
  _____ _____ ____
 | __ \ | __ \ / __ \
 | |__) |____ _____ _ ____ _| |__) | | | |
 | ___/ _ \ \ /\ / / _ \ '__\ \ / / _ /| | | |
 | | | (_) \ V V / __/ | \ V /| | \ \| |__| |
 |_| \___/ \_/\_/ \___|_| \_/ |_| \_\\____/

# --- Clean up vRAConnection variable on module remove
$ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.OnRemove = {

    Remove-Variable -Name vRAConnection -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    - Function: Connect-vROServer

function Connect-vROServer {
    Connect to a vRO Server
    Connect to a vRO Server and generate a connection object with Servername, Token etc
    .PARAMETER Server
    vRO Server to connect to
    Optionally specify the server port. Default is 8281
    .PARAMETER Username
    Username to connect with
    .PARAMETER Password
    Password to connect with
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Credential object to connect with
    .PARAMETER IgnoreCertRequirements
    Ignore requirements to use fully signed certificates
    .PARAMETER SslProtocol
    Alternative Ssl protocol to use from the default
    Requires vRA 7.x and above
    Windows PowerShell: Ssl3, Tls, Tls11, Tls12
    PowerShell Core: Tls, Tls11, Tls12
    Connect-vROServer -Server vro01.domain.local -Credential (Get-Credential)
    $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString “P@ssword” -AsPlainText -Force
    Connect-vROServer -Server vro01.domain.local -Username TenantAdmin01 -Password $SecurePassword -IgnoreCertRequirements
    Connect-vROServer -Server vro01.domain.local -Port 443 -Credential (Get-Credential)


    Param (


    [Int]$Port = 8281,





    [ValidateSet('Ssl3', 'Tls', 'Tls11', 'Tls12')]


    # --- Test Connectivity to vRO Server on the given port
    try {

        # --- Test Connection to the vRO Server
        Write-Verbose -Message "Testing connectivity to $($Server):$($Port)"

        $TCPClient = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient
        $TCPClient.Connect($Server, $Port)


    catch [Exception] {

        throw "Could not connect to server $($Server) on port $($Port)"


    # --- Handle untrusted certificates if necessary
    $SignedCertificates = $true

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("IgnoreCertRequirements")){

        if (!$IsCoreCLR) {

            if ( -not ("TrustAllCertsPolicy" -as [type])) {

            Add-Type @"
            using System.Net;
            using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
            public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
                public bool CheckValidationResult(
                    ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
                    WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
                    return true;

            [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

        $SignedCertificates = $false

    # --- Security Protocol
    $SslProtocolResult = 'Default'

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SslProtocol") ){

        if (!$IsCoreCLR) {

            $CurrentProtocols = ([System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol).toString() -split ', '

            if (!($SslProtocol -in $CurrentProtocols)){

                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol += [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::$($SslProtocol)

        $SslProtocolResult = $SslProtocol
    elseif (!$IsCoreCLR) {

        # --- Set the default Security Protocol for Windows PS to be TLS 1.2
        # --- vRO 7.x+ requires this
        $CurrentProtocols = ([System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol).toString() -split ', '

        if (!($SslProtocol -in $CurrentProtocols)){

            [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol += [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $SslProtocolResult = 'Tls12'

    # --- Convert Secure Credentials
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential")){

        $Username = $Credential.UserName
        $ConnectionPassword = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Password")){

        $ConnectionPassword = (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("username", $Password)).GetNetworkCredential().Password

    try {

        # --- Set Encoded Password
        $Auth = $Username + ':' + $ConnectionPassword
        $Encoded = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Auth)
        $EncodedPassword = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($Encoded)

        # --- Create Output Object
        $Global:vROConnection = [pscustomobject]@{

            Server = "https://$($Server):$($Port)"
            Username = $Username
            EncodedPassword = $EncodedPassword
            Version = $Null
            APIVersion = $Null
            SignedCertificates = $SignedCertificates
            SslProtocol = $SslProtocolResult

        # --- Update vROConnection with version information
        $VersionInfo = Get-vROVersion
        $Global:vROConnection.Version = $VersionInfo.Version
        $Global:vROConnection.APIVersion = $VersionInfo.APIVersion

        # --- Test the credentials provided
        Write-Verbose -Message "Testing credentials"
        $URI = "/vco/api/server/permissions"
        Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -URI $URI -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

        Write-Output $Global:vROConnection
    catch [Exception]{

        Remove-Variable -Name vROConnection -Scope Global -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    - Function: Disconnect-vROServer

function Disconnect-vROServer {
    Disconnect from a vRO server
    Disconnect from a vRO server by removing the global vRAConnection variable from PowerShell
    Disconnect-vROServer -Confirm:$false


    Param ()

    # --- Test for existing connection to vRA
    if (-not $Global:vROConnection){

        throw "vRO Connection variable does not exist. Please run Connect-vROServer first to create it"

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Global:vROConnection.Server)){

        try {

            # --- Remove custom Security Protocol if it has been specified
            if ($Global:vROConnection.SslProtocol -ne 'Default'){

                if (!$IsCoreCLR) {

                    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -= [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::$($Global:vROConnection.SslProtocol)
        catch [Exception]{

        finally {

            # --- Remove the global PowerShell variable
            Write-Verbose -Message "Removing vROConnection Global Variable"
            Remove-Variable -Name vROConnection -Scope Global -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    - Function: Invoke-vRORestMethod

function Invoke-vRORestMethod {
    Wrapper for Invoke-RestMethod with vRO specifics
    Wrapper for Invoke-RestMethod with vRO specifics
    .PARAMETER Method
    API URI, e.g. /vco/api/workflows
    REST Body in JSON format
    .PARAMETER Webrequest
    Use Invoke-WebRequest instead of Invoke-RestMethod
    .PARAMETER Headers
    Optionally supply custom headers
    .PARAMETER OutFile
    Saves the response body in the specified output file
    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -URI '/vco/api/workflows'
    $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/$($ID)/executions/"
    $JSON = @"
            "value": {"string":{ "value": "Apple"}},
            "type": "string",
            "name": "a",
            "scope": "local"
            "value": {"number":{ "value": 20}},
            "type": "number",
            "name": "b",
            "scope": "local"
    $InvokeRequest = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -URI $URI -Body $Body -WebRequest


    Param (







# --- Test for existing connection to vRO
if (-not $Global:vROConnection){

    throw "vRO Connection variable does not exist. Please run Connect-vROServer first to create it"

    # --- Create Invoke-RestMethod Parameters
    $FullURI = "$($Global:vROConnection.Server)$($URI)"

    # --- Add default headers if not passed
    if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Headers")){

        $Headers = @{

            "Content-Type" = "application/json";
            "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";

    # --- Set up default parmaeters
    $Params = @{

        Method = $Method
        Headers = $Headers
        Uri = $FullURI

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Body")) {

        $Params.Add("Body", $Body)

        # --- Log the payload being sent to the server
        Write-Debug -Message $Body

    elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("OutFile")) {

        $Params.Add("OutFile", $OutFile)

    # --- Support for PowerShell Core certificate checking
    if (!($Global:vRAConnection.SignedCertificates) -and ($IsCoreCLR)) {

        $Params.Add("SkipCertificateCheck", $true)

    try {

        # --- Use either Invoke-WebRequest or Invoke-RestMethod

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("WebRequest")) {

            Invoke-WebRequest @Params

        else {

            Invoke-RestMethod @Params
    catch [Exception] {

    finally {

        if (!$IsCoreCLR) {

            # Workaround for bug in Invoke-RestMethod. Thanks to the PowerNSX guys for pointing this one out
            # https://bitbucket.org/nbradford/powernsx/src

            $ServicePoint = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::FindServicePoint($FullURI)
            $ServicePoint.CloseConnectionGroup("") | Out-Null

    - Function: New-vROParameterDefinition

function New-vROParameterDefinition {
    Create a parameter definition for use with workflows such as Invoke-vROWorkflow and Invoke-vROAction
    Create a parameter definition for use with workflows such as Invoke-vROWorkflow and Invoke-vROAction
    Name of the workflow or action parameter
    .PARAMETER Value
    Value of the workflow or action parameter
    Type of the workflow or action parameter
    .PARAMETER Scope
    Scope of the workflow or action parameter
    $Param1 = New-vROParameterDefinition -Name a -Value Apple -Type String -Scope LOCAL
    Invoke-vROWorkflow -Id c0278910-9ae2-46c5-bb45-2292fe88e3ab -Parameters $Param1
    $Param1 = New-vROParameterDefinition -Name Location -Value UK -Type String -Scope LOCAL
    Invoke-vROAction -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133 -Parameters $Param1

[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Low")][OutputType('System.Management.Automation.PSObject')]

    Param (



    [ValidateSet("LOCAL", "TOKEN")]
    [String]$Scope = "LOCAL"


    begin {
    process {

        try {

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("WorkflowParameterDefinition")){

                # --- Define object
                $ParameterDefinition = @"
                        "name": "$($Name)",
                        "type": "$($Type.ToLower())",
                        "scope": "$($Scope.ToLower())",
                        "value": {
                            "$($Type.ToLower())":{ "value": "$($Value)"}

                $ParameterDefinition | ConvertFrom-Json


        catch [Exception]{



    end {


    - Function: Add-vROActionPermission

function Add-vROActionPermission {
    Add a Permission to a vRO Action
    Add a Permission to a vRO Action
    Action Id
    .PARAMETER Principal
    Specify the Permission Principal. Needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user
    .PARAMETER Rights
    Specify the Permission Rights
    Add-vROActionPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local -Rights 'View','Execute','Inspect'


    Param (



    begin {

        # --- Break out the Username and Domain from the Principal
        if ($Principal -match "@"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[0]
            $Domain = ($Principal -split "@")[1]

        elseif ($Principal -match "\\"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "\\")[1]
            $Domain = ($Principal -split "\\")[0]

        else {

            throw "Principal needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user"


        # --- Convert Rights to API required digit(s)
        $APIRights = @()

        switch ($Rights)
            "View" {$APIRights += "r"}
            "Execute" {$APIRights += "x"}
            "Inspect" {$APIRights += "i"}
            "Edit" {$APIRights += "c"}
            "Admin" {$APIRights += "a"}

