Function Set-PowerPlanActionedSetting { <# .SYNOPSIS Set the value of a specific power setting with a particular action. .DESCRIPTION Set actioned settings, those with options like Do Nothing, Sleep, Hibernate, and Shut down, to the desired setting level. Required parameters include the PowerSettingAction and SettingObject are required in order to set these settings. .PARAMETER PowerSettingAction Specify the specific action you'd like the power setting to take. The only values accepted are "DoNothing", "Sleep", "Hibernate", and "ShutDown" which can all be tab completed. This parameter is required. .PARAMETER SettingObject Pass the setting object directly to the script. To retrieve this option Get-PowerPlanSettingValue function. .Example Set-PowerPlanActionedSetting -SettingObject $(Get-PowerPlanSettingValue -InputPowerPlanId $(Get-PowerPlanId -Active:$True) ` -InputPowerPlanSettingId $(Get-PowerPlanSettingId -Name "Low battery action")) -PowerSettingAction DoNothing This will set the Low battery action setting of the currently active power plan to the action "DoNothing" .NOTES NAME : Set-PowerPlanActionedSetting AUTHOR : BMO EMAIL : GITHUB : CREATED : September 17, 2019 META : There might be a smarter way to do this but I'm not a smart man. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory=$True )] [ValidateSet( "DoNothing", "Sleep", "Hibernate", "ShutDown" )] [string]$PowerSettingAction, [object]$SettingObject ) if($PowerSettingAction -eq "DoNothing") { $SettingObject | Set-CimInstance -Property @{SettingIndexValue = 0} $SettingObject } elseif($PowerSettingAction -eq "Sleep") { $SettingObject | Set-CimInstance -Property @{SettingIndexValue = 1} $SettingObject } elseif($PowerSettingAction -eq "Hibernate") { $SettingObject | Set-CimInstance -Property @{SettingIndexValue = 2} $SettingObject } elseif($PowerSettingAction -eq "ShutDown") { $SettingObject | Set-CimInstance -Property @{SettingIndexValue = 3} $SettingObject } else { Throw "$PowerSettingAction is not a valid setting, please choose from the accepted list." } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-PowerPlanActionedSetting |