<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 6.0 .GUID 4426682f-fed2-47fe-9a75-7d61f1764139 .AUTHOR jayam, syhaider .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION This script enables the groups created by the PreparePlacesGroups script with their corresponding Places features. #> param ( [Alias("Places Web", "Places Web App")] [bool]$PlacesWebApp = $false, [Alias("Places Advanced Features", "PlacesPremium")] [bool]$PlacesAdvancedFeatures = $false, [Alias("Places Mobile", "PlacesMobile")] [bool]$PlacesMobileApp = $false, [Alias("Places Analytics Users", "AnalyticsUsers")] [bool]$PlacesAnalytics = $false, [Alias("Places Finder Users", "PlacesFinderUsers")] [bool]$PlacesFinder = $false ) $modules = Get-Module $placesInstalled = $false #$azAccountInstalled = $false foreach ($module in $modules) { if ($module.Name -contains "MicrosoftPlaces") { $placesInstalled = $true } } if ($false -eq $placesInstalled) { Write-Error "Please run the PreparePlacesPowershell7 script first" -ErrorAction Stop } $displayNameCore = "Places Users [8C8BF34B-6BB8-4441-A911-3A990C9D838B]" $displayNamePrem = "Places Advanced Users [8C8BF34B-6BB8-4441-A911-3A990C9D838B]" $displayNameMobile = "Places Mobile Users [8C8BF34B-6BB8-4441-A911-3A990C9D838B]" $displayNameAnalytics = "Places Analytics Users [8C8BF34B-6BB8-4441-A911-3A990C9D838B]" $displayNamePlacesFinder = "Places Finder Users [8C8BF34B-6BB8-4441-A911-3A990C9D838B]" $tenants = Get-AzTenant if ($tenants -is [array]) { $i = 0 Write-Host "List of Tenants" Write-Host "---------------" foreach ($t in $tenants) { Write-Host "$($i+1) - $($t.TenantId) - $($t.Name)" $i++ } Write-Host "------------------------------" $tenantNumber = Read-Host "Please enter the tenant number you want to use: " $tenant = $tenants[$tenantNumber-1] } else { $tenant = $tenants } function SetPlacesCore { Write-Host "Searching for group - $displayNameCore" $plCoreGroup = Get-AzADGroup -DisplayName $displayNameCore if ($null -eq $plCoreGroup) { Write-Error -Message "Please create a DL with Display Name - $displayNameCore" -ErrorAction Stop } if ('Unified' -eq $plCoreGroup.GroupType){ Write-Error -Message "Please create a distribution or security group $displayNameCore is a M365 group which is not supported" -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Host "Found Group $displayName" $oidtidCoreGroup=$plCoreGroup.Id + "@" + $tenant.TenantId $groupstring = "Default:false,OID:" + $oidtidCoreGroup + ":true" Write-Host "Enabling Places Web App" Set-PlacesSettings -Collection Places -EnablePlacesWebApp $groupstring | Out-Null Set-PlacesSettings -Collection Places -EnableBuildings 'Default:true' } function SetPremiumFeatures { param([bool]$settingValue) Write-Host "Enabling Places Advanced Features for the tenant" Write-Host -Message "Looking for group - $displayNamePrem" $plGroup = Get-AzADGroup -DisplayName $displayNamePrem if ($null -eq $plGroup) { Write-Error -Message "Unable to find a group with Display Name $displayNamePrem" -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Host -Message "Tenant being used - $tenant.TenantId" $oidtidGroup=$plGroup.Id + "@" + $tenant.TenantId if ($settingValue) { $groupstring = "Default:false,OID:" + $oidtidGroup + ":true" } else { Write-Host "Setting Places Advanced to false" $groupstring = "Default:false,OID:" + $oidtidGroup + ":false" Write-Host $groupstring } Write-Host "Enabling Advanced Places