#Reference: https://www.simple-talk.com/sysadmin/powershell/practical-powershell-unit-testing-getting-started/ $srcModule = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path ` -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' -replace "ps1", "psd1" $srcModule Test-ModuleManifest $srcModule Import-Module $srcModule InModuleScope "Powershell.Helper.Extension" { Import-Module $srcModule Describe "Add-Path" { Context "Test1" { $pattern = "([\w\:]+)[\\]" $match = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -match $pattern $path = $Matches[0] + $(New-Guid).ToString() + "\" + $(New-Guid).ToString() It "does something useful" { $true | Should Be $true } It "with a path it should return the path" { Add-Path $path | Should Be $path } It "After using Add-Path the path is confirmed with test-path" { $newpath = Add-Path $path; Test-Path $newpath | Should Be $true } It "Build-Path still exists as an alias to prevent a breaking change" { !(Get-Command "Build-Path" -errorAction SilentlyContinue) | Should Be $false } It "Build-Path is an alias." { get-alias -Name Build-Path | Should Be $true } BeforeEach { if(Test-Path $path){ rd $path } } AfterEach { if(Test-Path $path){ rd $path } } } } Describe "Format-OrderedList" { It "does something useful" { $true | Should Be $true } } } Remove-Module "Powershell.Helper.Extension" |