
Function Get-PowerPlanId
          Get the ID of the of one of the powerplans on the computer.
          Calls to the cim instance 'root\cimv2\power' via the Win32_PowerPlan class to gather the ID of the systems power plans.
        .PARAMETER Active
          Specify whether to choose the active or non-active power plan.
          Get-PowerPlanId -Active:$True
          Returns the information of the active power plan.
          Get-PowerPlanId -Active:$False
          Returns the information of the non-active power plan.
          NAME : Get-PowerPlanId
          AUTHOR : BMO
          EMAIL :
          GITHUB :
          CREATED : October 23, 2019


        ((Get-CimInstance -Namespace "root\cimv2\power" -ClassName Win32_PowerPlan | Where{ `
            $_.IsActive -eq $True
        ((Get-CimInstance -Namespace "root\cimv2\power" -ClassName Win32_PowerPlan | Where{ `
            $_.IsActive -eq $False

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-PowerPlanId