
function Measure-Readability {
    Measure readability of input text.
    This function can ingest text and return the minimum school grade level necessary to understand the text.
    The following tests are supported:
      - Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (default)
      - Automated Readability Index (ARI)
      - Coleman-Liau Index (CLI)
      - Gunning Fog Index (GFI)
      - SMOG ("Simple Measure Of Gobbledygook")
    Readability test type (ARI, CLI, etc...)
    Note: The SMOG readability test requires that the input text contains at least 30 sentences.
    'This is a sentence. This is another sentence.' | Measure-Readability

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [String] $Text,
        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        [ValidateSet('FleschKincaidGradeLevel', 'ARI', 'AutomatedReadabilityIndex', 'CLI', 'ColemanLiauIndex', 'GFI', 'GunningFogIndex', 'SMOG')]
        [String] $Type = 'FleschKincaidGradeLevel',
        [Switch] $AsJob
    Process {
        "==> Calculating readability using `"${Type}`" method" | Write-Verbose
        if ($AsJob) {
            $ModulePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..\Plus\Measure-Readability.ps1'
            $Job = if (Test-Command -Name 'Start-ThreadJob' -Silent) {
                Start-ThreadJob -Name 'Measure-Readability' -ScriptBlock {
                    . $Using:ModulePath
                    Measure-Readability -Text $Using:Text -Type $Using:Type
            } else {
                Start-Job -Name 'Measure-Readability' -ScriptBlock {
                    . $Using:ModulePath
                    Measure-Readability -Text $Using:Text -Type $Using:Type
            "==> Started job (Id=$($Job.Id)) to measure readability of some text" | Write-Verbose
            "==> To get results, use `"`$Value = Receive-Job $($Job.Name)`"" | Write-Verbose
        } else {
            $Sentences = ($Text -split '(?<=\w)\.') |
                ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } |
                Where-Object { $_.Length -gt 0 }
            $Words = @()
            foreach ($Sentence in $Sentences) {
                $Words += $Sentence -split '\s+'
            $Syllables = @()
            foreach ($Word in $Words) {
                $Syllables += (Get-SyllableCount $Word)
            $Result = switch ($Type) {
                { $_ -in 'ARI', 'AutomatedReadabilityIndex' } {
                    '==> Measuring readability with Automated Readability Index' | Write-Verbose
                    $LetterCount = ($Text | Measure-Object -Character -IgnoreWhiteSpace).Characters
                    "==> # of Sentences: $($Sentences.Count)" | Write-Verbose
                    "==> # of Words: $($Words.Count)" | Write-Verbose
                    "==> # of Letters: ${LetterCount}" | Write-Verbose
                    (4.71 * ($LetterCount / $Words.Count)) + (0.5 * ($Words.Count / $Sentences.Count)) - 21.43
                { $_ -in 'CLI', 'ColemanLiauIndex' } {
                    '==> Measuring readability with Coleman-Liau Index' | Write-Verbose
                    $LetterCount = ($Text | Measure-Object -Character -IgnoreWhiteSpace).Characters
                    $L = 100 * ($LetterCount / $Words.Count)
                    $S = 100 * ($Sentences.Count / $Words.Count)
                    "==> L: ${L}" | Write-Verbose
                    "==> S: ${S}" | Write-Verbose
                    (0.0588 * $L) - (0.296 * $S) - 15.8
                { $_ -in 'GFI', 'GunningFogIndex' } {
                    '==> Measuring readability with Gunning Fog Index' | Write-Verbose
                    $TotalWords = $Words.Count
                    $ComplexWords = ($Syllables | Where-Object { $_ -ge 3 }).Count
                    "==> # of Sentences: $($Sentences.Count)" | Write-Verbose
                    "==> # of Words: ${TotalWords}" | Write-Verbose
                    "==> # of Complex Words: ${ComplexWords}" | Write-Verbose
                    0.4 * (($TotalWords / $Sentences.Count) + (100 * ($ComplexWords / $TotalWords)))
                'SMOG' {
                    if ($Sentences.Count -lt 30) {
                        '==> SMOG readability test is not accurate with less than 30 sentences' | Write-Warning
                    '==> Measuring readability with SMOG' | Write-Verbose
                    $ComplexWords = ($Syllables | Where-Object { $_ -ge 3 }).Count
                    "==> # of Sentences: $($Sentences.Count)" | Write-Verbose
                    "==> # of Complex Words: ${ComplexWords}" | Write-Verbose
                    (1.043 * [Math]::Sqrt($ComplexWords * (30 / $Sentences.Count))) + 3.1291
                Default {
                    # Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level
                    '==> Measuring readability with Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level' | Write-Verbose
                    $TotalWords = $Words.Count
                    $TotalSyllables = Get-Sum $Syllables
                    "==> # of Sentences: $($Sentences.Count)" | Write-Verbose
                    "==> # of Words: ${TotalWords}" | Write-Verbose
                    "==> # of Syllables: ${TotalSyllables}" | Write-Verbose
                    (0.39 * ($TotalWords / $Sentences.Count)) + (11.8 * ($TotalSyllables / $TotalWords)) - 15.59
            [Math]::Round($Result, 1)