
enum Ensure
enum PortType
class Printer



    $PortType = [PortType]::TCPIP



    $Shared = $true



    $SNMPIndex = 0


    hidden $Messages = ""

        $this.Messages = Import-LocalizedData -FileName 'Printer.strings.ps1' -BaseDirectory (Split-Path -Parent $PSCOMMANDPATH)

    [void] Set()
            $printer = Get-Printer -Name $this.Name -Full -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.PrinterDoesNotExist -f $this.Name)
            $printer = $null
        } # end try/catch
            $printerPort = Get-PrinterPort -Name $this.PortName -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.PrinterPortDoesNotExist -f $this.PortName)
            $printerPort = $null
        } # end try/catch

        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
                Creating variables to determine if new a new printer or printerPort was just created.
                Doing this to bypass excess setting checks as the settings would already set correctly

            [bool]$newPrinter = $false
            [bool]$newPrinterPort = $false

            # We need to create the port before we can create the printer
            if ($null -eq $printerPort)
                    Different parameters are needed depending on the port type. So we are going to build
                    a hashtable for splatting on the Add-PrinterPort cmdlet

                $addPrinterPortParams = @{ }

                switch ($this.PortType)
                    } # End PaperCut
                        $addPrinterPortParams = @{
                            Name            = $this.PortName
                            LprHostAddress  = $this.Address
                            LprQueueName    = $this.lprQueueName
                            LprByteCounting = $true
                    } # End LPR
                        # Default is as Standard TCPIP Port
                        $addPrinterPortParams = @{
                            Name               = $this.PortName
                            PrinterHostAddress = $this.Address
                    } # End Default
                } # End Switch PortType

                if ($addPrinterPortParams.Count -ge 1 )
                    if ($this.SNMPIndex -ne 0 -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.SNMPCommunity))
                        $addPrinterPortParams.SNMP = $this.SNMPIndex
                        $addPrinterPortParams.SNMPCommunity = $this.SNMPCommunity
                    Add-PrinterPort @addPrinterPortParams
                } # end if port params count

                $newPrinterPort = $true
                Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.NewPrinterPort -f $this.PortType, $this.PortName)
            } # End If PrinterPort

            if ($null -eq $printer)
                    Get-PrinterDriver -Name $this.DriverName -ErrorAction Stop
                    Write-Error -Message ($this.Messages.PrinterNoDriver -f $this.DriverName, $this.Name) -Exception 'ObjectNotFound' -Category "ObjectNotFound"
                    throw ($this.Messages.PrinterNoDriver -f $this.DriverName, $this.Name)
                } # end try/catch

                    Building a hashtable with desired parameters of the new printer.
                    This hashtable will be used for splatting the Add-Printer cmdlet.

                $addPrinterParam = @{
                    Name       = $this.Name
                    PortName   = $this.PortName
                    DriverName = $this.DriverName
                if ($null -ne $this.PermissionSDDL)
                    $addPrinterParam.PermissionSDDL = $this.PermissionSDDL
                } # End If PermissionSDDL
                if ($null -ne $this.Shared)
                    $addPrinterParam.Shared = $this.Shared
                } # end if shared

                    Add-Printer @addPrinterParam -ErrorAction Stop
                    Write-Error -Message ($this.Messages.FailedToAddPrinter -f $this.Name)
                    throw ($this.Messages.FailedToAddPrinter -f $this.Name)
                } # end try/catch

                $newPrinter = $true
                Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.NewPrinter -f $this.Name)
            } # End If Printer

            # If the printer already existed the settings need to be checked. Otherwise the printer was just created with specified settings
            if ($newPrinter -eq $false)
                    Building a hashtable with the settings that needed to be changed. We do this so all changes
                    are done with one command instead of running it each time a setting needs to get updated.

