function New-ProGetUniversalPackage { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a ProGet universal package file. .DESCRIPTION The `New-ProGetUniversalPackage` function creates a ProGet universal package file. The file will only contain a upack.json file. Pass the path to the file to create to the `OutFile` parameter (the file must not exist or you'll get an error). You must supply a name (with the `Name` parameter) and a version (with the `Version` parameter). Names can only contain letters, numbers, periods, underscores, and hyphens. Version must be a valid semantic version. Pass `New-ProGetUniversalPackage` has the following parameters that add the appropriate metadata to the package's upack.json manifest: * GroupName * Title * ProjectUri * IconUri * Description * Tag (creates the `tags` property) * Dependency (creates the `dependencies` property) * Reason (creates the `createdReason` property) * Author (creates the `createdBy` property) You can pass additional custom metadata to the `AdditionalMetadata` property. It is recommended that all custom metadata be prefixed with an underscore to prevent collision with future standard metadata. The `New-ProGetUniversalPackage` function always adds two additional pieces of metadata: * `createdDate`, the UTC date/time this function gets called * `createdUsing`, a string that identifies the ProGetAutomation module as the tool used; it includes the module's version, the PowerShell version, and, if available, the PowerShell edition. A `IO.FileInfo` object is returned for the just-created package. The `Zip` PowerShell module is used to create the ZIP archive and add the upack.json file to it. By default, optimal compression is used. You can customize your compression level with the `CompressionLevel` parameter. See the [upack.json Manifest Specification page]( for more information about the format and contents of the upack.json file. Once you've created the package, you can then add additional files to it with the `Add-ProGetUniversalPackage` function. .EXAMPLE New-ProGetUniversalPackage -OutFile 'package.upack' -Version '0.0.0' -Name 'ProGetAutomation' Demonstrates how to create a minimal upack package. .EXAMPLE New-ProGetUniversalPackage -OutFile 'package.upack' -Version '0.0.0' -Name 'ProGetAutomation' -GroupName 'WHS/PowerShell' -Title 'ProGet Automation' -ProjectUri '' -IconUri '' -Description 'A PowerShell module for automationg ProGet.' -Tag @( 'powershell', 'module', 'inedo', 'proget' ) -Dependency @( 'zip' ) -Reason 'Because the world needs more PowerShell!' -Author 'WebMD Health Services' Demonstrates how to create a upack package with all required and optional metadata. (The ProGetAutomation package doesn't have any dependencies. The example shows one for illustrative purposes only.) .EXAMPLE New-ProGetUniversalPackage -OutFile 'package.upack' -Version '0.0.0' -Name 'ProGetAutomation' -AdditionalMetadata @{ '_whs' = @{ 'fubar' = 'snafu' } } Demonstrates how to add custom metadata to your package. .EXAMPLE New-ProGetUniversalPackage -OutFile 'package.upack' -Version '0.0.0' -Name 'ProGetAutomation' -CompressionLevel Fastest Demonstrates how to change the compression level of the package. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([IO.FileInfo])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] # Path to the package. The package is created here. The filename should have a .upack extension. $OutFile, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] # The version of the package. Semantic Version 2 supported. $Version, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidatePattern('^[A-Za-z0-9._-]+$')] [string] # The name of the package. Must only contain letters, numbers, periods, underscores or hyphens. $Name, [ValidatePattern('(^[A-Za-z0-9._/-]+$)|(^$)')] [ValidatePattern('(^[^/])|(^$)')] [ValidatePattern('([^/]$)|(^$)')] [string] # The group name of the package. Must only contain letters, numbers, periods, underscores, forward slashes, or hyphens. Must not begin or end with forward slashes. $GroupName, [ValidateLength(1,50)] [string] # The package's title/display name. Any characters are allowed. Can't be longer than 50 characters. $Title, [uri] # The URI to the project. $ProjectUri, [uri] # The URI to the projet/package's icon. The icon may be in the package itself. If it is, pass `package://path/to/icon`. $IconUri, [string] # A full description of the package. Formatted as Markdown in the ProGet UI. $Description, [string[]] [ValidatePattern('^[A-Za-z0-9._-]+$')] # An array of tags. Each tag must only contain letters, numbers, periods, underscores, and hyphens. $Tag, [string[]] # A list of dependencies as package names. Must be formatted like: # # * �group�/�package-name� # * �group�/�package-name�:�version� # * �group�/�package-name�:�version�:�sha-hash� $Dependency, [string] # The reason the package is getting created. $Reason, [string] # The author of the package. $Author, [hashtable] # Any additional metadata for the package. It is recommended that you prefix custom metadata with an underscore to prevent possible collisions with future system metadata. # # If you provide a parameter and duplicate that parameter's metadata in this hashtable, the parameter value takes precedence. # # $AdditionalMetadata = @{ }, [IO.Compression.CompressionLevel] # The compression level to use. The default is `Optimal`. Other values are `Fastest` (larger file, created faster) or `None` (nothing is compressed). $CompressionLevel = [IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState $tempDir = Join-Path -Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath ('{0}.{1}' -f ($OutFile | Split-Path -Leaf),([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())) New-Item -Path $tempDir -ItemType 'Directory' | Out-Null try { $upackJsonPath = Join-Path -Path $tempDir -ChildPath 'upack.json' [hashtable]$upackJson = $AdditionalMetadata.Clone() $upackJson['name'] = $Name $upackJson['version'] = $Version if( -not $upackJson.ContainsKey('createdUsing') ) { $psEdition = '' if( $PSVersionTable.ContainsKey('PSEdition') ) { $psEdition = '; {0}' -f $PSVersionTable['PSEdition'] } $upackJson['createdUsing'] = 'ProGetAutomation/{0} (PowerShell {1}{2})' -f (Get-Module -Name 'ProGetAutomation').Version,$PSVersionTable['PSVersion'],$psEdition } if( -not $upackJson.ContainsKey('createdDate') ) { $upackJson['createdDate'] = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString('O') } $parameterToMetadataMap = @{ 'GroupName' = 'group'; 'Title' = 'title'; 'ProjectUri' = 'projectUri'; 'IconUri' = 'iconUri'; 'Description' = 'description'; 'Tag' = 'tags'; 'Dependency' = 'dependencies'; 'Reason' = 'createdReason'; 'Author' = 'createdBy'; } foreach( $parameterName in $parameterToMetadataMap.Keys ) { if( -not $PSBoundParameters[$parameterName] ) { continue } $metadataName = $parameterToMetadataMap[$parameterName] $upackJson[$metadataName] = $PSBoundParameters[$parameterName] } $upackJson | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]$_ } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 50 | Set-Content -Path $upackJsonPath $archive = New-ZipArchive -Path $OutFile -CompressionLevel $CompressionLevel $upackJsonPath | Add-ZipArchiveEntry -ZipArchivePath $archive.FullName -CompressionLevel $CompressionLevel $archive } finally { Remove-Item -Path $tempDir -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } } |