.SYNOPSIS Get the adapted view of the process inspector dialog. .DESCRIPTION The simple factory script returns a Process Inspector UI adapter object. The goal is to encapsulate the process inspector UI (the adaptee) and provide an interface to the controller that has no direct reference to UI elements. .PARAMETER UI The process inspector dialog to adapt. .EXAMPLE .\Get-ProcessInspectorUIAdapter ([ref] ($dialog = .\New-ProcessInspectorUI)) | Get-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod | Select-Object Name Name ---- Display Dispose OnProcessListDropDown OnProcessSelected OnRefreshTick OnTerminateProcessClick Get the adapted view of the $dialog UI object and list the expected methods to be used by the Controller. .EXAMPLE $dialog = .\New-ProcessInspectorUI PS > (.\Get-ProcessInspectorUIAdapter ([ref] $dialog)).Display() Cancel Create, display and close the process inspector dialog. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([pscustomobject])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNull()] [ref] $UI ) Return New-Module -ArgumentList $UI -AsCustomObject { Param([ref] $UI) Filter OnRefreshTick { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a timer tick event listener to the Process Inspector dialog. #> If ($Args.Count -ne 1) { Throw [System.ArgumentException] } $UI.Value.Timer.add_Tick($Args[0]) } Filter OnProcessListDropDown { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a combobox dropdown event listener to the Process Inspector dialog. #> If ($Args.Count -ne 1) { Throw [System.ArgumentException] } $UI.Value.ComboBoxForProcessName.add_DropDown($Args[0]) } Filter OnProcessSelected { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a combobox selection change committed event listener to the Process Inspector dialog. .DESCRIPTION The event occurs after a process name in the dropdown list has been clicked to be committed. #> If ($Args.Count -ne 1) { Throw [System.ArgumentException] } $UI.Value.ComboBoxForProcessName.add_SelectionChangeCommitted($Args[0]) } Filter OnTerminateProcessClick { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a button click event listener to the Process Inspector dialog. #> If ($Args.Count -ne 1) { Throw [System.ArgumentException] } $UI.Value.ButtonToTerminateProcess.add_Click($Args[0]) } Filter Display { <# .SYNOPSIS Display the process inspector dialog after starting the timer. #> If ($Args.Count -ne 0) { Throw [System.ArgumentException] } $UI.Value | ForEach-Object { $_.Timer.Start() $_.ShowDialog() } } Filter Dispose { <# .SYNOPSIS Clean up the UI objects after the timer has been stopped. #> If ($Args.Count -ne 0) { Throw [System.ArgumentException] } $UI.Value | ForEach-Object { $_.Timer | ForEach-Object { $_.Stop() $_.Dispose() } $_.Controls.ForEach{ $_.Dispose() } $_.Dispose() } } } |