            Default {}



    process {

        foreach ($ActionId in $Id){
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ActionId)){

                    # --- Create JSON Body
                    $Body = @"
                            "permissions": [
                                    "permission": {
                                        "principal": "$($Domain)\\$($Username)",
                                        "relations": null,
                                        "rights": "$($APIRights -Join(""))"

                    # --- Send REST call and process results
                    $URI = "/vco/api/actions/$($ActionId)/permissions"

                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $Body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null
                    # --- Output the Successful Result
                    Get-vROActionPermission -Id $ActionId | Where-Object {$_.Principal -match $Username}


            catch [Exception]{




    end {


    - Function: Export-vROAction

function Export-vROAction {
    Exports an action by its ID.
    Exports an action by its ID.
    The id of the action
    The resulting path. If this parameter is not passed the action will be exported to
    the current working directory.
    Get-vROAction -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133 | Export-vROAction -Path C:\Actions\Test01.action
    Get-vROAction -Name Test01 -Category com.company.test | Export-vROAction


    Param (




    begin {

        if ($IsWindows) {

            $Delimiter = '\'
        else {

            $Delimiter = '/'

    process {

        foreach ($ActionId in $Id){

            try {

                $URI = "/vco/api/actions/$($ActionId)"

                $Headers = @{

                    "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
                    "Accept" ="Application/zip";
                    "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip, deflate";
                    "Content-Type" = "Application/zip;charset=utf-8";


                # --- Run vRO REST Request
                $Request = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method Get -Headers $Headers -WebRequest -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                $Filename = $Request.Headers['Content-Disposition'].Split("=")[1]

                if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Path")) {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "Path parameter not passed, exporting to current directory."
                    $FullPath = "$($(Get-Location).Path)$($Delimiter)$($Filename)"

                else {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "Path parameter passed."

                    if ($Path.EndsWith("$($Delimiter)")) {

                        Write-Verbose -Message "Ends with"

                        $Path = $Path.TrimEnd("$($Delimiter)")


                    $FullPath = "$($Path)$($Delimiter)$($FileName)"


                Write-Verbose -Message "Exporting action to $($FullPath)"

                # --- PS Core does not have -Encoding Byte. Replaced with new parameter AsByteStream
                if (!$IsCoreCLR) {

                    $Request.Content | Set-Content -Path $FullPath -Encoding Byte -Force
                else {
                    $Request.Content | Set-Content -Path $FullPath -AsByteStream -Force

                # --- Output the result
                Get-ChildItem -Path $FullPath

            catch [Exception]{





    end {



    - Function: Get-vROAction

function Get-vROAction {
    Retrieves a list of all actions
    Retrieves a list of all actions
    The id of the action
    The name of the action
    .PARAMETER Category
    The category that the action is in. This must be used with the name parameter
    Get-vROAction -Id f2193849-89e9-4136-8607-526eb196ee4c
    Get-vROAction -Name Test01 -Category com.company.test







    begin {


    process {

        try {

            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                'Id' {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/actions/$($Id)"

                    Write-Verbose -Message "GET : $($URI)"

                    $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI

                    Write-Verbose -Message "SUCCESS"


                        Id = $Response.id
                        Name = $Response.name
                        Description = $Response.Description
                        FQN = $Response.fqn
                        Version = $Response.version
                        InputParameters = $Response.'input-parameters'
                        OutputType = $Response.'output-type'
                        Href = $Response.href
                        Relations = $Response.relations



                'Name' {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/actions/$($Category)/$Name"

                    $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference


                        Id = $Response.id
                        Name = $Response.name
                        Description = $Response.Description
                        FQN = $Response.fqn
                        Version = $Response.version
                        InputParameters = $Response."input-parameters"
                        OutputType = $Response."output-type"
                        Href = $Response.href
                        Relations = $Response.relations



                'All' {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/actions"
                    $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                    foreach ($Action in $Response.link) {

                            Id = ($Action.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq "id"}).value
                            Name = ($Action.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq "name"}).value
                            Description = ($Action.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq "description"}).value
                            FQN = ($Action.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq "fqn"}).value
                            Version = ($Action.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq "version"}).value
                            InputParameters = $null
                            OutputType = $null
                            Href = $null
                            Relations = $null






        catch [Exception]{


    end {



    - Function: Get-vROActionPermission

function Get-vROActionPermission {
    Get vRO Action Permissions
    Get vRO Action Permissions
    Action Id
    Get-vROActionPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea'
    Get-vROAction -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' | Get-vROActionPermission




    begin {


    process {

        try {

            foreach ($ActionId in $Id){

                # --- Send REST call and process results
                $URI = "/vco/api/actions/$($ActionId)/permissions"

                $Action = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                foreach ($Permission in $Action.permissions){

                    $Rights = @()

                    switch -regex ($Permission.permission.rights)
                        "[r]" {$Rights += "View"}
                        "[x]" {$Rights += "Execute"}
                        "[i]" {$Rights += "Inspect"}
                        "[c]" {$Rights += "Edit"}
                        "[a]" {$Rights += "Admin"}

                        Default {}


                    # --- Get the permission href
                    [System.Uri]$Href = $permission.permission.href

                        Id = $href.segments[6].Trim("/")
                        Principal = $Permission.permission.principal
                        Rights = $Rights
                        ActionId = $ActionId




        catch [Exception]{


    end {



    - Function: Import-vROAction

function Import-vROAction {
    Imports an action in a given category.
    Imports an action in a given category.
    .PARAMETER CategoryName
    The name of the action category
    The action file
    .PARAMETER Overwrite
    Overwrite an existing action
    Import-vROAction -File C:\Actions\test01.action -CategoryName "com.company.package" -Confirm:$false
    Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Actions\*.action | Import-vROAction -CategoryName "com.company.package" -Confirm:$false


    Param (




    begin {

        #Set Set Line Feed
        $LF = "`r`n"

    process {

        foreach ($FilePath in $File){

            try {

                # --- Resolve the file path
                $FileInfo = [System.IO.FileInfo](Resolve-Path $FilePath).Path

                # --- Create the multi-part form
                $Boundary = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
                $FileBin = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FileInfo.FullName)
                $Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("iso-8859-1")
                $EncodedFile = $Encoding.GetString($FileBin)

                $Form = (
                    "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"file`"; filename=`"$($FileInfo.Name)`"",
                ) -join $LF
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Overwrite")) {
                    $URI = "/vco/api/actions?categoryName=$($CategoryName)&overwrite=true"

                else {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/actions?categoryName=$($CategoryName)"


                # --- Set custom headers for the request
                $Headers = @{
                    "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
                    "Accept" = "Application/json"
                    "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip,deflate,sdch";
                    "Content-Type" = "multipart/form-data; boundary=$($Boundary)"

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($FileInfo.FullName)){

                    # --- Run vRO REST Request
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $Form -Headers $Headers -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null

            catch [Exception]{





    end {



    - Function: Invoke-vROAction

function Invoke-vROAction {
    Invoke a vRO Action
    Invoke a vRO Action
    The id of the action requesting an action by id will return additional information
    The name of the action
    .PARAMETER Category
    The category that the action is in. This must be used with the name parameter
    .PARAMETER Parameters
    The parameters, if any, that the action expects. The input expects an array of New-vROParameterDefinition
    $Param1 = New-vROParameterDefinition -Name Location -Value UK -Type String -Scope LOCAL
    Invoke-vROAction -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133 -Parameters $Param1
    $Param1 = New-vROParameterDefinition -Name Location -Value UK -Type String -Scope LOCAL
    Invoke-vROAction -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133 -Parameters $Param1 | ConvertTo-Json
    Invoke-vROACtion -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133








    begin {


    process {

        try {

            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

                'Id' {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/actions/$($Id)/executions"


                'Name' {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/actions/$($Category)/$Name/executions"




            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Parameters")) {

                $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{

                    parameters = @()


                foreach ($Parameter in $Parameters) {

                    $Object.parameters += $Parameter

                $Body = $Object | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

            else {

                $Body = "{}"


            $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -URI $URI -Body $Body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

            if ($Response) {


                    Type = $Response.type
                    Value = $Response.value



        catch [Exception]{


    end {



    - Function: Remove-vROAction

function Remove-vROAction {
    Remove a vRO Action
    Remove a vRO Action
    Action ID
    .PARAMETER Force
    If the action is referenced by some workflows, it is considered to be 'in use'and the delete operation will fail, unless the 'force' option is provided.
    Remove-vROAction -Id "3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea"
    Get-vROAction -Name Test01 -Category com.company.test | Remove-vROAction -Confirm:$false


    Param (




    begin {
    process {    

        foreach ($ActionId in $Id){

            try {    
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Force")) {
                    $URI = "/vco/api/actions/$($ActionId)?force=true"
                else {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/actions/$($ActionId)"


                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ActionId)){

                    # --- Run vRO REST Request

                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method DELETE -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null


            catch [Exception]{




    end {


    - Function: Remove-vROActionPermission

function Remove-vROActionPermission {
    Remove a Permission from a vRO Action
    Remove a Permission from a vRO Action
    Action Id
    .PARAMETER Principal
    Specify the Permission Principal. Needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user
    Remove-vROActionPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local
    Get-vROAction -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' | Remove-vROActionPermission -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local


    Param (



    begin {

        # --- Break out the Username and Domain from the Principal
        if ($Principal -match "@"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[0]

        elseif ($Principal -match "\\"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[1]

        else {

            throw "Principal needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user"



    process {

        foreach ($ActionId in $Id){
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ActionId)){

                    # --- Get Permission Rule
                    $Permission = Get-vROActionPermission -Id $ActionId | Where-Object {$_.Principal -match $Username}
                    if (!$Permission){

                        throw "Unable to find Permission with Principal $($Principal)"
                    else {
                        $URI = "/vco/api/actions/$($ActionId)/permissions/$($Permission.Id)"