                $updatePrinterParam = @{
                    Name = $this.Name

                if ($printer.DriverName -ne $this.DriverName)
                    # Need to check if the driver exists before attempting to set the printer to use it
                        Get-PrinterDriver -Name $this.DriverName -ErrorAction Stop
                        Write-Error -Message ($this.Messages.PrinterNoDriver -f $this.DriverName, $this.Name) -Exception 'ObjectNotFound' -Category "ObjectNotFound"
                        throw ($this.Messages.PrinterNoDriver -f $this.DriverName, $this.Name)
                    } # end try/catch

                    # Updating variable to notify that the driver needs to be updated
                    $updatePrinterParam.DriverName = $this.DriverName
                    Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.UpdatedDesiredState -f 'DriverName', $this.DriverName, $printer.DriverName)
                } # End If DriverName

                if ($printer.Shared -ne $this.Shared)
                    $updatePrinterParam.Shared = $this.Shared
                    Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.UpdatedDesiredState -f 'Shared', $this.Shared, $printer.Shared)
                } # End If Shared

                if ($null -ne $this.PermissionSDDL -and $printer.PermissionSDDL -ne $this.PermissionSDDL)
                    $updatePrinterParam.PermissionSDDL = $this.PermissionSDDL
                    Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.UpdatedDesiredState -f 'PermissionSDDL', $this.PermissionSDDL, $printer.PermissionSDDL)
                } # End If PermissionSDDL

                if ($printer.PortName -ne $this.PortName)
                    $updatePrinterParam.PortName = $this.PortName
                    Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.UpdatedDesiredState -f 'PortName', $this.PortName, $printer.PortName)
                    # To make changes we need to make sure there are no jobs queued up on the printer
                    Get-PrintJob -PrinterName $this.Name | Remove-PrintJob
                } # End If PrinterPort

                    If the no params are added besides the default name property.
                    We do not need to update the printer, otherwise the printer needs to be updated

                if ($updatePrinterParam.count -gt 1)
                    Set-Printer @updatePrinterParam
                } # End If updatePrinterParam
            } # End If NewPrinter

