
# Copyright WebMD Health Services
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License

#Requires -Version 5.1
Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

# Functions should use $moduleRoot as the relative root from which to find
# things. A published module has its function appended to this file, while a
# module in development has its functions in the Functions directory.
$moduleRoot = $PSScriptRoot

# Store each of your module's functions in its own file in the Functions
# directory. On the build server, your module's functions will be appended to
# this file, so only dot-source files that exist on the file system. This allows
# developers to work on a module without having to build it first. Grab all the
# functions that are in their own files.
$functionsPath = Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'Functions\*.ps1'
if( (Test-Path -Path $functionsPath) )
    foreach( $functionPath in (Get-Item $functionsPath) )
        . $functionPath.FullName

function Get-PackageManagementPreference

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $deepPrefs = @{}
    if( (Test-Path -Path 'env:PRISM_DISABLE_DEEP_DEBUG') -and `
        'Continue' -in @($Global:DebugPreference, $DebugPreference) )
        $deepPrefs['Debug'] = $false

    if( (Test-Path -Path 'env:PRISM_DISABLE_DEEP_VERBOSE') -and `
        'Continue' -in @($Global:VerbosePreference, $VerbosePreference))
        $deepPrefs['Verbose'] = $false

    return $deepPrefs

# Ugh. I hate this name, but it interferes with Install-Module in one of the package management modules.
function Install-PrivateModule
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [Object] $Configuration

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
        Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $pkgMgmtPrefs = Get-PackageManagementPreference

        if( -not (Test-Path -Path $Configuration.LockPath) )
            $Configuration | Lock-Module

        $locks = Get-Content -Path $Configuration.LockPath | ConvertFrom-Json
        $repositoryNames = Get-PSRepository | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name'
        $moduleNames = $locks | Get-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name'
        foreach( $moduleName in $moduleNames )
            $installedModules =
                Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ListAvailable -ErrorAction Ignore |
                Add-Member -Name 'SemVer' -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {
                    $prerelease = $this.PrivateData['PSData']['PreRelease']
                    if( $prerelease )
                        $prerelease = "-$($prerelease)"
                    return "$($this.Version)$($prerelease)"

            foreach( $version in $locks.$moduleName )
                $module = $installedModules | Where-Object SemVer -EQ $version 
                if( -not $module )
                    if( -not (Test-Path -Path $Configuration.PSModulesDirectoryName) )
                        New-Item -Path $Configuration.PSModulesDirectoryName -ItemType 'Directory' -Force | Out-Null
                    Save-Module -Name $moduleName `
                                -Path $Configuration.PSModulesDirectoryName `
                                -RequiredVersion $version `
                                -AllowPrerelease `
                                -Repository $repositoryNames `
                $modulePath = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location).Path -ChildPath $Configuration.PSModulesDirectoryName
                $modulePath = Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath $moduleName | Resolve-Path -Relative
                    Name = $moduleName;
                    Version = $version;
                    Path = $modulePath;
                    Source = $Configuration.LockPath | Resolve-Path -Relative;
                } | Write-Output

function Invoke-Prism
    Invokes Prism.
    A tool similar to nuget but for PowerShell modules. A config file in the root of a repository that specifies
    what modules should be installed into the PSModules directory of the repository. If a path is provided for the
    module it will be installed at the specified path instead of the PSModules directory.
    Invoke-Prism 'install'
    Demonstrates how to call this function to install required PSModules.

        [ValidateSet('install', 'lock')]
        [String] $Command,

        # The name of the Prism configuration file to use. Defaults to `prism.json`.
        [String] $FileName = 'prism.json',

        [switch] $Recurse

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $origModulePath = $env:PSModulePath

    $pkgMgmtPrefs = Get-PackageManagementPreference
        # prism should ship with its own private copies of PackageManagement and PowerShellGet. Setting PSModulePath
        # to prism module's Modules directory ensures no other package modules get loaded.
        $pkgManagementModulePath = Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'Modules'
        $env:PSModulePath = $pkgManagementModulePath
        Write-Debug 'AVAILABLE MODULES'
        Get-Module -ListAvailable | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String | Write-Debug
        Import-Module -Name 'PackageManagement' @pkgMgmtPrefs
        Import-Module -Name 'PowerShellGet' @pkgMgmtPrefs
        Write-Debug 'IMPORTED MODULES'
        Get-Module | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String | Write-Debug

        Write-Debug 'AVAILABLE MODULES'
        Write-Debug "PSModulePath $($env:PSModulePath)"
        Get-Module -ListAvailable | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String | Write-Debug

        $Force = $FileName.StartsWith('.')
        $prismJsonFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path '.' -Filter $FileName -Recurse:$Recurse -Force:$Force -ErrorAction Ignore
        if( -not $prismJsonFiles )
            $msg = ''
            $suffix = ''
            if( $Recurse )
                $suffix = 's'
                $msg = ' or any of its sub-directories'

            $msg = "No $($FileName) file$($suffix) found in the current directory$($msg)."
            Write-Error -Message $msg -ErrorAction Stop

        foreach( $prismJsonFile in $prismJsonFiles )
            $path = $prismJsonFile.FullName
            $config = Get-Content -Path $path | ConvertFrom-Json
            if( -not $config )
                Write-Warning "File ""$($path | Resolve-Path -Relative) is empty."