                    # --- Send REST call and process results
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method DELETE -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null


            catch [Exception]{





    end {



    - Function: Add-vROCategoryPermission

function Add-vROCategoryPermission {
    Add a Permission to a vRO Category
    Add a Permission to a vRO Category
    Category Id
    .PARAMETER Principal
    Specify the Permission Principal. Needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user
    .PARAMETER Rights
    Specify the Permission Rights
    Add-vROCategoryPermission -Id '40281e8654ddec6201553af63677146e' -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local -Rights 'View','Execute','Inspect'
    $Permissions = Get-vROCategoryPermission -Id '40281e8654ddec6201553af63677146e'
    Get-vROCategory -Id '40281e8654ddec6201554f5836651514' | Add-vROCategoryPermission -Principal $Permissions[0].Principal -Rights $Permissions[0].Rights


    Param (


    begin {

        # --- Break out the Username and Domain from the Principal
        if ($Principal -match "@"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[0]
            $Domain = ($Principal -split "@")[1]
        elseif ($Principal -match "\\"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "\\")[1]
            $Domain = ($Principal -split "\\")[0]
        else {

            throw "Principal needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user"

        # --- Convert Rights to API required digit(s)
        $APIRights = @()

        switch ($Rights)
            "View" {$APIRights += "r"}
            "Execute" {$APIRights += "x"}
            "Inspect" {$APIRights += "i"}
            "Edit" {$APIRights += "c"}
            "Admin" {$APIRights += "a"}

            Default {}

    process {

        foreach ($CategoryId in $Id){
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($CategoryId)){

                    # --- Create JSON Body
                    $Body = @"
      "permissions": [
          "permission": {
            "principal": "$($Domain)\\$($Username)",
            "rights": "$($APIRights -join "")"

                    # --- Send REST call and process results
                    $URI = "/vco/api/categories/$($CategoryId)/permissions"

                    $Request = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $Body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                    # --- Output the Successful Result
                    foreach ($Permission in $Request.permissions){

                        $Rights = @()

                        switch -regex ($Permission.permission.rights)
                            "[r]" {$Rights += "View"}
                            "[x]" {$Rights += "Execute"}
                            "[i]" {$Rights += "Inspect"}
                            "[c]" {$Rights += "Edit"}
                            "[a]" {$Rights += "Admin"}

                            Default {}

                            Principal = $Permission.permission.principal
                            Rights = $Rights
                            CategoryID = $CategoryId
                            CategoryHref = $Permission.permission.href
            catch [Exception]{


    end {


    - Function: Get-vROCategory

function Get-vROCategory {
    Get vRO Categories
    Get vRO Categories
    .PARAMETER CategoryType
    Retrieve Category by CategoryType
    Retrieve Category by Id
    Retrieve only Categories in the top-level folder root
    Get-vROCategory -CategoryType Workflow
    Get-vROCategory -Id '40281e8b555889520155588bc4c10f1c'
    Get-vROCategory -CategoryType ResourceElement -Root






    try {

        # --- Send REST call and process results
        switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            "All"  { 
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Root")) {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/categories?isRoot=true"
                else {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/categories"


            "CategoryType"  {

                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Root")) {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/categories?categoryType=$($CategoryType)&isRoot=true"
                else {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/categories?categoryType=$($CategoryType)"


            "Id"  {
                $URI = "/vco/api/categories/$($Id)"

        if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Id'){

            $Category = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                Name = $Category.name
                ID = $Category.id
                Description = $Category.description
                Type = $Category.type
                Path = $Category.path
                Href = $Category.href
        else {
            $Categories = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

            foreach ($Category in $Categories.link){

                    Name = ($Category.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'name'}).value
                    ID = ($Category.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'id'}).value
                    Description = ($Category.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'description'}).value
                    Type = ($Category.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'type'}).value
                    Path = $null
                    Href = $Category.href
    catch [Exception]{

    - Function: Get-vROCategoryPermission

function Get-vROCategoryPermission {
    Get vRO Category Permissions
    Get vRO Category Permissions
    Category Id
    Get-vROCategoryPermission -Id '40281e8654ddec6201553af63677146e'
    Get-vROCategory -Id '40281e8654ddec6201553af63677146e' | Get-vROCategoryPermission




    begin {



        try {

            foreach ($CategoryId in $Id){

                # --- Send REST call and process results
                $URI = "/vco/api/categories/$($CategoryId)/permissions"

                $Category = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                foreach ($Permission in $Category.permissions){

                    $Rights = @()

                    switch -regex ($Permission.permission.rights)
                        "[r]" {$Rights += "View"}
                        "[x]" {$Rights += "Execute"}
                        "[i]" {$Rights += "Inspect"}
                        "[c]" {$Rights += "Edit"}
                        "[a]" {$Rights += "Admin"}

                        Default {}

                        Principal = $Permission.permission.principal
                        Rights = $Rights
                        CategoryID = $CategoryId
                        CategoryHref = $Permission.permission.href
        catch [Exception]{

    end {


    - Function: New-vROCategory

function New-vROCategory {
    Create a vRO Category
    Create a vRO Category
    Category Name
    .PARAMETER Description
    Category Description
    .PARAMETER CategoryType
    .PARAMETER CategoryId
    Id of the Category to create the new Category in - default is the root Category
    Body text to send in JSON format
    New-vROCategory -Name Category01 -Description "This is Category01" -CategoryType WorkflowCategory
    Get-vROCategory -Id '40281e8654ddec6201553af63677146e' | New-vROCategory -Name "Category01" -Description "This is Category01"
    $JSON = @"
       "description":"This is Category01"
    $JSON | New-vROCategory -CategoryId "40281e8654ddec6201553af63677146e"


    Param (





    begin {
    process {
        # --- Set Body for REST request depending on ParameterSet
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("JSON")){
            $Data = ($JSON | ConvertFrom-Json)
            $Body = $JSON
            $Name = $Data.name     
        else {
            $Body = @"
                "type": "$($CategoryType)",
                "name": "$($Name)",
                "description": "$($Description)"

        try {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)){

                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("CategoryId")){

                    $URI = "/vco/api/categories/$($CategoryId)"
                else {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/categories"

                # --- Run vRO REST Request
                $Category = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -URI $URI -Body $Body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                # --- Output the Successful Result
                    Name = $Category.name
                    ID = $Category.id
                    Description = $Category.description
                    Type = $Category.type
                    Path = $Category.path
                    Href = $null
        catch [Exception]{

    end {

    - Function: Remove-vROCategory

function Remove-vROCategory {
    Remove a vRO Category
    Remove a vRO Category
    Category ID
    .PARAMETER Force
    If the contains any content such as Workflows, Actions, Resource Elements or Configuration Elements the delete operation will fail, unless the 'force' option is provided. USE WITH CAUTION!
    Remove-vROCategory -Id "40281e8654ddec620155df5563fc1800"
    Get-vROCategory -Id '40281e8b555889520155588bc4c10f1c' | Remove-vROCategory -Confirm:$false


    Param (



    begin {
    process {    

        foreach ($CategoryId in $Id){

            try {    
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Force")) {
                    $URI = "/vco/api/categories/$($CategoryId)?deleteNonEmptyContent=true"
                else {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/categories/$($CategoryId)"

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($CategoryId)){

                    # --- Run vRO REST Request
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method DELETE -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            catch [Exception]{

    end {

    - Function: Remove-vROCategoryPermission

function Remove-vROCategoryPermission {
    Remove a Permission from a vRO Category
    Remove a Permission from a vRO Category
    Category Id
    .PARAMETER Principal
    Specify the Permission Principal. Needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user
    Remove-vROCategoryPermission -Id '40281e8654ddec6201553af63677146e' -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local
    Get-vROCategory -Id '40281e8654ddec6201553af63677146e' | Remove-vROWorkflowPermission -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local


    Param (


    begin {

        # --- Break out the Username and Domain from the Principal
        if ($Principal -match "@"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[0]
        elseif ($Principal -match "\\"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[1]
        else {

            throw "Principal needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user"

    process {

        foreach ($CategoryId in $Id){
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($CategoryId)){

                    # --- Get Permission Rule
                    $CategoryPermission = Get-vROCategoryPermission -Id $CategoryId | Where-Object {$_.Principal -match $Username}
                    if (!$CategoryPermission){

                        throw "Unable to find Category Permission with Principal $($Principal)"
                    else {
                        $Index = $CategoryPermission.CategoryHref.IndexOf("/vco")
                        $URI = $CategoryPermission.CategoryHref.Substring($Index)

                    # --- Send REST call and process results
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method DELETE -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null        
            catch [Exception]{


    end {


    - Function: Add-vROConfigurationElementPermission

function Add-vROConfigurationElementPermission {
    Add a Permission to a vRO Configuration Element
    Add a Permission to a vRO Configuration Element
    Configuration Element Id
    .PARAMETER Principal
    Specify the Permission Principal. Needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user
    .PARAMETER Rights
    Specify the Permission Rights
    Add-vROConfigurationElementPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local -Rights 'View','Execute','Inspect'


    Param (



    begin {

        # --- Break out the Username and Domain from the Principal
        if ($Principal -match "@"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[0]
            $Domain = ($Principal -split "@")[1]

        elseif ($Principal -match "\\"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "\\")[1]
            $Domain = ($Principal -split "\\")[0]

        else {

            throw "Principal needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user"


        # --- Convert Rights to API required digit(s)
        $APIRights = @()

        switch ($Rights)
            "View" {$APIRights += "r"}
            "Execute" {$APIRights += "x"}
            "Inspect" {$APIRights += "i"}
            "Edit" {$APIRights += "c"}
            "Admin" {$APIRights += "a"}

            Default {}



    process {

        foreach ($ConfigurationId in $Id){
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ConfigurationId)){

                    # --- Create JSON Body
                    $Body = @"
                            "permissions": [
                                    "permission": {
                                        "principal": "$($Domain)\\$($Username)",
                                        "relations": null,
                                        "rights": "$($APIRights -Join(""))"

                    # --- Send REST call and process results
                    $URI = "/vco/api/configurations/$($ConfigurationId)/permissions"

                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $Body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null
                    # --- Output the Successful Result
                    Get-vROConfigurationElementPermission -Id $ConfigurationId | Where-Object {$_.Principal -match $Username}


            catch [Exception]{




    end {


    - Function: Export-vROConfigurationElement

function Export-vROConfigurationElement {
    Exports a configuration element by its ID.
    Exports a configuration element by its ID.
    The id of the action
    The path of the exported file. If this parameter is not passed, the resource element
    will be exported to the current working directory.
    Get-vROConfigurationElement -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133 | Export-vROConfigurationElement -Path C:\Configurations
    Export-vROConfigurationElement -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133


