[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression', '', Scope = 'Function', Target = 'New-Template')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression', '', Scope = 'Function', Target = 'New-WebApplication')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Scope = 'Function', Target = 'ConvertTo-PowerShellSyntax')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Scope = 'Function', Target = 'New-WebApplication')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Scope = 'Function', Target = 'Remove-Indent')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Scope = 'Function', Target = 'Test-ApplicationContext')] Param() class ApplicationState { [String] $Id = (New-Guid) [Bool] $Continue = $True [String] $Name = 'Application Name' [String] $Parent = (Get-Location).Path [String] $Type = 'Terminal' $Data } function ConvertFrom-Base64 { <# .SYNOPSIS Deccode a Base64 string #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [String] $Value ) Process { $String = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Value) [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($String) } } function ConvertTo-Base64 { <# .SYNOPSIS Encode string in Base64 #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [String] $Value ) Process { $Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($Value) [Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes) } } function ConvertTo-PowerShellSyntax { [OutputType([String])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [String] $Value, [String] $DataVariableName = 'Data' ) Write-Output $Value | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '(?<!(}}[\w\s]*))(?<!{{#[\w\s\-_]*)\s*}}', ')' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '{{(?!#)\s*', "`$(`$$DataVariableName." } } function Get-State { <# .SYNOPSIS Load state from file .EXAMPLE $State = Get-State -Name 'abc-def-ghi' .EXAMPLE $State = 'abc-def-ghi' | Get-State #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [String] $Name, [AllowEmptyString()] [String] $Path ) if ($Path.Length -gt 0 -and (Test-Path $Path)) { "==> Resolved ${Path}" | Write-Verbose } else { $TempRoot = if ($IsLinux) { '/tmp' } else { $Env:temp } $Filename = $Name | Get-StateName $Path = Join-Path $TempRoot "${Filename}.xml" } "==> Loading state from ${Path}" | Write-Verbose Import-Clixml -Path $Path } function Get-StateName { <# .SYNOPSIS Create state name from input ID .EXAMPLE $Name = 'My-App' | Get-StateName #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [String] $Id ) Process { "prelude-$($Id | ConvertTo-Base64)" } } function Format-Json { <# .SYNOPSIS Prettify JSON output .EXAMPLE Get-Content './foo.json' | Format-Json | Out-File './bar.json' -Encoding ascii .EXAMPLE './some.json' | Format-Json -InPlace #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [String] $Value, [ValidateSet(2, 4)] [Int] $Indentation = 2, [Switch] $InPlace ) $Indent = 0 $NewLine = '\r?\n' $Quoted = '(?=([^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$)' $IsValidPath = Test-Path -Path $Value $Data = if ($InPlace -and $IsValidPath) { Get-Content -Path $Value -Raw } else { $Value } $Compressed = $Data -notmatch $NewLine if ($Compressed) { $Data = $Data | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } $Lines = $Data -split $NewLine $Result = foreach ($Line in $Lines) { if ($Line -match "[}\]]${Quoted}") { $Indent = ($Indent - $Indentation), 0 | Get-Maximum } $Temp = (' ' * $Indent) + ($Line.TrimStart() -replace ":\s+${Quoted}", ': ') if ($Line -match "[\{\[]${Quoted}") { $Indent += $Indentation } $Temp } if ($InPlace -and $IsValidPath) { $Result | Set-Content -Path $Value | Out-Null } else { $Result -join [Environment]::NewLine } } function Invoke-FireEvent { <# .SYNOPSIS Create event .EXAMPLE 'eventName' | Invoke-FireEvent #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('trigger')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [String] $Name, [PSObject] $Data ) New-Event -SourceIdentifier $Name -MessageData $Data | Out-Null } function Invoke-RunApplication { <# .SYNOPSIS Entry point for PowerShell CLI application .PARAMETER Init Function to initialize application, executed when application is started. .PARAMETER Loop Code to execute during every application loop, executed when ShouldContinue returns True. .PARAMETER BeforeNext Code to execute at the end of each application loop. It should be used to update the return of ShouldContinue. .PARAMETER SingleRun As its name implies - use this flag to execute one loop of the application .PARAMETER NoCleanup Use this switch to disable removing the application event listeners when the application exits. Application event listeners can be removed manually with: 'application:' | Invoke-StopListen .EXAMPLE $Init = { # Initialize your app - $Init is only run once 'Getting things ready...' | Write-Color -Green } # Define what your app should do every iteration - $Loop is executed until ShouldContinue returns False $Loop = { Clear-Host 'Doing something super important...' | Write-Color -Gray Start-Sleep 5 } # Start your app Invoke-RunApplication $Init $Loop # Make a simple app .EXAMPLE New-TerminalApplicationTemplate -Save # Make a simple app with state # Note: State is passed to Init, Loop, ShouldContinue, and BeforeNext .EXAMPLE { say 'Hello' } | on 'application:init' { say 'Wax on' } | on 'application:loop:before' { say 'Wax off' } | on 'application:loop:after' { say 'Goodbye' } | on 