            $lockBaseName = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($path)
            $lockExtension = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($path)
            # Hidden file with no extension, e.g. `.prism`
            if( -not $lockBaseName -and $lockExtension )
                $lockBaseName = $lockExtension
                $lockExtension = ''

            $lockPath = Join-Path -Path ($path | Split-Path -Parent) -ChildPath "$($lockBaseName).lock$($lockExtension)"
            # private members that users aren't allowed to customize.
            $config |
                Add-Member -Name 'Path' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $path -PassThru -Force |
                Add-Member -Name 'File' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $prismJsonFile -PassThru -Force |
                Add-Member -Name 'LockPath' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $lockPath -PassThru -Force |

            $ignore = @{ 'ErrorAction' = 'Ignore' }
            # public configuration that users can customize.
            # Add-Member doesn't return an object if the member already exists, so these can't be part of the pipeline.
            $config | Add-Member -Name 'PSModules' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value @() @ignore
            $config | Add-Member -Name 'PSModulesDirectoryName' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value 'PSModules' @ignore

            # This makes it so we can use PowerShell's module cmdlets as much as possible.
            $privateModulePath =  Join-Path -Path $prismJsonFile.DirectoryName -ChildPath $config.PSModulesDirectoryName
            $env:PSModulePath = "$($privateModulePath)$([IO.Path]::PathSeparator)$($pkgManagementModulePath)"

            switch( $Command )
                    $config | Install-PrivateModule
                    $config | Lock-Module
        $env:PSModulePath = $origModulePath

Set-Alias -Name 'prism' -Value 'Invoke-Prism'

function Lock-Module
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [Object] $Configuration

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
        Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $pkgMgmtPrefs = Get-PackageManagementPreference

        $modulesNotFound = [Collections.ArrayList]::New()
        $moduleNames = $Configuration.PSModules | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name'
        if( -not $moduleNames )
            Write-Warning "There are no modules listed in ""$($Path | Resolve-Path -Relative)""."

        $numFinds = $moduleNames | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Count'
        $numFinds = $numFinds + 2
        Write-Debug " numSteps $($numFinds)"
        $curStep = 0
        $uniqueModuleNames = $moduleNames | Select-Object -Unique
        $status = "Find-Module -Name '$($uniqueModuleNames -join "', '")'"
        $percentComplete = ($curStep++/$numFinds * 100)
        $activity = @{ Activity = 'Resolving Module Versions' }
        Write-Progress @activity -Status $status -PercentComplete $percentComplete

            $modules = Find-Module -Name $uniqueModuleNames -ErrorAction Ignore @pkgMgmtPrefs
            if( -not $modules )
                $msg = "$($Path | Resolve-Path -Relative): Modules ""$($uniqueModuleNames -join '", "')"" not " +
                Write-Error $msg

            # Find-Module is expensive. Limit calls as much as possible.
            $findModuleCache = @{}

            $locks = [pscustomobject]@{}

            $env:PSModulePath =
                Join-Path -Path $Configuration.File.DirectoryName -ChildPath $Configuration.PSModulesDirectoryName
            foreach( $pxModule in $Configuration.PSModules )
                $optionalParams = @{}

                # Make sure these members are present and have default values.
                $pxModule | Add-Member -Name 'Version' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value '' -ErrorAction Ignore
                $pxModule |
                    Add-Member -Name 'AllowPrerelease' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $false -ErrorAction Ignore

                $versionDesc = 'latest'
                if( $pxModule.Version )
                    $versionDesc = $optionalParams['Version'] = $pxModule.Version

                $allowPrerelease = $false
                if( $pxModule.AllowPrerelease -or $pxModule.Version -match '-' )
                    $allowPrerelease = $optionalParams['AllowPrerelease'] = $true

                $curStep += 1

                Write-Debug " curStep $($curStep)"
                $moduleToInstall =
                    $modules | Select-Module -Name $pxModule.Name @optionalParams | Select-Object -First 1
                if( -not $moduleToInstall )

