.SYNOPSIS Register the command not found action callback. #> function Enable-CommandNotFoundAction { [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalFunctions', '')] param () $Global:ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.CommandNotFoundAction = { param ($CommandName, $CommandLookupEventArgs) foreach ($command in $Script:CommandNotFoundAction) { if ($command.CommandName -eq $CommandName) { $commandLine = (Get-PSCallStack)[1].Position.Text.Trim() switch ($command.CommandType) { 'Remoting' { $credentialSplat = @{} if ($command.Credential) { $credentialSplat['Credential'] = $command.Credential $credentialVerbose = " -Credential '{0}'" -f $command.Credential.UserName } if ($command.VaultTargetName) { $credential = Use-VaultCredential -TargetName $command.VaultTargetName $credentialSplat['Credential'] = $credential $credentialVerbose = " -Credential '{0}'" -f $credential.UserName } # Option 1: Enter Session # If no parameters were specified, just enter into a # remote session to the target system. if ($CommandName -eq $commandLine) { Write-Verbose ("Enter-PSSession -ComputerName '{0}'{1}" -f $command.ComputerName, $credentialVerbose) $CommandLookupEventArgs.StopSearch = $true $CommandLookupEventArgs.CommandScriptBlock = { $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $command.ComputerName @credentialSplat -ErrorAction Stop if ($Host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') { Invoke-Command -Session $session -ErrorAction Stop -ScriptBlock { Set-Location -Path "$Env:SystemDrive\"; $PromptLabel = $Env:ComputerName.ToUpper(); $PromptIndent = $using:session.ComputerName.Length + 4; function Global:prompt { Write-Host "[$PromptLabel]" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan; "$("`b `b" * $PromptIndent) $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) " } } } Enter-PSSession -Session $session -ErrorAction Stop }.GetNewClosure() } # Option 2: Open Session # If a variable is specified as output of the command, # a new remoting session will be opened and returned. $openSessionRegex = '^\$\S+ = {0}$' -f ([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Escape($CommandName)) if ($commandLine -match $openSessionRegex) { Write-Verbose ("New-PSSession -ComputerName '{0}'{1}" -f $command.ComputerName, $credentialVerbose) $CommandLookupEventArgs.StopSearch = $true $CommandLookupEventArgs.CommandScriptBlock = { New-PSSession -ComputerName $command.ComputerName @credentialSplat -ErrorAction Stop }.GetNewClosure() } # Option 3: Invoke Command # If a script is appended to the command, execute that # script on the remote system. if ($commandline.StartsWith($CommandName) -and $commandLine.Length -gt $CommandName.Length) { $scriptBlock = [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]::Create($commandLine.Substring($CommandName.Length).Trim()) Write-Verbose ("Invoke-Command -ComputerName '{0}'{1} -ScriptBlock {{ {2} }}" -f $command.ComputerName, $credentialVerbose, $scriptBlock.ToString()) $CommandLookupEventArgs.StopSearch = $true $CommandLookupEventArgs.CommandScriptBlock = { Invoke-Command -ComputerName $command.ComputerName @credentialSplat -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ErrorAction Stop }.GetNewClosure() } } 'ScriptBlock' { Write-Verbose ("& {{ {0} }}" -f $command.ScriptBlock) $CommandLookupEventArgs.StopSearch = $true $CommandLookupEventArgs.CommandScriptBlock = $command.ScriptBlock } } } } } } |