.SYNOPSIS Stop a print on your Prism! .DESCRIPTION Stop a print on your Prism! .PARAMETER ComputerName The host name or IP of your Prism .PARAMETER Session The session to your Prism, autocreated if not provided .EXAMPLE Stop-PrismPrint Cancels the current print on the default printer #> function Stop-PrismPrint { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [string] $ComputerName = (Get-PrismPrinter), [Parameter()] [microsoft.powershell.commands.webrequestsession] $Session ) $uri = "http://$ComputerName/CMD/Cancel" if ($null -eq $Session) { $Session = New-PrismSession -ComputerName $ComputerName } if ((Get-PrismStatus -ComputerName $ComputerName -Session $Session).Status -in 'Idle','Unknown') { Stop-PSFFunction -String 'StopPrismPrint.NotStopping' -StringValues $ComputerName } Write-PSFMessage -String 'StopPrismPrint.AttemptStop' -StringValues $ComputerName Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -WebSession $Session } |