'application:exit' # Applications trigger events throughout their lifecycle which can be listened to (most commonly within the Init scriptblock). # The triggered event will include State as MessageData { $Id = $Event.MessageData.State.Id "`nApplication ID: $Id" | Write-Color -Green } | Invoke-ListenTo 'application:init' #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)] [ScriptBlock] $Init, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1)] [ScriptBlock] $Loop, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [ApplicationState] $State = @{}, [String] $Name, [ScriptBlock] $ShouldContinue, [ScriptBlock] $BeforeNext, [Switch] $ClearState, [Switch] $SingleRun, [Switch] $NoCleanup ) if ($Name.Length -gt 0) { $TempRoot = if ($IsLinux) { '/tmp' } else { $Env:temp } $Filename = $Name | Get-StateName $Path = Join-Path $TempRoot "${Filename}.xml" if ($ClearState -and (Test-Path $Path)) { Remove-Item $Path } if (Test-Path $Path) { "==> Resolved state with name: ${Name}" | Write-Verbose try { [ApplicationState]$State = Get-State $Name $State.Name = $Name } catch { "==> Failed to get state with name: ${Name}" | Write-Verbose $State = [ApplicationState]@{ Name = $Name } } } else { $State.Name = $Name } } if (-not $State) { $State = [ApplicationState]@{ Name = $Name } } if (-not $ShouldContinue) { $ShouldContinue = { $State.Continue -eq $True } } if (-not $BeforeNext) { $BeforeNext = { "`n`nContinue?" | Write-Label -NewLine $State.Continue = ('yes', 'no' | Invoke-Menu) -eq 'yes' } } "Application ID: $($State.Id)" | Write-Verbose "Application Name: $($State.Name)" | Write-Verbose 'application:init' | Invoke-FireEvent & $Init $State if ($SingleRun) { 'application:loop:before' | Invoke-FireEvent -Data @{ State = $State } & $Loop $State 'application:loop:after' | Invoke-FireEvent -Data @{ State = $State } } else { while (& $ShouldContinue $State) { 'application:loop:before' | Invoke-FireEvent -Data @{ State = $State } & $Loop $State 'application:loop:after' | Invoke-FireEvent -Data @{ State = $State } & $BeforeNext $State } } 'application:exit' | Invoke-FireEvent -Data @{ State = $State } if (-not $NoCleanup) { 'application:' | Invoke-StopListen } $State.Id } function Invoke-StopListen { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove event subscriber(s) .EXAMPLE $Callback | on 'SomeEvent' 'SomeEvent' | Invoke-StopListen # Remove events using the event "source identifier" (Name) .EXAMPLE $Callback | on -Name 'Namespace:foo' $Callback | on -Name 'Namespace:bar' 'Namespace:' | Invoke-StopListen # Remove multiple events using an event namespace .EXAMPLE $Listener = $Callback | on 'SomeEvent' Invoke-StopListen -EventData $Listener # Selectively remove a single event by passing its event data #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [String] $Name, [PSObject] $EventData ) if ($EventData) { Unregister-Event -SubscriptionId $EventData.Id } else { if ($Name) { $Events = Get-EventSubscriber | Where-Object { $_.SourceIdentifier -match "^$Name" } } else { $Events = Get-EventSubscriber } $Events | ForEach-Object { Unregister-Event -SubscriptionId $_.SubscriptionId } } } function New-TerminalApplicationTemplate { <# .SYNOPSIS Return boilerplate string of a Prelude terminal application .EXAMPLE New-TerminalApplicationTemplate | Out-File 'my-app.ps1' #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] Param() $Snippet = if (-not $IsLinux) { ' { Invoke-Speak goodbye $Name = $Event.MessageData.State.Name "Application name: ${Name}" | Write-Color -Magenta } | Invoke-ListenTo ''application:exit'' | Out-Null ' | Remove-Indent } else { '' } $Data = @{ Empty = '' Snippet = $Snippet } ' #Requires -Modules Prelude [CmdletBinding()] Param( [String] $Name = ''My-App'', [Switch] $Clear ) {{ Empty }} $InitialState = @{ Data = 0; Type = ''Terminal''; Name = $Name } {{ Empty }} $Init = { Clear-Host $State = $Args[0] $Id = $State.Id ''Application Information:'' | Write-Color `"ID = {{#green $Id}}`" | Write-Label -Color Gray -Indent 2 -NewLine `"Name = {{#green ${Name}}}`" | Write-Label -Color Gray -Indent 2 -NewLine {{ Snippet }} Start-Sleep 2 } {{ Empty }} $Loop = { Clear-Host $State = $Args[0] $Count = $State.Data `"Current count is {{#green $Count}}`" | Write-Color -Cyan $State.Data++ Save-State $State.Name $State | Out-Null Start-Sleep 1 } {{ Empty }} Invoke-RunApplication $Init $Loop $InitialState -Name $Name -ClearState:$Clear ' | Remove-Indent | New-Template -Data $Data } function New-Template { <# .SYNOPSIS Create render function that interpolates passed object values .PARAMETER Data Pass template data to New-Template when using New-Template within pipe chain (see examples) .PARAMETER NoData For use in tandem with templates that ONLY use external data (e.g. $Env variables) .PARAMETER File Path to file containing template content .EXAMPLE $Function:render = New-Template '<div>Hello {{ name }}!</div>' render @{ name = 'World' } # '<div>Hello World!