#Reference: https://www.simple-talk.com/sysadmin/powershell/practical-powershell-unit-testing-getting-started/ $srcModule = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path ` -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' -replace "ps1", "psd1" Import-Module $srcModule $VerbosePreference="Continue" InModuleScope "Powershell.Helper.Extension" { Describe "Add-Path" { Context "Test1" { #Mock Test-Path{if($Path -eq ""){Write-Error "Test-Path : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is an empty string."; } else{return $true;}} #Mock New-Item {return $Path; } #Mock Get-Item {return $Path;} #use $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE which usually points to c:\programdata $path = Join-Path(Join-Path($env:ALLUSERSPROFILE)$(New-Guid).ToString())$(New-Guid).ToString() It "After using Add-Path the path is confirmed with test-path" { $newpath = Add-Path $path; Test-Path $newpath | Should Be $true } It "Build-Path is not a command" { !(Get-Command "Build-Path" -errorAction SilentlyContinue) | Should Be $false } It "Build-Path is an alias." { get-alias -Name Build-Path | Should Be $true } It "Build-Path works with a UNC path." { $pattern = "([a-zA-Z:]{2,2})*" $found = $path -match $pattern if($found){ $replace = $Matches[0] $givenPath = $path -replace $replace, "\\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)\$($replace.Replace(":", "`$" ))" $testPath = Add-Path $givenPath $testPath | Should Be $givenPath } } BeforeEach { if(Test-Path $path){ $parentPath = (get-item $path).Parent.FullName if(Test-Path $parentPath){ "it exists" rd $parentPath -Force } } } AfterEach { if(Test-Path $path){ $parentPath = (get-item $path).Parent.FullName if(Test-Path $parentPath){ "it exists" rd $parentPath -Force } } } } } Describe "Format-OrderedList" { Mock Read-Host { } Context "Mock Out-Host confirm it is called" { Mock Get-Service { $count = 0; while($count -lt 5 ){"" | select -property @{Expression={"Stopped"}; Label="Status"},@{Expression={"ServiceName$count"}; Label="Name"},@{Expression={"Service Diplay Name $count"}; Label="DisplayName"}; $count++;}} Mock Out-Host {return 1;} It "It calls Get-Service returns without selecting an item " { Get-Service | Format-OrderedList #| Write-Verbose # | Should Be "" Assert-MockCalled Out-Host -Times 1 } } Context "Mock out-host return object" { Mock Get-Service { $count = 0; $returnObject = @(); while($count -lt 100 ){$item = "" | select -property @{Expression={"Stopped"}; Label="Status"},@{Expression={"ServiceName$count"}; Label="Name"},@{Expression={"Service Diplay Name $count"}; Label="DisplayName"}; $returnObject = $returnObject + $item; $count++;} return $returnObject;} Mock Out-Host { begin{$object=@(); } process{ $object = $object + $InputObject } end{ return $object } } It "The object returned has the correct count " { $(Get-Service | Format-OrderedList).Count | Should Be 100 } It "The returned object is formatted correctly when property is provided " { $getService = Get-Service | Format-OrderedList -property Name $pattern = "[0-9]{1,} :[\t]{1}[\w\d ]{1,}[\t]{1}" $getService | select -First 1 | Should Match $pattern } It "The returned object is formatted correctly multiple properties" { $getService = Get-Service | Format-OrderedList -property Name,DisplayName $pattern = "[0-9]{1,} :[\t]{1}[\w\d ]{1,}[\t]{1}[\w\d ]{1,}[\t]{1}" $getService | select -First 1 | Should Match $pattern } It "The returned object is formatted correctly when property is not provided " { $getService = Get-Service | Format-OrderedList $pattern = "[0-9]{1,} :[\t]{1}[\w\d ]{1,}[\t]{1}" $getService | select -First 1 | Should Match $pattern } } } Describe "Limit-Job" { It "The method exists when calling Get-Command" { !(Get-Command "Limit-Job" -errorAction SilentlyContinue) | Should Be $false } It "Can start multiple Jobs" { #Create a list of jobs to start $StartJob = @({start-job -ScriptBlock { sleep -Milliseconds 10 }},{start-job -ScriptBlock { sleep -Milliseconds 20 }},{start-job -ScriptBlock { sleep -Milliseconds 30 }} ) $job = Limit-Job -StartJob $StartJob $JobsCountAfter = get-job $JobsCountAfter.Count | Should Be $StartJob.Count } It "Can start multiple commands as Jobs" { #Create a list of jobs to start $StartJob = @({ sleep -Milliseconds 10 },{ sleep -Milliseconds 20 },{ sleep -Milliseconds 30 }) $job = Limit-Job -StartJob $StartJob $JobsCountAfter = get-job $JobsCountAfter.Count | Should Be $StartJob.Count } It "Can limit how many jobs running to 1 " { $StartJob = @({start-job -ScriptBlock { sleep -Milliseconds 101 }},{start-job -ScriptBlock { sleep -Milliseconds 1002 }},{start-job -ScriptBlock { sleep -Milliseconds 1003 }} ) $Limit = 1 $job = Limit-Job -StartJob $StartJob -Limit $Limit $JobsCountAfter = get-job -State Running $JobsCountAfter.Count | Should Be $Limit } It "Can limit how many jobs running to 2 " { $StartJob = @({start-job -ScriptBlock { sleep -Milliseconds 0101 }},{start-job -ScriptBlock { sleep -Milliseconds 5002 }},{start-job -ScriptBlock { sleep -Milliseconds 5003 }} ) $Limit = 2 Limit-Job -StartJob $StartJob -Limit $Limit $(get-job -State Running).Count | Should Be $Limit } BeforeEach{ #remove any jobs in this session get-job | Stop-Job get-job | remove-job } AfterEach{ #remove any jobs in this session get-job | Stop-Job get-job | remove-job } } } Remove-Module "Powershell.Helper.Extension" |