Function Compress-FilesByDate { [CmdletBinding()] param( # Source Directory to archive files from [Parameter(Position=0)] [String] $Source, # Destination to create the Zip in [Parameter(Position=1)] [String] $Destination, # File Suffix [Parameter(Position=2)] [String] $Suffix, # Whether to create the archive by year [Switch] $ByYear, # Whether to create the archive by month [Switch] $ByMonth, # Whether to create the archive by day [Switch] $ByDay, # Whether to remove the file after archiving it [Switch] $RemoveAfterArchive ) if(![Boolean](@($ByYear,$ByMonth,$ByDay)|Where-Object{$_})){ throw "No Archive Flags specified" } Get-ChildItem $Source -File | ForEach-Object { $archiveName = (@( if($ByYear){$_.LastWriteTime.Year} if($ByMonth){$_.LastWriteTime.Month} if($ByDay){$_.LastWriteTime.Day} $Suffix ) | Where-Object {$_}) -join "-" $compressParams = @{ DestinationPath = "$Destination/$" Update = Test-Path "$Destination/$" Path = $_.FullName } Compress-Archive @compressParams if($RemoveAfterArchive){Remove-Item $_.FullName} } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Compress-FilesByDate |