</div>' # Use mustache template syntax! Just like Handlebars.js! .EXAMPLE $Function:render = 'hello {{ name }}' | New-Template @{ name = 'world' } | render # 'hello world' # New-Template supports idiomatic PowerShell pipeline syntax .EXAMPLE $title = New-Template -Template '<h1>{{ text }}</h1>' -DefaultValues @{ text = 'Default' } & $title # '<h1>Default</h1>' & $title @{ text = 'Hello World' } # '<h1>Hello World</h1>' # Provide default values for your templates! .EXAMPLE $Function:Div = '<div>{{ v }}</div>' | New-Template $Function:Span = '<span>{{ v }}</span>' | New-Template Div @{ v = Span @{ v = 'Hello World' } } | Write-Output # "<div><span>Hello World</span></div>" # Templates can even be nested! .EXAMPLE '{{#green Hello}} {{ name }}' | tpl -Data @{ name = 'World' } | Write-Color # Use of the -Data parameter will cause New-Template to return a formatted string instead of template function .EXAMPLE New-Template -File path/to/file -Data $Data | Write-Color -Cyan # Load a template from a file .EXAMPLE $Function:Element = '<{{ tag }}>{{ text }}</{{ tag }}>' | New-Template $Function:Div = Element @{ tag = 'div' } -Partial | New-Template Div @{ text = 'Hello World' } # '<div>Hello World</div>' # Create partial templates using the -Partial parameter .EXAMPLE 'The answer is {{= $Value + 2 }}' | tpl -Data @{ Value = 40 } # "The answer is 42" # Execute PowerShell code within your templates using the {{= ... }} syntax .EXAMPLE 'The fox says {{= $Env:SomeRandomValue }}!!!' | New-Template -NoData # Even access environment variables. Use -NoData when no data needs to be passed. .EXAMPLE '{{- This is a comment }}Super important stuff' | tpl -NoData # Add comments to templates using {{- ... }} syntax #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('tpl')] [OutputType([String])] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'string', Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [String] $Template, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'file')] [String] $File, [Alias('Data')] [Hashtable] $Binding = @{}, [Switch] $NoData, [Hashtable] $DefaultValues = @{}, [Switch] $PassThru ) Begin { $Script:TemplateKeyNamesNotPassed = @() $Pattern = '(?<expression>{{(?<indicator>(=|-|#))?\s+(?<variable>.*?)\s*}})' $Renderer = { Param( [ScriptBlock] $Script, [Hashtable] $Binding = @{} ) $Binding.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { New-Variable -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value } try { $Script.Invoke() } catch { throw $_ } } $Evaluator = { Param($Match) $Groups = $Match.Groups $Value = $Groups[1].Value $Indicator = $Groups | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'indicator' } | Get-Property 'Value' $Variable = $Groups | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'variable' } | Get-Property 'Value' switch ($Indicator) { '#' { $Value } '-' { '' } '=' { $Block = [ScriptBlock]::Create('$($(' + ($Variable -replace '`(?=\$)', '') + ') | Write-Output)') $Binding = $DefaultValues, $Binding | Invoke-ObjectMerge -Force try { $PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create() $PowerShell.AddScript($Renderer).AddParameter('Binding', $Binding).AddParameter('Script', $Block).Invoke() } catch { "==> [ERROR] Something went wrong within the Evaluator when rendering: {{#yellow ${Block} }}`n" | Write-Color -Red "==> [INFO] `$Binding = $($Binding | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)`n" | Write-Color -DarkGray $_ | Write-Error } finally { if ($PowerShell) { $PowerShell.Dispose() } } } Default { $Script:TemplateKeyNamesNotPassed += $Variable "`${${Variable}}" } } } } Process { $PLACEHOLDER = '<<<DOUBLE QUOTES PRELUDE PLACEHOLDER>>>' if ($File) { $Path = Get-StringPath $File $Template = Get-Content $Path -Raw } $EvaluatedTemplate = [Regex]::Replace(($Template -replace '[$]', '`$'), $Pattern, $Evaluator) if ($File) { # $EvaluatedTemplate = ($EvaluatedTemplate -replace '"', '""') } $TemplateScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create('$("' + ($EvaluatedTemplate -replace '"', $PLACEHOLDER) + '" | Write-Output)') $NotPassed = $Script:TemplateKeyNamesNotPassed if (($Binding.Count -gt 0) -or $NoData) { if ($PassThru) { return $Template exit } $Binding = $DefaultValues, $Binding | Invoke-ObjectMerge -Force try { $PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create() $PowerShell.AddScript($Renderer).AddParameter('Binding', $Binding).AddParameter('Script', $TemplateScriptBlock).Invoke() -replace $PLACEHOLDER, '"' } catch { "==> [ERROR] Something went wrong when rendering: {{#yellow ${TemplateScriptBlock} }}`n" | Write-Color -Red "==> [INFO] No data passed`n" | Write-Color -DarkGray $_ | Write-Error } finally { if ($PowerShell) { $PowerShell.Dispose() } } } else { { Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [Alias('Data')] [Hashtable] $Binding = @{}, [Array] $NotPassed = $NotPassed, [Switch] $Partial, [Switch] $PassThru ) if ($PassThru) { return $Template exit } $PartialValues = @{} if ($Partial) { foreach ($Key in $NotPassed) { if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Binding[$Key])) { $PartialValues[$Key] = "{{ ${Key} }}" } } } $Binding = $PartialValues, $DefaultValues, $Binding | Invoke-ObjectMerge -Force try { $PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create() $PowerShell.AddScript($Renderer).AddParameter('Binding', $Binding).AddParameter('Script', $TemplateScriptBlock).Invoke() -replace $PLACEHOLDER, '"' } catch { "==> [ERROR] Something went wrong when rendering: {{#yellow ${TemplateScriptBlock} }}`n" | Write-Color -Red "==> [INFO] `$Binding = $($Binding | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)`n" | Write-Color -DarkGray $_ | Write-Error } finally { if ($PowerShell) { $PowerShell.Dispose() } } }.GetNewClosure() } } } function New-DesktopApplication { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new desktop application. