function Read-ProGetUniversalPackageFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Reads the contents of a file from a package in a ProGet universal feed. .DESCRIPTION The `Read-ProGetUniversalPackageFile` reads the contents of a file from a package in a ProGet universal feed. Use this function to read parts of a universal package directly from ProGet without downloading the entire package. Pass the name of the universal feed to the `FeedName` parameter. Pass the name of the package to the `Name` parameter. Pass the path of the file in the package to the `Path` parameter. The path should include the `package` part of the path. By default, the file is read from the latest/most recent version of the package. To read a file from a specific version, pass that version to the `Version` parameter. This function uses the [Download File Package endpoint]( of ProGet's universal API. .EXAMPLE Read-ProGetUniversalPackageFile -Session $session -FeedName 'Apps' -Name 'MyApp' -Path 'upack.json' Demonstrates how to read the upack.json file from a package in a ProGet universal feed without downloading the entire package. In this example, the upack.json file is read from the package. .EXAMPLE Read-ProGetUniversalPackageFile -Session $session -FeedName 'Apps' -Name 'MyApp' -Path 'package/' Demonstrates how to read the file that was included in a package. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [object] # A session object that represents the ProGet instance to use. Use the `New-ProGetSession` function to create session objects. $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] # The name of the feed where the package can be found. $FeedName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Name, [string] # The package version to check. Defaults to the latest, most recent package. $Version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] # The relative path to the file in the package. $Path ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState $uriPath = '/upack/{0}/download-file/{1}/' -f ($FeedName,$Name | ForEach-Object { [Uri]::EscapeUriString($_) }) if( $Version ) { $uriPath = '{0}{1}/?' -f $uriPath,[Uri]::EscapeUriString($Version) } else { $uriPath = '{0}?latest&' -f $uriPath } $uriPath = '{0}path={1}' -f $uriPath,[Uri]::EscapeUriString($Path) Invoke-ProGetRestMethod -Session $Session -Path $uriPath -Parameter @{ } -Method Get -Raw } |