
function GerResultDirectory() {
    param ([string]$directory)
    $path = Split-Path -Path $directory
    $directoryName = Split-Path $directory -leaf

    $resultName = "_Result"
    $resultPath = Join-Path "$path" $directoryName$resultName
    return $resultPath

function CreateGetResultDirectory() {
    param ([string]$directory)
    $resultPath = GerResultDirectory $directory
    Write-Verbose "The result of the script will be placed in the directory: [$resultPath]"
    if (Test-Path $resultPath) {
        throw "Result directory [$resultPath] exists, please remove it."    
    else {
        New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $resultPath | Out-Null
        return $resultPath

function GetDateAndTimeFromImage($imagePath) {
    $rPath = Resolve-Path $imagePath
    $image = [System.Drawing.Bitmap]::new($imagePath)
    try {
        $date = $image.GetPropertyItem(36867).value[0..9]
        $arYear = [Char]$date[0], [Char]$date[1], [Char]$date[2], [Char]$date[3]  
        $arMonth = [Char]$date[5], [Char]$date[6]  
        $arDay = [Char]$date[8], [Char]$date[9]  
        $strYear = [String]::Join('', $arYear)  
        $strMonth = [String]::Join('', $arMonth)   
        $strDay = [String]::Join('', $arDay)  
        $DateTaken = $strYear + "." + $strMonth + "." + $strDay
        $time = $image.GetPropertyItem(36867).value[11..18]
        $arHour = [Char]$time[0], [Char]$time[1]
        $arMinute = [Char]$time[3], [Char]$time[4]  
        $arSecond = [Char]$time[6], [Char]$time[7]  
        $strHour = [String]::Join('', $arHour)  
        $strMinute = [String]::Join('', $arMinute)   
        $strSecond = [String]::Join('', $arSecond)  
        $TimeTaken = $strHour + "." + $strMinute + "." + $strSecond
        $FullDate = $DateTaken + "_" + $TimeTaken
    catch {
        $FullDate = (Get-ChildItem $imagePath).BaseName
        Write-Error "Date taken haven't been found, probably picture is image (doesn't have the date taken property) Name set as [$FullDate]"

    return $FullDate

function GetResultPath([string]$resultDirectory, [string]$destinationName, [string]$suffix) {
    $result = Join-Path $resultDirectory $destinationName$suffix".jpg"
    return $result;

function SuffixDateIfMultiplePhotosAtTheSameSecond([string]$resultDirectory, [string]$destinationName) {
    $resultFullPath = GetResultPath $resultDirectory $destinationName ""
    if (Test-Path $resultFullPath) {
        $index = 0;
        $suffix = "_" + $index
        $path = GetResultPath $resultDirectory $destinationName $suffix
        Write-Verbose "Two pictures in the same second"
        while (Test-Path $path) {
            $suffix = "_" + $index
            $path = GetResultPath $resultDirectory $destinationName $suffix 
        return $path 
    else {
        return $resultFullPath

function ProcessImage() {
    param ([string]$imagePath, [string]$resultDirectory, [bool]$replace)
    $destinationName = GetDateAndTimeFromImage $imagePath
    $resultFullPath = SuffixDateIfMultiplePhotosAtTheSameSecond $resultDirectory $destinationName

    if ($Replace) {
        Write-Verbose "Renaming file from [$imagePath] to [$resultFullPath]"
        Rename-Item -LiteralPath $imagePath -NewName $resultFullPath
    else {
        Write-Verbose "Copying file from [$imagePath] to [$resultFullPath]"
        Copy-Item -LiteralPath $imagePath -Destination $resultFullPath

function CreateSubDirectory([string]$startDirectory, [string]$source) {
    $mainDestPath = GerResultDirectory $startDirectory
    $targetSubDir = $source.Replace($startDirectory, $mainDestPath)
    if (Test-Path $targetSubDir) {
        throw "Tareg subresult directory [$targetSubDir] exists, please remove it."    
    else {
        New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $targetSubDir | Out-Null
        return $targetSubDir

function ProcessDirectory() {
    param ([string]$startDirectory, [string]$source, [bool]$replace, [bool]$recurse)
    Write-Verbose "Processing directory [$source] in the mode Replace:[$replace] Recurse:[$replace]"
    if ($Replace -eq $true) {
        $destination = $source
    else {
        if ($startDirectory -eq $source) {
            $destination = CreateGetResultDirectory $startDirectory
        else {
            $destination = CreateSubDirectory $startDirectory $source
    $images = Get-ChildItem  -Filter "*.jpg" -LiteralPath $source 
    foreach ($image in $images) {
        $imagePath = $image.FullName
        ProcessImage $imagePath $destination $Replace
    $dirs = Get-ChildItem -Path $source  | ? { $_.PSIsContainer }
    foreach ($dir in $dirs) {
        $directoryFullName = $dir.FullName
        ProcessDirectory $startDirectory $directoryFullName $Replace $recurse

function Set-PhotographNameAsDateTimeTaken {
    param ([string]$Directory, [switch]$Replace, [switch]$Recurse)
    Write-Verbose "Loading system drawing assembly"
    # [reflection.assembly]::loadfile( "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Drawing.dll") | Out-Null
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing

    $startDirectory = $Directory
    if ($Directory -eq $null -or $Directory -eq "") {
        $startDirectory = Get-Location
    ProcessDirectory $startDirectory $startDirectory $Replace $Recurse

Export-ModuleMember Set-PhotographNameAsDateTimeTaken