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [PSObject] $Configuration = @{} ) Begin {} Process {} End {} } function New-WebApplication { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new web application. .DESCRIPTION This function allows you to scaffold a bespoke web application and optionally install dependencies. When -NoInstall is not used, dependencies will be installed using npm. Before dependencies are installed, application state will be saved using Save-State under the passed application name (or the default, "webapp") Application data can be viewed and used using "Get-State <Name>" .PARAMETER Name Name of application folder .PARAMETER Parent Parent directory in which to create the application directory .EXAMPLE New-WebApplication .EXAMPLE New-WebApplication -Bundler Parcel -Library React -With Cesium .EXAMPLE New-WebApplication -Parcel -React -With Cesium .EXAMPLE @{ Bundler = 'Parcel' Library = 'React' With = 'Cesium' } | New-WebApplication -Name 'My-App' #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'parameter', SupportsShouldProcess = $True)] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'pipeline', ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [PSObject] $Configuration = @{}, [ApplicationState] $State = @{ Type = 'Web' }, [Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'parameter')] [ValidateSet('Parcel', 'Rollup', 'Snowpack', 'Vite', 'Webpack')] [String] $Bundler, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'switch')] [Switch] $Webpack, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'switch')] [Switch] $Parcel, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'switch')] [Switch] $Rollup, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'switch')] [Switch] $Snowpack, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'switch')] [Switch] $Vite, [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'parameter')] [AllowNull()] [AllowEmptyString()] [ValidateSet('', 'Vanilla', 'React', 'Solid')] [String] $Library, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'switch')] [Switch] $Vanilla, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'switch')] [Switch] $React, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'switch')] [Switch] $Solid, [ValidateSet('Cesium', 'Reason', 'Rust')] [String[]] $With, [String] $Name = 'webapp', [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })] [String] $Parent = (Get-Location).Path, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'interactive')] [Switch] $Interactive, [Switch] $NoInstall, [Switch] $Silent, [Switch] $Force ) Begin { $TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '../src/templates' function Copy-TemplateData { <# .SYNOPSIS Utility function for copying template file to the application directory. Provides warning message when file already exists and -Force is not used. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [PSObject] $Data, [String] $Template, [String] $Parent, [String] $Filename, [Switch] $Force ) $Path = Join-Path $Parent $Filename $Message = "==> [WARN] ${Filename} already exists. Please either delete ${Filename} or re-run this command with the -Force parameter." if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Path) -or $Force) { $Parameters = @{ File = (Join-Path $TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY $Template) Data = $Data NoData = ($Data.Count -eq 0) } New-Template @Parameters | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Encoding ascii } else { $Message | Write-Warning } } function Save-JsonData { <# .SYNOPSIS Utility function for saving JSON data. Provides warning message when file already exists and -Force is not used. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [PSObject] $Data, [String] $Parent, [String] $Filename, [Switch] $Force ) $Path = Join-Path $Parent $Filename $Message = "==> [WARN] ${Filename} already exists. Please either delete ${Filename} or re-run this command with the -Force parameter." if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Path) -or $Force) { $Data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '\\\\\\', '\' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '\\u003c', '<' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '\\u003e', '>' } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '\\u0026', '&' } | Format-Json | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Encoding ascii } else { $Message | Write-Warning } } function Invoke-NpmInstall { <# .SYNOPSIS Perform npm install #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Bool])] Param( [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })] [String] $Parent = (Get-Location).Path, [Switch] $Silent ) Begin { $Success = $True $Location = Get-Location Set-Location -Path $Parents $Context = Test-ApplicationContext $Command = 'npm install' } Process { if ($Context.Node.Ready) { try { if (-not $Silent) { '==> [INFO] Installing dependencies...' | Write-Color -Cyan } Invoke-Expression $Command | Out-Null } catch { $Success = $False } } else { if (-not $Silent) { Write-Status 'fail' } switch ($Context.Node) { { -not $_.PackageManager } { "Could not run `"${Command}.`" Is npm installed?`n" | Write-Color -White } { -not $_.Manifest } { "Could not find package.json in ${Parent}...`n" | Write-Color -White } Default { "{{#yellow (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ }}...maybe try again?