    Param (



    begin {

    process {

        foreach ($ConfigurationId in $Id){

            try {    
                $URI = "/vco/api/configurations/$($ConfigurationId)"

                $Headers = @{
                    "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
                    "Accept" ="application/vcoobject+xml";
                    "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip, deflate";
                    "Content-Type" = "Application/vcoobject+xml;charset=utf-8";

                # --- Run vRO REST Request
                $Request = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method Get -Headers $Headers -WebRequest -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                # --- Get the displayname of the Configuration element and set filename
                $XMLContent = [XML]$Request.Content
                $DisplayName = $XMLContent.'config-element'.'display-name'.'#cdata-section'
                $FileName = "$($DisplayName).vsoconf"

                if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Path")) {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "Path parameter not passed, exporting to current directory."
                    $FullPath = "$($(Get-Location).Path)\$($Filename)"

                else {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "Path parameter passed."
                    if ($Path.EndsWith("\")) {

                        Write-Verbose -Message "Ends with"

                        $Path = $Path.TrimEnd("\")

                    $FullPath = "$($Path)\$($FileName)"


                Write-Verbose -Message "Exporting configuration element to $($FullPath)"
                $Request.Content | Set-Content -Path $FullPath -Force        

                # --- Output the result
                Get-ChildItem -Path $FullPath 

            catch [Exception]{





    end {



    - Function: Get-vROConfigurationElement

function Get-vROConfigurationElement {
    Retrieves a list of all configuration elements
    Retrieves a list of all configuration elements
    The id of the configuration elements
    .PARAMETER WithAttributes
    By default when listing all configuration elements attributes are not returned.
    Using this parameter will return attributes for each configuration element found. It
    could potentially be an expensive operation depending on the number of elements returned.
    Get-vROConfigurationElement -Id f2193849-89e9-4136-8607-526eb196ee4c






    begin {


    process {

        try {

            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

                'Id' {

                    foreach ($ConfigurationId in $Id) {

                        $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -URI "/vco/api/configurations/$($ConfigurationId)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                            Id = $Response.id
                            Name = $Response.name
                            Description = $Response.description
                            Version = $Response.version
                            Attributes = $Response.attributes
                            Href = $Response.href




                'All' {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/configurations"

                    $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                    if ($WithAttributes) {

                        foreach ($Item in $Response.link) {

                            [URI]$Href = $Item.href
                            $Id = $Href.Segments[-1].Trim("/")


                    else {

                        foreach ($Item in $Response.link) {


                                Id = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "id"}).value
                                Name = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "name"}).value
                                Description = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "description"}).value
                                Version = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "version"}).value
                                Attributes = $null
                                Href = $Item.href






        catch [Exception]{


    end {



function getConfiguration($Id){
    Private function for retrieving configurations elements

    $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -URI "/vco/api/configurations/$($Id)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

    $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{

        Id = $Response.id
        Name = $Response.name
        Description = $Response.description
        Version = $Response.version
        Attributes = $Response.attributes
        Href = $Response.href


    return $Object


    - Function: Get-vROConfigurationElementPermission

function Get-vROConfigurationElementPermission {
    Get vRO Configuration Element Permissions
    Get vRO Configuration Element Permissions
    Configuration Element Id
    Get-vROConfigurationElementPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea'
    Get-vROConfigurationElement -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' | Get-vROConfigurationElementPermission




    begin {


    process {

        try {

            foreach ($ConfigurationId in $Id){

                # --- Send REST call and process results
                $URI = "/vco/api/configurations/$($ConfigurationId)/permissions"

                $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                foreach ($Permission in $Response.permissions){

                    $Rights = @()

                    switch -regex ($Permission.permission.rights)
                        "[r]" {$Rights += "View"}
                        "[x]" {$Rights += "Execute"}
                        "[i]" {$Rights += "Inspect"}
                        "[c]" {$Rights += "Edit"}
                        "[a]" {$Rights += "Admin"}

                        Default {}


                    # --- Get the permission href
                    [System.Uri]$Href = $permission.permission.href

                        Id = $Href.segments[-1].Trim("/")
                        Principal = $Permission.permission.principal
                        Rights = $Rights
                        ConfigurationId = $ConfigurationId




        catch [Exception]{


    end {



    - Function: Import-vROConfigurationElement

function Import-vROConfigurationElement {
    Imports a configuration element in a given category.
    Imports a configuration element in a given category.
    .PARAMETER CategoryId
    The name of the configuration element category
    The configuraiton file
    Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Configurations\*.vsoconfig | Import-vROConfigurationElement -CategoryId "36cd783f-e858-4783-9273-06d11defc8b0" -Confirm:$false


    Param (



    begin {

        #Set Set Line Feed
        $LF = "`r`n"

    process {

        foreach ($FilePath in $File){

            $FileInfo = [System.IO.FileInfo](Resolve-Path $FilePath).Path

            try {

                # --- Create the multi-part form
                $Boundary = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
                $FileBin = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FileInfo.FullName)
                $Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("iso-8859-1")
                $EncodedFile = $Encoding.GetString($FileBin)

                $Form = (
                    "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"file`"; filename=`"$($FileInfo.Name)`"",
                ) -join $LF

                $URI = "/vco/api/configurations?categoryId=$($CategoryId)"

                # --- Set custom headers for the request
                $Headers = @{
                    "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
                    "Accept" = "Application/json"
                    "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip,deflate,sdch";
                    "Content-Type" = "multipart/form-data; boundary=$($Boundary)"

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($FileInfo.FullName)){

                    # --- Run vRO REST Request
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $Form -Headers $Headers -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null

            catch [Exception]{





    end {



    - Function: Remove-vROConfigurationElement

function Remove-vROConfigurationElement {
    Remove a vRO Configuration Element
    Remove a vRO Configuration Element
    Action ID
    .PARAMETER Force
    If the configuration element is referenced by some workflows, it is considered to be 'in use'and the delete operation will fail, unless the 'force' option is provided.
    Remove-vROConfigurationElement -Id "3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea"
    Get-vROConfigurationElement -Id "3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea" | Remove-vROConfigurationElement


    Param (




    begin {
    process {    

        foreach ($ConfigurationId in $Id){

            try {    
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Force")) {
                    $URI = "/vco/api/configurations/$($ConfigurationId)?force=true"
                else {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/configurations/$($ConfigurationId)"


                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ConfigurationId)){

                    # --- Run vRO REST Request
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method DELETE -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null


            catch [Exception]{




    end {


    - Function: Remove-vROConfigurationElementPermission

function Remove-vROConfigurationElementPermission {
    Remove a Permission from a vRO Configuration Element
    Remove a Permission from a vRO Configuration Element
    Configuration Element Id
    .PARAMETER Principal
    Specify the Permission Principal. Needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user
    Remove-vROConfigurationElementPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local
    Get-vROConfigurationElement -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' | Remove-vROConfigurationElementPermission -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local


    Param (



    begin {

        # --- Break out the Username and Domain from the Principal
        if ($Principal -match "@"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[0]

        elseif ($Principal -match "\\"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[1]

        else {

            throw "Principal needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user"



    process {

        foreach ($ConfigurationId in $Id){
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ConfigurationId)){

                    # --- Get Permission Rule
                    $Permission = Get-vROConfigurationElementPermission -Id $ConfigurationId | Where-Object {$_.Principal -match $Username}
                    if (!$Permission){

                        throw "Unable to find Permission with Principal $($Principal)"
                    else {
                        $URI = "/vco/api/configurations/$($ConfigurationId)/permissions/$($Permission.Id)"


                    # --- Send REST call and process results
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method DELETE -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null


            catch [Exception]{





    end {



    - Function: Add-vROPackagePermission

function Add-vROPackagePermission {
    Add a Permission to a vRO Package
    Add a Permission to a vRO Package
    Package Name
    .PARAMETER Principal
    Specify the Permission Principal. Needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user
    .PARAMETER Rights
    Specify the Permission Rights
    Add-vROPackagePermission -Name "net.powervro.tests" -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local -Rights 'View','Inspect'
    $Permissions = Get-vROPackagePermission -Name "net.powervro.tests"
    Get-vROPackage -Name "net.powervro.tests2" | Add-vROWorkflowPermission -Principal $Permissions[0].Principal -Rights $Permissions[0].Rights


    Param (


    begin {

        # --- Break out the Username and Domain from the Principal
        if ($Principal -match "@"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[0]
            $Domain = ($Principal -split "@")[1]
        elseif ($Principal -match "\\"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "\\")[1]
            $Domain = ($Principal -split "\\")[0]
        else {

            throw "Principal needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user"

        # --- Convert Rights to API required digit(s)
        $APIRights = @()

        switch ($Rights)
            "View" {$APIRights += "r"}
            "Inspect" {$APIRights += "i"}
            "Edit" {$APIRights += "c"}
            "Admin" {$APIRights += "a"}

            Default {}

    process {

        foreach ($PackageName in $Name){
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PackageName)){

                    # --- Create JSON Body
                    $Body = @"
      "permissions": [
          "permission": {
            "principal": "$($Domain)\\$($Username)",
            "rights": "$($APIRights -join "")"

                    # --- Send REST call and process results
                    $URI = "/vco/api/packages/$($PackageName)/permissions"

                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $Body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null
                    # --- Output the Successful Result
                    Get-vROPackagePermission -Name $PackageName | Where-Object {$_.Principal -match $Username}
            catch [Exception]{


    end {


    - Function: Export-vROPackage

function Export-vROPackage {
    Export a vRO Package to a .package file
    Export a vRO Package to a .package file
    Specify the Name of the vRO Package
    .PARAMETER DontExportConfigurationAttributeValues
    Don't Export Configuration Attribute Values
    .PARAMETER DontExportGlobalTags
    Don't Export Global Tags
    Specify the Filename to export to - should be a .package file
    Thanks to @burkeazbill for a few hints with this one https://github.com/burkeazbill/vroClientScripts
    Export-vROPackage -Name "net.powervro.tests" -File C:\Packages\net.powervro.tests.package
    Get-vROPackage -Name 'net.powervro.tests' | Export-vROPackage -File C:\Packages\net.powervro.tests.package -DontExportConfigurationAttributeValues