            # If the printerPort already existed the settings need to be checked. Otherwise the printer was just created with specified settings
            if ($newPrinterPort -eq $false)
                $currentPortType = [PortType]$this.FindPortType()
                if ($currentPortType -ne $this.PortType)
                    Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "PortType", $currentPortType, $this.PortType)
                    # If there are any PrintJobs queued on the printer it will cause issues changing the PortType so we will remove the print jobs
                    Get-PrintJob -PrinterName $this.Name | Remove-PrintJob
                    switch ($currentPortType)
                            $tempPort = $this.UseTempPort()
                            # Lets remove the Papercut Port
                            Remove-Item ("HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PaperCut TCP$([char]0x002f)IP Port\Ports\{0}" -f $this.PortName)
                            # To take effect the spooler needs to be rebooted
                            Restart-Service -Name "Spooler" -Force
                            $newPrinterPortParams = @{
                                Name = $this.PortName
                            if ($null -ne $this.SNMPIndex)
                                $newPrinterPortParams.SNMP = $this.SNMPIndex
                                $newPrinterPortParams.SNMPCommunity = $this.SNMPCommunity
                            switch ($this.PortType)
                                    $newPrinterPortParams.LprHostAddress = $this.Address
                                    $newPrinterPortParams.LprQueueName = $this.lprQueueName
                                    $newPrinterPortParams.LprByteCounting = $true
                                } # End LPR
                                    $newPrinterPortParams.PrinterHostAddress = $this.Address
                                } # End TCPIP
                            } # End Switch this.PortType
                            Add-PrinterPort @newPrinterPortParams
                            $updatePrinterParam = @{
                                Name     = $this.Name
                                PortName = $this.PortName
                            # Changing the printer to use the new port
                            Set-Printer @updatePrinterParam
                            # To clean up we will remove the temp printer port
                            Remove-PrinterPort -Name $tempPort
                        } # End Papercut
                            switch ($this.PortType)
                                    $UpdatePortParams = @{
                                        Protocol   = 1
                                        PortNumber = 9100
                                    # Need to Use WMI as CIM has the objects as read only
                                    Get-WmiObject -Query ("Select * FROM Win32_TCPIpPrinterPort WHERE Name = '{0}'" -f $this.PortName ) | Set-WmiInstance -Arguments $UpdatePortParams -PutType UpdateOnly | Out-Null
                                } # End TCPIP
                                    $tempPort = $this.UseTempPort()
                                    Remove-PrinterPort -Name $this.PortName
                                    $updatePrinterParam = @{
                                        Name     = $this.Name
                                        PortName = $this.PortName
                                    Set-Printer @updatePrinterParam
                                    # To clean up we will remove the temp printer port
                                    Remove-PrinterPort -Name $tempPort
                                } # End PaperCut
                            } # End Switch this.PortType
                        } # End LPR
                            switch ($this.PortType)
                                    $UpdatePortParams = @{
                                        Protocol = 2
                                        Queue    = $this.lprQueueName
                                    # Need to Use WMI as CIM has the objects as read only
                                    Get-WmiObject -Query ("Select * FROM Win32_TCPIpPrinterPort WHERE Name = '{0}'" -f $this.PortName ) | Set-WmiInstance -Arguments $UpdatePortParams -PutType UpdateOnly | Out-Null
                                } # End LPR
                                    $tempPort = $this.UseTempPort()
                                    Remove-PrinterPort -Name $this.PortName
                                    $updatePrinterParam = @{
                                        Name     = $this.Name
                                        PortName = $this.PortName
                                    Set-Printer @updatePrinterParam
                                    # To clean up we will remove the temp printer port
                                    Remove-PrinterPort -Name $tempPort
                                } # End PaperCut
                            } # End Switch this.PortType
                        } # End TCPIP
                    } # End Switch currentPortType
                    # The ports were converted the setting will be in the desired state.
                } # End If not CurrentPortType
                    switch ($currentPortType)
                                #To get Papercut address you need to look at the registry key
                                $currentAddress = (Get-Item ("HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PaperCut TCP/IP Port\Ports\{0}" -f $this.PortName) | Get-ItemProperty -ErrorAction Stop).HostName
                                $currentAddress = ''
                            } # End try/catch CurrentAddress
                            if ($this.Address -ne $currentAddress)
                                Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.UpdatedDesiredState -f "Address", $this.Address, $currentAddress)
                                $this.CreatePaperCutPort() #This will just update the registry keys
                            } # End Address
                        } # End PaperCut
                            $newPrinterPortParams = @{
                                Name = $this.PortName
                            } # End newPrinterPortParams
                            if ($currentPortType -eq 'LPR' -and $printerPort.lprQueueName -ne $this.lprQueueName)
                                Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.UpdatedDesiredState -f "lprQueueName", $this.lprQueueName, $printerPort.lprQueueName)
                                $newPrinterPortParams.lprQueueName = $this.lprQueueName
                            } # End If LprQueueName
                            if ($this.Address -ne $printerPort.PrinterHostAddress)
                                Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.UpdatedDesiredState -f "Address", $this.Address, $printerPort.PrinterHostAddress)
                                $newPrinterPortParams.PrinterHostAddress = $this.Address
                            } # End If Address
                            if ($this.SNMPIndex -ne 0 -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.SNMPCommunity))
                                if ($this.SNMPCommunity -ne $printerPort.SNMPCommunity)
                                    Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.UpdatedDesiredState -f "SNMPCommunity", $this.SNMPCommunity, $printerPort.SNMPCommunity)
                                    $newPrinterPortParams.SNMPCommunity = $this.SNMPCommunity
                                } # End If SNMPCommunity
                                if ($this.SNMPIndex -ne $printerPort.SNMPIndex)
                                    Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.UpdatedDesiredState -f "SNMPIndex", $this.SNMPIndex, $printerPort.SNMPIndex)
                                    $newPrinterPortParams.SNMPDevIndex = $this.SNMPIndex
                                } # End If SNMPIndex
                                $newPrinterPortParams.SNMPEnabled = $false
                            }# End If SNMP True
                            # If newPrinterPortParams has more items than just Name the port needs to be updated with new settings
                            if ($newPrinterPortParams.count -gt 1)
                                Get-WmiObject -Query ("Select * FROM Win32_TCPIpPrinterPort WHERE Name = '{0}'" -f $this.PortName ) | Set-WmiInstance -Arguments $newPrinterPortParams -PutType UpdateOnly | Out-Null
                            } # End If newPrinterPortParams.Count
                        } # End Default
                    } # End Switch $currentPortType
                } # end if currentPortType
            } # End If not NewPrinterPort
            if ($null -ne $printer)
                $PrinterParams = @{
                    Name = $this.Name
                Get-PrintJob -PrinterName $this.Name | Remove-PrintJob
                Remove-Printer @PrinterParams
            } # End If Printer
            if ($null -ne $printerPort)
                    Remove-PrinterPort -Name $this.PortName
                    Restart-Service -Name Spooler -Force
                    Remove-PrinterPort -Name $this.PortName
            } # End If PrinterPort
        } # End Else absent
    } # End Set()
    [bool] Test()
            $printer = Get-Printer -Name $this.Name -Full -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.PrinterDoesNotExist -f $this.Name)
            $printer = $null
            $printerPort = Get-PrinterPort -Name $this.PortName -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Verbose -Message ($this.Messages.PrinterPortDoesNotExist -f $this.PortName)
            $printerPort = $null
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            # region test current printer settings
            if ($null -eq $printer)
                Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "Ensure", "Absent", $this.Ensure)
                return $false
            } # End Printer
            if ($null -eq $printerPort)
                Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "PrinterPort", "Absent", $this.Ensure)
                return $false
            } # End PrinterPort
            if ($this.DriverName -ne $printer.DriverName)
                Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "DriverName", $printer.DriverName, $this.DriverName)
                return $false
            } # End DriverName
            if ($null -ne $this.PermissionSDDL -and $this.PermissionSDDL -ne $printer.PermissionSDDL)
                Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "PermissionSDDL", $printer.PermissionSDDL, $this.PermissionSDDL)
                return $false
            } # End PermissionSDDL
            if ($this.Shared -ne [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($printer.Shared))
                Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "Shared", $printer.Shared, $this.Shared)
                return $false
            } # End Shared
            if ($this.PortName -ne $printer.PortName)
                Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "PortName", $printer.PortName, $this.PortName)
                return $false
            } # End PortName