`n" | Write-Color -White } } $Success = $False } } End { Set-Location -Path $Location if (-not $Success) { return $Null } else { return $Success } } } $BundlerOptions = @( 'Webpack' 'Parcel' 'Rollup' 'Snowpack' 'Vite' ) $LibraryOptions = @( 'Vanilla' 'React' 'Solid' ) $WithOptions = @( 'Cesium' 'Reason' 'Rust' ) $Defaults = @{ Bundler = 'Webpack' Library = 'Vanilla' With = @() SourceDirectory = 'src' AssetsDirectory = 'public' ProductionDirectory = 'dist' RustDirectory = 'rust-to-wasm' Legacy = $False ReactVersion = '^17' License = 'MIT' } } Process { $Data = if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'pipeline') { $Defaults, $Configuration | Invoke-ObjectMerge -Force } else { if ($Interactive) { 'Build a Web Application' | Write-Title -Blue -TextColor White -SubText 'choose wisely' '' | Write-Label -NewLine 'Choose your {{#cyan bundler}}:' | Write-Label -Color 'Gray' -NewLine $Bundler = Invoke-Menu $BundlerOptions -SingleSelect -SelectedMarker ' => ' -HighlightColor 'Cyan' '' | Write-Label -NewLine 'Choose your {{#yellow library}}:' | Write-Label -Color 'Gray' -NewLine $Library = Invoke-Menu $LibraryOptions -SingleSelect -SelectedMarker ' => ' -HighlightColor 'Yellow' '' | Write-Label -NewLine 'Enhance your application {{#magenta with}}:' | Write-Label -Color 'Gray' -NewLine $With = Invoke-Menu $WithOptions -MultiSelect -SelectedMarker ' => ' -HighlightColor 'Magenta' '' | Write-Label -NewLine } else { if (-not $Bundler) { $Bundler = Find-FirstTrueVariable $BundlerOptions } if (-not $Library) { $Library = Find-FirstTrueVariable $LibraryOptions } } $Defaults, @{ Bundler = $Bundler Library = $Library With = $With } | Invoke-ObjectMerge -Force } $Data.Name = if ($Data.Name) { $Data.Name } else { $Name } $Data.Parent = if ($Data.Parent) { $Data.Parent } else { $Parent } $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY = Join-Path $Data.Parent $Data.Name $RUST_DIRECTORY = Join-Path $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY $Data.RustDirectory $PackageManifestData = @{ name = $Data.Name version = '0.0.0' description = '' license = $Data.License keywords = @() main = "./$($Data.SourceDirectory)/main.js$(if ($Library -eq 'React') { 'x' })" scripts = @{} dependencies = @{} devDependencies = @{} jest = @{ testMatch = @( '**/__tests__/**/*.(e2e|test).[jt]s?(x)' ) setupFilesAfterEnv = @( '<rootDir>/__tests__/setup.js' ) watchPlugins = @( 'jest-watch-typeahead/filename' 'jest-watch-typeahead/testname' ) } } $NpmScripts = @{ Eslint = @{ 'lint' = 'eslint . -c ./.eslintrc.json --ext .js,.jsx --fix' 'lint:ing' = "watch `"npm run lint`" $($Data.SourceDirectory)" 'lint:tests' = 'eslint __tests__/**/*.js -c ./.eslintrc.json --fix --no-ignore' } Jest = @{ 'test' = 'jest .*.test.js --coverage' 'test:ing' = 'npm test -- --watchAll' } Parcel = @{} Rollup = @{} Webpack = @{ 'clean' = "del-cli $($Data.ProductionDirectory)" 'copy' = 'npm-run-all --parallel copy:assets' 'copy:assets' = "cpy \`"$($Data.AssetsDirectory)/!(css)/**/*.*\`" \`"$($Data.AssetsDirectory)/**/[.]*\`" $($Data.ProductionDirectory) --parents --recursive" 'prebuild:es' = "del-cli $($Data.ProductionDirectory)/$($Data.AssetsDirectory)" 'build:es' = 'webpack' 'build:stats' = 'webpack --mode production --profile --json > stats.json' 'build:analyze' = 'webpack-bundle-analyzer ./stats.json' 'postbuild:es' = 'npm run copy' 'watch:assets' = "watch \`"npm run copy\`" $($Data.AssetsDirectory)" 'watch:es' = "watch \`"npm run build:es\`" $($Data.AssetsDirectory)" 'dashboard' = 'webpack-dashboard -- webpack serve --config ./webpack.config.js' 'predeploy' = 'npm-run-all clean "build:es -- --mode=production" build:css' 'deploy' = 'echo \"Not yet implemented - or are supported out of the box\" && exit 1' } } $Dependencies = @{ Cesium = @{ 'cesium' = '^1.93.0' } React = @{ Core = @{ 'prop-types' = '*' 'react' = $Data.ReactVersion 'react-dom' = $Data.ReactVersion 'wouter' = '*' } Cesium = @{ 'resium' = '^1.14.3' } } Reason = @{ '@rescript/react' = '*' } Solid = @{} } $DevelopmentDependencies = @{ _workflow = @{ 'cpy-cli' = '*' 'del-cli' = '*' 'npm-run-all' = '*' 'watch' = '*' } Babel = @{ '@babel/cli' = '^7.17.10' '@babel/core' = '^7.18.0' '@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties' = '^7.17.12' '@babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from' = '^7.17.12' '@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining' = '^7.17.12' '@babel/plugin-transform-runtime' = '^7.18.0' '@babel/preset-env' = '^7.18.0' '@babel/preset-react' = '^7.17.12' '@babel/runtime' = '^7.18.0' 'babel-preset-minify' = '^0.5.2' } Cesium = @{} Eslint = @{ 'eslint' = '^7.32.0' 'babel-eslint' = '^10.1.0' 'eslint-config-omaha-prime-grade' = '^14.0.1' 'eslint-plugin-import' = '^2.26.0' 'eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y' = '^6.5.1' 'eslint-plugin-promise' = '*' 'eslint-plugin-react' = '^7.30.0' } Jest = @{ 'jest' = '^28.1.0' 'babel-jest' = '^28.1.0' 'jest-watch-typeahead' = '^1.1.0' } Parcel = @{ 'parcel' = '*' 'parcel-plugin-purgecss' = '*' } Postcss = @{ 'cssnano' = '^5.1.9' 'postcss' = '^8.4.14' 'postcss-cli' = '^9.1.0' 'postcss-import' = '^14.1.0' 'postcss-preset-env' = '^7.6.0' 'postcss-reporter' = '^7.0.5' 'postcss-safe-parser' = '^6.0.0' } React = @{ 'react-hot-loader' = '^4.13.0' } Reason = @{ 'rescript' = '*' } Rollup = @{ 'rollup' = '*' 'rollup-plugin-babel' = '*' 'rollup-plugin-commonjs' = '*' 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve' = '*' 'rollup-plugin-replace' = '*' 'rollup-plugin-terser' = '*' } Rust = @{ '@wasm-tool/wasm-pack-plugin' = '*' } Stylelint = @{ 