetailForegroundWorking -BackgroundColor $config.GitDetailBackground

                            # Splitter between working and stash
                            if ($status.HasWorking -and $GitStatus.StashCount -gt 0)
                                Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.GitDetailTextSplit -ForegroundColor $config.GitDetailForegroundSplit -BackgroundColor $config.GitDetailBackground

                            if ($GitStatus.StashCount -gt 0)
                                $stashText = ' {0} ' -f $config.GitDetailTextStash
                                $stashText += '={0} ' -f $GitStatus.StashCount

                                Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $stashText -ForegroundColor $config.GitDetailForegroundStash -BackgroundColor $config.GitDetailBackground

                            Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.GitDetailSeperator -ForegroundColor $config.GitDetailBackground
                            Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.GitBranchSeperator -ForegroundColor $branchColor
                        Write-Warning $_

                        #$output.Append((Format-HostText -Message "$separator" -ForegroundColor $colorCyan2 -BackgroundColor $colorCyan3)) | Out-Null
                        #$output.Append((Format-HostText -Message " ERROR: $_ " -ForegroundColor $colorWhite -BackgroundColor $colorCyan3)) | Out-Null
                        #$output.Append((Format-HostText -Message $separator -ForegroundColor $colorCyan3)) | Out-Null
                    Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $config.LocationSeperator -ForegroundColor $config.LocationBackground

            # Define the command counter and imput line
            $promptInput = "$($MyInvocation.HistoryId.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'))$('>' * ($NestedPromptLevel + 1)) "

            # Finally, show the output about path, debug, git etc. and then on a
            # new line the command count and the prompt level indicator
            if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($output.ToString()))
                return $promptInput
                Write-Host $output -NoNewline
                return "`n$promptInput"