            switch ($printerPort.Description)
                "PaperCut TCP/IP Port"
                        #To get Papercut address you need to look at the registry key
                        $currentAddress = (Get-Item ("HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PaperCut TCP/IP Port\Ports\{0}" -f $this.PortName) | Get-ItemProperty).HostName
                        $currentAddress = $null
                    if ($this.Address -ne $currentAddress)
                        Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "Address", $currentAddress, $this.Address)
                        return $false
                    } # End Address
                } # End PaperCut TCP/IP Port
                    if ($this.Address -ne $printerPort.PrinterHostAddress)
                        Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "Address", $printerPort.PrinterHostAddress, $this.Address)
                        return $false
                    } # End Address

                    # Since SNMPIndex is always set, and the default is 0. We check to make sure
                    if ($this.SNMPIndex -ne 0 -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.SNMPCommunity))
                        if ($this.SNMPCommunity -ne $printerPort.SNMPCommunity)
                            Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "SNMPCommunity", $printerPort.SNMPCommunity, $this.SNMPCommunity)
                            return $false
                        } # End SNMPCommunity
                        if ($this.SNMPIndex -ne $printerPort.SNMPIndex)
                            Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "SNMPIndex", $printerPort.SNMPIndex, $this.SNMPIndex)
                            return $false
                        } # End SNMPIndex
                    } # End SNMPIndex

                    if ($this.lprQueueName -ne $printerPort.lprQueueName)
                        Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "lprQueueName", $printerPort.lprQueueName, $this.lprQueueName)
                        return $false
                    } # End lprQueueName

