#Requires -Version 7.0 Filter New-ProcessInspector { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a process inspector dialog. .DESCRIPTION New-ProcessInspector creates a custom object abstracting the view of a process inspector dialog. .EXAMPLE New-ProcessInspector | Get-Member -MemberType Script* | Select-Object Name,MemberType Name MemberType ---- ---------- Display ScriptMethod Dispose ScriptMethod OnProcessListDropDown ScriptMethod OnProcessSelected ScriptMethod OnRefreshTick ScriptMethod OnTerminateProcessClick ScriptMethod MemoryUsage ScriptProperty ProcessList ScriptProperty ProcessName ScriptProperty SortByName ScriptProperty TotalMemoryUsage ScriptProperty Create a process inspector dialog and list the expected members to be used by the Controller. .EXAMPLE (New-ProcessInspector).Display() Cancel Create, display and close the process inspector dialog. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([pscustomobject])] Param() Push-Location "$PSScriptRoot\script\" .\Set-ProcessInspectorUIAdapterProperties ([ref] ($UIAdapter = .\Get-ProcessInspectorUIAdapter ([ref] ($UI = .\New-ProcessInspectorUI)))) ([ref] $UI) Pop-Location Return $UIAdapter } |