    Param (






    begin {

        $Headers = @{

            "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
            "Accept" ="Application/zip";
            "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip, deflate";
            "Content-Type" = "Application/zip;charset=utf-8";

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DontExportConfigurationAttributeValues')){

            $ExportConfigurationAttributeValues = 'false'
        else {

            $ExportConfigurationAttributeValues = 'true'
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DontExportGlobalTags')){

            $ExportGlobalTags = 'false'
        else {

            $ExportGlobalTags = 'true'

    process {

        foreach ($PackageName in $Name){

            try {

                $URI = "/vco/api/packages/$($PackageName)/?exportConfigurationAttributeValues=$($ExportConfigurationAttributeValues)&exportGlobalTags=$($ExportGlobalTags)"

                # --- Run vRO REST Request
                $Request = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method Get -Headers $Headers -WebRequest -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                # --- PS Core does not have -Encoding Byte. Replaced with new parameter AsByteStream
                if (!$IsCoreCLR) {

                    $Request.Content | Set-Content -Path $File -Encoding Byte -Force
                else {
                    $Request.Content | Set-Content -Path $File -AsByteStream -Force

                # --- Output the result
                Get-ChildItem -Path $File
            catch [Exception]{


    end {


    - Function: Get-vROPackage

function Get-vROPackage {
    Get vRO Packages
    Get vRO Packages
    Retrieve Package by Name
    Get-vROPackage -Name 'com.vmware.library.powershell'




    try {

        # --- Send REST call and process results
        switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            "All"  { 
                $URI = "/vco/api/packages"

                $Packages = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                foreach ($Package in $Packages.link){

                        Name = ($Package.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'name'}).value
                        ID = ($Package.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'id'}).value
                        Description = ($Package.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'description'}).value
                        Href = $Package.href
                        Workflows = $null
                        Actions = $null


            "Name"  {
                $URI = "/vco/api/packages/$($Name)/"

                $Package = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                    Name = $Package.name
                    ID = $Package.id
                    Description = $Package.description
                    Href = $Package.href
                    Workflows = $Package.workflows
                    Actions = $Package.actions

    catch [Exception]{

    - Function: Get-vROPackagePermission

function Get-vROPackagePermission {
    Get vRO Package Permissions
    Get vRO Package Permissions
    Package Name
    Get-vROPackagePermission -Name "net.powervro.tests"
    Get-vROPackage -Name "net.powervro.tests" | Get-vROPackagePermission




    begin {


    process {

        try {

            foreach ($PackageName in $Name){

                # --- Send REST call and process results
                $URI = "/vco/api/packages/$($PackageName)/permissions"

                $Package= Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                foreach ($Permission in $Package.permissions){

                    $Rights = @()

                    switch -regex ($Permission.permission.rights)
                        "[r]" {$Rights += "View"}
                        "[i]" {$Rights += "Inspect"}
                        "[c]" {$Rights += "Edit"}
                        "[a]" {$Rights += "Admin"}

                        Default {}

                        Principal = $Permission.permission.principal
                        Rights = $Rights
                        Package = $PackageName
                        PackageHref = $Permission.permission.href
        catch [Exception]{

    end {


    - Function: Import-vROPackage

function Import-vROPackage {
    Imports a vRO Package
    Imports a vRO Package
    The action file
    .PARAMETER Overwrite
    Overwrite an existing Package
    .PARAMETER ImportConfigurationAttributeValues
    Import Configuration Attribute Values
    .PARAMETER TagImportMode
    Tag Import Mode
    Import-vROPackage -File C:\Packages\net.powervro.tests.package -Overwrite
    Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Packages\net.powervro.tests.package | Import-vROPackage -Confirm:$false


    Param (




    [String]$TagImportMode = "Dont"


    begin {

        # --- Set Set Line Feed
        $LF = "`r`n"

        # --- Set options
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Overwrite")) {
            $OverwriteParam = 'true'

        else {

            $OverwriteParam = 'false'

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ImportConfigurationAttributeValues")) {
            $ImportConfigurationAttributeValuesParam = 'true'

        else {

            $ImportConfigurationAttributeValuesParam = 'false'

        switch ($TagImportMode){ 

            “Dont”  {

                $TagImportModeParam = 'DoNotImport';

            “ImportOverwrite”  {

                $TagImportModeParam = 'ImportAndOverwriteExistingValue';
            “ImportPreserve”  {

                $TagImportModeParam = 'ImportButPreserveExistingValue';


    process {

        foreach ($FilePath in $File){

            try {

                # --- Resolve the file path
                $FileInfo = [System.IO.FileInfo](Resolve-Path $FilePath).Path

                # --- Create the multi-part form
                $Boundary = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
                $FileBin = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FileInfo.FullName)
                $Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("iso-8859-1")
                $EncodedFile = $Encoding.GetString($FileBin)

                $Form = (
                    "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"file`"; filename=`"$($FileInfo.Name)`"",
                ) -join $LF

                $URI = "/vco/api/packages?overwrite=$($OverwriteParam)&importConfigurationAttributeValues=$($ImportConfigurationAttributeValuesParam)&tagImportMode=$($TagImportModeParam)"

                # --- Set custom headers for the request
                $Headers = @{
                    "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
                    "Accept" = "Application/json"
                    "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip,deflate,sdch";
                    "Content-Type" = "multipart/form-data; boundary=$($Boundary)"

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($FileInfo.FullName)){

                    # --- Run vRO REST Request
                    Write-Verbose -Message "POST : $($URI)"

                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $Form -Headers $Headers -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                    Write-Verbose -Message "SUCCESS"

                    # --- Output the result
                    Get-vROPackage -Name $FileInfo.BaseName

            catch [Exception]{



    end {


    - Function: Remove-vROPackage

function Remove-vROPackage {
    Remove a vRO Package
    Remove a vRO Package
    Package Name
    .PARAMETER DeletePackageWithContent
    Deletes the package along with the content. If other packages share elements with this package, they will be deleted
    .PARAMETER DeletePackageKeepingShared
    Deletes the package along with the content. If other packages share elements with this package, the elements will not be removed.
    Remove-vROPackage -Name "net.powervro.tests"
    Get-vROPackage -Name "net.powervro.tests" | Remove-vROPackage -Confirm:$false


    Param (




    begin {
    process {    

        foreach ($PackageName in $Name){

            try {    
                switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName){ 

                    “DeletePackage”  {

                        $URI = "/vco/api/packages/$($PackageName)/";

                    “DeletePackageWithContent”  {

                        $URI = "/vco/api/packages/$($PackageName)/?option=deletePackageWithContent";
                    “DeletePackage”  {

                        $URI = "/vco/api/packages/$($PackageName)/?option=deletePackageKeepingShared";


                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PackageName)){

                    # --- Run vRO REST Request
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method DELETE -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            catch [Exception]{

    end {

    - Function: Remove-vROPackagePermission

function Remove-vROPackagePermission {
    Remove a Permission from a vRO Package
    Remove a Permission from a vRO Package
    Package Name
    .PARAMETER Principal
    Specify the Permission Principal. Needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user
    Remove-vROPackagePermission -Name "net.powervro.tests" -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local
    Get-vROPackage -Name "net.powervro.tests" | Remove-vROPackagePermission -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local


    Param (


    begin {

        # --- Break out the Username and Domain from the Principal
        if ($Principal -match "@"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[0]
        elseif ($Principal -match "\\"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[1]
        else {

            throw "Principal needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user"

    process {

        foreach ($PackageName in $Name){
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PackageName)){

                    # --- Get Permission Rule
                    $PackagePermission = Get-vROPackagePermission -Name $PackageName | Where-Object {$_.Principal -match $Username}
                    if (!$PackagePermission){

                        throw "Unable to find Workflow Permission with Principal $($Principal)"
                    else {
                        $Index = $PackagePermission.PackageHref.IndexOf("/vco")
                        $URI = $PackagePermission.PackageHref.Substring($Index)

                    # --- Send REST call and process results
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method DELETE -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null        
            catch [Exception]{


    end {


    - Function: Export-vROPlugin

function Export-vROPlugin {
    Exports a plugin.
    Exports a plugin.
    The name of the plugin
    The path of the exported file. If this parameter is not passed, the plugin
    will be exported to the current working directory.
    Export-vROPlugin -Name ExamplePlugin
    Export-vROPlugin -Name ExamplePlugin -Path C:\plugins


    Param (




    begin {

        if ($IsWindows) {

            $Delimiter = '\'
        else {

            $Delimiter = '/'

    process {

        foreach ($PluginName in $Name){

            try {

                $URI = "/vco/api/plugins/$($PluginName)"

                $Headers = @{

                    "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
                    "Accept" ="Application/json";
                    "Content-Type" = "application/zip;charset=UTF-8";


                # --- Run vRO REST Request
                Write-Verbose -Message "Receiving response. This may take some time depending on the size of the plugin.."
                $Request = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method Get -Headers $Headers -WebRequest -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                # --- Get the name of the plugin
                $Filename = $Request.Headers['Content-Disposition'].Split("=")[1]

                if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Path")) {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "Path parameter not passed, exporting to current directory."
                    $FullPath = "$($(Get-Location).Path)$($Delimiter)$($Filename)"

                else {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "Path parameter passed."

                    if ($Path.EndsWith("$($Delimiter)")) {

                        Write-Verbose -Message "Ends with"

                        $Path = $Path.TrimEnd("$($Delimiter)")


                    $FullPath = "$($Path)$($Delimiter)$($FileName)"


                Write-Verbose -Message "Exporting plugin to $($FullPath)"
                [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($FullPath, $Request.Content)

                # --- Get the exported file
                Get-ChildItem -Path $FullPath

            catch [Exception]{


            finally {

                # --- Set request variable to null to avoid the content staying in memory
                $Request = $null




    end {



    - Function: Get-vROPlugin

function Get-vROPlugin {
    Retrieves a list of all installed plugins
    Retrieves a list of all installed plugins



    begin {


    process {

        try {

            $URI = "/vco/api/plugins"