'style-loader' = '^3.3.1' 'stylelint' = '^14.8.3' 'stylelint-config-recommended' = '^7.0.0' } Snowpack = @{ 'snowpack' = '*' '@snowpack/app-scripts-react' = '*' '@snowpack/plugin-react-refresh' = '*' '@snowpack/plugin-postcss' = '*' '@snowpack/plugin-optimize' = '*' } Webpack = @{ 'webpack' = '*' 'webpack-bundle-analyzer' = '*' 'webpack-cli' = '*' 'webpack-dashboard' = '*' 'webpack-dev-server' = '*' 'webpack-jarvis' = '*' 'webpack-subresource-integrity' = '*' 'babel-loader' = '*' 'css-loader' = '*' 'file-loader' = '*' 'style-loader' = '*' 'url-loader' = '*' 'copy-webpack-plugin' = '*' 'html-webpack-plugin' = '*' 'terser-webpack-plugin' = '*' } } $ConfigurationFileData = @{ Eslint = @{ env = @{ es6 = $True jest = $True browser = $True } extends = @( 'omaha-prime-grade' 'plugin:import/errors' 'plugin:import/warnings' 'plugin:promise/recommended' 'plugin:react/recommended' 'plugin:jsx-a11y/recommended' ) parser = 'babel-eslint' parserOptions = @{ ecmaFeatures = @{ jsx = $True } } plugins = @( 'jsx-a11y' ) settings = @{ react = @{ version = 'detect' } } } Babel = @{ plugins = @( 'react-hot-loader/babel' '@babel/plugin-transform-runtime' '@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties' '@babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from' '@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining' ) presets = @( '@babel/preset-env' 'babel-preset-minify' , @( '@babel/preset-react' @{ runtime = 'automatic' } ) ) } Postcss = @{ map = $True parser = 'postcss-safe-parser' plugins = @( , @( 'stylelint' @{ config = @{ extends = 'stylelint-config-recommended' } } ) 'postcss-import' 'postcss-preset-env' 'cssnano' 'postcss-reporter' ) } Reason = @{ 'name' = $Data.Name 'bs-dependencies' = @( '@rescript/react' ) 'bsc-flags' = @( '-bs-super-errors' ) 'namespace' = $True 'package-specs' = @( @{ 'module' = 'es6' 'in-source' = $True } ) 'ppx-flags' = @() 'reason' = @{ 'react-jsx' = 3 } 'refmt' = 3 'sources' = @( @{ 'dir' = $Data.SourceDirectory 'subdirs' = $True } ) 'suffix' = '.bs.js' } Webpack = @{ SourceDirectory = $Data.SourceDirectory AssetsDirectory = $Data.AssetsDirectory ProductionDirectory = $Data.ProductionDirectory UseReact = ($Library -eq 'React') WithCesium = ($With -contains 'Cesium') WithRust = ($With -contains 'Rust') CesiumConfig = (" new DefinePlugin({CESIUM_BASE_URL: JSON.stringify('/')}), new CopyWebpackPlugin({ patterns: [ {from: join(source, 'Workers'), to: 'Workers'}, {from: join(source, 'ThirdParty'), to: 'ThirdParty'}, {from: join(source, 'Assets'), to: 'Assets'}, {from: join(source, 'Widgets'), to: 'Widgets'} ] })" | Remove-Indent -Size 12) } } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Create application folder structure')) { $Source = $Data.SourceDirectory $Assets = $Data.AssetsDirectory @( '' $Source "${Source}/components" $Assets "${Assets}/css" "${Assets}/fonts" "${Assets}/images" "${Assets}/library" "${Assets}/workers" '__tests__' ) | ForEach-Object { New-Item -Type Directory -Path (Join-Path $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY $_) -Force } | Out-Null } switch ($Bundler) { Parcel { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Add Parcel dependencies to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies.Parcel } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Copy Parcel files')) { # TODO: Add code for copying files } } Rollup { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Add Rollup dependencies to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies.Rollup } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Save Rollup configuration file')) { # TODO: Add code for copying files } } Snowpack { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Add Snowpack dependencies to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies.Snowpack } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Save Snowpack configuration file')) { # TODO: Add code for copying files } } Default { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Add Webpack dependencies and tasks to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies._workflow $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies.Webpack $PackageManifestData.scripts += $NpmScripts.Webpack } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Save Webpack configuration file')) { $Parameters = @{ Filename = 'webpack.config.js' Template = 'config_webpack' Data = $ConfigurationFileData.Webpack Parent = $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY Force = $Force } Copy-TemplateData @Parameters } } } switch ($Library) { React { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Add React dependencies to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.dependencies += $Dependencies.React.Core $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies.React } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Copy React files')) { $Source = Join-Path $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY 'src' $Components = Join-Path $Source 'components' @( @{ Filename = 'main.jsx' Template = 'source_react_main' Parent = $Source } @{ Filename = 'App.jsx' Template = 'source_react_app' Parent = $Components } @{ Filename = 'Header.jsx' Template = 'source_react_header' Parent = $Components } @{ Filename = '' Template = 'source_react_body' Parent = $Components } @{ Filename = '' Template = 'source_react_footer' Parent = $Components } ) | ForEach-Object { $Parameters = $_ Copy-TemplateData @Parameters -Data $Data -Force:$Force } } } Solid { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Add Solid dependencies to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.dependencies += $Dependencies.Solid } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Copy Solid files')) { # TODO: Add code for copying files } } Default { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Copy JavaScript files')) { $Source = Join-Path $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY 'src' $Parameters = @{ Filename = 'main.js' Template = 'source_vanilla_main' Data = $Data Parent = $Source Force = $Force } Copy-TemplateData @Parameters } } } switch ($With) { Cesium { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Add Cesium dependencies to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.dependencies += $Dependencies.Cesium if ($React) { $PackageManifestData.dependencies += $Dependencies.React.Cesium } $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies.Cesium } } Reason { if ($Library -ne 'React' -and (-not $Silent)) { '==> ReasonML works best with React. You might consider using -React.' | Write-Warning } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Add ReasonML dependencies to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.dependencies += $Dependencies.Reason $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies.Reason } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Save ReasonML configuration file; Add dependencies to package.json')) { $Parameters = @{ Filename = 'bsconfig.json' Data = $ConfigurationFileData.Reason Parent = $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY Force = $Force } Save-JsonData @Parameters } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Copy ReasonML files')) { $Components = Join-Path $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY 'src/components' @( @{ Filename = '' Template = 'source_reason_app' } @{ Filename = '' Template = 'source_reason_example' } ) | ForEach-Object { $Parameters = $_ Copy-TemplateData @Parameters -Data $Data -Parent $Components -Force:$Force } } } Rust { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Add Rust dependencies to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies.Rust } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Copy Rust files')) { $Source = Join-Path $RUST_DIRECTORY 'src' $Tests = Join-Path $RUST_DIRECTORY 'tests' @( $RUST_DIRECTORY $Source $Tests ) | Get-StringPath | ForEach-Object { New-Item -Type Directory -Path $_ -Force } | Out-Null @( @{ Filename = 'Cargo.toml' Template = 'config_rust' Parent = $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY } @{ Filename = 'Cargo.toml' Template = 'config_rust_crate' Parent = $RUST_DIRECTORY } @{ Filename = '' Template = 'source_rust_lib' Parent = $Source } @{ Filename = '' Template = 'source_rust_utils' Parent = $Source } @{ Filename = '' Template = 'source_rust_app' Parent = $Tests } @{ Filename = '' Template = 'source_rust_web' Parent = $Tests } ) | ForEach-Object { $Parameters = $_ Copy-TemplateData @Parameters -Data $Data -Force:$Force } } } Default {} } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Copy Jest files; Add dependencies and tasks to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies.Jest $PackageManifestData.scripts += $NpmScripts.Jest $Tests = Join-Path $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY '__tests__' @( @{ Filename = 'setup.js' Template = 'source_jest_setup' } @{ Filename = 'example.test.js' Template = 'source_jest_example' } ) | ForEach-Object { $Parameters = $_ Copy-TemplateData @Parameters -Data $Data -Parent $Tests -Force:$Force } } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Save EditorConfig configuration file')) { $Parameters = @{ Filename = '.editorconfig' Template = 'editorconfig' Data = @{} Parent = $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY Force = $Force } Copy-TemplateData @Parameters } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Save PostCSS configuration file; Add dependencies to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies.Postcss $Parameters = @{ Filename = 'postcss.config.js' Template = 'config_postcss' Data = $ConfigurationFileData.Postcss Parent = $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY Force = $Force } Copy-TemplateData @Parameters } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Save Babel configuration file; Add dependencies to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies.Babel $Parameters = @{ Filename = 'babel.config.json' Data = $ConfigurationFileData.Babel Parent = $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY Force = $Force } Save-JsonData @Parameters } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Save ESLint configuration file; Add dependencies and tasks to package.json')) { $PackageManifestData.devDependencies += $DevelopmentDependencies.Eslint $PackageManifestData.scripts += $NpmScripts.Eslint $Parameters = @{ Filename = '.eslintrc.json' Data = $ConfigurationFileData.Eslint Parent = $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY Force = $Force } Save-JsonData @Parameters } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Save package.json to application directory')) { $PackageManifestData = $PackageManifestData | ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary $PackageManifestData.devDependencies = $PackageManifestData.devDependencies | ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary $PackageManifestData.scripts = $PackageManifestData.scripts | ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary $Parameters = @{ Filename = 'package.json' Data = $PackageManifestData Parent = $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY Force = $Force } Save-JsonData @Parameters } } End { $Context = Test-ApplicationContext $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Save application state')) { $Data.Context = $Context $Data.PackageManifestData = $PackageManifestData $State.Data = $Data $State.Name = $Data.Name $State.Parent = $Data.Parent $State | Save-State -Name $State.Name -Verbose:(-not $Silent) -Force:$Force | Out-Null } if (-not $NoInstall) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Install dependencies')) { $NoErrors = if ($Context.Node.Ready) { Invoke-NpmInstall -Silent:$Silent } } if ($NoErrors -and (-not $Silent)) { 'done' | Write-Status } } } } function Remove-Indent { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove indentation of multi-line (or single line) strings .NOTES Good for removing spaces added to template strings because of alignment with code. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [AllowEmptyString()] [String] $From, [Int] $Size = 4 ) Process { $Lines = $From -split '\n' $Delimiter = if ($Lines.Count -eq 1) { '' } else { "`n" } $Callback = { $Args[0], $Args[1] -join $Delimiter } $Lines | Where-Object { $_.Length -ge $Size } | ForEach-Object { $_.SubString($Size) } | Invoke-Reduce -Callback $Callback -InitialValue '' } } function Save-State { <# .SYNOPSIS Save state object as CliXml in temp directory .EXAMPLE Set-State -Name 'My-App' -State @{ Data = 42 } .EXAMPLE Set-State 'My-App' @{ Data = 42 } .EXAMPLE @{ Data = 42 } | Set-State 'My-App' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)] [OutputType([String])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [PSObject] $State, [String] $Path, [Switch] $Force ) if (-not $Path) { $TempRoot = if ($IsLinux) { '/tmp' } else { $Env:temp } $Filename = $Name | Get-StateName $Path = Join-Path $TempRoot "${Filename}.xml" } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path)) { if ((Test-Path -Path $Path) -and (-not $Force)) { "==> ${Path} already exists. To replace the existing state, use -Force" | Write-Warning } else { $State.Name = $Name $State | Export-Clixml -Path $Path "==> Saved state to ${Path}" | Write-Verbose } } else { "==> Would have saved state to ${Path}" | Write-Verbose } $Path } function Test-ApplicationContext { <# .SYNOPSIS Test various environment conditions and return an object with the results. .EXAMPLE $Results = Test-ApplicationContext #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })] [String] $Parent = (Get-Location).Path ) Begin { function Test-SomeExist { Param( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [String[]] $PathList ) foreach ($Path in $PathList) { if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $Parent $Path)) { "==> [INFO] Found ${Path}" | Write-Verbose return $True } } $False } $BABEL_CONFIG_NAMES = @( 'babel.config.json' 'babel.config.js' 'babel.config.cjs' 'babel.config.mjs' '.babelrc' '.babelrc.json' '.babelrc.js' '.babelrc.cjs' '.babelrc.mjs' ) $ESLINT_CONFIG_NAMES = @( '', '.js', '.cjs', '.yaml', '.yml', '.json' ) | ForEach-Object { ".eslintrc${_}" } } Process { $Installed = @{ Cargo = (Test-Command 'cargo') Rustc = (Test-Command 'rustc') Npm = (Test-Command 'npm') } $FileExists = @{ CargoToml = (Test-SomeExist 'Cargo.toml') PackageJson = (Test-SomeExist 'package.json') BabelConfig = (Test-SomeExist $BABEL_CONFIG_NAMES) EslintConfig = (Test-SomeExist $ESLINT_CONFIG_NAMES) PostcssConfig = (Test-SomeExist 'postcss.config.js') WebpackConfig = (Test-SomeExist 'webpack.config.js') } } End { @{ Rust = @{ Ready = ($Installed.Cargo -and $Installed.Rustc -and $FileExists.CargoToml) Manifest = $FileExists.CargoToml PackageManager = $Installed.Cargo Compiler = $Installed.Rustc Linter = $False } Node = @{ Ready = ($Installed.Npm -and $FileExists.PackageJson) Manifest = $FileExists.PackageJson PackageManager = $Installed.Npm Compiler = $FileExists.BabelConfig Linter = $FileExists.EslintConfig } CSS = @{ Ready = $FileExists.PostcssConfig Manifest = $False PackageManager = $False Compiler = $FileExists.PostcssConfig Linter = $False } } } } function Update-Application { <# .SYNOPSIS Update a dependency of a web or desktop application created using New-WebApplication or New-DesktopApplication, respectively. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Switch] $Web, [Switch] $Desktop, [ValidateSet('Cesium', 'Reason', 'Rust')] [String[]] $Add, [ValidateSet('Cesium', 'Reason', 'Rust')] [String[]] $Remove ) Begin {} Process {} End {} } function Write-Status { <# .SYNOPSIS Print ASCII status message .EXAMPLE 'pass' | Write-Status #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [ValidateSet('done', 'fail', 'pass')] [String] $Status = 'done', [String] $Color, [Switch] $PassThru ) if (-not $Color) { $Color = switch ($Status) { 'done' { 'Gray' } 'fail' { 'Red' } 'pass' { 'Green' } } } $Message = switch ($Status) { 'done' { @( '▄▀█ █░░ █░░ █▀▄ █▀█ █▄░█ █▀▀ █' '█▀█ █▄▄ █▄▄ █▄▀ █▄█ █░▀█ ██▄ ▄' ) } 'fail' { @( '█▀▀ ▄▀█ █ █░░' '█▀░ █▀█ █ █▄▄' ) } 'pass' { @( '█▀█ ▄▀█ █▀ █▀' '█▀▀ █▀█ ▄█ ▄█' ) } } if ($PassThru) { $Message -join "`n" } else { '' | Write-Host $Message | ForEach-Object { $_ | Write-Host -ForegroundColor $Color } '' | Write-Host } } |