                    $status = "Find-Module -Name '$($pxModule.Name)' -AllVersions"
                    if( $allowPrerelease )
                        $status = "$($status) -AllowPrerelease"

                    if( -not $findModuleCache.ContainsKey($status) )
                        Write-Progress @activity -Status $status -PercentComplete ($curStep/$numFinds * 100)
                        $findModuleCache[$status] = Find-Module -Name $pxModule.Name `
                                                                -AllVersions `
                                                                -AllowPrerelease:$allowPrerelease `
                                                                -ErrorAction Ignore `
                    $moduleToInstall =
                        $findModuleCache[$status] |
                        Select-Module -Name $pxModule.Name @optionalParams |
                        Select-Object -First 1

                if( -not $moduleToInstall )

                if( -not ($locks | Get-Member -Name $pxModule.Name) )
                    $locks |
                        Add-Member -Name $pxModule.Name -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ([Collections.ArrayList]::New())

                [void]$locks.$($pxModule.Name).Add( $moduleToInstall.Version )
                    'ModuleName' = $pxModule.Name;
                    'Version' = $versionDesc;
                    'LockedVersion' = $moduleToInstall.Version;
                    'Source' = $Configuration.Path | Resolve-Path -Relative;
                } | Write-Output

            Write-Progress @activity -Status "Saving lock file ""$($Configuration.LockPath)""." -PercentComplete 100
            $locks | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2 | Set-Content -Path $Configuration.LockPath -NoNewline

            if( $modulesNotFound.Count )
                $suffix = ''
                if( $modulesNotFound.Count -gt 1 )
                    $suffix = 's'
                $msg = "$($Path | Resolve-Path -Relative): Module$($suffix) ""$($modulesNotFound -join '", "')"" not " +
                Write-Error $msg
            Write-Progress @activity -Completed

function Select-Module
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [Object] $Module,

        [String] $Name,

        [String] $Version,

        [switch] $AllowPrerelease

        if( $Module.Name -ne $Name )

        if( $Version -and $Module.Version -notlike $Version )

        if( $AllowPrerelease )
            return $Module

        [Version]$moduleVersion = $null
        if( [Version]::TryParse($Module.Version, [ref]$moduleVersion) )
            return $Module

function Use-CallerPreference
    Sets the PowerShell preference variables in a module's function based on the callers preferences.
    Script module functions do not automatically inherit their caller's variables, including preferences set by common
    parameters. This means if you call a script with switches like `-Verbose` or `-WhatIf`, those that parameter don't
    get passed into any function that belongs to a module.
    When used in a module function, `Use-CallerPreference` will grab the value of these common parameters used by the
    function's caller:
     * ErrorAction
     * Debug
     * Confirm
     * InformationAction
     * Verbose
     * WarningAction
     * WhatIf
    This function should be used in a module's function to grab the caller's preference variables so the caller doesn't
    have to explicitly pass common parameters to the module function.
    This function is adapted from the [`Get-CallerPreference` function written by David Wyatt](
    There is currently a [bug in PowerShell]( that
    causes an error when `ErrorAction` is implicitly set to `Ignore`. If you use this function, you'll need to add
    explicit `-ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference` to every `Write-Error` call. Please vote up this issue so it can get
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState
    Demonstrates how to set the caller's common parameter preference variables in a module function.

    param (
        # The module function's `$PSCmdlet` object. Requires the function be decorated with the `[CmdletBinding()]`
        # attribute.

        # The module function's `$ExecutionContext.SessionState` object. Requires the function be decorated with the
        # `[CmdletBinding()]` attribute.
        # Used to set variables in its callers' scope, even if that caller is in a different script module.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    # List of preference variables taken from the about_Preference_Variables and their common parameter name (taken
    # from about_CommonParameters).
    $commonPreferences = @{
                              'ErrorActionPreference' = 'ErrorAction';
                              'DebugPreference' = 'Debug';
                              'ConfirmPreference' = 'Confirm';
                              'InformationPreference' = 'InformationAction';
                              'VerbosePreference' = 'Verbose';
                              'WarningPreference' = 'WarningAction';
                              'WhatIfPreference' = 'WhatIf';

    foreach( $prefName in $commonPreferences.Keys )
        $parameterName = $commonPreferences[$prefName]

        # Don't do anything if the parameter was passed in.
        if( $Cmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey($parameterName) )

        $variable = $Cmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($prefName)
        # Don't do anything if caller didn't use a common parameter.
        if( -not $variable )

        if( $SessionState -eq $ExecutionContext.SessionState )
            Set-Variable -Scope 1 -Name $variable.Name -Value $variable.Value -Force -Confirm:$false -WhatIf:$false
            $SessionState.PSVariable.Set($variable.Name, $variable.Value)