            $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

            foreach ($Item in $Response.plugin) {


                    Name = $Item.moduleName
                    DisplayName = $Item.displayName
                    Enabled = $Item.enabled
                    URL = $Item.url
                    Version = $Item.version
                    BuildNumber = $Item.buildNumber
                    InfoText = $Item.infoText
                    HasValidation = $Item.hasValidation
                    Configurable = $Item.configurable
                    HasInstallActions = $Item.hasInstallActions



        catch [Exception]{


    end {



    - Function: Import-vROPlugin

function Import-vROPlugin {
    Imports a resource element in a given category.
    Imports a resource element in a given category.
    The plugin file
    .PARAMETER Format
    The format of the plugin. It can be either dar or vmoapp
    .PARAMETER Overwrite
    Overwrite an installed plugin
    Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Resources\* | Import-vROResourceElement -CategoryId "36cd783f-e858-4783-9273-06d11defc8b0" -Confirm:$false


    Param (     




    begin {

        #Set Set Line Feed
        $LF = "`r`n"

    process {

        $FileInfo = [System.IO.FileInfo](Resolve-Path $File).Path

        try {

            # --- Create the multi-part form
            $Boundary = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
            $FileBin = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FileInfo.FullName)
            $Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("iso-8859-1")
            $EncodedFile = $Encoding.GetString($FileBin)

            $Form = (
                "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"file`"; filename=`"$($FileInfo.Name)`"",
            ) -join $LF

            $URI = "/vco/api/plugins?format=$($Format)&overwrite=$($Overwrite.ToString().ToLower())"

            # --- Set custom headers for the request
            $Headers = @{
                "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
                "Accept" = "Application/json"
                "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip,deflate,sdch";
                "Content-Type" = "multipart/form-data; boundary=$($Boundary)"

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($FileInfo.FullName)){

                # --- Run vRO REST Request
                Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $Form -Headers $Headers -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null

        catch [Exception]{




    end {



    - Function: Set-vROPluginState

function Set-vROPluginState {
    Sets the state of a vRO plugin
    Sets the state of a vRO plugin
    The name of the plugin
    .PARAMETER Enabled
    A boolean value to decide whether or not the plugin is enabled
    Remove-vROPlugin -Name ExamplePlugin -Enabled:$True
    Remove-vROPlugin -Name ExamplePlugin -Enabled:$False


    Param (




    begin {
    process {    

        foreach ($PluginName in $Name){

            $URI = "/vco/api/plugins/$($PluginName)/state"

            try {

                $Body = @"
                        "enabled": $($Enabled.toString().toLower())

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PluginName)){

                    # --- Run vRO REST Request
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method PUT -Body $Body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null


            catch [Exception]{




    end {


    - Function: Add-vROResourceElementPermission

function Add-vROResourceElementPermission {
    Add a Permission to a vRO Resource Element
    Add a Permission to a vRO Resource Element
    Resource Element Id
    .PARAMETER Principal
    Specify the Permission Principal. Needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user
    .PARAMETER Rights
    Specify the Permission Rights
    Add-vROResourceElementPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local -Rights 'View','Execute','Inspect'


    Param (



    begin {

        # --- Break out the Username and Domain from the Principal
        if ($Principal -match "@"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[0]
            $Domain = ($Principal -split "@")[1]

        elseif ($Principal -match "\\"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "\\")[1]
            $Domain = ($Principal -split "\\")[0]

        else {

            throw "Principal needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user"


        # --- Convert Rights to API required digit(s)
        $APIRights = @()

        switch ($Rights)
            "View" {$APIRights += "r"}
            "Execute" {$APIRights += "x"}
            "Inspect" {$APIRights += "i"}
            "Edit" {$APIRights += "c"}
            "Admin" {$APIRights += "a"}

            Default {}



    process {

        foreach ($ResourceId in $Id){
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ResourceId)){

                    # --- Create JSON Body
                    $Body = @"
                            "permissions": [
                                    "permission": {
                                        "principal": "$($Domain)\\$($Username)",
                                        "relations": null,
                                        "rights": "$($APIRights -Join(""))"

                    # --- Send REST call and process results
                    $URI = "/vco/api/resources/$($ResourceId)/permissions"

                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $Body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null
                    # --- Output the Successful Result
                    Get-vROResourceElementPermission -Id $ResourceId | Where-Object {$_.Principal -match $Username}


            catch [Exception]{




    end {


    - Function: Export-vROResourceElement

function Export-vROResourceElement {
    Exports a resource element by its ID.
    Exports a resource element by its ID.
    The id of the resource element
    The path of the exported file. If this parameter is not passed, the resource element
    will be exported to the current working directory.
    Get-vROResourceElement -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133 | Export-vROResourceElement -Path C:\Resources
    Export-vROResourceElement -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133


    Param (



    begin {

    process {

        foreach ($ResourceId in $Id){

            try {    
                $URI = "/vco/api/resources/$($ResourceId)"

                $Headers = @{
                    "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
                    "Accept" =" application/octet-stream";

                # --- Run vRO REST Request
                $Request = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method Get -Headers $Headers -WebRequest -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                # --- Get the name of the resource element
                $FileName = (Get-vROResourceElement -Id $ResourceId).Name

                if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Path")) {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "Path parameter not passed, exporting to current directory."
                    $FullPath = "$($(Get-Location).Path)\$($Filename)"

                else {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "Path parameter passed."
                    if ($Path.EndsWith("\")) {

                        Write-Verbose -Message "Ends with"

                        $Path = $Path.TrimEnd("\")

                    $FullPath = "$($Path)\$($FileName)"


                Write-Verbose -Message "Exporting resource element to $($FullPath)"
                $Request.Content | Set-Content -Path $FullPath -Force        

                # --- Output the result
                Get-ChildItem -Path $FullPath 

            catch [Exception]{





    end {



    - Function: Get-vROResourceElement

function Get-vROResourceElement {
    Retrieves a list of all resource elements
    Retrieves a list of all resource elements
    The id of the resource element
    Get-vROResourceElement -Id f2193849-89e9-4136-8607-526eb196ee4c





    begin {


    process {

        try {

            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

                'Id' {

                    foreach ($ResourceId in $Id) {

                        $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -URI "/vco/api/resources/$($ResourceId)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                            Id = $Response.id
                            Name = $Response.name
                            Description = $Response.description
                            Version = $Response.version
                            MimeType = $Response."mime-type"
                            Href = $Response.href




                'All' {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/resources"

                    $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                    foreach ($Item in $Response.link) {


                            Id = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "id"}).value
                            Name = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "name"}).value
                            Description = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "description"}).value
                            Version = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "version"}).value
                            MimeType = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "mime-type"}).value
                            Href = $Item.href





        catch [Exception]{


    end {



    - Function: Get-vROResourceElementPermission

function Get-vROResourceElementPermission {
    Get vRO Resource Element Permissions
    Get vRO Resource Element Permissions
    Resource Element Id
    Get-vROResourceElementPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea'
    Get-vROResourceElement -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' | Get-vROResourceElementPermission




    begin {


    process {

        try {

            foreach ($ResourceId in $Id){

                # --- Send REST call and process results
                $URI = "/vco/api/resources/$($ResourceId)/permissions"

                $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                foreach ($Permission in $Response.permissions){

                    $Rights = @()

                    switch -regex ($Permission.permission.rights)
                        "[r]" {$Rights += "View"}
                        "[x]" {$Rights += "Execute"}
                        "[i]" {$Rights += "Inspect"}
                        "[c]" {$Rights += "Edit"}
                        "[a]" {$Rights += "Admin"}

                        Default {}


                    # --- Get the permission href
                    [System.Uri]$Href = $permission.permission.href

                        Id = $href.segments[-1].Trim("/")
                        Principal = $Permission.permission.principal
                        Rights = $Rights
                        ResourceId = $ResourceId




        catch [Exception]{


    end {



    - Function: Import-vROResourceElement

function Import-vROResourceElement {
    Imports a resource element in a given category.
    Imports a resource element in a given category.
    .PARAMETER CategoryId
    The name of the resource element category
    The resouce file
    Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Resources\* | Import-vROResourceElement -CategoryId "36cd783f-e858-4783-9273-06d11defc8b0" -Confirm:$false


    Param (



    begin {

        #Set Set Line Feed
        $LF = "`r`n"

    process {

        foreach ($FilePath in $File){

            $FileInfo = [System.IO.FileInfo](Resolve-Path $FilePath).Path

            try {

                # --- Create the multi-part form
                $Boundary = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
                $FileBin = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FileInfo.FullName)
                $Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("iso-8859-1")
                $EncodedFile = $Encoding.GetString($FileBin)

                $Form = (
                    "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"file`"; filename=`"$($FileInfo.Name)`"",
                ) -join $LF

                $URI = "/vco/api/resources?categoryId=$($CategoryId)"

                # --- Set custom headers for the request
                $Headers = @{
                    "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
                    "Accept" = "Application/json"
                    "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip,deflate,sdch";
                    "Content-Type" = "multipart/form-data; boundary=$($Boundary)"

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($FileInfo.FullName)){

                    # --- Run vRO REST Request
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $Form -Headers $Headers -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null

            catch [Exception]{





    end {



    - Function: Remove-vROResourceElement

function Remove-vROResourceElement {
    Remove a vRO Resource Element
    Remove a vRO Resource Element
    Action ID
    .PARAMETER Force
    If the resource element is referenced by some workflows, it is considered to be 'in use'and the delete operation will fail, unless the 'force' option is provided.
    Remove-vROResourceElement -Id "3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea"
    Get-vROResourceElement -Id "3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea" | Remove-vROResourceElement


    Param (




    begin {
    process {    

        foreach ($ResourceId in $Id){

            try {    
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Force")) {
                    $URI = "/vco/api/resources/$($ResourceId)?force=true"
                else {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/resources/$($ResourceId)"


                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ResourceId)){

                    # --- Run vRO REST Request
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method DELETE -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null


            catch [Exception]{




    end {


    - Function: Remove-vROResourceElementPermission

function Remove-vROResourceElementPermission {
    Remove a Permission from a vRO Resource Element
    Remove a Permission from a vRO Resource Element
    Resource Element Id
    .PARAMETER Principal
    Specify the Permission Principal. Needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user
    Remove-vROResourceElementPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local
    Get-vROResourceElement -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' | Remove-vROResourceElementPermission -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local


    Param (



    begin {

        # --- Break out the Username and Domain from the Principal
        if ($Principal -match "@"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[0]

        elseif ($Principal -match "\\"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[1]

        else {

            throw "Principal needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user"



    process {

        foreach ($ResourceId in $Id){
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ResourceId)){

                    # --- Get Permission Rule
                    $Permission = Get-vROResourceElementPermission -Id $ResourceId | Where-Object {$_.Principal -match $Username}
                    if (!$Permission){

                        throw "Unable to find Permission with Principal $($Principal)"
                    else {
                        $URI = "/vco/api/resources/$($ResourceId)/permissions/$($Permission.Id)"


                    # --- Send REST call and process results
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method DELETE -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null


            catch [Exception]{





    end {



    - Function: Get-vROAPIEndpoint

function Get-vROAPIEndpoint {
    Lists the available top-level service entry points.
    Lists the available top-level service entry points.


