function New-ProGetFeed { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new ProGet package feed .DESCRIPTION The `New-ProGetFeed` function creates a new ProGet feed. Use the `Type` parameter to specify the feed type (valid values are 'VSIX', 'RubyGems', 'Docker', 'ProGet', 'Maven', 'Bower', 'npm', 'Deployment', 'Chocolatey', 'NuGet', 'PowerShell'). The `Session` parameter controls the instance of ProGet to connect to. This function uses ProGet's Native API, so an API key is required. Use `New-ProGetSession` to create a session with your API key. .EXAMPLE New-ProGetFeed -Session $ProGetSession -Name 'Apps' -Type 'ProGet' Demonstrates how to call `New-ProGetFeed`. In this case, a new Universal package feed named 'Apps' will be created for the specified ProGet Uri #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [pscustomobject] # The session includes ProGet's URI and the API key. Use `New-ProGetSession` to create session objects $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('FeedName')] [string] # The feed name indicates the name of the package feed that will be created. $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('FeedType')] [string] # The feed type indicates the type of package feed to create. # Valid feed types are ('VSIX', 'RubyGems', 'Docker', 'ProGet', 'Maven', 'Bower', 'npm', 'Deployment', 'Chocolatey', 'NuGet', 'PowerShell') - check here for a latest list - $Type ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' if (!$Session.ApiKey) { Write-Error -Message ('We are unable to create new package feed ''{0}/{1}'' because your ProGet session is missing an API key. This function uses ProGet''s Native API, which requires an API key. Use `New-ProGetSession` to create a session object that uses an API key.' -f $Type, $Name) return } $Parameters = @{ 'FeedType_Name' = $Type; 'Feed_Name' = $Name; } $feedExists = Test-ProGetFeed -Session $Session -Name $Name -Type $Type if( $feedExists ) { Write-Error -Message ('Unable to create {0} {1} feed: a feed with that name and type already exists.' -f $Type, $Name) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference return } Write-Verbose -Message ('Creating {0} {1} feed in ProGet instance "{2}".' -f $Type, $Name, $Session.Uri) $null = Invoke-ProGetNativeApiMethod -Session $Session -Name 'Feeds_CreateFeed' -Parameter $Parameters } |