.SYNOPSIS Creates a new process inspector dialog. .DESCRIPTION The simple factory script returns a new process inspector dialog object. .EXAMPLE .\New-ProcessInspectorUI | Get-Member ComboBox*,Label*,Button*,CheckBox*,Timer | Select-Object Name Name ---- ComboBoxForProcessName LabelForMemoryUsage LabelForTotalMemoryUsage ButtonToTerminateProcess CheckBoxForSortByNameOption Timer Create a process inspector dialog instance and list its controls and timer. .EXAMPLE (.\New-ProcessInspectorUI).ShowDialog() Cancel Create, display and close the process inspector dialog. #> using namespace System.Windows.Forms using namespace System.Drawing Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing [Form]::new() | ForEach-Object { $_.Size = '450, 250' $_.Text = 'Process Inspector' $_.Icon = [Icon]::FromHandle([Bitmap]::FromFile("$PSScriptRoot\ico.bmp").GetHicon()) $_.BackColor = 'White' $_.Font = 'Verdana,10' $_.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen' $_.MinimumSize = $_.Size $_.MaximumSize = $_.Size $_.Name = 'DialogForProcessInspector' $_.Controls.AddRange(@(& { [Label]::new() | ForEach-Object { $_.AutoSize = $True $_.Text = 'Process name :' $_.Location = '20, 20' Return $_ } [Label]::new() | ForEach-Object { $_.AutoSize = $True $_.Text = 'Memory usage (MB) :' $_.Location = '20, 80' Return $_ } [Label]::new() | ForEach-Object { $_.AutoSize = $True $_.Text = 'Overall memory usage (%) :' $_.Font = '9' $_.Location = '20, 160' Return $_ } ($ComboBox = [ComboBox]::new() | ForEach-Object { $_.Width = 230 $_.BackColor = 'WhiteSmoke' $_.DropDownStyle = 'DropDownList' $_.FlatStyle = 'Flat' $_.Location = "182, 17" $_.Name = 'ComboBoxForProcessName' Return $_ }) [Label]::new() | ForEach-Object { $_.Width = $ComboBox.Width + 2 $_.Height = $ComboBox.Height + 3 + $(If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 7) { 2 }) $_.BorderStyle = 'FixedSingle' $_.Location = "$($ComboBox.Left - 1), $($ComboBox.Top - 1)" Return $_ } [Label]::new() | ForEach-Object { $_.AutoSize = $True $_.Location = "$($ComboBox.Left), 80" $_.Name = 'LabelForMemoryUsage' Return $_ } [Label]::new() | ForEach-Object { $_.AutoSize = $True $_.Font = '9' $_.Location = "$($ComboBox.Left), 160" $_.Name = 'LabelForTotalMemoryUsage' Return $_ } [Button]::new() | ForEach-Object { $_.Text = 'Terminate Process' $_.AutoSize = $True $_.FlatStyle = 'Flat' $_.Location = '268, 150' $_.Name = 'ButtonToTerminateProcess' Return $_ } ($CheckBox = [CheckBox]::new() | ForEach-Object { $_.FlatStyle = 'Flat' $_.Checked = $False $_.Location = "$($ComboBox.Right - 11), 44" $_.Name = 'CheckBoxForSortByNameOption' Return $_ }) [Label]::new() | ForEach-Object { $_.AutoSize = $True $_.Text = 'Sort A-Z' $_.Font = '8' $_.Location = "$($CheckBox.Left - 50), 49" Return $_ } })) Get-Variable '_' -PipelineVariable UI | ForEach-Object { $UI.Value.Controls.Where{ !!$_.Name } | ForEach-Object { Add-Member -InputObject $UI.Value -Name $_.Name -Value $_ -MemberType NoteProperty } } Add-Member -Value $([Timer]::new() | ForEach-Object { $_.Interval = 1000 Return $_ }) -InputObject $_ -Name Timer -MemberType NoteProperty $_.add_VisibleChanged({ If (!$This.Visible) { $This.Timer.Stop() } }) Return $_ } |