    Param ()
    try {
        $URI = "/vco/api/"
        $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -URI $URI -Method GET

        foreach ($Service in $Response.service) {

            [pscustomobject] @{

                Href = $Service.href
                Description = $Service.description



    catch [Exception]{

        throw $_.Exception.Message



    - Function: Get-vROVersion

function Get-vROVersion {
    Retrieve vRO version information
    Retrieve vRO version information


    Param ()
    try {

        $URI = "/vco/api/about"
        $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI

        if ($Response.version.StartsWith("6")){

            $Version = ($Response.version -split " ")[0]
        else {

            $Version = $Response.version

        [pscustomobject] @{

            Version = $Version
            BuildNumber = $Response."build-number"
            BuildDate = $Response."build-date"
            APIVersion = $Response."api-version"


    catch [Exception]{

        throw $_.Exception.Message



    - Function: Get-vROUser

function Get-vROUser {
    Returns the solution user and whether the current user has admin rights as well as its member groups
    Returns the solution user and whether the current user has admin rights as well as its member groups



    begin {


    process {

        try {

            $URI = "/vco/api/users"
            Write-Verbose -Message "GET : $($URI)"

            $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI

            Write-Verbose -Message "SUCCESS"


                AdminRights = $Response."admin-rights"
                SolutionUser = $Response."solution-user"
                MemberGroups = $Response."member-groups"


        catch [Exception]{

    end {


    - Function: Get-vROWorkflowExecution

function Get-vROWorkflowExecution {
    Get vRO Workflow Executions
    Get vRO Workflow Executions
    Retrieve workflow by Id
    Retrieve workflow by Name
    Get-vROWorkflowExecution -Id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Get-vROWorkflowExecution -Name 'Test01'
    Get-vROWorkflow -Name 'Test01' | Get-vROWorkflowExecution


    Param (   
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="Id")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Name")]

    begin {


    process {

        try {

            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Name") {

                $Id = (Get-vROWorkflow -Name $Name).Id
            $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/$($Id)/executions"

            $Executions = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI  -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

            $Data = $Executions.relations.link | Where-Object {$_.attributes}

            foreach ($Execution in $Data){

                    Name = ($Execution.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'name'}).value
                    ID = ($Execution.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'id'}).value
                    Execution = "$URI/$(($Execution.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'id'}).value)/"
                    State = ($Execution.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'state'}).value
                    StartedBy = ($Execution.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'startedBy'}).value
                    StartDate = ($Execution.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'StartDate'}).value
                    EndDate = ($Execution.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'EndDate'}).value
        catch [Exception]{

    end {


    - Function: Get-vROWorkflowExecutionResult

function Get-vROWorkflowExecutionResult {
    Get vRO Workflow Execution Result
    Get vRO Workflow Execution Result
    .PARAMETER ExecutionRef
    vRO Workflow Execution Reference
    Get-vROWorkflowExecutionResult -ExecutionRef /vco/api/workflows/565b2c35-3607-4ab9-ace7-9102c1391808/executions/402880244ae8e2a6014b045ea9290213
    Get-vROWorkflow -Name Test04 | Get-vROWorkflowExecution | Select-Object -Last 1 | Get-vROWorkflowExecutionResult



    begin {


    process {  

        try {

            foreach ($Reference in $ExecutionRef){   
                # --- Send REST call and process results

                $Result = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Reference -WebRequest -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                $JSON = $Result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

                foreach ($OutputParameter in $JSON.'output-parameters'){

                    $Type = $OutputParameter.type

                        ExecutionRef = $Reference      
                        Name = $OutputParameter.name
                        Scope = $OutputParameter.scope
                        Type = $OutputParameter.type
                        Value = $OutputParameter.value.$Type.value
        catch [Exception]{

    end {


    - Function: Get-vROWorkflowExecutionState

function Get-vROWorkflowExecutionState {
    Get vRO Workflow Execution State
    Get vRO Workflow Execution State
    .PARAMETER ExecutionStateRef
    vRO Workflow Execution Reference
    Get-vROWorkflowExecutionState -ExecutionStateRef '/vco/api/workflows/565b2c35-3607-4ab9-ace7-9102c1391808/executions/402880244ae8e2a6014b045ea9290213'
    Get-vROWorkflowExecution -Id 3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea | Select-Object -Last 1 | Get-vROWorkflowExecutionState



    begin {


    process {

        try {

            foreach ($Reference in $ExecutionStateRef){
                # --- Send REST call and process results

                $URI = $Reference + "state"
                $State = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -WebRequest -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                    ExecutionStateRef = $Reference         
                    StatusCode = $State.StatusCode
                    StatusDescription = $State.StatusDescription
                    Execution = ($State.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).Value
        catch [Exception]{

    end {


    - Function: Invoke-vROWorkflow

function Invoke-vROWorkflow {
    Invoke a vRO Workflow
    Invoke a vRO Workflow
    vRO Workflow Id
    .PARAMETER ParameterName
    Supply a single parameter to the workflow
    .PARAMETER ParameterValue
    Supply the value of the single parameter
    .PARAMETER ParameterType
    Supply the type of the single parameter
    .PARAMETER Parameters
    Supply workflow parameters via JSON or New-vROParameterDefinition
    Invoke-vROWorkflow -ID c0278910-9ae2-46c5-bb45-2292fe88e3ab
    Invoke-vROWorkflow -ID c0278910-9ae2-46c5-bb45-2292fe88e3ab -ParameterName 'text' -ParameterValue 'Apple' -ParameterType 'String'
    $Parameters = @"
            "value": {"string":{ "value": "Apple"}},
            "type": "string",
            "name": "a",
            "scope": "local"
            "value": {"number":{ "value": 20}},
            "type": "number",
            "name": "b",
            "scope": "local"
    Invoke-vROWorkflow -ID c0278910-9ae2-46c5-bb45-2292fe88e3ab -Parameters ($Parameters | ConvertFrom-Json).parameters
    $Param1 = New-vROParameterDefinition -Name a -Value Apple -Type String -Scope LOCAL
    Invoke-vROWorkflow -Id c0278910-9ae2-46c5-bb45-2292fe88e3ab -Parameters $Param1
    Get-vROWorkflow -Name 'Test-Workflow' | Invoke-vROWorkflow -ParameterName a -ParameterValue 'Nature' -ParameterType String







    try {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ParameterType')){

            $ParameterType = $ParameterType.ToLower()

            $Body = @"
            "value": {"$($ParameterType)":{ "value": "$($ParameterValue)"}},
            "type": "$($ParameterType)",
            "name": "$($ParameterName)",
            "scope": "local"


        elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Parameters')){

            $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{

                parameters = @()


            foreach ($Parameter in $Parameters) {

                $Object.parameters += $Parameter

            $Body = $Object | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        else { 
            $Body = @"

        $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/$($Id)/executions/"

        $InvokeRequest = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -URI $URI -Body $Body -WebRequest -Verbose:$VerbosePreference                 
            StatusCode = $InvokeRequest.StatusCode
            StatusDescription = $InvokeRequest.StatusDescription
            Execution = $InvokeRequest.Headers.Location
    catch [Exception]{

    - Function: Add-vROWorkflowPermission

function Add-vROWorkflowPermission {
    Add a Permission to a vRO Workflow
    Add a Permission to a vRO Workflow
    Workflow Id
    .PARAMETER Principal
    Specify the Permission Principal. Needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user
    .PARAMETER Rights
    Specify the Permission Rights
    Add-vROWorkflowPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local -Rights 'View','Execute','Inspect'
    $Permissions = Get-vROWorkflowPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea'
    Get-vROWorkflow -Id '5af6c1fd-3d12-4418-8542-0afad165cc08' | Add-vROWorkflowPermission -Principal $Permissions[0].Principal -Rights $Permissions[0].Rights


    Param (


    begin {

        # --- Break out the Username and Domain from the Principal
        if ($Principal -match "@"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[0]
            $Domain = ($Principal -split "@")[1]
        elseif ($Principal -match "\\"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "\\")[1]
            $Domain = ($Principal -split "\\")[0]
        else {

            throw "Principal needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user"

        # --- Convert Rights to API required digit(s)
        $APIRights = @()

        switch ($Rights)
            "View" {$APIRights += "r"}
            "Execute" {$APIRights += "x"}
            "Inspect" {$APIRights += "i"}
            "Edit" {$APIRights += "c"}
            "Admin" {$APIRights += "a"}

            Default {}

    process {

        foreach ($WorkflowId in $Id){
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($WorkflowId)){

                    # --- Create JSON Body
                    $Body = @"
      "permissions": [
          "permission": {
            "principal": "$($Domain)\\$($Username)",
            "rights": "$($APIRights -join "")"

                    # --- Send REST call and process results
                    $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/$($WorkflowId)/permissions"

                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $Body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null
                    # --- Output the Successful Result
                    Get-vROWorkflowPermission -Id $WorkflowId | Where-Object {$_.Principal -match $Username}
            catch [Exception]{


    end {


    - Function: Export-vROWorkflow

function Export-vROWorkflow {
    Export a vRO Workflow to a .workflow file
    Export a vRO Workflow to a .workflow file
    Specify the ID of the vRO Workfow
    Specify the Filename to export to - should be a .workflow file
    Thanks to @burkeazbill for a few hints with this one https://github.com/burkeazbill/vroClientScripts
    Export-vROWorkflow -Id "3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea" -File C:\Workflows\Test01.workflow
    Get-vROWorkflow -Name Test01 | Export-vROWorkflow -File C:\Workflows\Test01.workflow