features" Set-PlacesSettings -Collection Places -PlacesEnabled $groupstring -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } function EnablePlacesMobileApp { Write-Host "Enabling the group that can use the Places iOS App" Write-Host "Looking for group - $displayNameMobile" $plGroup = Get-AzADGroup -DisplayName $displayNameMobile if ($null -eq $plGroup) { Write-Error -Message "Unable to find a group with Display Name $displayNameMobile" -ErrorAction Stop } $oidtidGroup=$plGroup.Id + "@" + $tenant.TenantId $groupstring = "Default:false,OID:" + $oidtidGroup + ":true" Set-PlacesSettings -Collection Places -EnablePlacesMobileApp $groupstring } function EnablePlacesAnalytics { Write-Information "Enabling the group that can see Places Analytics" Write-Information "Looking for group - $displayNameAnalytics" $plGroup = Get-AzADGroup -DisplayName $displayNameAnalytics if ($null -eq $plGroup) { Write-Error -Message "Unable to find a group with Display Name $displayNameAnalytics" -ErrorAction Stop } $oidtidGroup=$plGroup.Id + "@" + $tenant.TenantId $groupstring = "Default:false,OID:" + $oidtidGroup + ":true" Set-PlacesSettings -Collection Places -SpaceAnalyticsEnabled $groupstring } function EnablePlacesFinder { Write-Information "Enabling the group that can see Places Finder" Write-Information "Looking for group - $displayNamePlacesFinder" $plGroup = Get-AzADGroup -DisplayName $displayNamePlacesFinder if ($null -eq $plGroup) { Write-Error -Message "Unable to find a group with Display Name $displayNamePlacesFinder" -ErrorAction Stop } $oidtidGroup=$plGroup.Id + "@" + $tenant.TenantId $groupstring = "Default:false,OID:" + $oidtidGroup + ":true" Set-PlacesSettings -Collection Places -PlacesFinderEnabled $groupstring } $settingEnabled = $false function GetPlacesSetting { param([string]$placesSetting) $settings = Get-PlacesSettings -Collection Places -ReadFromPrimary Write-Information $placesSetting foreach ($setting in $settings) { if ($setting.Name -eq $placesSetting) { $scopedValues = $setting.ScopedValues; foreach($scope in $scopedValues) { if ($scope.ScopeValue.BoolValue) { $settingEnabled = $true; break; } } } if ($settingEnabled) { break; } } return $settingEnabled } Write-Host $ $coreRun = $false; if ($PlacesWebApp) { SetPlacesCore $coreRun = $true; } if ($PlacesAdvancedFeatures) { Write-Host "PlacesAdvancedFeatures set to $PlacesAdvancedFeatures" if (!$coreRun) { SetPlacesCore } SetPremiumFeatures($PlacesAdvancedFeatures) } if ($PlacesMobileApp) { $a = "Places.PlacesEnabled" $enabledSetting = GetPlacesSetting $a if (!$enabledSetting) { Write-Error -Message "To enable Places Mobile, please enable PlacesAdvancedFeatures first" -Exception ([System.IO.FileNotFoundException]::new()) -ErrorAction Stop } EnablePlacesMobileApp } if ($PlacesAnalytics) { $a = "Places.PlacesEnabled" $enabledSetting = GetPlacesSetting $a if (!$enabledSetting) { Write-Error -Message "To enable Analytics, please enable PlacesAdvancedFeatures first" -Exception ([System.IO.FileNotFoundException]::new()) -ErrorAction Stop } EnablePlacesAnalytics } if ($PlacesFinder) { $a = "Places.PlacesEnabled" $enabledSetting = GetPlacesSetting $a if (!$enabledSetting) { Write-Error -Message "To enable Places Finder, please enable PlacesAdvancedFeatures first" -Exception ([System.IO.FileNotFoundException]::new()) -ErrorAction Stop } EnablePlacesFinder } Write-Host "The Prepare-PlacesEnablement script version is 6.0" |