# Add all things you want to run before importing the main code # Load the strings used in messages . Import-ModuleFile -Path "$($script:ModuleRoot)\internal\scripts\strings.ps1" # Configure validation Register-PSFConfigValidation -Name MacAddressColon -ScriptBlock { param ( [string] $MacAddress ) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($MacAddress)) { return [PSCustomObject]@{ Message = 'Null-value supplied, but allowed' Success = $true Value = $null } } $res = $MacAddress -match '^([a-fA-F0-9]{2}:){5}[a-fA-F0-9]{2}$' if ($res) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Message = '{0} is a valid colon-separated MAC address' -f $MacAddress Success = $true Value = $MacAddress } } else { [PSCustomObject]@{ Message = '{0} is not a valid colon-separated MAC address' -f $MacAddress Success = $false Value = $matchedValue } } } # Add class definition class PrismProfile { #{"Material":" ","BaseCureTime": ,"CureTime": ,"RaiseDistance": } [string] $Material [uint16] $BaseCureTime [uint16] $CureTime [uint16] $RaiseDistance PrismProfile () { } PrismProfile ([string] $Material, [uint16] $BaseCureTime, [uint16] $CureTime, [uint16] $RaiseDistance) { $this.Material = $Material $this.BaseCureTime = $BaseCureTime $this.CureTime = $CureTime $this.RaiseDistance = $RaiseDistance } [string] ToString() { return ($this | ConvertTo-Json -Compress) } } |