    Param (



    begin {

        $Headers = @{

            "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
            "Accept" ="Application/zip";
            "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip, deflate";
            "Content-Type" = "Application/zip;charset=utf-8";

    process {

        foreach ($WorkflowId in $Id){

            try {

                $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/$($WorkflowId)"

                # --- Run vRO REST Request
                $Request = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method Get -Headers $Headers -WebRequest -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                # --- PS Core does not have -Encoding Byte. Replaced with new parameter AsByteStream
                if (!$IsCoreCLR) {

                    $Request.Content | Set-Content -Path $File -Encoding Byte -Force
                else {
                    $Request.Content | Set-Content -Path $File -AsByteStream -Force

                # --- Output the result
                Get-ChildItem -Path $File
            catch [Exception]{


    end {


    - Function: Export-vROWorkflowIcon

function Export-vROWorkflowIcon {
    Export a vRO Workflow Icon as a PNG file
    Export a vRO Workflow Icon as a PNG file
    Specify the ID of the vRO Workfow
    Specify the Filename to export to - should be a PNG file
    Export-vROWorkflowIcon -Id "3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea" -File C:\Icons\Test01.png
    Get-vROWorkflow -Name Test01 | Export-vROWorkflowIcon -File C:\Icons\Test01.png


    Param (


    begin {

    process {

        foreach ($WorkflowId in $Id){

            try {    
                $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/$($WorkflowId)/icon"

                $Headers = @{

                    "Content-Type" = "image/png";
                    "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";

                # --- Run vRO REST Request
                Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -Headers $Headers -URI $URI -OutFile $File -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                # --- Output the result
                Get-ChildItem -Path $File  
            catch [Exception]{


    end {


    - Function: Export-vROWorkflowSchema

function Export-vROWorkflowSchema {
    Export a vRO Workflow Schema as a PNG file
    Export a vRO Workflow Schema as a PNG file
    Specify the ID of the vRO Workfow
    Specify the Filename to export to - should be a PNG file
    Export-vROWorkflowSchema -Id "3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea" -File C:\Schemata\Test01.png
    Get-vROWorkflow -Name Test01 | Export-vROWorkflowSchema -File C:\Schemata\Test01.png


    Param (


    begin {

    process {

        foreach ($WorkflowId in $Id){

            try {    
                $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/$($WorkflowId)/schema"

                $Headers = @{

                    "Content-Type" = "image/png";
                    "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";

                # --- Run vRO REST Request
                Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -Headers $Headers -URI $URI -OutFile $File -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                # --- Output the result
                Get-ChildItem -Path $File  
            catch [Exception]{


    end {


    - Function: Get-vROWorkflow

function Get-vROWorkflow {
    Get vRO Workflows
    Get vRO Workflows
    .PARAMETER Category
    Retrieve workflow by Category
    Retrieve workflow by Id
    Retrieve workflow by Name
    .PARAMETER Wildcard
    Perform a wildcard search when using the Name parameter
    Get-vROWorkflow -Category Dev
    Get-vROWorkflow -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea'
    Get-vROWorkflow -Name 'New-DRSRule'
    Get-vROWorkflow -Name 'New' -Wildcard







    try {

        # --- Send REST call and process results
        switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            "All"  { 
                $URI = "/vco/api/workflows"

            "Category"  {
                $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/?conditions=categoryName=$($Category)"

            "Id"  {
                $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/$($Id)"


            "Name" {

                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Wildcard')){

                    $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/?conditions=name~$($Name)"                
                else {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/?conditions=name=$($Name)"

        if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Id'){

            $Workflow = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                Name = $Workflow.name
                ID = $Workflow.id
                Description = $Workflow.description
                ItemHref = $Workflow.href
                Version = $Workflow.version
                CategoryName = $null
                CategoryHref = $null
                CustomIcon = $Workflow.'customized-icon'
                CanExecute = $null
                CanEdit = $null
        else {
        $Workflows = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

            foreach ($Workflow in $Workflows.link){

                    Name = ($Workflow.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'name'}).value
                    ID = ($Workflow.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'id'}).value
                    Description = ($Workflow.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'description'}).value
                    ItemHref = ($Workflow.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'itemHref'}).value
                    Version = ($Workflow.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'version'}).value
                    CategoryName = ($Workflow.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'categoryName'}).value
                    CategoryHref = ($Workflow.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'categoryHref'}).value
                    CustomIcon = ($Workflow.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'customIcon'}).value
                    CanExecute = ($Workflow.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'canExecute'}).value
                    CanEdit = ($Workflow.attributes | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'canEdit'}).value
    catch [Exception]{

    - Function: Get-vROWorkflowPermission

function Get-vROWorkflowPermission {
    Get vRO Workflow Permissions
    Get vRO Workflow Permissions
    Workflow Id
    Get-vROWorkflowPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea'
    Get-vROWorkflow -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' | Get-vROWorkflowPermission




    begin {


    process {

        try {

            foreach ($WorkflowId in $Id){

                # --- Send REST call and process results
                $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/$($WorkflowId)/permissions"

                $Workflow = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                foreach ($Permission in $Workflow.permissions){

                    $Rights = @()

                    switch -regex ($Permission.permission.rights)
                        "[r]" {$Rights += "View"}
                        "[x]" {$Rights += "Execute"}
                        "[i]" {$Rights += "Inspect"}
                        "[c]" {$Rights += "Edit"}
                        "[a]" {$Rights += "Admin"}

                        Default {}

                        Principal = $Permission.permission.principal
                        Rights = $Rights
                        WorkflowID = $WorkflowId
                        WorkflowHref = $Permission.permission.href
        catch [Exception]{

    end {


    - Function: Import-vROWorkflow

function Import-vROWorkflow {
    Import a vRO Workflow from a .workflow file
    Import a vRO Workflow from a .workflow file
    .PARAMETER CategoryId
    Specify the ID of the vRO Category to import the Workfow to
    Specify the Filename to import from - should be a .workflow file
    .PARAMETER Overwrite
    Overwrite an existing vRO Workflow
    .PARAMETER PassThru
    If the name of the import file matches the name of the workflow then return imported workflow, e.g. if Test01.workflow matches a workflow name of Test01
    Thanks to @burkeazbill for a few hints with this one https://github.com/burkeazbill/vroClientScripts
    Import-vROWorkflow -CategoryId "40281e8654ddec6201553af63677146e" -File C:\Workflows\Test01.workflow -Overwrite
    Import-vROWorkflow -CategoryId "40281e8654ddec6201553af63677146e" -File C:\Workflows\Test01.workflow -PassThru -Confirm:$false
    Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Workflows\*.workflow | Import-vROWorkflow -CategoryId "40281e8654ddec6201553af63677146e" -Confirm:$false


    Param (




    begin {
        # --- Set Set Line Feed
        $LF = "`r`n"

    process {

        foreach ($FilePath in $File){

            try {

                # --- Resolve the file path
                $FileInfo = [System.IO.FileInfo](Resolve-Path $FilePath).Path

                # --- Create the multi-part form
                $Boundary = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
                $FileBin = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FileInfo.FullName)
                $Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("iso-8859-1")
                $EncodedFile = $Encoding.GetString($FileBin)

                $Form = (
                    "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"file`"; filename=`"$($FileInfo.Name)`"",
                ) -join $LF
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Overwrite")) {
                    $URI = "/vco/api/workflows?categoryId=$($categoryId)&overwrite=true"
                else {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/workflows?categoryId=$($categoryId)"

                $Headers = @{
                    "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
                    "Accept" = "Application/json"
                    "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip,deflate,sdch";
                    "Content-Type" = "multipart/form-data; boundary=$($Boundary)"

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($FileInfo.FullName)){

                    # --- Run vRO REST Request
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $Form -Headers $Headers -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PassThru")) {
                        # --- Output the result
                        $WorkflowName = ($FileInfo.Name -split "\.")[0]
                        Get-vROWorkflow -Name $WorkflowName
            catch [Exception]{


    end {


    - Function: Remove-vROWorkflow

function Remove-vROWorkflow {
    Remove a vRO Workflow
    Remove a vRO Workflow
    Workflow ID
    .PARAMETER Force
    If the workflow is referenced by some other workflows, or is running, it is considered to be 'in use' and the delete operation will fail, unless the 'force' option is provided.
    Remove-vROWorkflow -Id "3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea"
    Get-vROWorkflow -Name Test01 | Remove-vROWorkflow -Confirm:$false


    Param (



    begin {
    process {    

        foreach ($WorkflowId in $Id){

            try {    
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Force")) {
                    $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/$($WorkflowId)?force=true"
                else {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/workflows/$($WorkflowId)"

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($WorkflowId)){

                    # --- Run vRO REST Request
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method DELETE -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            catch [Exception]{

    end {

    - Function: Remove-vROWorkflowPermission

function Remove-vROWorkflowPermission {
    Remove a Permission from a vRO Workflow
    Remove a Permission from a vRO Workflow
    Workflow Id
    .PARAMETER Principal
    Specify the Permission Principal. Needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user
    Remove-vROWorkflowPermission -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local
    Get-vROWorkflow -Id '3f92d2dc-a9fa-4323-900b-ef97196184ea' | Remove-vROWorkflowPermission -Principal vRO_Users@vrademo.local


    Param (


    begin {

        # --- Break out the Username and Domain from the Principal
        if ($Principal -match "@"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[0]
        elseif ($Principal -match "\\"){

            $Username = ($Principal -split "@")[1]
        else {

            throw "Principal needs to be in the format user@domain or domain\user"

    process {

        foreach ($WorkflowId in $Id){
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($WorkflowId)){

                    # --- Get Permission Rule
                    $WorkflowPermission = Get-vROWorkflowPermission -Id $WorkflowId | Where-Object {$_.Principal -match $Username}
                    if (!$WorkflowPermission){

                        throw "Unable to find Workflow Permission with Principal $($Principal)"
                    else {
                        $Index = $WorkflowPermission.WorkflowHref.IndexOf("/vco")
                        $URI = $WorkflowPermission.WorkflowHref.Substring($Index)

                    # --- Send REST call and process results
                    Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method DELETE -Uri $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null        
            catch [Exception]{


    end {