                } # End Default
            } # End Switch
            # All the conditions have been met so we will return true so the set() method doesn't get called as everything is in a desired state.
            return $true
            if ($null -ne $printer)
                Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "Ensure", "Present", $this.Ensure)
                return $false
            } # End Printer
            if ($null -ne $printerPort)
                Write-Verbose -Message  ($this.Messages.NotInDesiredState -f "PrinterPort", "Present", $this.Ensure)
                return $false
            } # End PrinterPort
            return $true
        } # End Ensure
    } # End Test()
    [Printer] Get()
        $ReturnObject = [Printer]::new()
        # Gathering the printer properties
            $printer = Get-Printer -Name $this.Name -Full -ErrorAction Stop
            $ReturnObject.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            return $ReturnObject
            $printerPort = Get-PrinterPort -Name $this.PortName -ErrorAction Stop
            $ReturnObject.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            return $ReturnObject
        # Both the printer and the printer port were found so we are going to set Ensure to Present
        $ReturnObject.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
        if ($null -ne $printer)
            $ReturnObject.Name = $printer.Name
            $ReturnObject.DriverName = $printer.DriverName
            $ReturnObject.Shared = $printer.Shared
            $ReturnObject.PermissionSDDL = $printer.PermissionSDDL
        } # End Printer
        if ($null -ne $printerPort)
            $ReturnObject.PortName = $printerPort.Name
            switch ($printerPort.Description)
                "PaperCut TCP/IP Port"
                        #To get Papercut address you need to look at the registry key
                        $ReturnObject.Address = (Get-Item -Path ("HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PaperCut TCP/IP Port\Ports\{0}" -f $this.PortName) | Get-ItemProperty).HostName
                        $ReturnObject.Address = $null
                    #SNMP is disabled on papercut ports
                    $ReturnObject.SNMPIndex = $null
                    $ReturnObject.SNMPCommunity = $null
                    $ReturnObject.PortType = [PortType]::PaperCut
                } # End PaperCut TCP/IP Port
                    $ReturnObject.Address = $printerPort.PrinterHostAddress
                    $ReturnObject.SNMPIndex = $printerPort.SNMPIndex
                    $ReturnObject.SNMPCommunity = $printerPort.SNMPCommunity
                    $ReturnObject.PortType = [PortType]::TCPIP
                    if ($printerPort.lprQueueName)
                        $ReturnObject.lprQueueName = $printerPort.lprQueueName
                        $ReturnObject.PortType = [PortType]::LPR
                } # End Default
            } # End Switch
        } # End PrinterPort
        return $ReturnObject
    } # End GET()
    hidden [void] CreatePaperCutPort()
        # To create the PaperCut port we need to create a registry key however we can't use new-item due to 'PaperCut TCP/IP Port' the cmdlet switches / to a \.
        # Using the 'PaperCut TCP$([char]0x002f)IP Port' does not work. So we are just using reg.exe to add the key
        # Wrapping the Reg.exe commands in invoke-command to be able to create tests
        $null = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
            & "$env:windir\System32\reg.exe" ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PaperCut TCP/IP Port\Ports\$PortName" /v HostName /t REG_SZ /d $Address /f
            # Sets the port number to 9100
            & "$env:windir\System32\reg.exe" ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\PaperCut TCP/IP Port\Ports\$PortName" /v PortNumber /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0000238c /f
        } -ArgumentList ($this.PortName, $this.Address)
        # Need to restart the spooler service before the port is usable
        Restart-Service -Name 'Spooler' -Force
    } # End CreatePaperCutPort()
    hidden [System.String] FindPortType()
        # Gathering the port information
        $getPortInformation = Get-CimInstance -Query ("Select Protocol,Description From Win32_TCPIpPrinterPort WHERE Name = '{0}'" -f $this.PortName)

        switch ($getPortInformation.Protocol)
                # TCPIP
                return [PortType]::TCPIP
            } # End 1
                # LPR
                return [PortType]::LPR
            } # End 2
        } # End Switch
        if ($getPortInformation.Description -eq "PaperCut TCP/IP Port")
            return [PortType]::PaperCut
        } # End If Description
        return $null
    } # End FindPortType()

    hidden [System.String] UseTempPort()
        # We required removing the existing port so a temp port needs to be created
        # We do a while loop to make sure the port name doesn't already exist
        $tempPortName = -join (1..9 | Get-Random -Count 5)
        while ($null -ne (Get-CimInstance -Query ("Select Name From Win32_TCPIpPrinterPort WHERE Name = '{0}'" -f $tempPortName)) )
            # We need to generate a new portName and then restart the
            $tempPortName = -join (1..9 | Get-Random -Count 5)

        $tempPrinterPortParams = @{
            Name               = $tempPortName
            PrinterHostAddress = $this.Address
        } # End PrinterPortParams

        Add-PrinterPort @tempPrinterPortParams

        # We are updating the printer to use the new port while we convert the port to the desired type
        $tempPrinterParams = @{
            Name     = $this.Name
            PortName = $tempPortName

        Set-Printer @tempPrinterParams
        return $tempPortName
    } # End UseTempPort()
} # End Class